АНГЛІЙСЬКА МОВА (за професійним спрямуванням) МОДУЛЬНИЙ КОНТРОЛЬ № 2 Перелік тем: 1) Forms the Participle, 2) Using the Participle I and the Participle II, 3) The Absolute Part

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АНГЛІЙСЬКА МОВА (за професійним спрямуванням) МОДУЛЬНИЙ КОНТРОЛЬ № 2 Перелік тем: 1) Forms the Participle, 2) Using the Participle I and the Participle II, 3) The Absolute Participle Complex, 4) The Absolute Objective Complex, 5) The Participle in translating the sentences.
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Національний університет харчових технологій

Львівський  ФАХОВИЙ   коледж    харчової    і    переробної    промисловості


                                                   Циклова комісія іноземних мов








(за професійним спрямуванням)




Перелік тем:


1) Forms the Participle,

2) Using the Participle I and the Participle II,

3) The Absolute Participle Complex,

4) The Absolute Objective Complex,

5) The Participle in translating the sentences.



Для студентів ІІI курсу



                   «Бродильне виробництво і виноробство (5.05170106)»


Рейтинг 50 балів



                                               Укладач:              Д. В. Молодов









Перелік питань для проведення модульної  роботи:






І   рівень:


    Task 1       Translate into Ukrainian                                                                                   3


    Task 2       Point out the First Participle and state its functions in the sentence    3


ІІ  рівень:    


     Task 3     Put questions to the italicized words                                                                 4


    Task 4    Use the appropriate form of the first Participle of the verbs in  

                   brackets                                                                                                         5


ІІI  рівень:


     Task 5     Point out the Complex Object with the first Participle. Translate

                  the sentences into Ukrainian                                                                         5


     Task 6    Transform the following complex sentences into simple ones using the   

                  Absolute Participle Complex                                                                                 5


 ІV  рівень:


      Task 7  Transform into Participle I and Participle II                                                     5                



                                                           Сума балів письмової роботи              30


Практичне комунікативне мовлення (мовні теми)                                                        15


Конспект, переклади текстів, індивідуальна робота                                                       5



                                                                           Загальна сума балів              50










Спеціальність:   «Бродильне виробництво і виноробство (5.05170106)»   


Варіант № 1

Level 1                                                                                                                                   Бали

Task 1. Translate into Ukrainian:

1. She was always to him а laughing girl, with dancing eyes full of eager expectation.

 2. It was а bright Sunday morning of early summer, promising heat.

 3. The door opened and he entered, carrying his head as though it held some fatal  





Task 2. Point out the First Participle and state its functions in the sentence:

 1. She sat very still, and the train rattled оn in the dying twilight.

 2. I sat quite silent, watching his face, а strong and noble face.

 3. Не wished to say something sympathetic, but, being ап Englishman, could only  

     turn away his eyes.




Level 2

Task 3.  Put questions to the italicized words:

1. I used to tell аll mу troubles to Mrs. Winkshap, our neighbour living next door.

 2. "It's а quarter past seven," he said trying as hard as he could to keep relief from

      his voice.




Task 4.  Use the appropriate form of the first Participle of the verbs in  


1. (to look) out of the window, she saw there was а man working in the garden.

2. That night, (to go) up to his rооm Shelton thought of his unpleasant duty.

3. (to deseend) to the hall, he came оn Мг. Dennant (to eross) to his study, with а

     handful of official-looking papers.



Level 3

Task 5.  Point out the Complex Object with the first Participle. Translate

              the sentences into Ukrainian:

1. I heard the visitor wаlking restlessly backwards and forwards. I also heard him

    talking to himself.

2. She turned and saw Shelton standing down there.

3. Не felt his irritation mounting.





Task 6. Transform the following complex sentences into simple ones using the   

              Absolute Participle Complex:

1. As my friend lives far from here, I go to his place by bus.

2. As the play was very popular, It was difficult to get tickets.

3. As it is rather cold, I put on my coat.





Level 4

Task 7. Transform into Participle I and Participle II:

1. read, 2. play, 3. speak, 4. work, 5. fly, 6. leave, 7. learn, 8. go, 9. light, 10. put.




Загальний бал __________________________________________________  30

Практичне комунікативне мовлення (мовні теми) __________________   15

Конспект, переклади текстів, індив.робота _________________________   5

Сума балів ______________________________________________________  50



Викладач  _________________________________________________( Д.В. Молодов)





Спеціальність:   «Бродильне виробництво і виноробство (5.05170106)»   


Варіант № 2

Level 1                                                                                                                                   Бали

Task 1. Translate into Ukrainian:

1. She sat very still, and the train rattled оn in the dying twilight.

 2.1 sat quite silent, watching his face, а strong and noble face.

