Збірник завдань для практичних занять та для самостійного опрацювання з теми: "AT THE HOTEL".

Про матеріал
Збірник розрахований на проведення практичних та самостійних занять з теми "AT THE HOTEL" в межах розділу «Ділова поїздка за кордон». Збірник призначений для роботи на заняттях з англійської мови з метою розвитку навичок усного, монологічного та діалогічного мовлення; читання та розуміння текстів середньої складності, розуміння прослуханих записів, у збагаченні словникового запасу та вмінні орієнтуватися у різних мовних ситуаціях. Наведено теоретичний та практичний матеріал з лексики та усного мовлення англійською мовою.
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(за професійним спрямуванням)»















Contents (Зміст)




At the Hotel …….…………………………………………………………………….


Booking in Advance / Calling to Get a Reservation..…………………..…………..


Checking Into the Hotel…………………………………..………………………….


During Your Stay………………..………………………………………………………….


Checking Out of The Hotel..……………………………………………………………






Basic Vocabulary


People at the hotel



управляючий, адміністратор у готелі


реєстратор, портьє,

hotel clerks/staff

службовці (персонал готелю)

porter/doorman (U.S.)

швейцар, носій


гість, приїжджий

chambermaid / maid


bell-boy / bellhop

коридорний / посильний


Check-in (out)


to check in


reception desk/check-in counter

стійка реєстрації

to check out / to depart

виїхати з готелю


Types of accommodation



житло; приміщення





Bed and Breakfast (B&B)

невеликий приватний готель із сніданком (ночівля і сніданок)

Guest House



Types of rooms



номер „люкс»


номер з окремою ванною

single room

одномісний номер

double room

номер на дві особи з одним двоспальним ліжком

twin room

номер на дві особи з двома односпальними ліжками

full board

повний пансіон

half board

пансіон зі сніданком та вечерею




Other words


stay at the hotel

зупинитися в готелі

to vacate (the room)

залишити (кімнату)

to check the luggage/baggage

здати багаж

express/urgent service

термінове обслуговування





laundry, laundress

пральня, праля

tip / to tip

чайові  / давати чайові 

to book / to reserve


in advance




to fill in the form / blank (U.S.)

заповнювати бланк






Questions you might hear


Do you have a reservation?

Ви маєте зарезервований номер?

May I have your name, please?

Ваше ім’я, будь ласка.

How long will you be staying?

На скільки часу Ви зупинитесь?

Could I see your ID, please?

Вашу ID картку, будь ласка.

How many guests are with you?

Скільки з Вами гостей?

Could you please fill out this form?

Заповніть, будь ласка, цей бланк.

Do you need help with your bags?

Вам потрібна допомога з багажем?


Have you got any vacant rooms?

Чи є у вас вільні номери?

Do you have any rooms available for the sixteenth of March)?

У вас є вільні номери на 16 березня?

Could I book (reserve) a room for next Thursday?

Чи можу я зарезервувати номер на наступний четвер?

Are you fully booked next week?

Ви повністю зарезервовані на наступний тиждень,

Is breakfast/dinner included?

Чи входить обід/вечеря у вартість проживання?

Does the room have air-conditioning?

В кімнаті є кондиціонер?

When can I check-in?

Коли реєструватися в готель?

Can I see the room, please?

Чи можу я побачити кімнату?

Can someone help me with my bags?

Чи допоможе мені хтось із багажем?

When is check-out time?

Коли час виписуватися?

Could I have a wake-up call at 7 a.m. please?

Чи не могли б ви розбудити мене о 7 годині, будь ласка?

Where’s the lift?

Де ліфт?

Excuse me. How do I get to the underground station from  here?

Вибачте, як звідси дістатися до метро?

Could you put it on my bill, please?

Включіть це в мій рахунок,  будь ласка.

Could I pay my bill?

Чи можу я оплатити рахунок?

Could you order/call a taxi for me to go to airport?

Чи не могли б ви викликати таксі в аеропорт?

Could we please check-out a little later (at        1 o’clock?)

Чи можна виписатися трішки пізніше?

Questions you might ask


Statements you might hear


The hotel is full!

В готелі нема місць

I’m sorry, we don’t have any rooms available.

Вибачте, у нас немає вільних номерів?

Here is your key.

Ось ваші ключі.

You must vacate the room

Ви повинні звільнити кімнату

Your room is on the second floor.

Ваша кімната на другому поверсі.

