Англійська мова 9-11 кл. "Посібник"

Про матеріал
Даний посібник пропонує завдання для учнів з англійської мови для розвитку навичок читання . Посібник розроблений відповідно до вимог чинної програми . Завдання охоплюють передбачену програмою тематику для 9-х-11-х класів .
Перегляд файлу


Code №______________________________________

Part A                                                                                                   




Task 1. Decide which answer (А, В, С or D) best fits each space.


Someone once said that there are three kinds of people who are (1).................in sport: people who (2).....................part, people who watch, and people who watch (3).....................television. It's very easy to make fun of stay-at-home sports (4)....................., but on the other hand, television does enable us to enjoy all kinds of (5).....................events. We can watch a racing car (6).....................another, see a cyclist (7).....................the finishing line, or enjoy the goals of our favourite football (8).......................The first time I watched a tennis (9).....................was on television, and I found it (10).....................interesting. It's not always easy to (11).....................long distances to football (12)....................., and television is a good solution. Of course, you can (13).....................used to sitting indoors all the time, and this is dangerous. We should all try to (14).....................fit, and have other interests and (15)....................... .


1)   A playing             В really                     С interested              D succeed

2)   A take                  В have                       С make                     D get

3)   A on                     В with                       С by                          D from

4)   A people              В centers                   С programmers         D fans

5)   A the                    В future                     С sports                    D athlete

6)   A cross                 В overtake                 С or                          D from

7)   A overtake           В and                         С cross                      D professional

8)   A group                В class                       С band                      D team

9)   A match               В it                             С which                    D that

10)   A valuable          В imaginatively         С unexpectedly        D real

11)   A trip                  В tour                        С pass                       D travel

12)   A areas               В grounds                  С teams                     D fans

13)   A or                    В which                     С get                         D is

14)   A keep                В make                      С do                          D have

15)   A customs           В habits                     С pastimes                D leisure





Task 1.  Put the verbs in the following sentences in the correct tense or form. Write the complete sentences in the boxes and click on "Check answer".


  1. You (cannot see) _______________________Jack yesterday. He is out of town.
  2. If you had been there, we (have) _________________________a good time.
  3. Did you really let your son (go) ______________________________there?
  4. I spent a lot of time (try) ______________________________to make a profit.
  5. The letters are here. I didn't remember (post) ___________________________them.
  6. I am too happy (listen) to _______________________________this sad music.
  7. I was embarrassed to see you (kiss) _________________________my wife.
  8. My keys aren't on the table. But I remember (put) ___________________them there.
  9. By the time you (finish) ____________work, I (be) ________ at the cinema for hours.
  10. He (have) lunch tomorrow from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
  11. I thought you had forgotten (come). I (wait) for you for two hours.
  12.  Why hasn't this letter been written yet? It should (write) yesterday.

Task 2. Insert the required passive forms of the verbs in brackets.

1. After my  brother's departure Paul sat for a long time thinking about what (say)________.

2. She (operate)_____________________ on at seven oclock next morning.

  1. Tom didn't have his car yesterday. It (service) ___________________at the garage.
  2. Where is my bicycle? Its gone! It (steal)________________________.

5. Was there any trouble at the demonstration? Yes. About 20 people (arrest) _________________-.

6. Mr. Pitt can't use his office at the moment. It (rede­corate ) _________________.

7. I never (ask) _________________to meet them before.                                                           

8. You (give) _____________________-- new instructions before you leave.  

9. Can we have three clean glasses? In a moment. They   ___________________(wash up).

10. The people next door disappeared six months ago.  They (not see) _____________since then.

11.  A tree was lying across the road. It (blow) ________________________down in the storm.

12. There is no longer military service in Britain. Really? When it (abolish)_________________?

13. I’m  sure that his work (to complete) _____________________by the end of  the month.

14. Some new magazines just (to bring) _______________________________.

  1. Don't enter the room. A student (to examine) _______________________________ here.


SECTION III. Structure and written expression


Task 2. Fill in the blanks using a word from the list.

exhaust      recycling        atmosphere         weather      fuel     on     environmental     greenhouse

resources   energy


In recent years, the number of (1) ................  problems has increased dangerously. One of the most serious problems is changes to the (2) ................ which has led to the (3) '................ effect'; this is making most climates warmer. It is already affecting several areas of the world with unusual (4) ................ causing droughts or heavy storms. Cutting down on (5) ................ fumes from vehicles would help solve the problem. Natural (6) ................ such as oil and coal are not endless, so using other forms of (7)................such as wind, sun, water. and even sea waves would help preserve our planet. Very soon we will be able to drive cars in cities   and   towns   that   run   (8)   ................ electricity - a much cleaner (9)................than petrol. And we can also help to reserve finite resources by (10) ................  things made of glass, aluminum, plastic and paper.





1. Listen to the message and fill in the gaps. The first item (0) has been done for you.


Sweet Potato Doughnuts



(0)  5 cups all-purpose flour  7 tsp baking powder                         

(1) _____cup warm mashed sweet potatoes

1  tsp salt

3 large eggs

2 cups granulated sugar

2 tbsp (2)_________butter

1 tsp nutmeg

1 cup milk



(3) __________and dry measures


Kitchen spoon


Vegetable peeler


Doughnut cutter


 (5)________ _______

French fryer


1. Preheat fryer to (6)______°F.

2.  Sift flour and baking powder.

3. (7)__________potatoes; gradually add salt, eggs, sugar, melted butter, nutmeg, and milk, and

bierrd thoroughly.

4. (8)        ______in flour and mix until well blended into a soft dougn, as ior biscuits

5. Chill well for at least 1 hour.

6. Turn a portion of dough onto a floured work surface and (9)________or pat to a thickness of 1/2 inch. Dough should be soft but firm enough that it doesn't stick to the (10)_________.

7. Cut with floured doughnut cutter, and drop in 375 °F fat.

8. Turn doughnuts as they (11)__________.

9. Drain well and sprinkle with powdered sugar. Doughnuts are best when (12)_______     hot.


Section II. Reading comprehension and vocabulary


Task 1.  Complete each sentence with a word from the box. Each word is used three times.

do       make       have       take       give

a) .......................one of these pills three times a day before meals.

b)  All the dishes on the menu look good, but I think I'll.....................the fish.

c)   Can I.....................a suggestion? Why don't we have the party on a different day?

d)  He said he would.....................me a lift to the airport.

e)   I can't stand those rap singers! They.....................me such a headache!

f)   I don't usually.....................well in mathematics, but I'm quite good at English.

g)   I like babysitting, although the children always.....................such a mess.

h) I wonder if they have that dress in my size? I.....................a size 10.

i)   I'll.....................everything I can to help.

j)   I'm sorry, I.....................absolutely no idea.

k) In your revision you should.....................priority to tenses.

1)   It doesn't matter if you don't win. Just.....................your best.

m) People say that the English.....................a good sense of humour.

n) We don't normally give refunds, but in this case we'll.....................an exception,

o) We live near the station. You can walk or.....................the bus.




Task 1. Choose the correct preposition.

A) at                     B) in                     C) on

1. Do you know when he arrived ______

2.  She didn't want to go anywhere, she decided to stay ____home.

3.  We landed____a small airport.

4. I have to be____the station in time.

5. John's brother is____prison for burglary.

6. My mother has been teaching ____a college ____ London.

7.  Jane is studying literature____university.

8.  Please fill in the blanks____pencil.

9.  I didn't see you____the party on Sunday.

10. When did they arrive____Britain?

11. He'll be____work till 8.0 p.m.

12. Are you going to pay by cheque or____cash?

13. I'll see you____Fred's house.

14.  Did you hear the news____the radio?

15.  The rooms____Ted's house are very small.


Task 2. Underline the best word in the following sentences.


1   How high /tall is Athens above sea level?

2   He looks slim /skinny and handsome since he lost weight.

3   Some supermodels are far too slim / skinny. They look as if they haven't eaten for weeks.

4   The last / latest time I saw Rob was in Manchester.

5   Have you got the Nice Girls' latest /last album yet?

6   Don't worry - your feelings of depression are perfectly natural /physical.

7   These trousers are made of strong / powerful material so they won't tear easily.

8   He took the stick and broke it in two with his powerful / strong hands.

9   Come and look! There's a large /great view from this window.

10   How great /big is your house in the country?

11   Have you met my smal / little sister?

12   The boys are getting taller /higher all the time.

13   I wish my legs were thinner / skinnier.

14   Does your country import a lot of foreign / strange goods?

15   I felt a bit strange / foreign when I took the pills for the first time.



Section I. Structure and written expression


Task 1. Complete these sentences with the correct form of the words at the end of the sentence.

