A Visit to the Globe Theatre

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"All the world's a stage

And all the men and women merely players"

William Shakespeare

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N.B. Povalena


Lviv 2020


“All the world’s a stage

And all the men and women merely players”

William Shakespeare


Subject of the lesson: “A visit to the Globe Theatre”


  1. to develop reading and speaking skills;
  2. to revise and extend basic vocabulary;
  3. to practice making requests and offers asking permission;
  4. to practice listening skills;
  5. to develop  love to art.

Equipment: In Touch (2), a cassette, a tape-recorder, hand-outs, the dictionary (new words), the crossword.

The type of the lesson: combined

Lesson Procedure

  1. Greeting.
  2. Warming-up activity

The crossword “Romeo and Juliet” (hand-outs)

  1. Introducing the subject:
  • speaking about Shakespeare
  • some facts about Globe Theatre
  • new vocabulary
  1. Listening
  • presenting  the dialogue for understanding general idea
  • listening: setting the task
  • reading the dialogue in roles In Touch Ex.2, p.44
  • post-listening activity: comprehension In Touch Ex.3, p.45
  • vocabulary In Touch Ex.4, p.45
  1. A break: “I sent a letter to my love”
  2. Grammar
  • speaking about grammar rules
  • practice: situations from everyday life (hand-outs)
  • practice In Touch Ex. 7, p.45
  1. Role-play “Romeo and Juliet”
  2. Summing-up
  • summarizing the lesson
  • marks
  1. Home-task: W. B. Unit 13, Ex. l, 2, 3, p.32.


  1. Greeting


T. Good morning dear pupils. How are you?

P. Good morning dear teacher. We are OK. How are you?

T. I’m OK too. As you see we have guests at our lesson. Greet them. P. Good morning dear guests!

T. Today we are going to discuss a very interesting subject. What do you think where we are? The things around you will help you to guess.

P. I see the curtains, columns.

P. I see spectators, stage. I think we are at the theatre.

T. You are right, Roman. We are at the imaginary theatre and we are going to talk about the art, theatre, and Shakespeare. We’re to learn some new words and word-combinations, check your home-task and develop your grammar skills. By the end of the lesson you should be able to speak about the theatre, your favourite play. Have you ever been to the theatre?

P1. I have been to the theatre!

P2. I have been to the theatre!

T. Great you are good boys and girls! And our topic will be connected of course with the theatre. Please open your copy-books and write down today’s date, class work and the topic:” The Globe Theatre”


  1. Warming-up activity


T. So, let’s do a very interesting task. Look here. It’s a beautiful heart.

(The teacher hangs the crossword on the blackboard)

Your task is to complete the crossword using the cues. And the result should be connected with the topic of our lesson. Probably somebody will help me? Vira will you be so kind to go to the blackboard. And you pupils take the hand outs. Roman, start. Read the task.

P1. …is the shortest month of the year.

T. What is the answer?

P. I think it is February.

T. Vira count the letters. Is  it correct?

P. Yes Roman is right.

T. Put down this word. Pavlo, read the second task.

P.2 ...is the hottest month of the year.

T. So, who knows the answer?

P. Probably it is July?

T. Vira is it correct?

P. Yes, it is correct

T. Please, put down the answer. Olenka, read the third task.

(the pupils do all the tasks of the crossword in the same way)

  1. ... is the hottest month of the year.
  2. ...is the shortest month of the year.
  3. That is neither city, nor a village.
  4. A mother has a son or a...
  5. Look at your watch! What... is it now?
  6. He is a boy. She is a...
  7. It is a strong and a beautiful feeling.
  8. We live ... Lviv.
  9. Sometimes we don’t... the answer.
  10. A ... in need is a ...indeed.
  11. The Past Tense of the word think is...


The answers:

  1. February
  1. July
  1. town
  1. daughter
  1. time
  1. girl
  1. love
  1. in
  1. know
  1. friend
  1. thought



T. Now, Bogdan read three words in small hearts.

P. Romeo and Juliet

T. With what well-known name can we connect our answer?

P. We can connect it with William Shakespeare. He wrote this play.

T. And he said: “All the world’s a stage and all the men and women merely players”. How can we translate this saying into Ukrainian? Let’s prove this saying during our lesson.


