Про матеріал

Даний урок складено щоб

- розширити активний словниковий запас учнів;

- практикувати мовну діяльність: діалогічне та монологічне мовлення

- розвивати навички читання учнів;

- розвивати пам'ять, увагу, мислення учнів, їх мовленнєві здібності;

- розвивати вміння сприймати мову на слух та вміння співпрацювати;

- ознайомити учнів із загальною інформацією про телебачення в житті молоді;

- розширити знання учнів з даної теми шляхом спілкування через рольову гру.

- Прищеплювати усвідомлення важливості засобів масової інформації в житті суспільства.

Перегляд файлу

Тема: Значення телебачення в житті молоді.


Мета уроку:

  1.     Практична:

-         розширити активний словниковий запас учнів;

-         практикувати мовну діяльність: діалогічне та монологічне мовлення;

  1.     Розвивальна:

-         розвивати навички читання учнів;

-         розвивати пам'ять, увагу, мислення учнів, їх мовленнєві здібності;

-         розвивати вміння сприймати мову на слух та вміння  співпрацювати;

  1.     Освітня:

-         ознайомити учнів із загальною інформацією про  телебачення в житті  молоді;

-         розширити знання учнів з даної теми шляхом спілкування через рольову гру.

  1.     Виховна:

-         Прищеплювати усвідомлення важливості засобів масової інформації в житті суспільства.

Обладнання: ноутбук з підключеним проектором, відеозапис « How Television works », аудіо додаток до уроку, роздатковий матеріал, мікрофон, кольорові маркери.

Тип уроку: урок узагальнення  і систематизації.




















3. Check on Homework.

T: It’s difficult to imagine our life without TV. I think it’s high time to demonstrate your project works. You will be present your works organized at home, as your home task. Go to the blackboard.

-         Our project work is TV in Ukraine/ in Great Britain.


1. Listening. ( Audio record ).

a) Pre – Listening Activity ( Slide )

- Презентація нового лексичного матеріалу тексту.

T: Let’s continue our lesson and listen and repeat this new words after me all together. And now repeat this words with them translation, without me.


An addict - наркоман

An expert – фахівець, експерт

A finding – знахідка

To view – погляд, думка

Although – хоч

Contrary – протилежний

To conduct – проводити збори

A survey – спостерігати, досліджувати

Experiment -  проведення дослідів, експериментувати

-         Передтекстове завдання.  Робота в групах.

T:  Ex. 2. a) on page 60.Read the task,  Borotiuk Ivan !

Before listening to Judy's report about the television viewing habits of pupils in her class for the school newspaper decide if the statements below are true or false.

-         Do you understand the task?

-         Then  let’s work in groups!

-         Take a task on the lists  and  felt – pens.


b) While and Post - Listening Activities. ( Slide )

T: And now listen the audio text carefully and check if your answers in  the lists were correct.


correct. You are ready ?

  1.                                                                                       Many of the pupils in Judy's class are TV addicts.
  2.                                                                                       Teenagers prefer TV to other things.
  3.                                                                                       Soap operas are popular with girls and boys.
  4.                                                                                       A lot of teenagers watch videos at the weekends.
  5.                                                                                       Half the pupils have satellite or cable TV.
  6.                                                                                       Most pupils have a TV in their homes.

(Учні виконують це саме завдання  іншим фломастером  а потім визначаємо у кого більше правильних відповідей.)

T: And now compare your notes  and give check your lists those that the second felts. (That’s right! No,that’s not right!) This group has won!

2. Reading.

a) Pre – Reading Activity ( Slide )

T: Pupils, in Ex.3 there is a new word – combination  a “ couch potato”.

Who is called a “ couch potatoes ”? Look at the slide and read it, Katia.

- And now take the TV quiz “ Are you a couch potato? ”    and do this quiz yourselves.



-         Let’s count your score.

-         Read your answers in the slide!

-         Are you pleased your answers?


b) While– Reading Activity.

Учні самостійно читають текст.

T: Read three kid’s attitudes to television yourselves  and  be ready to answer  the questions below.

с) Post – Reading Activity. ( Slide )

- Групова робота. ( Одна група задає запитання іншій ).

   Why does Ronald like to watch TV? – Anton.

   Give the next question the second group!

   What TV programmes does he prefer?

   Are you interested in such programmes?