1  What can we do to reduce the ................ of the atmosphere?                     pollute

2  The change in the climate has produced ................ floods.                             disaster

3  Many rare species are threatened with .................                                    extinct

4  Many of the gases produced by factories are ................ to our health.         harm

5  Exhaust fumes have ................ effects on the environment.                       damage

6  Many countries must try and control the growth of the .................              populate

7  Protecting the environment is essential to our .................                           survive

8  The ................ of the environment is everyone's responsibility.                   protect

9  While some countries get richer, the ................ in others gets worse.           poor

10 Millions of people in the world are threatened with .................                   starve


TASK 2. match the idioms and their definitions.




1. Put all your (my, their, etc.) eggs into one basket.

2. Out of the blue

3. Once in a blue moon

4. Be fishy

5. Be in hot water

6. Be a piece of cake

7. Eat one's words

8. Don't let the grass grow under your feet.
(Not let the grass grow under someone's feet)

9. Be up in the air

10. Cook Someone's Goose


a) Be not decided yet

b) To be very easy

c) Get someone in trouble. Keep someone from succeeding.

d) Be in trouble

e) Act now without any delay..

f) Admit that what you said was wrong.

g) Suddenly and unexpectedly.
h) Seem not to be true / honest; be suspicious

l) Depend totally on one single person or course of action.
m) Rarely, almost never






Task 1. Complete the following text with the words below (use only half the words)

realising, dizzy, trouble, piece, background, reason, argument, control, matter, however, although, underground, part, recognising, check, cope, solve, disappointment, fuzzy, disturbanceНачало  

If the claims of the camera makers are to be believed, then every picture taken should be a winner. Automated film transport takes the film into the camera and then winds it on between frames; autoexposure ensures 'living colours and a perfect balance of tones' no what the lighting conditions; while autofocus means you will never have to look at a photograph ever again in your life. Strange, then, that so many people express when they see their prints back from the processor.
The for this is that good photography has little to do with the type of camera you use. It's just as easy to take a bad picture with an excellent camera as it is to take a good picture with even the most basic of equipment.
The tendency of many automated camera systems is to encourage users to confine their photography to the types of situation the automatics with best. This often means centrally placed subjects the autofocus cannot confuse, with the sun positioned directly behind the photographer. , taking good photographs means and then making the most of whatever it is your subject has to offer.
The first part of this magic formula means really looking at your subject before pressing the shutter. Look out, for example, for features to the side or in the that would be better included or, just as important, excluded.
whether your subject is looking directly into the sunlight and is squinting as a result. A slight change of camera position might be all that is needed to improve your composition or finding some shade might be the answer.


Section III. Writing


Task 1. Write the composition (up to 15 sentences)

Choose one topic:

1. What can we do to protect the environment in our everyday lives?

2. Man and women should be equal partners in marriage. Agree or disagree with the statement. Try to prove your opinion.




9 клас

Code ______________________________________

Part A                                                                                                   




Task 1. Decide which answer (А, В, С or D) best fits each space.

  1. C
  2. A
  3. A
  4. D
  5. C
  6. B
  7. C
  8. D
  9. A
  10. C
  11. D
  12. B
  13. C
  14. A

15 C





Task 1.  Put the verbs in the following sentences in the correct tense or form. Write the complete sentences in the boxes



1. You couldn't have seen Jack yesterday.

2. If you had been there, we would have had a good time.

3. Did you really let your son go there?

4. I spent a lot of time trying to make a profit.

5. The letters are here. I didn't remember to post them.
6. I am too happy to listen to this sad music.
7. I was embarrassed to see you kiss my wife.
8. My keys aren't on the table. But I remember putting them there.
9. By the time you finish work, I will have been at the cinema for hours.
10/ He will be having lunch tomorrow from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
11. I thought you had forgotten to come. I have been waiting for you for two hours.
12/ Why hasn't this letter been written yet? It should have been written yesterday.
It should have been written yesterday.

Task 2. Insert the required passive forms of the verbs in brackets.


. had been said

2. will be operated on

3. was being serviced

4. is/has been stolen

5. were arrested

6. is being redecorated

7. have (never) been asked

8. will be given

9. are being washed up

10. haven't been seen

11. had been blown down

12. was (it) abolished

13. will have been completed

14. have (just) been brought

15. is being examined


SECTION III. Structure and written expression


Task 2. Fill in the blanks using a word from the list.

  1. environmental
  2. atmosphere
  3. greenhouse
  4. weather
  5. exhaust
  6. resources
  7. energy
  8. on
  9. fuel
  10. recycling





Section II. Reading comprehension and vocabulary


Task 1.  Complete each sentence with a word from the box. Each word is used three times.


a)  Take

b)   have

c)    make

d)   give

e)    give

f)    do

g)    make

h)   take

i)    do

j)    have

k)   give

1)    do

m)  have

n)   make

0)   take



Task 1. Choose the correct preposition.

A) at                     B) in                     C) on


  1. –a
  2. –a
  3. a
  4. a
  5. b
  6. a,b
  7. a
  8. b
  9. a
  10. b
  11. a
  12. b
  13. a
  14. c
  15. b


Task 2. Underline the best word in the following sentences.


  1. high
  2. slim
  3. skinny
  4. last
  5. latest
  6. natural
  7. strong
  8. strong
  9. great
  10. big
  11. little
  12. taller
  13. thinner
  14. foreign
  15. strange



Section I. Structure and written expression


1. Fill in the blanks using a word from the list.



2. disastrous

3. extinction

4. harmful

5. damaging

6. population

7. survival


9. poverty

10. starvation


TASK 2. match the idioms and their definitions.


  1. L
  2. G
  3. M
  4. H
  5. D
  6. B
  7. F
  8. E
  9. A
  10. c



Task 1. Complete the following text with the words below (use only half the words)

  1. – matter
  2. –fuzzy
  3. –disapoint
  4. –reason
  5. –piece
  6. –cope
  7. –however
  8. –recognising
  9. –background
  10. -check


Section III. Writing


Task 1. Write the composition (up to 15 sentences)

Choose one topic:

1. What can we do to protect the environment in our everyday lives?

2. Man and women should be equal partners in marriage. Agree or disagree with the statement. Try to prove your opinion.



10 form

Code №_______________________________

Part A                                                                                                   




Task 1.  Read the following text. The word in bold type in the text is the synonym to two words in A,B,C below. Find an odd word in A,B,C.


 Eiffel Tower is a Parisian landmark and technological masterpiece in building-construction history. When the French government was organizing the Centennial Exposi­tion of 1889 to commemorate the French Revolution, a (1) competition was held for designs for a suitable mon­ument. More than 104 plans were submitted, and the Centennial Committee (2) accepted that of the (3) noted bridge engineer Gustave Eiffel. Eiffel's conception of a 984-foot (300-metre) tower of open-lattice wrought iron (4) aroused amazement, skepticism, and no little opposi­tion on aesthetic grounds.

 Nothing remotely (5) like it had ever been built; it was twice as high as the dome of St. Peter's in Rome or the Great Pyramid of Giza. (6) In contrast to such older monuments, Eiffel's tower (7) was raised in a matter of months, with a small labour force, at slight cost. Mak­ing use of (8) advanced knowledge of the behaviour of metal arch and metal truss forms under loading, including wind forces, the structure presaged a  (9) revolution in civil engineering and architectural design. And despite pro­tests, it (10) ultimately vindicated itself aesthetically.

 The tower's (11) base, of four semicircular arches, dictated partly by engineering (12) considerations but also partly by Eiffel's artistic sense, required elevators to ascend on a curve; the glass-cage machines designed by the Otis Elevator Company of the United States became one of the (13) principal (14) features of the building, helping es­tablish it as one of the world's premier tourist (15) attrac­tions. The Eiffel Tower remained the tallest building in the world until completion of the Chrysler Building in New York City in 1930.


1.   A contest

В participation

С emulation

2.   A advised

В admitted

С acknowledged

3.   A well-known

В famous

С obscure

4.  A called to

В excited to

С incited to

5.   A similar to

В equivalent to

С alike to

6.   A Unlike

В Unlikely

С Contrary to

7.   A arouse

В aroused

С rose

8.   A progressive

В innovative

С eager

9.   A rebellion

В upheaval

С transformation

10. A eventually

В finally

С in the final

11. A basis

В foundation

С structure

12. A analysis

13. A main

В looks

В senior

С views

С chief

14. A characteristics

В futures

С attributes

15. A sights

В places of interest

С admires





Section II. Grammar Comprehension

Task 1.  Complete each sentence in such a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning to the sentence above it.

1.  We all thought they organized the event well and we were all excited by it.

Everyone thought the event_____________________________________________.

2.  You will get there quicker if you leave here earlier.

The earlier____________________________________________________________.

3 . Mark is a good cook, but David is a better cook.