 3. Не wished to say something sympathetic, but, being ап Englishman, could only  

     turn away his eyes.




Task 2. Point out the First Participle and state its functions in the sentence:

 1. She was always to him а laughing girl, with dancing eyes full of eager expectation.

 2. It was а bright Sunday morning of early summer, promising heat.

 3. The door opened and he entered, carrying his head as though it held some fatal  






Level 2

Task 3.  Put questions to the italicized words:

1. She sat very still, and the train rattled оn in the dying twilight.

 2.I sat quite silent, watching his face, а strong and noble face.




Task 4. Use the appropriate form of the first Participle of the verbs in  


1. The earriage was almost full, and (to put) his bag up in the rack, he took his seat.

2. (to know) that she couldn't trust Jim, she sent Peter instead.

3. (to do) all that was required, he was the last to leave the office.



Level 3

Task 5.  Point out the Complex Object with the first Participle. Translate

              the sentences into Ukrainian:

1. Не found Dora reading а novel in their bed­room.

2. With amusement they watched them going.

3. We heard her wa!king оn the stairs bу the сеllаг.





Task 6.  Transform the following complex sentences into simple ones using the   

              Absolute Participle Complex:

1. As his mother teaches English, he knows the language very well.

2. As her son was ill, she could not go to the theatre.

3. As my brother, had locked the door, I couldn't get into the room.





Level 4

Task 7. Transform into Participle I and Participle II:

1. meet, 2. win, 3. stand, 4. see, 5. begin, 6. drive, 7. get, 8. eat, 9. sit, 10. hold.




Загальний бал __________________________________________________  30

Практичне комунікативне мовлення (мовні теми) __________________   15

Конспект, переклади текстів, індив.робота _________________________   5

Сума балів ______________________________________________________  50



Викладач  _________________________________________________( Д.В. Молодов)







Спеціальність:   «Бродильне виробництво і виноробство (5.05170106)»   


Варіант № 3

Level 1                                                                                                                                   Бали

Task 1. Translate into Ukrainian:

1. When driving in London itself she had as immediate knowledge оf its streets as  

      аnу taxi-driver.  

 2. "What а nice lunch," said Clare, eating the sugar at the bottom of her сffее cup.

 3. While eating and drinking they talked loudly in order that аll present might hear

     what they said.




Task 2. Point out the First Participle and state its functions in the sentence:

 1. I'm afraid it's the mооn looking so much like а slice of melon.

 2. Lying he spoke more quickly than when he told the truth.

 3. I hadn't slept the night before, and, having eaten а heavy lunch, was agreeably





Level 2

Task 3. Put questions to the italicized words:

 1. She sat very still, and the train rattled оn in the dying twilight.

 2.I sat quite silent, watching his face, а strong and noble face.




Task 4.  Use the appropriate form of the first Participle of the verbs in  


1. (to return) home in the afternoon, she became conscious of her mistake.

2. Не couldn't join his friends (to bе) still busy in the laboratory.

3. (to finish) his work, he seemed more pleased than usual.



Level 3

Task 5.  Point out the Complex Object with the first Participle. Translate

              the sentences into Ukrainian:

1. At that moment I noticed Charles sitting а little farther in the hall.

2. For the first time she found herself wondering about him.

3. The room саmе fully through а cloud, and hе was startled as hе suddenly saw hег

     face looking at him.





Task 6.  Transform the following complex sentences into simple ones using the   

              Absolute Participle Complex:

1. As our teacher had visited India, we asked him to tell us about that country.

2. When the match had ended, the people went home.

3. As my friend had bought the tickets beforehand, we did not need to hurry.





Level 4

Task 1. Transform into Participle I and Participle II:

1. be, 2. drink, 3. find, 4. drink, 5. become, 6. fall, 7. sweep, 8. upset, 9. write, 10.     go.




Загальний бал __________________________________________________  30

Практичне комунікативне мовлення (мовні теми) __________________   15

Конспект, переклади текстів, індив.робота _________________________   5

Сума балів ______________________________________________________  50



Викладач  _________________________________________________( Д.В. Молодов)





Спеціальність:   «Бродильне виробництво і виноробство (5.05170106)»   


Варіант № 4

Level 1                                                                                                                                   Бали

Task 1. Translate into Ukrainian:

1. I'm afraid it's the mооn looking so much like а slice of melon.

 2. Lying he spoke more quickly than when he told the truth.

 3. I hadn't slept the night before, and, having eaten а heavy lunch, was agreeably





Task 2. Point out the First Participle and state its functions in the sentence:

 1. When driving in London itself she had as immediate knowledge оf its streets as  

      аnу taxi-driver.  

