6 клас.Неправильні дієслова. АУдіювання на основі Grasshopper

Про матеріал
Аудіювання для вивчення неправильних дієслів. Рекомендую використовувати для введення учнів в іншомовне середовище. Пісеньку можна знайти за посиланням https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TOTd78ZTDGE&ab_channel=Cocomelon-NurseryRhymes
Перегляд файлу

In the ……., the ants were a-working
Bringing food to their hill every day
While the grasshopper ……. in the sunshine
On his fiddle, his song he …… play

Fi-de-di, de-dah-doo, dah-de da-do
Fi-de-do, de-da-dee, de-da-day
I will sing all the while 'neath the sunshine
'Neath the moon, I will dance, I will play

In the autumn, the ants … still ……..
But the grasshopper still did not care
The ants asked, "Why don't you store food for winter?"
"When it's cold, you'll have no food to spare"

Fi-de-di, de-dah-doo, dah-de da-do
Fi-de-do, de-da-dee, de-da-day
Above us all, there will always be ………
And there always will be time to play

Time …….. by and along came the winter
And the wind ……. a …………. chill
Snow fell down and there was no more sunshine
So the grasshopper …….. the hill

Fi-de-di, de-dah-doo, dah-de da-do
Fi-de-do, de-da-dee, de-da-day
I am cold, I am wet, I am hungry
And I'm sorry I played the days away

In the valley, he went to the anthill
He was cold and ………….. and sad
But the ants ……… him that he was welcome
Then he thanked them and felt really glad

Fi-de-di, de-dah-doo, dah-de da-do
Fi-de-do, de-da-dee, de-da-day
And the grasshopper said, "In future …………….
Work comes first, then I'll have time to play"


Voloshyn Mariana
19 січня 2024
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