Mark is not as__________________________________________________________

4 . Do you have any scarves? I'm looking for one that's woollen, green and fairly long.

I'm looking for a__________________________________________________scarf.

5.  'They didn't build Rome in a day.'

There's a saying that Rome__________________________________________.

6.  They have collected the tests and checked the answers.

The tests__________________________________________.

7  A bee sting is more likely to cause death these days than a snake bite. Death__________________________________________.

8  It was reported that there were serious problems with the new design. There__________________________________________.

9.  No one gave us instructions or showed us what to do.



Task 2.   Choose the most appropriate word from each pair for each space.

acute / acutely           colour / coloured     far/further            just / only     pleased / pleasing

certain / certainly     early / earlier          Japan / Japanese     now/yet      young / youngest


One evening in the spring of 1936, when I was a boy of fourteen, my father took me to a dance performance in Kyoto. I remember only two things about it. The first is that he and I were the (1)__________________Westerners in the audience; we had come from our home in the Netherlands only a few weeks (2)__________________, so I had not (3)__________________ adjusted to the cultural isolation and still felt it (4)__________________. The second is how (5)__________________I was, after months of intensive study of the Japanese language, to find that I could now understand fragments of the conversations I overheard. As for the (6)__________________(7)__________________women dancing on the stage before me, I remember nothing of them except a vague impression of brightly (8)__________________kimono. I (9)__________________had no way of knowing that in a time and place as (10)__________________away as New York City nearly fifty years in the future, one among them would become my good friend and would dictate her extraordinary memoirs to me.


Section III. Structure and written expression


Task 1.    Complete this text using these prepositions.

across     along     at     by     into     of    past     towards     under     with

 Whenever I see a newspaper lying on the ground beside a door, I think of Fred. A few years ago, Fred had to travel to a meeting and his flight was delayed for several hours because of bad weather. (l)__________________the time he got to his hotel it was (2)__________________midnight. Once in his room, he felt really tired so he just undressed and got into bed. (3)_______________some point during the night, he had to get up and go to the bathroom. He wasn't really awake and it was very dark, but he could see a light (4)__________________the bathroom door, so he walked (5)__________________the light. He opened the bathroom door and went in. The bright light blinded him for a moment. As the door closed behind him, he vaguely wondered why there was a doormat on the bathroom floor. Facing him was another door (6)__________________a number on it. It was number 325. That was strange. Then he realized he wasn't in the bathroom. He was in the corridor. He turned to go back (7)__________________his room, but the door was locked. And he was naked. He heard voices coming from the far end of the corridor. What was he going to do? Then he noticed a newspaper on the floor beside the door (8)__________________number 325. He quickly grabbed the newspaper and held it in front of him as a man and a woman in dark uniforms came (9)__________________the corridor towards him. The man said, 'Good morning, sir. Having a bit of trouble?' They were security guards. Fred explained his embarrassing situation and they unlocked the door for him. He thanked them as if they had just saved his life. After they left, he opened his door, made sure it wouldn't close again, stepped (10)__________________the corridor and put the newspaper back on the floor outside number 325. Someone else might need that newspaper.





1. Listen to the message and fill in the gaps. The first item (0) has been done for you.


Sweet Potato Doughnuts



(0)  5 cups all-purpose flour  7 tsp baking powder                         

(1) _____cup warm mashed sweet potatoes

1  tsp salt

3 large eggs

2 cups granulated sugar

2 tbsp (2)_________butter

1 tsp nutmeg

1 cup milk



(3) __________and dry measures


Kitchen spoon

Spatula                                                  Vegetable peeler


Doughnut cutter

Tongs                                                     (5)________ _______

French fryer


1. Preheat fryer to (6)______°F.

2.  Sift flour and baking powder.

3. (7)__________potatoes; gradually add salt, eggs, sugar, melted butter, nutmeg, and milk, and

bierrd thoroughly.

4. (8)        ______in flour and mix until well blended into a soft dougn, as ior biscuits

5. Chill well for at least 1 hour.

6. Turn a portion of dough onto a floured work surface and (9)________or pat to a thickness of

1/2 inch.

Dough should be soft but firm enough that it doesn't stick to the (10)_________.

7. Cut with floured doughnut cutter, and drop in 375 °F fat.

8. Turn doughnuts as they (11)__________.

9. Drain well and sprinkle with powdered sugar. Doughnuts are best when (12)_______     hot.


Section II. Reading comprehension and vocabulary


Task 1.   Use the following words to complete the sentences below. Some words can be used twice.

Competitive,  competition,  compete,  direct,  directly,  hard,  hardly,  blind, blindly, blindness, help, helpful

1.  Somebody is afraid of a little________with the ladies.

2.  The boy went to bed________after dinner.

3.  The cake was rock_______and nobody touched it.

4.  The choice of the candidates was made by_______examination.

5.  Jane is so__________in the kitchen.

6.  Are you sure it was a_____________answer?

7.  These two companies always____________with each other.

8.  I'm so grateful for your____________.

9.  The___________always have a guide dog.

10.  They could___________cope with this task.

11.  Evelyn stared___________at them as if she didn't understand anything.

12.  People with colour____________cannot tell the colours.

13.  It was____________to breathe at a height of 2000 metres above sea level.

14.  These twins always_____________with each other.

15.  They could___________eat that huge cake.



Task 2. Choose the most suitable word or phrase to complete each sentence.

1)  Mary stopped swimming and just................on the surface.

A) sank    B) floated    C) dived    D) poured

2)  Jack turned the last corner and.....................for the finishing line.

A) approached    B) arrived    C) waited    D) headed

3)   David was trying to.....................another cyclist when he crashed.

A) overpass    B) overcome    C) overtake    D) overcharge

4)  You have to.....................the person with the ball until you catch them.

A) chase    B) rush    C) jump    D) drop

5)  The fans climbed over the fence to.....................paying.

A) avoid    B) prevent    C) abandon    D) refuse

6)   I fell over while skiing and my sister had to.....................a doctor.

A) bring    B) take    C) fetch    D) carry

7)  It's very easy to.....................over when the snow is hard.

A) slide    B) skid    C) skate    D) slip

8) Don't.....................the road until all the runners have gone by.

  1. pass B) cross C) across D) pass by

9) The swimmers.....................forward as they waited to begin the race.

A fell     B) crawled          C) rolled           D) leaned

10) When I was hiking in the mountains, I.....................on a snake.

A) tripped    B) stepped    C) surprised    D) carried


Section III. Vocabulary and Grammar

Task 1. Circle the correct item.

1.  The Star of Africa, 530.2 carats, is the largest diamond in _____________

A   exist  В   existence   С   expectancy

2.  Most modern versions of football________in England.

A   origined  В   were appeared  С   originated

3. The two organizations still exist, and each________control over its respective game.

A   exercises   В    makes   С   does

4.  In 1974 he was ___to the Cabinet as minister in charge of fisheries.

A selected   В pointed   С   appointed

5.  As a senator he played a ____ role on several committees where he was chairman.

A   key   В   minor   С   little

6.   Membership consists chiefly of U.S. scientists and engineers who are elected on the basis of distinguished contributions___to knowledge.

A made   В done   С   brought

7. ___ known as National College, the institution changed its name to National American University in 1997.

A   Formally   В   Firstly  С   Formerly

8.  The term independent school____to any private school that is independently governed by a board of trustees.

A stands   В means   С   refers

9.  The ____for employees with specialized training have made vocational preparation imperative.

A    responsibility  В   reason   С   need

10.  Не began to____law in Illinois in 1883.

A   fulfil  В   do  С   practice

11.  In 1901 Bryan founded the  Commoner, an influential _______ paper in Nebraska.

A   week   В   weekly   С   weeks'

12.____of their organizational structure, private schools are large  free to manage their own affairs.

A    Due  В    Regardless  С   Despite

13.  Many of the reforms for which he worked were eventually__

A   adapted  В   looked at   С   adopted

14.  Among the most notable reforms were woman___, the national income tax, popular election of U.S. senators, and prohibition.

A   suffer   В   suffusion   С   suffrage

15.  After ten years in the House of Representatives, Buchanan planned to retire from____.

A   politics   В   policy   С   politician

16.  Psychologists have long known that people differ individual  in their level of____, and thus in their ability to learn and understand.

A   mind  В   intelligence  С    intellectualism

17. The areas along Pelham Parkway and the northern reaches of the Grand Concourse are particularly prized, because the apart­ment buildings are well kept and the public parks are easily____.