   What programmes does Julie watch with pleasure?

   Does TV help you to prepare for the lessons?

   What does Betty think is 'rubbish' on TV?

   Why is watching TV unhealthy?

   Why does Betty like reading most?

   Do you agree with Betty?

3. Speaking. (a role play )

- And now , let’s play a role game.

- What do you think about TV? The first group: your situation is pros of TV and

the second  –  cons of TV. Discuss this situation and make notes.

-         I give you 3 minutes.


III. Summary:

1. Summing – up.

So, our lesson is going  to the end. You have done a lot of tasks, you have got a lot of interesting information from our lesson. On the end  I want you’ll imagine that we are in our TV studio. And our famous host Katia Osadcha ( stand up, please! ) will give an interview.

                    An interview

  1. How often do you read a newspaper?
  2. How often do you listen to the radio?
  3. What's your favourite program?
  4. How often do you get online?
  5. What is your favourite website?
  6. How many televisions are there in your home?
  7. Do you have a television in your bedroom?
  8. Are you a "couch potatoes"?
  9. Do you like watching TV alone or with your family?
  10.                                                                      Did you like our lesson? Why?


- Good for me, pupils! Thank you for your interview.

2. Homework.

- Your homework for the next lesson is to write a report Ex. 4 p. 62. Your marks for today are …

- The lesson is over. See you tomorrow! Good bye!!!




















                    An interview

  1. How often do you read a newspaper?
  2. How often do you listen to the radio?
  3. What's your favourite program?
  4. How often do you get online?
  5. What is your favourite website?
  6. How many televisions are there in your home?
  7. Do you have a television in your bedroom?
  8. Are you a "couch potatoes"?
  9. Do you like watching TV alone or with your family?
  10. Did you like our lesson? Why?




















  1. Many of the pupils in Judy's class are TV addicts.
  2. Teenagers prefer TV to other things.
  3. Soap operas are popular with girls and boys.
  4. A lot of teenagers watch videos at the weekends.
  5. Half the pupils have satellite or cable TV.
  6. Most pupils have a TV in their homes.





  1. Many of the pupils in Judy's class are TV addicts.
  2. Teenagers prefer TV to other things.
  3. Soap operas are popular with girls and boys.
  4. A lot of teenagers watch videos at the weekends.
  5. Half the pupils have satellite or cable TV.
  6. Most pupils have a TV in their homes.







  1. Many of the pupils in Judy's class are TV addicts.
  2. Teenagers prefer TV to other things.
  3. Soap operas are popular with girls and boys.
  4. A lot of teenagers watch videos at the weekends.
  5. Half the pupils have satellite or cable TV.
  6. Most pupils have a TV in their homes.






  1. Many of the pupils in Judy's class are TV addicts.
  2. Teenagers prefer TV to other things.
  3. Soap operas are popular with girls and boys.
  4. A lot of teenagers watch videos at the weekends.
  5. Half the pupils have satellite or cable TV.
  6. Most pupils have a TV in their homes.







 An interview

How often do you read a newspaper?

How often do you listen to the radio?

What's your favourite program?

How often do you get online?

What is your favourite website?

How many televisions are there in your home?

Do you have a television in your bedroom?

Are you a "couch potatoes"?

Do you like watching TV alone or with your family?

Did you like our lesson? Why?



Well, our lesson is coming to the end. It’s time to sum up our work. Thank you very much for your work, enthusiasm, original ideas. The most of you were at the top of the class. Some of you were rather quit today. You are to be more active. You can’t learn to speak English just by sitting and listening to the other pupils. It’s better to make mistakes than to say nothing. (Your marks are …)

  I am sure that you’ve broaden your knowledge, haven’t you? (Students’ answers)

“To watch or not to watch TV”, “to read or not to read”, ‘to be on-line or not” it is your decision, but not waste your time so it quickly passes. I know answer only for one question. The answer is to read, to understand, to remember.

2. Homework.



XII. Homework.

The home task for the next lesson is to write a composition “TV plays an (un)important role in my life“ if you want a mark of a high level. If you are satisfied with a mark of a lower level this task is for you: make up some sentences using your active vocabulary.

 Revise some rules how to write a composition:




III.1. Teacher: So the lesson has come to the end. You have done a lot of tasks, you have got a lot of interesting information from our lesson.