Your room number is number 811.

Ваша кімната під номером 811.

Sorry, pets are not allowed.

Вибачте, домашні улюбленці не дозволяються.

Please sign your name here.

Будь ласка, підпишіться тут.

Kindly sign the hotel register.

Будь – ласка, розпишіться у книзі приїжджих

There is a restaurant on the second floor.

На другому поверсі є ресторан.

Thank you for staying with us!

Дякуємо, що зупинилися у нас!


Statements you might say

I’d like to book a room, please.

Я б хотів забронювати кімнату.

I’d like a single/double room, please.

Я б хотів одномісний/двомісний номер.

I have a (confirmed) reservation.

Для мене заброньована кімната

I would like to change my room.

Я б хотів змінити номер.

Get my fill ready, please!

Приготуйте рахунок, будь – ласка!

I’d like to stay for an extra day.

Я б хотів залишитися ще на день.

I’ve lost my room key.

Я загубив ключ від номеру.

We are checking out now.

Ми зараз виписуємося.

We really enjoyed our stay.

Нам сподобалося зупинятися у вашому готелі.


1. Learn some information about hotels:




Hotels in Britain are graded with stars from one-star to five-star (five-star hotels are the best and most expensive). You can also stay in a Bed and Breakfast (B&B) (also called Guest Houses) where you pay for a bedroom, possibly an ensuite (= room with private bathroom) and breakfast.



  • a single room: for one person with a single bed
  • a double room: for two people with one large double bed
  • a twin room: for two people with two single beds
  • full board: includes breakfast, lunch and dinner
  • half board: includes breakfast and dinner
  • B&B: just a room and breakfast

When traveling people almost always stay at hotels. It is advisable therefore, to remember the following:

  1. The first thing to do is to book a room in advance either by letter, telephone or Internet. Otherwise you may arrive at the hotel and be told that there are no rooms.
  2. On arrival at the hotel go to the reception dealt in the lobby and confirm your reservation. The cleric will then give you 4 registration form to fill in and sign (the form to filled in block letters). In smaller hotels you simply sign the visitor's book and give your permanent address.
  3. At large hotels you may ask for any service by telephone. You tell the operator if you wish to be called at a certain time you call room service when you want a meal or drinks sent up to your room, valet or maid service if you need something (a suit or areas) cleaned or pressed.

4.Let the hotel management know well in advance the day and time of you departure.


2. Read and translate the texts.



We stayed at the Carlton Hotel for three nights in July, but I booked our room three month in advance because it was the middle of the tourist season. When we arrived we checked in at reception, then the porter carried our suitcases up to our room. I gave him a small tip – about 50 p, I think. The staff were very friendly – we had a very nice chambermaid – and the room was very comfortable. The only problem we had, in fact, was with the shower which didn’t work very well.


My car reaches the hotel where I want to put up. I get out and go to the hotel office. Here I ask if they can give me any accommodation.

"Certainly," answered the clerk, "we have got several rooms.

"Would you like a suite or a single room?" he continues.

I say I should like a bed-room with a bathroom attached. The clerk says he can give me such a room on the third floor. I ask about the price of the room. He informs me of it and soon everything is settled. I hand in my passport fill in an arrival form and get the key of my room.

Next I ask the hotel porter to carry my luggage to the room. He does as requested.

I look at my room. I like it very much. It is very comfortable. I can have a fine rest here. I ring for the chambermaid and inquire about the meals at the hotel restaurant.


3. Answer the questions:

1. Have you ever stayed at a hotel? 2. What kinds of rooms are there? 3. What facilities do you generally find in a hotel? 4. What do you do first of all when you arrive at a hotel? 5. Do you need to have your passport with you when you check in at a hotel? 6. What does the porter do in a hotel? 7. What kind of service may you ask for by telephone in large hotels?


4. Guess the words:

  1. The area in the hotel entrance where you can book rooms or ask questions.
  2. A person who is staying in a hotel.
  3. The large area near the entrance just when you walk into the hotel.
  4. They will bring food / drinks to your room.
  5. To go to the front desk and tell them that you are leaving.
  6. The most luxurious room in a hotel.
  7. A piece of paper with information about how you have to pay for the hotel room.
  8. The person who is in charge of the hotel and the staff who work there.
  9. What you can see from the hotel window: the land, sea, mountains, etc.
  10. To go to the front desk and tell them that you’ve arrived.
  11. A telephone call from the hotel that will wake you up at a certain time.