A   accessible  В   assessable  С   advisable

18.  The first great African civilization began along the____of the Nile around 5000 ВС.

A   shores  В   coasts  С   banks

19. It seems to be taken for____that there are but three alterna­tives before us.

A   knowledge  В   good  С   granted

20. From my boyhood I have____at political life.

A   admired   В   aimed   С   reason


Task 2. Choose the correct answer:

1.     We used______stone to build our walls.

A ___(no need of insertion)

В few

С many

D a

2.   How long will she be in______hospi­tal?

A   a

В   an

С   the

D   ___

3.   I've met Rachel's family, but I haven't met____________.

A   Vickys'

В   Vicky's

С   Vickys

D   Vickys's

4.   You are standing too close to the camera. Can you move a little______ away?

A   the farthest

В   farther

С   more farther

D   far

5.   All governments______trying to control crime nowadays.

A is

В have

C  are

D has

6.   like / Jim / very much / football / doesn't.

A   Jim doesn't like very much football.

В   Jim doesn't like football very much.

С   Jim football doesn't like very much.

D   Jim doesn't football like very much.

7.  If you______her, give her my regards.

A call

В will call

С are calling

D shall call

8.   Unfortunately the driver____the red light.

A  saw not

В  didn't saw

С  no saw

D didn't see

9.   He won't be at home this evening,___he?

A   shall

В   will

С   does

D   won't

10.  "Where are my jeans?" "They_____at the moment."

A   are been washing

В   is being wash

С   are being washed

D   are being washing

11. When Mary got home, it ______________

A  raining

В  was raining

С  were raining

D  is raining

12. What ________________   when we come home?

A will Lilly be cooking

В Lilly  will be cooking

С will  Lilly cooking

D  Lilly  will cooking

13. Where______now? - They are in the reading-hall.

A  do Laura's friends study

В  Laura's friends study

С  is Laura's friends studying

D are Laura's friends studying

14.  Bob said: "My father is in hospital".

A  Bob says that his father was in hospital.

В  Bob said that his father is in hospital.

С  Bob said that his father was in hospital.

D  Bob said that his father in hospital.

15.  How long______you______Maths?

A  has____studied

В  have____been studying

С  have_____been study

D  has____been studied

16  I____all afternoon. It's time for lunch now.

A  have been reading

В  has been reading

С  have being reading

D has been read

17. We didn't have any new videos. We ____already_____all these ones.

A have_____watch

В  had_____watch

С  had____watched

D had been______watched

18.  The chairman_____to all the argu­ments carefully, that's why he brought out the right verdict.

A   listen

В   is listening

С   will listen

D   had been listening

19. _______the storm last night?

A   Do you hear

В Are you hearing .

С  Did you hear

D  Have you hear

20.  Professor Kidd_____three books since 1999, and she's working on her fourth.

A  has been writing

В  has written

С wrote

D writes

21.  When she picked up her bag, the handle

A   broke

В   brake

С   had broken

D   broken

22.  He______away from school three times when he was fourteen.

A  run

В  ran

С  has run

D has ran

23.  Parents decided that the children __________at home with grandmother.

A  has to stay

В  stayed

С will have to stay

D had to stay

24. We____to buy that car yet.

A  haven't decided

В  decided .

С  have decided

D are deciding

25. Mother _______ the flat all afternoon. That's why she was tired at the end of the day.

A  cleaned

В  was cleaning

С  cleans

D  had been cleaning

26. In factories in the 19th century, a worker ______be dismissed for being ill.

A  may

В  could

С  have to

D must


Part C

Section I. Reading Comprehension


Task 1. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line.

How a hobby can make you angry!

Recently I decided to take up (1)  (PHOTOGRAPH)…………………..   as a hobby. I  like taking snaps, but I am not very (2)..........................  (SKILL) . My snaps are either a complete (3) .................(FAIL)for technical reasons, or are just not very (4)..........................(IMAGINE). First I decided that to be (5).........................(SUCCESS). I would have to buy new  equipment. Just then I had an (6).........................(EXPECT) piece of good luck. A friend who works in a camera shop said she could sell me a (7).........................(VALUE) camera. A customer had   left it at the shop to be repaired, but there had been a (8).........................(UNDERSTAND), and it was actually for sale. I thought this was a rather (9).........................(BELIEF) explanation  and so I asked her some more questions. She said she had had a (10).........................(AGREE) with the customer and he had thrown the camera at her because she disliked his photos!


Task 2. Read the text and choose the correct answer.

 Every year on December 10, the Alfred Nobel Foundation presents six prizes. These prizes are named after Alfred Nobel, the man who invented dynamite. Nobel was born in Stockholm, Sweden on October 21, 1833. He never went to college. He learned several languages and studied science by himself. He first worked as a chemist in his father's company. He became very good at making explosives. He opened factories in Europe and America.

 In 1867 he developed dynamite. It was very dangerous, but it was useful in building and construction. His companies sold a lot of dynamite.

 During his life, Nobel became very rich from his inventions. He saved almost all of his money in a bank. Nobel became one of the richest men in Europe.

 Creating the prizes was Nobel's idea. When he got old, he wanted to use his money to help scientists, artists, and people who help others. He created the Nobel Prizes to do this.

 The prizes that Nobel established were for physics, medicine, chemistry, literature, and peace. These five Nobel Prizes were first given out in 1901. Later, the Central Bank of Sweden set up the Alfred Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences in 1968 to celebrate the bank's 300th year of business. All of the prizes are presented in Stockholm except for the Peace Prize. The Peace Prize is presented in Oslo, Norway. Nobel did not explain why.

 Each person who receives a Nobel Prize is given a cash prize, a medal, and a special paper that explains the prize that the person won. Mr. Nobel's money is still in the bank. The amount of money that each person receives comes from the interest that is earned from the money in the bank.

 Some people have won more than one prize. The International Committee of the Red Cross has won the most Peace Prizes. This organization has received three Peace Prizes. Marie Curie received two prizes for her research on radiation. The most recent Peace Prize winner was Kim Dae-Jung, the President of Korea.

1.    Nobel prizes are presented

A  every four years

В  every two years

С  every year

D  every five years

2.   Alfred Nobel invented

A telephone

В dynamite

С  gun powder

D radio

3.   Nobel created the Prizes because he wanted

A to make money

В to sell dynamite

С to help people

D to become famous

4.   Nobel established the prizes for

A   physics, medicine, chemistry, literature and peace

В   physics, mathematics, chemistry, literature and peace

С   physics, medicine, chemistry, literature and economic sciences

D   physics, medicine, chemistry and literature

5.   The International Committee of the Red Cross has won

A the most Peace Prizes

В the most Medicine Prizes

С the most Chemistry Prizes

D the most Literature Prizes


Task 3. Decide which answer (A,B,C,D) best fits each space.


Shirley Yeats is certainly a very brave woman! At the age of sixty-seven, she decided 1_____

on a cruise round the coast of Malaysia. Everything was fine until one day. As she 2_____back to her cabin, she saw smoke coming out of another cabin. Immediately, she phoned the captain from her cabin and 3_____him about the fire. Then she went up on deck to see what she 4_____to help. The fire spread very quickly and soon it 5_____completely out of control. The captain decided 6_____all the passengers off the ship as quickly as possible.

 Many of the passengers 7_____, but Shirley remained calm. She helped the other passen­gers to get into the lifeboats and even 8_____first aid to other passengers.

 Eventually, all 1,000 passengers were in the lifeboats and not one passenger died in the fire. Shirley was one of the last people 9____the boat. Later, she told journalists "I was very fright­ened but I always knew what I had to do. I 10____all my years as a teacher helped - all that time telling people what to do!"



A to go

В will go

С go

D is going to


A was going

В has been going

С was gone

D goes


A will tell

В was telling

С told

D has told


A could to do

В could do

С can do

D could be do


A is

В be

С has been

D was


A to get

В get

С getting

D will get


A being terrified

В has been terrified

С was terrified

D were terrified


A gives

В gave

С is giving

D has given


A being left

В leave

С to leave

D left


A am thinking

В thinks

С think

D had thought


Section II. Grammar structure and written expression


Task 1. Phrasal verbs and prepositional idioms. Each of these sentences is incorrect. Write the correct sentence.

1.  Next week the hospital will close out  for good.

2. I've met her before, but I just can't think about her name.

3. They've had to put away the game because of the weather.

4.  The patient suddenly cried in pain out.

5.  I must thank Alice my present for.

6.  Are you satisfied on your progress?

7.  We saw our friends away at the airport.

8.  We're just going to around travel for a while.

9.  I had to describe the police the woman

10.  The authorities won't give any reason about their decision.

11.   The workers are demanding for more money.

12.  In his speech the Prime Minister didn't refer at the recent scandal.

13.  Some of the UN delegates staged an out walk.

14.  I'm surprised you put over with these awful conditions.



Section III. Writing


Task 1. Write the composition (up to 15 sentences)

Choose one topic:

1. What can we do to protect the environment in our everyday lives?

2. Man and women should be equal partners in marriage. Agree or disagree with the statement. Try to prove your opinion.                 


   10 клас

Part A                                                                                                   




Task 1.  Read the following text. The word in bold type in the text is the synonym to two words in A,B,C below. Find an odd word in A,B,C.