  1. Introducing the subject

T. What do you know about William Shakespeare? I see you have prepared a project about this great writer. Marta and Yulia please present us your work.

P1. I want to share some interesting information about William Shakespeare. William Shakespeare is one of the most outstanding figures not only in English literature, but in the world literature as well.

Four hundred years have passed since he was born, but the centuries have not made his fame less.

P2. Every age brings new thousands to theatres everywhere to see his plays. Every generation leams to love Shakespeare and honor his genius. Today after so many years we can agree with Shakespeare’s friend, the poet Johnson, who said that Shakespeare was “not of an age, but for all time”

T. Thanks, Girls. Your project was very interesting but I want to add some information. Probably you don’t know that Shakespeare founded the theatre “Globe”. It was the open-air theatre. The modern Globe Theatre is in London, on the, south bank of the river Thames. It was built in exactly the same place as the original theatre, that it is modeled on. Plays are performed there regularly during the summer. Without any doubts W. Shakespeare the greatest English playwriter and his plays are still among the most famous ever written. What famous plays written by W. Shakespeare have you heard?

P. Otello, Romeo and Juliet, King Lear.

T. Excellent, I’m sure you know a lot. Let’s add some more information to your knowledge. Today we have new words connecting with the topic of our lesson. Please, look at the blackboard and repeat the words after me.















Audience - a group of people who come to watch and listen to someone speaking or performing.

Perform - to do something to entertain people.

Programme - the performance itself.

Tragedy - a serious play that ends sadly.

Comedy -the play that makes people laugh.

Heroine - a girl or a woman who is the main character in a play. Hero- a boy or a man who is the main character in a play. Act-one thing that you do.

Boo- you shout “boo” to show that you don’t like the person.

Clap - the sound that you make when you hit your hands together many times.

Cheer - to shout as the way of showing happiness.

Crowd - a large groupe of people who have gathered together.

Play - the story that is written to be performed by the actors.

Villain - the main bad character in a play.

Pupils make up their own sentences with new words.


  1. Ill Listening

T. Thanks. And now, open you/-books p.44 and look at two pictures. Listen to the text, you will meet the new words in it, and then answer the question: Is this the same theatre?

(the pupils listen the text Ex.2, p.44)

T. Do you think the two pictures are the same?

P. Yes and No! The theatre in the second picture is a copy of the theatre in the first one.

T. You are right.

And now we are going to listen to the dialogue, pay attention to the intonation. After listening we’ll read it in roles and answer the questions, (pupils listen to the dialogue)


  1. Reading

T. Let’s read the text in roles. Khrystia, you will be Kim, Yulia you will be Jenny, Roman you will be Mark, Bogdan you will be Rob, Pavlo you will be Mr. Grant. Please start.

So, let’s check your comprehension. Look through the Ex. 3, p.45. Tick if it is true, cross if it is false.

Olena, please read the first sentence.

P. It is true.

T. Prove it. Find the sentence in the text.

P. It is true.

T. Good Nadia, go on.

P. It is true.

T. Yes you are right. Prove it Pavlo continue, please P. It is false, because...

T. Well done, Vira, go on.



T. Great, well done. Let’s deal with the vocabulary. Ex. 4, p.45. There are some words in the table, your task is to fill in the gaps. You have three minutes to look through. Let’s check this task. Who wants to read?

Yulia, please.

(pupils read the task one by one)


  1. Break

T. So thank you. Now we are going to have a short rest.

Stand up and join your arms. Let’s sing and play a game: “I sent a letter to my Love”

Be attentive you’ll have to guess who has fallen in love.

(pupils give each other a small heart)

I sent a letter to my love

And on my way I dropped it

One of you has picked it up

And put it in your pocket


  1. Grammar

T. Now we have to be serious, because we are going to deal with grammar. Let’s brush it up. When do we use can!

P. We use can to show request.

Y. Give an example please.

P1. Can we go to the theatre?

P2. Can we meet in the evening?

P3. Can we go for a walk?

T. Well, when do we use could.

P. We use could to show the permission.

T. Give an example.

P1. Mr. Grant, Could I go and buy a programme?

P2. Can I go with Rib?