  • What was the theme of our lesson?
  • What have you got to know about modern youth, about problems of teens?
  • What do you do in your free time?
  • How much time do you spend watching TV?
  • Have you got any hobbies?
  • Do you play computer games on your own or with your friends?
  • What about sport and exercises?
  • What kind of music do you listen to?
  • What else do you like doing?
  • Do you watch a lot of TV?


 2. Your homework for the next lesson is to write ten advice to grown – ups and their parents.

 3.  Well, I am satisfied with your active work. You have made a very good job. All of you worked hard. Your marks are …

The lesson is over.




T: It’s difficult to imagine our life without TV. But there are different opinions about it, it has both advantages and disadvantages. I want you to discuss this problem.

The first group: your point of view is TV is the best invention the man ever made.

The second group: your point of view is TV is the worst invention the man ever made. Try to give your arguments on each point of view, using the word combinations.


б) T: a role play

Thank you I see your knowledge is really good. Now a role play. A correspondent will interview you to find out your tastes and viewing habits because he wants to publish the results of the interview in our school newspaper. Who wants to be an interviewer?

    How many TV channels does your TV set have?

- My TV set transmits…

- There are…

    What is your favorite channel and why?

- I adore watching …        

- I’m excited about ....

- My favorite channel is ….

- I’m impressed by …

    How often do you usually watch TV?

- I’m a telly addict.

- I watch TV only when …

    What types of programmes are your favourite?

- I’m impressed by …

- I enjoy watching ….

- My favorite programmes are ..

- I’m interested in ..

Thank you for your interview. Analyzing the results, I can say that you have a wonderful possibility to watch different channels. On the whole most of you are well aware of the fact that too much television is harmful for you. As for favourite channels tastes differ.







3.4. Групова робота.

Т.: Have you managed to prove all your guesses? (“Good and evils of TV” turned to be omitted.)

T.: I want you to clear up the point. First of all let’s make groups. Count on one, two. Make groups of ones and twos. The first group will list pros of TV and the second one – its cons. Discuss and make notes. Don’t forget, it will be a kind of a competition. The more items you work out the better. The group that is first out of arguments loses the competition. In such a way we’ll try to judge TV. Start, please.


(Учні отримують близько трьох хвилин часу, щоб з’ясувати питання. Після цього групи презентують аргументи, називаючи їх по черзі.)


Т.: Now, your arguments, please. The first group.  The second group.

(В ході презентації виявляється, що аргументів «за» більше, ніж проти. Вчитель поздоровляє групу, яка перемогла.)




1) Pre-Reading Activity.

       Read someone’s opinion about TV the Internet and be ready to answer the questions.

3) Робота в парах.

Учні в парах готують списки новин для інформаційного випуску, а потім презен­тують їх. Учитель стежить за правильністю виконання завдання.

T: Imagine that you are planning a news bulletin for a local TV channel. Rank in the order of importance the items of news and write down what you will show on the television first, next and last. Give your reasons.

Reading 2.

1)A newspaper

a) i a) is a large, thin book with a paper cover, often print­ed on shiny paper, which contains stories, articles, photographs, and sometimes also news.

2)Sunday paper

 b) is all the organizations that are involved in provid­ing information to

the public, especially newspa­pers, television, and radio.

3)Local paper

c) i c) a serious magazine on particular subject, contain­ing articles by university teachers, scientists, doc­tors, etc.


d) l d) lists of films, plays, and other events, with details of the times, dates, and  places where they will hap­pen.


e) i e) a set of large folded sheets of paper containing news articles, pictures, which is printed and sold every day or every week.

6)The press

f) i  f) a newspaper that gives news mainly about the town or area where it

        is printed.   

7)The media

g)   g) newspapers that are read by a lot of people and ge­nerally contain articles that are  entertaining rather than serious, for example, stories about people on television and sport.


h) is a magazine, especially for children, that consists of funny or

exciting stories which are told using a series of pictures.

9)The popular


i) a i) paper that is sold every Sunday, and is usually big­ger than papers sold on other days.


j) isg) a newspaper and the people who write for them.


k) i k) a newspaper that doesn't contain much serious news, but has stories

        about famous   people, sport, etc.

Key: 1e, 2i, 3f, 4a, 5c, 6j, 7b, 8k, 9g, 10h, 11d.




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