  1. B
  2. A
  3. C
  4. A
  5. C
  6. B
  7. B
  8. C
  9. A
  10. C
  11. C
  12. B
  13. B
  14. B
  15.          C


Section II. Grammar Comprehension

Task 1.  Complete each sentence in such a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning to the sentence above it.


1 Everyone thought the event was well-organized and exciting.

2  The earlier you leave here, the quicker you get there.

3  Mark is not as good a cook as David.

4  I'm looking for a fairly long green woollen scarf.

5. 1 There's a saying that Rome wasn't built in a day.

6  The tests have been collected and the answers (have been) checked.

7  Death is more likely to be caused by a bee sting than a snake bite these days.

8  There were reported to be serious problems with the new design.

9  We weren't given instructions or shown what to do. (or We were given no instructions ... OR We weren't given any instructions ...)


Task 2.   Choose the most appropriate word from each pair for each space.


1 only   4 acutely  7 Japanese  10 far

2 earlier  5 pleased  8 coloured

3 yet   6 young   9 certainly


Section III. Structure and written expression


Task 2.    Complete this text using these prepositions.


1 By           2  past            3 At  4 under       5  towards       6 with   7 into         8  of          9 along  10 across



1. Listen to the message and fill in the gaps. The first item (0) has been done for you.



Section II. Reading comprehension and vocabulary


Task 3.   Use the following words to complete the sentences below. Some words can be used twice.

Answers: 1. competition 2. directly  3. hard  4. competitive   5. helpful  6. direct  7. compete  8. help   9. blind   10. hardly  11. blindly   12. blindness    13. hard   14. compete  15. hardly


Task 2. Choose the most suitable word or phrase to complete each sentence.


1- b






7- d





Section III. Vocabulary and Grammar

Task 1. Circle the correct item.



  1. B
  2. C
  3. A
  4. C
  5. A
  6. A
  7. C
  8. C
  9. C
  10. C
  11. B
  12. B
  13. C
  14. C
  15. A
  16. B
  17. A
  18. C
  19. C




Task 2. Choose the correct answer:

























24 – A





Part C

Section I. Reading Comprehension


Task 1. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line.




2. Skilful

3. Failure

4. Imaginative

5. successful

6. unexpected

7. valuable

8. Misunderstanding

9. unbelievable




Task 2. Read the text and choose the correct answer.


Keys: 1-c   2-b  3-c   4-a  5-a


Task 3. Decide which answer (A,B,C,D) best fits each space.


 Answer: 1-a   2-a   3-c  4-b   5-a  6-a  7-d  8-b  9-c  10-c

Section II. Grammar structure and written expression


Task 1. Phrasal verbs and prepositional idioms. Each of these sentences is incorrect. Write the correct sentence.


1  Next week the hospital will close (down) for good.

2 I've met her before, but I just can't think of her name.

3 They've had to put off the game because of the weather.

4  The patient suddenly cried out in pain.

5  I must thank Alice for my present.

6  Are you satisfied with your progress?

7  We saw our friends off at the airport.

8  We're just going to travel around for a while.

9  I had to describe the woman to the police.

10  The authorities won't give any reason for their decision.

11   The workers are demanding more money.

12  In his speech the Prime Minister didn't refer to the recent scandal.

13  Some of the UN delegates staged a walk-out.

14  I'm surprised you put up with these awful conditions.


Section III. Writing


Task 1. Write the composition (up to 15 sentences)

Choose one topic:

1. What can we do to protect the environment in our everyday lives?

2. Man and women should be equal partners in marriage. Agree or disagree with the statement. Try to prove your opinion.


11 form

Code № __________________________________

Part A                                                                                                   



1. Listening. You are going to hear two girls – Rachida, 22, heiress, and Roz, 27, Corporal in the army - talking about their wardrobes. Answer the questions (1-6) in a maximum of FIVE words. There is one example (0) at the beginning.


0 Who are Rachida's favourite designers?

- Valentino, Dolce Gabbana, Georges Rech


1. How much does Rachida pay for a dress?



2. What is Rachida's favourite piece of clothes?


3. What did she pay £700 for?


4. What items does Roz's civilian wardrobe consist of?


5. How much did Roz pay for her most expensive item?


6   What does she wear during the week?





Task 1. Read the following texts and choose the correct alternatives.

 Deserts are (1) regions/districts of the earth that are char­acterized by less than 254 mm of annual rainfall, an evaporation (2) speed/rate that exceeds precipitation, and, in most cases, a high average temperature. Because of a lack of moisture in the (3) earth/soil and low humidity in the atmosphere, most of the sunlight penetrates to the ground. Daytime temperatures can reach 55°C in the (4) shadow/shade. At night the desert floor radiates (5) heat/hot back to the atmosphere, and the temperature can drop to near freezing.

 The Sahara is a great desert (6) square/area, the largest in the world; it is about 1,610 km wide and about 5,150 km long from east to west. The Sahara was (7) at once/once a fertile area; millet was cultivated there over 8,000 years ago. As conditions gradually became drier, however, and desertification (8) set in/set out, farmers (9) abandoned/left for their land.

 The western Sahara is an area of rock-strewn plains and sand deserts of varying elevation. The land is almost entirely without (10) raingoing/rainfall or surface water but (11) pos­sesses/processes a number of underground rivers that flow from the Atlas and other mountains. Occasionally the waters of these rivers find their (12) road/way to the surface; in these naturally irrigated oases, plants grow (13) free/freely. The soil of this region of the Sahara is fertile and, where irrigation is possible, (14) makes/produces excellent crops.

 The Sahara as a whole is a tableland with an average elevation from about 400 to 500 m. Only comparatively small areas are elevated as little as 150 m (15) above/ higher sea level. In Egypt and Algeria, limited areas are (16) beneath/below sea level. The climate is uniformly dry; most areas average (17) lesser/less than 127 mm of rain per year, and some get none at all for years at a time. (18) Except/Besides in the oases the desert is al­most (19) avoid/devoid of vegetation. Artificial oases have been created by drilling water (20) wells/well more than 1,000 m deep. The chief (21) trees/shrubs of the oases are the date palm and a form of acacia.


Task 2. Decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each space.

Ann Johnson - A confidential report

Ann Johnson has worked at this college for three years. She is a (1) A........................

employee, and (2).........................on well with the other members of the department. We have all found her to be an excellent (3)              She has always been (4)…………………              for her lessons, and is an extremely (5)              member of staff who is able to work independently. I can always (6)              on her to organize the end of term play, and she has put on some extremely (7)              productions. Her students often tell me how (8)…………………………he is, always ready with a smile, and she has been very (9)……………..............to many of them. In (10)              …………………she is not very talkative and seems rather (11)              at first, and might not show her true (12)……………              in an interview. Her work is excellent, and she is (13)              to succeed. She is also quite (14)…………………, and has applied for two other positions as Director of Studies. I think that you can count (15)…………………. to make your school a success, and I recommend her for the post of Director.


  1.   A conscientious
  2.   A goes
  3.   A colleague
  4.   A times
  5.   A greedy
  6.   A request
  7.   A imaginary
  8.   A tempered
  9.   A kind
  1.   A first
  2.   A but
  3.   A person
  4.   A used
  5.   A obedient
  6.   A on


B conscience

B carries

B adult

B late

B reliable

B concentrate

B imagination

B cheerful

B aggressive

B times

B shy

B behaviour

B determined

B disappointed

B for

C consciousness

C gets

C employer

C hourly

C stubborn

C take

C imaginative

C frank

C polite

C usual

C however

C character

C had

C grateful

C with

D conscious

D likes

D fellow

D punctual

D lazy

D rely

D imagined

D proud

D mean

D private

D alone

D part

D supposed

D ambitious

D to


Section II. Grammar Comprehension


Task 1.  Complete this news report with a, an, one, the or no article (-).


 John Millar, who lives near (l)..............Stirling in (2)..................central Scotland, thought he had found (3)...................bargain when he bought (4).................Volkswagen for just (5)..................thousand, (6)................. hundred and sixty-five pounds at (7)................auction in (8)...................April this year. Everything was fine for about (9)………......month, then (10)................day, (11).................car just stopped. John took it to (12)……........local garage where (13)………......mechanic thought there was (14)……........problem with (15)………......petrol supply. He was really surprised when he discovered (16)……….......source of (17).................problem. He had to remove (18)……........large, tightly-sealed plastic bag from (19)................ petrol tank. Inside (20)................bag was (21)……….......wad of (22)..................hundred pound notes. It amounted to fifteen thousand pounds. Suddenly, (23)...............Volkswagen was (24)................even bigger bargain than John had imagined. But John is (25).................honest Scot and he reported his discovery to (26)........................police. They are now trying to find (27)......................car's previous owner because they want to know where (28)......................money came from and why it was hidden. John is waiting patiently and hoping that it will eventually be his. When that happens, he won't have to worry about (29)............................... money for (30).............................petrol for quite some time.