D:\ВПУ №75\4 Підготовка до уроків\4 курс\5. Hotel\Bed and Breakfast 154.bmp



Useful Expressions

  • Do you have any vacancies?
  • I'd like a single room / double room / twin room / triple room / suite.
  • I'd like a room with an en-suite bathroom / a bath / a view / a balcony.
  • https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-qKzXX0n02jk/XDUA1s8F_6I/AAAAAAAALN8/HOFF_02usHoDnuadPnBty6aINu21VRT1QCK4BGAYYCw/s400/hotel-booking-visa-1024x275.jpgСould we have an extra bed?
  • Does the room have internet access?
  • Do you allow pets?
  • Do you have a car park?
  • What's the price per night?
  • Is breakfast included?    
  • That’s a bit more than I wanted to pay.
  • Can you offer me any discount?
  • Have you got anything cheaper / bigger / quieter?
  • Could I see the room?
  • OK, I'll take it.
  • I'd like to make a reservation.



Receptionist: Good afternoon, Sir

Mr. Hunt:      Good afternoon. Is this the Beardsley Hotel?

Receptionist: Yes, this is the Beardsley.

Mr. Hunt:      Good. I'm Mr. Hunt. We've got a reservation.

Receptionist: Just a minute, please... Yea, you've got a reservation, It's for five people. It’s for three weeks. Three single rooms and one double. Am I right?

Mr. Hunt:    No. You're not right. We'd like two double rooms and one single room.

Receptionist: I'm sorry. Two double rooms, numbers six and seven. One single       room, number nine.

Mr. Hunt:      Where are the rooms? Receptionist: On the second floor.


Receptionist: Please sign the register, Mr. Gray. Jim, take the suitcases to the        second floor.

Jim: Yes, madam.

Mr. Gray:      Here's the register. How much are the rooms, please?

Receptionist: A single room's four pounds (£4). A double room's six pounds (£6), Would you like a television in the room?

Mrs. Gray:  Yes, please. Mr. Gray and I would like a television. We'd like a telephone, too.

Receptionist: Every room's got a telephone.

Mrs. Gray:    Have the rooms got bathrooms?

Receptionist: Yes, every room's got a bathroom.


* * *

A: I'd like to reserve a hotel room.
B: That should be no problem. May I have your full name, please?
A: My name is John Sandals.
B: Hello, Mr. Sandals. My name is Michelle. What days do you need that      reservation, sir?
A: I'm planning to visit New York from Friday, April 14 until Monday, April 17.
B: Our room rates recently went up. Is that okay with you, Mr. Sandals?
A: How much per night are we talking about?
B: Each night will be $308.
A: That price is perfectly acceptable.
B: Wonderful! Do you prefer a smoking or nonsmoking room?
A: Nonsmoking, please.
B: Next question: Is a queen-size bed okay?
A: That sounds fine.
B: Okay, Mr. Sandals. Your reservation is in our computer. All we need now is a phone number.
A: Certainly. My phone number is 626-555-1739      .
B: Thank you, Mr. Sandals. We look forward to seeing you in New York!


* * *


R: ‘Hello, Blue Star Hotel.’

C: ‘Oh, Good-morning! I’m going to book a room  in your hotel and I’d like to know how to get to your hotel from the railway station’

R: ‘Oh, it’s very easy. Take the bus 1 from the railway station and take off on the third stop.’

C: ‘Thank you very much’

R: ‘You’re welcome. Anything else I can help you with?’

C: ‘No, thank you. Good-bye’

R: ‘Good-bye.’


1. Make up dialogues using the following situations:



Book a 4-star hotel in Liverpool for 23-25 March. You need free Wi-Fi, free cancellation option, double room and breakfast included. You are travelling with your friend, your arrival time is 18.00-19.00, you like upper-storey rooms and your special request is to have a coffee making facility in the room.


Book a 3-star hotel in Edinburgh for 13-14 February. You need free Wi-Fi, free cancellation option, twin room and breakfast included. You are travelling alone, your arrival time is 20.00-21.00, you like ground-level rooms and your special request is to have conditioning in the room.


Book a 2-star hotel in London for 10-13 April. You need free Wi-Fi, free cancellation option, double room. You are travelling with your friend, your arrival time is 21.00-22.00, you like upper-storey rooms and your special request is to have a tea making facility in the room.