P3. Could I have a ticket for the play?

T. Well, and when do we use shall I and would you like?

P1. We use shall I and would you like to make offers.

T. Give an example please.

P1. Shall I go with you Rob? Would you like this bag?

P2. Shall I Help you?

T. I see you have understood the rules. Let’s speak about the situations which may happen in everyday life. One of you choose the situation and the other pupils will give possible solutions to the problems. Pay attention to the intonation. You should be very polite.


The Problems

I’m thirsty

The dog is barking

I’m bored

I’m cold I feel sick

Possible solutions

  • Would you like a glass of lemonade?
  • Would you like to listen to the new CD?
  • Shall I play with the dog?
  • Can I call the doctor?
  • Could I make you a cup of hot tea with milk?
  • Shall I give you warm clothes?
  • Shall I take the dog for a walk?
  • Would you like a glass of cola?
  • Would you like to take medicine?
  • Would you like to go to the theatre?
  • Would you like a glass of juice?
  • Could I make you a cup of hot coffee?
  • Can I give the dog something to eat?
  • Would you like to go for a walk together?
  • Would you like to go to bed?

T. Well done. Let’s practice. Do the Ex.7, p.45 in your copybooks. You have four minutes. Let’s check it in roles. Don’t forget about the intonation. Who will be Mr. Grant, Mark, Rob, Jenny, Kim?

(pupils read the exercise)

T. Great, you were excellent. It was an interval. And  now as we are at the theatre let’s see the show, you have prepared at home.

P. Welcome dear spectators! We are going to watch the show. The main characters are: Romeo-Bogdan Grytsiuk and Juliet- Yulia Melnyk.


  1. Play “Romeo and Juliet

Romeo: It’s Juliet! Oh! It’s my love! She’s speaking. But she isn’t speaking to me She’s looking up the stars in heaven, they would be so bright that it was day, and start to sing.

Juliet: Oh, Romeo, Romeo. Why are you, Romeo? Change your name, or, if you can’t, I will no longer be a Capulet. It’s only your name that is my enemy. But what does a name matter? If a rose had any other name, it would smell as sweet.

Romeo: Call me “Love”. Let that be my name, from now I’ll never be called Romeo. I hate my name because it is an enemy to you.

Juliet: How did you come here? The walls are high.

Romeo: Stone walls can’t keep love out.

Juliet: If any of my family sees you here, they will kill you.

Romeo: If their hatred ended my life, that would be better than for me to go on living without your love.

Juliet: Do you love me? I know that you say “yes”, but even if you swear it, you may still be untrue

Romeo: Lady. I swear by the moon that touches with silver the tops of those fruit trees.

Juliet: Oh! Don’t swear by the moon. It changes every month. Your love Might be so changeable Romeo: What shall I swear by?

Juliet: Don’t swear at all. (pause) I hear a noise. Sweet love, good-bye. (pause) Dear Romeo. If your truly wish to marry me, send me a message tomorrow. I’ll send someone who will bring me your message. Tell me where and at what time you will marry me. And I will lay all that I have at your feet, and follow you, my lord, through all the world. Romeo

Romeo: My sweet?

Juliet: At what time tomorrow shall I send to you

Romeo: At nine o’clock.

Juliet: My messenger will be there. It’s almost morning, I must let you go. Good night! Parting is such sweet sorrow that I won’t stop saying “Good night” until tomorrow.

Romeo: Sleep rest on your eyes, peace in your breast. I wish that I were Sleep and Peace to rest in so sweet a place.


  1. Summing

T. Excellent! Let’s applaud to our actors. Well, let’s summarize our lesson. Today we have  learnt some new words, developed your grammar skills, and spoken about the theatre. I hope you will agree with this famous saying: “All the world’s a stage and all the men and women merely players”. As you see each of us could be an actor.


  1. Home-task

So, your home task is W.B. p.32, Ex. 1, 2, 3, and to leam new words. You were excellent and your marks are:

For being active

For taking part in the play

For presenting the project

For reading

T. I thank you for today’s lesson. Good-bye my dear pupils. Have a nice day!

P. Good-bye our dear teacher. Good-bye our dear guests.  Have a nice day too!



15 грудня 2020
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