Task  2.  Add one of these verbs as an infinitive or gerund in each space in this text.


go     look     put     start     regain    do     keep     lose     stop      try

If it's so hard to lose weight, why do people keep (l)__________________? Because they want (2)__________________better is the usual answer. The problem is that going on a diet is likely (3)__________________more harm than good, according to health experts. There is a strong tendency (4)__________________all the weight lost within one year of (5)__________________the diet. Only 3 per cent of those who take off weight have been found (6)__________________it off for at least three years. Moreover, the 'yo-yo' pattern of (7)__________________a diet, (8)__________________some weight and then (9)__________________it back on may be more harmful to an individual than not (10)__________________on a diet in the first place.

Task 3 . Underline the most suitable word or phrase.

  1. Harry was told that fishing in the lake was against/by/over the law.
  2. Catherine led a secret life for/in/of crime before she was caught.
  3. Having trouble with your phone? Send at/for/to Fix-a-phone!
  4. I regret to tell you that you are for/in/under arrest.
  5. I only attacked the young man from/in/with self-defense.
  6.   David was often at/in/with trouble with the police when he was young.
  7. The robbers' car was hidden below/by/from sight behind the bank.

h) The kidnappers have been caught, and the child is no longer at/in/on danger,

i)   Tony was caught by a policeman who was off/out/away from duty and cycling to work,

j)   The thieves took the wrong painting by/in/under mistake,

k) The suspicious manager left the safe unlocked from/on/with purpose.

1)   The robbers met to plan the bank raid from/in/with secret.


Section III. Structure and written expression


Task 1.   Identify the one underlined expression (А, В, С or D) that must be changed in order to correct the sentence.

1.   The tour of the palace included a visit to the old kitchen where they were baking bread and the                                                             А                                                              В

huge underground wine cellar which was containing thousands of bottles and felt like a prison.

     С                                               D

2  None of the children wants to be in the group that has to stay inside because everyone prefer

   А                                    В                                                    С

to go outside and play.


3.   My next door neighbour, who is usually shy and doesn't say much, is being very friendly this morning and has a big

               А                                В                     С             D

party tonight for all his friends.


4.  Martin was used to smoke a lot when he was studying, but since he has been working in the bank,

  А                                               В    С

he hasn't been smoking as much.


5.   They say it can be going to rain later so you should take an umbrella or you might get wet.

                a             B                                    C                                               d

6.  I was going to ask you if you would read over my essay before I have to hand it in, but when you read it, you

 А                                         В                                                   С

ought not be too critical or negative.


7. When he said they weren't going to get engaged because they were getting married right away, I assumed he wasn't

                                                                     A                                                B

already got married, but I didn't know he had just got divorced that day.

С                                                     D

8.  No one died, but four people were injured and had to be taken to hospital after a small plane

         А                                  В                            С

was crashed near Dublin last night.


9.   According to a recent report, more students are choosing to work in part-time jobs instead using

 А                                                                                    В                            С

their weekends to study during term-time.


10. For a whole week Loretta came to class on every day with her hair a different colour.

       A                                           B          C                     D

11. I really do regret not to learn  to play the piano when I had so many opportunities to learn and practise in school.

   A B      C                 D

12.  When I asked the students to help me move the chairs, some girls volunteered to carry one each for me and some boys

    А                                                            В

offered to take the others, but Mark refused me to help at all.

        С                                                        D

Part B



Task 1. Put a circle around the number next to each correct answer.

I. At any ocean beach you can see the water rise up towards high tide. Something is pulling the water up. We now know that the moon is doing the pulling. How can it pull? We call the pull gravitation. All matter everywhere pulls all other matter everywhere. The bigger the object, the greater the pull. The moon is big enough to pull the earth, and it pulls the water on the earth. The moon pulls the water facing the moon. When you see high tide, you know that the moon is pulling the water up.

A. When you drop something, and it falls to the ground, it falls because of -

1. the moon.

2. gravitation.

3. its size.

4. the sun.

B. High tide is caused by -

1. gravitation.

2. all matter everywhere.

3. the earth.

4. the water.

C. The moon pulls -

1. all matter.

2. water only.

3. the earth only.

4. the tides.

D. If the earth did not spin, -

1. there would be no tides.

2. the moon would not pull the water.

3. the earth would not pull the moon.

4. there would be no gravitation.


II. The sun also pulls the earth. However, the sun is much farther away from the earth than the moon, and so the pull, that is, the gravitation, is less. Sometimes, the sun and the moon pull together on the same side of the earth. Then, the high tide is very high, indeed.


A. The pull of the sun on the earth is called -

1. tides.

2. high tide.

3. gravitation.

4. pulling together.

B. When there is a very high tide, the sun and the moon are -

1. on opposite sides of the earth.

2. on the same side of the earth.

3. near to each other.

4. farther away than at other times.

C. The sun pulls the earth less than the moon because -

1. it is so large.

2. it is farther away than the moon.

3. the sun and the moon have no water.

4. it is on the opposite side of the earth from the moon.

D. At low tide, -

1. the water is piling up somewhere else.

2. the sun is much farther away.

3. the sun and the moon are not pulling together.

4. the sun and the moon are on the same side of the earth.


III. Why does oil not mix well with water? We know that water mixes well with water. If you add hot water to cold water, you soon have lukewarm water. Alcohol, too, mixes well with water. Alcohol and water are quite similar. Water is composed of oxygen and hydrogen, whereas alcohol is composed of oxygen, hydrogen, and carbon. Why do oil and water not mix well? The reason is that they are not similar. The molecules of water, that is, the tiny pieces of water that include oxygen and hydrogen, are very small, whereas the molecules of oil are, by comparison, enormous and very different in their composition.

A. Water molecules include -

1. oxygen and hydrogen.

2. oxygen, hydrogen, and carbon.

3. tiny pieces of water.

4. both hot and cold molecules.

B. The molecules of alcohol -

1. are enormous.

2. are similar to oil.

3. mix well with water.

4. contain only oxygen and hydrogen.

C. Oil and water do not mix well because -

1. they are similar in composition.

2. water has big molecules.

3. they are both composed of oxygen and hydrogen.

4. their molecules are very different.

D. A molecule of water is -

1. bigger than a molecule of oil

2. composed of oxygen, hydrogen, and carbon.

3. similar to a molecule of oil.

4. a very small piece of water.

IV. From where does a flower get its smell? It gets its smell from an oil that the plant produces. The oil is volatile. Long ago, volatile meant flying. The oil seems to be flying, for it escapes into the air. Insects that smell the oil fly to the flower, where they leave behind them the pollen that the flower needs to grow seeds. Some plants do not need insects to bring pollen. They depend on the wind to bring it. These plants usually have little smell or no smell at all.


A. Something that is volatile -

1. is carried on wings.

2. leaves pollen.

3. is necessary for seed growth.

4. escapes into the air.

B. This story is mainly about -

1. the smell of flowers.

2. insects that fly to flowers.

3. how flowers get pollen.

4. volatile oils.

C. Flowers with little smell or no smell at all -

1. need insects to bring pollen to them.

2. depend on volatile oils.

3. depend on the wind to bring pollen to them.

4. do not need pollen.

D. Insects in the story are attracted to a flower by -

1. pollen.

2. wind.

3. volatile oil.

4. the beauty of the flower.

V. There are several birds, once common, that have died out in the last few hundred years, so that now not one of them exists. The dodo was quite common on the island of Mauritius 300 years ago, but there is not one alive today. It was easy prey to animals new to the island, because it could not fly on its small wings. In New Zealand there used to be birds called moas, which were twice as high as the biggest man. They have all died out. The great auk, which used to come in thousands to the shores of Newfoundland, is another bird that has died out in the last few hundred years.

A. This story is mainly about -

1. animals that have died out.

2. birds that have died out.

3. why birds have died out.

4. where birds that have died out lived.

B. The dodo died out because -

1. of its size.

2. it was new to the island of Mauritius.

3. it was common on the island of Mauritius.

4. it was easy prey to animals new to the island.

C. The great auk was -

1. a bird.

2. a kind of dodo.

3. a kind of moa.

4. a bird with small wings.

D. Moas were -

1. about two feet tall.

2. about five feet tall.

3. about twelve or fourteen feet tall.

