5 form Unit 3 “Time for Home”

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Контрольна робота з англійської мови 5 form Unit 3 “Time for Home". За підручником Оксани Карп'юк. 2018р.

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5 form Unit 3 “Time for Home” Name ______________________________

1. Write the Past Simple of the irregular verbs. Напишіть в Past Simple неправильні  дієслова

Build -                                         Have -

Come -                                        Make -

Take -                                         Write -

Hear -                                          Find -

Do -                                            Forget -


2. Match the questions to the answers.

1. Did you do your homework yesterday?

2. Was your granny at the cinema two days ago?

3. Did your father have a computer in his childhood?

4. Was it Saturday yesterday?

5. Were your parents in Italy last weekend?

a. No, it wasn’t.              b. Yes, I did.

c. Yes, she did.               d. Yes, she was.

e. No, he didn’t.              f. No, they were not.


3. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple Tense and read the story. Поставте дієслова в дужках у Past Simple Tense і прочитайте історію. 

Little Red Riding Hood 1)___(be) a little girl. She 2)___(live) with her mother. Her mother 3)___(make) her a red riding hood. One day she 4)__(go) to visit her granny. In the forest she 5)__(meet) a big bad wolf. He 6)___(ask) the girl about her granny. The wolf 7)___ (eat) the granny. But a woodcutter 8)____(come) to the house and 9)___(kill) the wolf. Little Red Riding Hood and her granny 10)___(be) happy.


4. Fill in the gaps with on, in, at. Доповніть речення з on або in або at.

1. Could you come _____ Monday?

2. They are coming to visit us _____ September.

3. Don't call me at 12-00. I will be _____ the meeting.

4. She went to the supermarket _____ the morning.

5. Somebody was singing loudly _____ midnight.

6. The shop closes _____ 8 pm.

7. I will give the answer _____ 20 July.

8. He is playing tennis _____ Sunday.

9. We are going to see her parents _____ the weekend.

10. It will be quite cold there _____ winter.





5 form Unit 3 “Time for Home” Name ______________________________

1. Write the Past Simple of the irregular verbs. Напишіть в Past Simple неправильні  дієслова

Build -                                         Have -

Come -                                        Make -

Take -                                         Write -

Hear -                                          Find -

Do -                                            Forget -


2. Match the questions to the answers.

1. Did you do your homework yesterday?

2. Was your granny at the cinema two days ago?

3. Did your father have a computer in his childhood?

4. Was it Saturday yesterday?

5. Were your parents in Italy last weekend?

a. No, it wasn’t.              b. Yes, I did.

c. Yes, she did.               d. Yes, she was.

e. No, he didn’t.              f. No, they were not.


3. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple Tense and read the story. Поставте дієслова в дужках у Past Simple Tense і прочитайте історію. 

Little Red Riding Hood 1)___(be) a little girl. She 2)___(live) with her mother. Her mother 3)___(make) her a red riding hood. One day she 4)__(go) to visit her granny. In the forest she 5)__(meet) a big bad wolf. He 6)___(ask) the girl about her granny. The wolf 7)___ (eat) the granny. But a woodcutter 8)____(come) to the house and 9)___(kill) the wolf. Little Red Riding Hood and her granny 10)___(be) happy.


4. Fill in the gaps with on, in, at. Доповніть речення з on або in або at.

1. Could you come _____ Monday?

2. They are coming to visit us _____ September.

3. Don't call me at 12-00. I will be _____ the meeting.

4. She went to the supermarket _____ the morning.

5. Somebody was singing loudly _____ midnight.

6. The shop closes _____ 8 pm.

7. I will give the answer _____ 20 July.

8. He is playing tennis _____ Sunday.

9. We are going to see her parents _____ the weekend.

10. It will be quite cold there _____ winter.



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Англійська мова (5-й рік навчання) 5 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
13 лютого 2022
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