Book a 3-star hotel in Bristol for 01-04 May. You need free Wi-Fi, free cancellation option, single room and without breakfast. You are travelling alone, your arrival time is 18.00-19.00, you like upper-storey rooms.


Book a 3-star hotel in York for 07-09 March. You need free Wi-Fi, free cancellation option, double room and breakfast included. You are travelling with your friend, your arrival time is 18.00-19.00, you like upper-storey rooms.


Book a 2-star hotel in Cardiff for 23-25 March. You need free Wi-Fi, free cancellation option, double room and without breakfast. You are travelling alone, your arrival time is 15.00-16.00, you like ground-level rooms.


Sample of letter of inquiry

From ______________________

To ________________________

Subject ____________________


Dear Sir or Madam,

I have booked a room in your hotel for 07-09 March 2015. However, I can see that your hotel is very far from the railway station. Could you tell me the directions from the railway station to your hotel, please?

Yours faithfully,

Mariia Kuhitko.

D:\ВПУ №75\4 Підготовка до уроків\4 курс\5. Hotel\The mix-up (Hotel) 154.bmp


Useful Expressions

  • I've got a reservation.    
  • My booking was for a twin room.
  • What time's breakfast?
  • Could I have breakfast in my room, please?
  • What time's the restaurant open for dinner?
  • What time does the bar close?    
  • Where are the lifts?


1. Listen and learn.

What you say

  • I’d like a room for two nights, please.
  • I’d like a single room, please.
  • I have a reservation under the name of Smith.
  • Does the hotel have a swimming pool?
  • Is breakfast included?
  • We need a cot for the baby, please.
  • Could I have a wake-up call at 6 am, please?
  • What time do we have to check out?


What you hear

  • What name was reservation under?
  • Here’s your key. It’s room 458.
  • It’s on the fourth floor.
  • The lift is just over there.
  • Would you like someone to help you with your bags?
  • Breakfast is served between 7 and 11.
  • Check-out is at midday.
  • Shall I call a taxi for you?



2. Read and translate the dialogues


Melissa has just arrived at the hotel where she’s staying. She’s at the front desk. (Listening)


Hi, can I help you?


Yes, I made a reservation s couple of weeks ago.


What name did you make it under, please?


Simmonds, Melissa Simmonds.


Ah, yes, a single room for two nights.


Actually, it was a double room for three nights.


Oh, I’m sorry about that. I’ll just change the booking. Right, so that’s a double room for three nights.


Yes, I’ll be checking out on Monday morning.


Could I have your credit card and passport, please?


Yes, here you are.


Thanks. You’re in room 625, which is on the sixth floor. Here’s your key card, and the lift is just over there.


Great. What time is the restaurant open for breakfast, please?


Between 7am and 10am.


OK, and is there a swimming pool here?


Yes, just down those stairs over there on the right. We’ve got some pool towels if you need one.




And let me know if there’s anything else you need.



                                                *                *                 *

A: I have a reservation. My name is John Sandals.
B: May I see your ID, please, Mr. Sandals?
A: Certainly. Here it is.
B: Thank you. Do you have a credit card, Mr. Sandals?
A: Yes, I do. Do you accept American Express?

B: Sorry, sir, just VISA or MasterCard.
A: Here's my VISA card.
B: Okay. You're in room 507. It's a single queen-size bed, spacious, and nonsmoking. Is that suitable?
A: Yes, it sounds like everything I expected.

  • I want a single room for five days.
  •   Have you made a reservation?
  •  No, I haven’t.
  •  Too bad! All single rooms are occupied.
  • I am very sorry to hear it.
  •  I can offer you a double room on the fifth floor.
  • How much is it?
  • You’ll have to pay 150 per night including breakfast.
  • Does the room face the street?
  • Yes, it does. The street is not noisy. In front of our hotel there is a museum.
  •  Is there a bathroom?
  •  Sure. Every double room has bath, telephone and colour TV.
  •  Fine. I’ll take that double room.
  • Please, fill in the form.
  • Here it is.
  • You have forgotten to sign in.
  •  Have I? Here it is.
  •  Thank you. Here is the key to your room. The elevator is on your right.
  •  Thanks.

B: Here's your key, sir. If you need anything, just dial 0 on your room phone.       
                                                *                *                 *


                                                *                *                 *

Receptionist: Good afternoon, sir.

Mr. Hills: Good afternoon. Is this the Milestone Hotel?

Receptionist: Yes, this is the Milestone.