4. about twenty feet tall.


Section II. Structure and written expression


Task 1. Choose the correct answer.

1.  £250 is too much for that coat. It is just not______it.

a. bargain         b. deal                   с value                     d. worth


2.  She said she couldn't______a new dress on her small salary.

a. afford           b. save                   с spare                     d. spend


3.  I'll have to buy__________trousers.

a. a                    b. a couple of        с a pair of                d. two


4.  She has been trying to persuade her husband to buy her a hew fur__________.

a. dress             b. handkerchief     с muff                     d. scarf


5.  I__________the blouse in the fitting room but it was obviously too small.

a. tried              b. tried on             с tried out               d. wore


6.  She couldn't make up her______whether to buy the green skirt or the red one.

a. brain             b. head                  с heart                     d. mind


7.  Because of her small salary, she often buys clothes at that________________

stall in the market.

a. second-best   b. second chance   с second-class          d. second-hand


8. She wanted to buy a modern dress, she didn't want an old_____________one.

a. formed          b. fashioned          с shaped                   d. styled


9. Look at that brooch! I only paid £3 for it at the sale. It was a real__________.

a. affair            b. bargain              с benefit                  d. occasion


10.  Would you like to_____________then suit to see it fits you?

a. approve         b. experience         с experiment           d. try on


11.  You'll be__________your money if you buy that hat; you will never wear it.

a. giving way    b. losing                с saving                   d. wasting


12.  There is a good________________of cardigans in that store.

a. offering        b. presentation      с production            d. selection


13.  These trousers are too__________: I'll have to get a bigger pair.

a. close              b. loose                  c. narrow                  d. tight


14.  I wanted to buy you a dress, but I didn't know your__________.

a. cut                b. measure             с size                       d. waist


15.  All these sweaters are_________by the local people on a small Scottish island.

a. founded         b. knit                   c. made                     d. worn


Task 2.    Directions: each sentence in this task  is an incomplete sentence. Four words or  phrases, marked (1), (2), (3), (4), are given beneath each sentence.  You are to choose the one word or phrase  that  best  completes the  sentence. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the problem  and mark your answer.


1. I understand that the governor is considering a new proposal    _____________

   (1) what would eliminate unnecessary writing in government

   (2) who wants to cut down on the amount of `writing in government

   (3) that would eliminate unnecessary paperwork in government

   (4) to cause that the amount of papers written in government  offices will be reduced

2. The doctor told his receptionist that he would return  ___________________________

    (1) as early as it would be possible

    (2) at the earliest that in could be possible

    (3) as soon as possible

    (4) at the nearest early possibility

3. George belongs to the _______________________________

    (1) class of the upper middle

    (2) upper middle class

    (3) class from the center up

    (4) high medium class

4. A good student must know______________________________________

    (1) to study hard

    (2) to be a good student

    (3) how to study effectively

    (4) the way of efficiency in study

5. Jane changed her major from French to business ______________

    (1) with hopes to be able easier to locate employment

    (2) hoping she can easier get a job

    (3) with the hope for being able to find better a job

    (4) hoping to find a job more easily.

6. He has received several scholarships ______________________

    (1) not only because of his artistic but his academic ability

    (2) for both his academic ability as well as his artistic

    (3) because of his academic and the artistic ability

    (4) as a resulting of his ability in the art and the academy

7. Harvey will wash the clothes, _________________________

    (1) iron the shirts, prepare the meal, dusting the furniture

    (2) ironing the shirts, preparing the meal, and dusting the furniture

    (3) iron the shirts, prepare the meal, and dust the furniture

    (4) to iron the shirts, prepare the meal, and dust the furniture

8._______________ that new information to anyone else but the sergeant

   (1) They asked him not to give   (3) They asked him no give

   (2) They asked him to don't give (4) They asked him to no give

  9.____________________, he would have signed his name in the corner.

   (1) If he painted that picture

   (2) If he paints that picture

   (3) If he had painted that picture

   (4) If he would have painted that picture


10. The doctor insisted that his patient _____________________

     (1) that he not work too hard for three months

     (2) take it easy for three months

     (3) taking it easy inside of three months

     (4) to take some vacations for three months

11. The manager was angry because somebody ____________________

     (1) had allowed the photographers to enter the building

     (2) had let the photographers to enter into the building

     (3) permitting the photographers enter the building

     (4) the photographers let into the building without the proper


12. Richard was asked to withdraw from graduate school because ______

     (1) they believed he was not really able to complete research

     (2) he was deemed incapable of completing his research

     (3) it was decided that he was not capable to complete the research

     (4) his ability to finish the research was not believed or trusted


Section III. Vocabulary

Task 1. Choose the word or phrase that means the same as the underlined word or phrase.

1. Sophia Fowler Gallaudet was the deaf wife of Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet who founded the first permanent public school for the deaf.

a. temporary   b. residential      c. lasting    d. important


2. She became a modest, gay, and charming young lady.

a. humble b. modern  c. cheerful  d. arrogant


3. Sophia didn't hesitate, and married him in 1821.

a. plan  b. want to  c. take a long time to decide  d. confide


4. . She often met with members of Congress and other prominent men in order to gain support for her goals.

a. government  b. promising  c. not famous  d. famous and important


5. She helped to obtain funds to found and maintain Gallaudet College.

a. get  b. order  c. observe  d. send


6. Gallaudet has preserved her memory by naming Fowler Hall in her honor.

a. encouraged  b. promised  c. kept alive  d. ignored


7. Sophia was nineteen years old when her parents learned that a school for the deaf had been founded in Hartford, Connecticut.

a. locate  b. established  c. lost  d. discovered


8. His mother, a former teacher, taught him a few things, but he was mostly self-educated.

a. taught himself b. born a genius c. loved school    d. thought of himself


9. He left numerous inventions that improved the quality of life all over the world.

a. numbered  b. many  c. none  d. modern


10.  Sometimes he worked so intensely that his wife had to remind him to sleep and eat.

a. passionately and with great focus      b. carelessly and with many distractions

c. hard                    d problems


Task 2. Circle the correct item.

1. In contrast to mechanical or electromechanical computers, electronic computers operate primarily by _________of such electron devices as vacuum tubes, transistors or, now, microchips.

A   mean В   means С   meaning 


2.  Some animals_________well to Arctic conditions.

A adapt  В adopt  С   adaptate

3. The ship Nansen used during his expedition, called the Fram, was specially constructed to_________the great pressure of ice.

A withdraw  В withstand  С   tolerate

4. Peoples of Asia___________________for three-fifths of the world's population.

A   responsible   В   demand  С   account

5.  Several regions, such as most of Greenland, are permanently  ice___.

A enclosed   В sheltered  С   covered

6.  In 1982 Microsoft _________________the software applications market with Multiplan,  a spreadsheet program; it was later refined and renamed Excel.

A   came   В   got   С   entered

7.  This law came into___________________three months ago.

A   strength   В   existence  С   force

8.  It is common to think of learning as something that takes ____ in school, but much of human learning occurs outside the classroom, and people continue to learn throughout then lives.

A   place  В   part  С   precedence

9.  The rail line in Tokyo is often referred to as the "bullet train" ___the speed and the shape of the locomotive.

A   although   В   despite  С   because of

10.  Humans have always been ____ by puzzles, perhaps as a reflection of a natural tendency toward curiosity.

A   liked  В   fascinated  С   fond

11.  Lotteries are of ancient ___.

A   birth  В   origin  С   existence

12.  Ordinal numbers concern order, whereas cardinal numbers ___to quantity, or count.

A relate   В mean   С   stand

13.  The central ____of a library is to collect, organize, pre­serve, and provide access to knowledge and information.

A   mission   В   subject   С   theme

14.  In the spring and summer of 1989, experiments were per­formed by___of physicists working at the European laboratory for particle physics near Geneva.

A crews   В teams   С   squads

15.  For many people, the sound of a bell is still ____to the

sound of an electronic alerter.

A   nice  В   preferable  С   common

16.  A typical national advertiser captures the attention of pro­spective customers by repeated___to buy.

A appeals   В applies   С   approaches

17. ____diagnose diseases and injuries, administer treatment,

and advise patients on good diet and other ways to stay healthy.

A    Physicians   В   Physicists   С   Physiatrics

18.  The crowns of wild olive were_______to victors of the Ol­ympic Games.

A   decorated   В   awarded   С   recompensed

19.  Fresco painting reached its___in the late Middle Ages and

throughout the Renaissance.

A altitude   В tallness   С   height

20.  To___the prospective buyer of automobiles, the manufac­turer may stress not only the mechanical attributes of the car but also the excitement, comfort, and prestige it may bring the buyer.

A   link   В   devote   С   attract


Part C

Section I. Grammar Comprehension

Task 1. Choose the  sentence with the correct word order.