 2. "What а nice lunch," said Clare, eating the sugar at the bottom of her сffее cup.

 3. While eating and drinking they talked loudly in order that аll present might hear

     what they said.






Level 2

Task 3.  Put questions to the italicized words:

1. She was always to him а laughing girl, with dancing eyes full of eager expectation.

 2. It was а bright Sunday morning of early summer, promising heat.




Task 4.  Use the appropriate form of the first Participle of the verbs in  


1. (to step) inside, he found himself in what had once been а sort of office.

2. Не left the room again, (to close) the door behind him with а bang.

3. I spent about ten minutes (to turn) оуеr the sixteen pages of "The Times" before I

    found the chief news and articles.




Level 3

Task 5.  Point out the Complex Object with the first Participle. Translate

              the sentences into Ukrainian:

1. You саn always find him handing round bread and butter at а tea party.

2. Не felt the bridge shaking under his feet.

3. Then in the complete silence of the night he heard somebody opening the door    






Task 6.  Transform the following complex sentences into simple ones using the   

              Absolute Participle Complex:

4. After the sun had risen, we continued our way. 5. As his sister has broken his spectacles, he had to buy а pair of new ones .

3. As the weather was fine, we went for а walk.­





Level 4

Task 1. Transform into Participle I and Participle II:

 1. cut, 2. hear, 3. grow, 4. sing, 5. build, 6. drink, 7. buy, 8. sit, 9. shut, 10. ring.





Загальний бал __________________________________________________  30

Практичне комунікативне мовлення (мовні теми) __________________   15

Конспект, переклади текстів, індив.робота _________________________   5

Сума балів ______________________________________________________  50



Викладач  _________________________________________________( Д.В. Молодов)



Спеціальність:   «Бродильне виробництво і виноробство (5.05170106)»   


Варіант № 5

Level 1                                                                                                                                   Бали

Task 1. Translate into Ukrainian:

1. I used to tell аll mу troubles to Mrs. Winkshap, our neighbour living next door.

 2. "It's а quarter past seven," he said trying as hard as he could to keep relief from

      his voice.

 3. As he wrote, bending over his desk, his mouth worked.




Task 2. Point out the First Participle and state its functions in the sentence:

 1. For the first time she stared about her, trying to see what there was.

 2. I received from her another letter saying that she was passing through Paris and would like to have а chat with me.

 3. I sat оn the doorstep holding mу little sister in mу arms thinking over mу chances

 of escaping from home.






Level 2

Task 3.  Put questions to the italicized words:

1. When driving in London itself she had as immediate knowledge оf its streets as  

      аnу taxi-driver.  

 2. "What а nice lunch," said Clare, eating the sugar at the bottom of her сoffее cup.




Task 4.  Use the appropriate form of the first Participle of the verbs in  


1. (to turn) to the main street, he ran into Donald and Маrу (to return) from school. 2. (to return) from the expedition he wrote а book about Central Africa.

3. (to get) out of bed she ran to the window and drew the curtain aside.



Level 3

Task 5.  Point out the Complex Object with the first Participle. Translate

              the sentences into Ukrainian:

1. Не looked at groups of young girls walking arm in arm.

2. Soames raised his hand to his forehead, where suddenly she saw moisture shining.

3. As I was looking this over I heard the doors which led оn to the main corridor  

    being opened.





Task 6.  Transform the following complex sentences into simple ones using the   

              Absolute Participle Complex:

1. As all shops were closed, we couldn't buy anything.

2. As the road was being repaired, I couldn't go there bу bas.

3. As the book was being printed, we hoped to get it soon.





Level 4

Task 7. Transform into Participle I and Participle II:

1. choose, 2. get, 3. shut, 4. run, 5. hold, 6. write, 7. tell, 8. throw, 9. win, 10. take.




Загальний бал __________________________________________________  30

Практичне комунікативне мовлення (мовні теми) __________________   15

Конспект, переклади текстів, індив.робота _________________________   5

Сума балів ______________________________________________________  50



Викладач  _________________________________________________( Д.В. Молодов)





Спеціальність:   «Бродильне виробництво і виноробство (5.05170106)»  


Варіант № 6

Level 1                                                                                                                                   Бали

Task 1. Translate into Ukrainian:

 1. For the first time she stared about her, trying to see what there was.

 2. I received from her another letter saying that she was passing through Paris and  

     would like to have а chat with me.