Mr. Hills: Good. I’m Mr. Hills. We’ve got a reservation.

Receptionist: Just a minute, please. Yes, you’ve got a reservation. It’s for five

people. It’s for three weeks. Three single rooms and one double. Am I right?

Mr. Hills: No. You’re not right. We’d like two double rooms and one single room.

Receptionist: I’m sorry. Two double rooms, number six and seven. One single room, number nine.

Mr. Hills: Where are the rooms?

Receptionist: On the second floor.


                                                *                *                 *


Receptionist: Please, sign the register, Mr. Travis. Sam, take the suitcases to the second floor.

Sam: Yes, madam.

Mr. Travis: Here’s the register. How much are the rooms, please?

Receptionist: A single room’s forty pounds (£40). A double room’s sixty pounds

(£60). Would you like a television in the room?

Mrs. Travis: Yes, please. Mr. Travis and I would like a television. We’d like a telephone, too.

Receptionist: Every room’s got a telephone.

Mrs. Travis: Have the rooms got bathrooms?

Receptionist: Yes, every room’s got a bathroom.

Mr. Travis: Have the bathrooms got showers?

Receptionist: Yes, every bathroom’s got a shower.

Mr. Travis: Well, thank you.

Receptionist: Are you going to the rooms?

Mr. Travis: Yes, we’re going now. Send two cups of coffee to the rooms, please.

Mrs. Travis: And three colas.

Mr. Travis: Yes, two cups of coffee and three colas.

Receptionist: Yes, sir. Here are the keys, Mr. Travis. Sam, take the Travises to room six, seven and nine.

Sam: Come this way, please.


3. Work as an interpreter

“Staying at a Hotel”.

Clerk: What can I do for you, sir?

J: Moє прізвище Джонсон. Для мене зарезервовано номер.

Clerk: Just a moment, I’ll have a look. Yes, sir, you want a single room for three nights, don’t you?

J: Taк.

Clerk: We reserved room 65 on the seventh floor.

J: Чи можу я подивитись її?

Clerk: Yes, certainly. The porter will take you there. You’d better fill in this form first.

J: Taк, звичайно. Спасибі.


4. Complete the dialogue:

– What can I do for you, sir? – ___

– You can have room 45 on the third floor. –___

– Yes, of course. Come this way, please. – ___











Useful Expressions

  • Could I have a wake-up call at seven o'clock?
  • Could you please call me a taxi?
  • Do you lock the front door at night?
  • Are there any laundry facilities?
  • What time do I need to check out?
  • Would it be possible to have a late check-out?
  • Could I have an extra blanket?
  • My room's not been made up.


Hotel Rules

Read and learn.


When travelling, people almost always stay at hotels. It is advisable, therefore, to remember the following:

  1. The first thing to do is to book a room in advance either by letter, telephone or fax. Otherwise you may arrive at the hotel and be told that it is full.
  2. On arrival at the hotel go to the reception desk in the lobby and confirm your reservation. The clerk will then give you a registration form to fill in and sign (the form is filled in block letters). In smaller hotels you simply sign the visitor’s book and give your permanent address.
  3. In large hotels you may ask for any service by telephone. You tell the operator if you wish to be called at a certain time. You call room service when you want a meal or drinks sent up to your room, and you can have a lot of maid service if you need something (a suit or dress) cleaned or pressed.
  4. Let the hotel management know well in advance the day and time of your departure.



Useful Expressions

  • I'd like to check out.
  • I'd like to pay my bill, please.
  • I'll pay by credit card/ in cash.
  • Could we have some help bringing our luggage down.
  • Could I have a receipt, please?
  • I've really enjoyed my stay.






Good morning. May I help you?

Daniel Adams:

Yes, I´d like to check out now. My name´s Adams, room 312.

Here´s the key.


One moment, please, sir. ... Here´s your bill.

Would you like to check and see if the amount is correct?

Daniel Adams:

What´s the 14 pounds for?


That´s for the phone calls you made from your room.


Daniel Adams:

Can I pay with traveller´s cheques?


Certainly. May I have your passport, please?

Daniel Adams:

Here you are.


Could you sign each cheque here for me?

Daniel Adams:



Here are your receipt and your change, sir. Thank you.

Daniel Adams:

Thank you. Goodbye.


*                *                 *


A: Yesterday I told you I’d be leaving today. May I have my bill now? Room fifty-two, Frolov.