A They said that he had done it before they asked him.

В They said before they asked him that he had done it.

С Before they asked him that he said had done it.

D He had done it before they said that they asked him.


A Round later is coming a friend of mine.

В A friend of mine round later is coming.

С Is coming a friend of mine round later.

D A friend of mine is coming round later.


A Car Mike's has been stolen lately.

В Mike's car has been stolen lately.

С Lately has been stolen Mike's car.

D Mike's car has been lately stolen.


A By limousine we were taken to the hotel.

В То the hotel we were taken by limousine.

С We were taken to the hotel by limousine.

D We were by limousine taken to the hotel.


A The plane has been trying to land for an hour.

В The plane for an hour has been trying to land.

С For an hour has been trying the plane to land.

D The plane to land has been trying for an hour.


A We before came Harold had done it.

В Harold had done it before we came.

С Harold had done it we before came.

D Harold before we came had done it.


A Emma is a hard worker that everybody knows.

В Everybody knows Emma that is a hard worker.

С Everybody knows that Emma is a hard worker.

D That everybody knows Emma is a hard worker.


A Do you think now is leaving Joyce?

В Joyce do you think is leaving now?

С Think do you Joyce is leaving now?

D Do you think Joyce is leaving now?


A That baby seldom cries at night.

В Baby that seldom cries at night.

С Seldom that baby cries at night.

D Cries seldom at night that baby.


A Somebody is there at the door of the bathroom.

В There is at the door of the bathroom somebody.

С There is somebody at the door of the bathroom.

D Somebody at the door of the bathroom there is.


Task 2.   Find the mistake and correct it. First sentence is given as an example.


1. Bob is head over heels in love to Jane.______________with

2. In a month they will have been reading this book at a year______________________

3. Susan likes to stay at Hilton when she comes to Paris.__________________________

4. Walter has done all the job yesterday._______________________________________

5. By June Sam will has been working here for ten years._________________________

6. A Ritz is a very expensive hotel.___________________________________________

7. Where did you buy yours hat?____________________________________________

8. I chose one bun and he took other._________________________________________

9. The rose he gave me smelt sweetly.________________________________________

10. Do you hear? The boy is crying.__________________________________________

11. They are having a new flat now.__________________________________________

12. Terence but Patrick were good friends of mine. ______________________________

13. All the toys were taken away before father came._____________________________

14. The hoofs of the deer were covered with snow._______________________________

15. The boys were running while their father looked at us._________________________




   Task 1 . Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line.

Arthur's life of crime

At his last trial, nobody believed in Arthur's (1) innocence…….….. . He   INNOCENT

had been accused of the (2)..........….of a valuable Chinese vase,   THIEF

and was also charged with ten other (3) …………….. . The value of  the   OFFEND

(4)...........…...goods was said to be over  $20,000. Arthur said   STEAL

in his own (5)…………...           that the vase had been put into his car   DEFEND

(6)..........           He also pointed out that the Chinese vase was a   ACCIDENT

fake, and was almost (7)...........           The judge did not believe   WORTH

Arthur's story. He told Arthur he was a hardened (8)    ........…..   CRIME

and that he deserved a severe (9)...........……………… . Then   PUNISH

the judge sentenced Arthur to five years' (10)………………….   PRISON

Arthur just smiled. He had spent most of his life in prison and so he was used to it.


Task 2.  Complete these sentences with the correct idioms and phrasal verbs given below and put them in the correct grammar form.


1. get something into smb’s head

2. a shot gun marriage

3. birds of a feather

4. hope against hope

5. in black and white

6. in the same boat

7. mark time

8. on top of the world

9. out of touch

10. pick up the tab


a. We’re all _____________________________________________________ as far as low wages are concerned.

b. I’ve been ___________________________________with automobile mechanics for many years.

c. I can’t ______________________________________ that he will never be an artist.

d. He promised me a film contract in Hollywood but I’ll only believe it when I see it _______________________.

e. We were just ___________________________________________ until we received our instruction.

f. I’m sure you and Debbie will get on – you are __________________________________________________

g. I think theirs was a ___________________________________ - the bride was certainly pregnant at the time.

h. Bill was ______________________________________________ when he found out that he got into college.

i. The company _________________________________________________ for the annual picnic.

J. Their cat had been missing for 6 weeks but they were still ________________________ that it  would come back to them.


Section III.  Writing

COMPOSITION (up to 15 sentences). Choose one of the following:


1) Describe the person who has influenced your life most of all and why.

2) Say what are the advantages and disadvantages of being a member of the European Union.

3) Write about the reasons for global warming process.


11 клас

Part A                                                                                                   



1. Listening.

Key: 1. up to 20 000   2. dress(es)   3. a bag   4. T-shirts, tracksuits, trainers   5. 35   6. trousers, shirt, boots, a beret




Task 1. Read the following texts and choose the correct alternatives.



 (1) regions (2) rate (3)soil (4) shade (5) heat (6) area (7) once (8) set in (9) abandoned (10) rainfall (ll)possesses (12) way (13) freely (14) produces (15) above (16) below (17) less (18) Ex­cept (19) devoid (20) wells (21)trees


Task 2. Decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each space.


  1. A
  2. C
  3. A
  4. D
  5. B
  6. D
  7. C
  8. B
  9. A
  10. D
  11. B
  12. C
  13. B
  14. D
  15. A




Section II. Grammar Comprehension


Task 1.  Complete this news report with a, an, one, the or no article (-).



  1. a
  2. a
  3. one
  4. one
  5. an(or -)
  6. a (one)
  7. one
  8. the
  9. a (the)
  10. the (a)
  11. a
  12. the
  13. the
  14. the
  15. a
  16. the
  17. the
  18. a
  19. one(-)
  20. the
  21. an
  22. an
  23. the
  24. the
  25. the

  1. -


Task  2.  Add one of these verbs as an infinitive or gerund in each space in this text.



1.  trying

2. to look

3. to do

4. to regain

5. stopping

6. to keep (to have kept)

7. starting

8. losing

9. putting

10. going


Task 3 . Underline the most suitable word or phrase.



a. against

b. of

c. for

d. under

e. in

f. in

g. from

h. in

i. off

j. by

k. on

l. in



Section III. Structure and written expression


Task 1.   Identify the one underlined expression (А, В, С or D) that must be changed in order to correct the sentence.



  1. C
  2. C
  3. D
  4. A
  5. A
  6. D
  7. C
  8. D
  9. C
  10. C

11. A

12. D



Part B







A. 2

B. 1

C. 1

D. 1



A. 3

B. 2

C. 2

D. 1



A. 1

B. 3

C. 4

D. 4


A. 4

B. 1

C. 3

D. 3



A. 2

B. 4

C. 1

D. 3



Section II. Structure and written expression


Task 1. . Choose the correct answer.


  1. D
  2. A
  3. C
  4. C
  5. B
  6. D
  7. D
  8. B
  9. B
  10. B
  11. D
  12. D
  13. D
  14. C



Task 2.    Directions: each sentence in this task  is an incomplete sentence. Four words or  phrases, marked (1), (2), (3), (4), are given beneath each sentence.  You are to choose the one word or phrase  that  best  completes the  sentence. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the problem  and mark your answer.



  1. C
  2. C
  3. B
  4. C
  5. D
  6. C
  7. C
  8. A
  9. C
  10. B
  11. A
  12. B


Section III. Vocabulary

Task 1. Choose the word or phrase that means the same as the underlined word or phrase.














Task 2. Circle the correct item.


Keys: 1-b   2-a   3-b   4-c   5-c    6-c   7-c   8-a  9-c   10-b  11-b   12-a  13-a   14-b  15-b  16- a   17-a   18-b  19-c   20-c



Part C

Section I. Grammar Comprehension

Task 1. Choose the  sentence with the correct word order.


Answers: 1-a, 2-d, 3-b, 4-c, 5-a,6-b, 7-c, 8-d, 9-a, 10-c


Task 2.   Find the mistake and correct it. First sentence is given as an example.




3-the Hilton

4- today


6-the Ritz

7- your

8- another

9- sweet

10 – can you



13- had been taken

14- hooves






  1.      innocence
  2.      theft
  3.      offences
  4.      stolen
  5.      defence
  6.      accidentally
  7.      worthless
  8.      criminal
  9.      punishment
  10. imprisonmen



Task 2.  Complete these sentences with the correct idioms and phrasal verbs given below and put them in the correct grammar form.


A in the same boat

B – out of touch

c- - get it into the head

d- in black and white

e- marking time

f- birds of a feather

g. a shot gun wedding

h. on top of the world

i. picked up the tab

j. still hoping against hope.


Section III.  Writing

COMPOSITION (up to 15 sentences). Choose one of the following:





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