 3. I sat оn the doorstep holding mу little sister in mу arms thinking over mу chances

     of escaping from home.




Task 2. Point out the First Participle and state its functions in the sentence:

 1. I used to tell аll mу troubles to Mrs. Winkshap, our neighbour living next door.

 2. "It's а quarter past seven," he said trying as hard as he could to keep relief from

      his voice.

 3. As he wrote, bending over his desk, his mouth worked.




Level 2

Task 3.  Put questions to the italicized words:

1. When driving in London itself she had as immediate knowledge оf its streets as  

      аnу taxi-driver.  

 2. "What а nice lunch," said Clare, eating the sugar at the bottom of her сffее cup.





Task 4.  Use the appropriate form of the first Participle of the verbs in  


1. (to confuse) bу his joke, she blushed.

2. (to inform) of their arrival the day before, he was better prepared to meet them

    than аnу оnе of us.

3. Sir Неnrу paused and then said, (to glance) down at his watch, "Edward's arriving

     bу the 12.15."



Level 3

Task 5.  Point out the Complex Object with the first Participle. Translate

              the sentences into Ukrainian:

1. The room саmе fully through а cloud, and hе was startled as hе suddenly saw hеr face looking at him.

2. You саn always find him handing round bread and butter at а tea party.

3. Не felt the bridge shaking under his feet.





Task 6.  Transform the following complex sentences into simple ones using the  Absolute Participle Complex:

1. As the book was being printed, we hoped to get it soon.

2. As houses are built very quickly nowadays, we'll soon get а new flat.

3. Аs the waiting-room was being cleaned, the passengers were not let in.





Level 4

Task 7. Transform into Participle I and Participle II:

1. choose, 2. get, 3. shut, 4. run, 5. hold, 6. write, 7. tell, 8. throw, 9. win, 10. take.




Загальний бал __________________________________________________  30

Практичне комунікативне мовлення (мовні теми) __________________   15

Конспект, переклади текстів, індив.робота _________________________   5

Сума балів ______________________________________________________  50



Викладач  _________________________________________________( Д.В. Молодов)


Спеціальність:   «Бродильне виробництво і виноробство (5.05170106)»   


Варіант № 7

Level 1                                                                                                                                   Бали

Task 1. Translate into Ukrainian:

 1. For the first time she stared about her, trying to see what there was.

 2. I received from her another letter saying that she was passing through Paris and  

     would like to have а chat with me.

 3. I sat оn the doorstep holding mу little sister in mу arms thinking over mу chances

     of escaping from home.




Task 2. Point out the First Participle and state its functions in the sentence:

 1. She sat very still, and the train rattled оn in the dying twilight.

 2. I sat quite silent, watching his face, а strong and noble face.

 3. Не wished to say something sympathetic, but, being ап Englishman, could only  

     turn away his eyes.




Level 2

Task 3.  Put questions to the italicized words:

1. I used to tell аll mу troubles to Mrs. Winkshap, our neighbour living next door.

 2. "It's а quarter past seven," he said trying as hard as he could to keep relief from

      his voice.




Task 4.  Use the appropriate form of the first Participle of the verbs in  


1. (to look) out of the window, she saw there was а man working in the garden.

2. That night, (to go) up to his rооm Shelton thought of his unpleasant duty.

3. (to deseend) to the hall, he came оn Мг. Dennant (to eross) to his study, with а

     handful of official-looking papers.



Level 3

Task 5.  Point out the Complex Object with the first Participle. Translate

              the sentences into Ukrainian:

1. I heard the visitor wаlking restlessly backwards and forwards. I also heard him

    talking to himself.

2. She turned and saw Shelton standing down there.

3. Не felt his irritation mounting.





Task 6. Transform the following complex sentences into simple ones using the   

              Absolute Participle Complex:

1. As my friend lives far from here, I go to his place by bus.

2. As the play was very popular, It was difficult to get tickets.

3. As it is rather cold, I put on my coat.





Level 4

Task 1. Transform into Participle I and Participle II:

 1. cut, 2. hear, 3. grow, 4. sing, 5. build, 6. drink, 7. buy, 8. sit, 9. shut, 10. ring.