B:  Just a minute, sir... Here you are. (Presents a bill which Frolov pays). If you want a taxi, the bell-boy can get you one.

A: Yes, send him to get one, please.

B: I hope your stay here has been a pleasant one, sir.

A: Yes, I’ve been very comfortable here. Thank you very much indeed.



1. Put these sentences in logical order.

  1. I paid my bill.
  2. I checked in at the reception.
  3. I left the hotel.
  4. I went up to my room.
  5. I spent the night in the hotel.
  6. I had an early morning call at seven o’clock.
  7. I booked a room at the hotel.
  8. I went out for dinner in a local restaurant.
  9. I arrived at the hotel.
  10. I got up and had a shower.
  11. I had breakfast.
  12. I tipped the porter who carried my luggage upstairs.


2. What would you say in these situations?

1. You want to stay in a hotel for two nights next week with your husband/wife. You phone the hotel. What do you ask or say?


2. You are at the hotel reception and you are planning to leave an about 15 minutes. What could you ask the receptionist?


3. You want to wake up at 7 a.m. but you don’t have an alarm clock. What do you ask at the reception?


4. You have a drink at the hotel bar. The barman asks how you want to pay. What’s your reply?


5. When you turn on the shower in your room, the water comes out very very slowly. What could you say at the reception?


6. You want to go to the nearest bank but don’t know where it is. What do you ask at the reception?





3. You are staying in quite a good hotel (e.g. two-star or three-star) in your country. Would you expect the following?

  1. a room with a private bathroom
  2. a hairdryer I the bathroom
  3. a colour television in the room
  4. writing paper in the room
  5. a machine for making tea or coffee in the room
  6. an iron in the room
  7. air conditioning in the room


4. When was the last time you stayed in a hotel? Did you enjoy it?


5. Complete the 15 sentences with the words on the left.

Похожее изображение


5-star hotel


book a room


Do not disturb

double room

free breakfast

front desk

hotel guest



room key

room service


wake-up call

  1. We have to get up at 5:00 am tomorrow to go to the airport. Let’s ask for a _________ .
  2. I’m really tired. I think I’ll put the ____________ sign on the door so no one will wake me up.
  3. My cousin will arrive and ______________ at 2:00 pm on Monday. He’ll check-out on Friday.
  4. Be careful. Don’t lose the ___________________ .
  5. Let’s get a _____________ to carry our bags.
  6. If you’re hungry, we can call _____________.
  7. We can’t stay at that hotel. There are no rooms available. There’s no ______________.
  8. A. That hotel is very expensive.

B. Of course. It’s a ____________ .

  1. I like to stay at that hotel because they offer a __________________ and I love their food.
  2. The driver of the shuttle bus said we should wait for him downstairs in the ___________.
  3. My wife and I will be travelling together, so we don’t want a single room. We need a __________ .
  4. The ____________ next to our room was too noisy. I couldn’t get much sleep.
  5. I don’t know what time the hotel restaurant is open. I’ll call the ___________ and ask them.
  6. Let’s ask the ______________ to clean our room.
  7. You can save money if you use the Internet to _______________ .


6. Fill in the gaps with one of the words in brackets.

  1. I have got ___ (a reservation, a manager, a hotel).
  2. Let the hotel ___ (room, key, manager) know well in advance the day and time of your departure.
  3. The clerk says he can give me ___ (a confirmation, a porter, a room) on the third floor.
  4. I ask the hotel ___ (form, register, porter) to carry my luggage to the room.
  5. When travelling people almost always stay at a ___ (laundry, luggage, hotel).


7. Complete the dialogue.

B: Do you have a double room for three nights?

C: ___

B: How much is it? –

C: ___

B: Can I see it, please?

C: ___


8. Make up a dialogue with a hotel receptionist using active vocabulary.  


D:\ВПУ №75\4 Підготовка до уроків\4 курс\5. Hotel\the hotel.jpg9. Do the wordsearch.

10. Look at this extract from a hotel information leaflet and complete the gaps with words or expressions from the box. One word must be used twice.



all-inclusive (AI)


bed and breakfast (B+B)

business and conference


chain chambermaid



















peak period







room service

safety deposit



















Похожее изображениеD:\ВПУ №75\4 Підготовка до уроків\4 курс\5. Hotel\готель.jpgD:\ВПУ №75\4 Підготовка до уроків\4 курс\5. Hotel\готель1.jpg

19 листопада 2020
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