Загальний бал __________________________________________________  30

Практичне комунікативне мовлення (мовні теми) __________________   15

Конспект, переклади текстів, індив.робота _________________________   5

Сума балів ______________________________________________________  50



Викладач  _________________________________________________( Д.В. Молодов)




Спеціальність:   «Бродильне виробництво і виноробство (5.05170106)»   


Варіант № 8

Level 1                                                                                                                                   Бали

Task 1. Translate into Ukrainian:

1. She sat very still, and the train rattled оn in the dying twilight.

 2.1 sat quite silent, watching his face, а strong and noble face.

 3. Не wished to say something sympathetic, but, being ап Englishman, could only  

     turn away his eyes.




Task 2. Point out the First Participle and state its functions in the sentence:

 1. She was always to him а laughing girl, with dancing eyes full of eager  


 2. It was а bright Sunday morning of early summer, promising heat.

 3. The door opened and he entered, carrying his head as though it held some fatal  





Level 2

Task 3.  Put questions to the italicized words:

1. She sat very still, and the train rattled оn in the dying twilight.

 2.I sat quite silent, watching his face, а strong and noble face.



Task 4. Use the appropriate form of the first Participle of the verbs in  


1. The earriage was almost full, and (to put) his bag up in the rack, he took his seat.

2. (to know) that she couldn't trust Jim, she sent Peter instead.

3. (to do) all that was required, he was the last to leave the office.



Level 3

Task 5.  Point out the Complex Object with the first Participle. Translate

              the sentences into Ukrainian:

1. Не found Dora reading а novel in their bed­room.

2. With amusement they watched them going.

3. We heard her walking оn the stairs bу the сеllаr.





Task 6.  Transform the following complex sentences into simple ones using the   

              Absolute Participle Complex:

1. As his mother teaches English, he knows the language very well.

2. As her son was ill, she could not go to the theatre.

3. As my brother, had locked the door, I couldn't get into the room.





Level 4

Task 1. Transform into Participle I and Participle II:

1. be, 2. drink, 3. find, 4. drink, 5. become, 6. fall, 7. sweep, 8. upset, 9. write, 10.     go.





Загальний бал __________________________________________________  30

Практичне комунікативне мовлення (мовні теми) __________________   15

Конспект, переклади текстів, індив.робота _________________________   5

Сума балів ______________________________________________________  50



Викладач  _________________________________________________( Д.В. Молодов)





Спеціальність:   «Бродильне виробництво і виноробство (5.05170106)»   


Варіант № 9

Level 1                                                                                                                                   Бали

Task 1. Translate into Ukrainian:

1. When driving in London itself she had as immediate knowledge оf its streets as  

      аnу taxi-driver.  

 2. "What а nice lunch," said Clare, eating the sugar at the bottom of her сffее cup.

 3. While eating and drinking they talked loudly in order that аll present might hear

     what they said.




Task 2. Point out the First Participle and state its functions in the sentence:

 1. I'm afraid it's the mооn looking so much like а slice of melon.

 2. Lying he spoke more quickly than when he told the truth.

 3. I hadn't slept the night before, and, having eaten а heavy lunch, was agreeably





Level 2

Task 3. Put questions to the italicized words:

 1. She sat very still, and the train rattled оn in the dying twilight.

 2.I sat quite silent, watching his face, а strong and noble face.




Task 4.  Use the appropriate form of the first Participle of the verbs in  


1. (to return) home in the afternoon, she became conscious of her mistake.

2. Не couldn't join his friends (to bе) still busy in the laboratory.

3. (to finish) his work, he seemed more pleased than usual.



Level 3

Task 5.  Point out the Complex Object with the first Participle. Translate

              the sentences into Ukrainian:

1. At that moment I noticed Charles sitting а little farther in the hall.

2. For the first time she found herself wondering about him.

3. The room саmе fully through а cloud, and hе was startled as hе suddenly saw hег

     face looking at him.





Task 6.  Transform the following complex sentences into simple ones using the   

              Absolute Participle Complex:

1. As our teacher had visited India, we asked him to tell us about that country.

2. When the match had ended, the people went home.

3. As my friend had bought the tickets beforehand, we did not need to hurry.





Level 4

Task 7. Transform into Participle I and Participle II:

1. meet, 2. win, 3. stand, 4. see, 5. begin, 6. drive, 7. get, 8. eat, 9. sit, 10. hold.




Загальний бал __________________________________________________  30

Практичне комунікативне мовлення (мовні теми) __________________   15

Конспект, переклади текстів, індив.робота _________________________   5

Сума балів ______________________________________________________  50



Викладач  _________________________________________________( Д.В. Молодов)






Спеціальність:   «Бродильне виробництво і виноробство (5.05170106)»   


Варіант № 10

Level 1                                                                                                                                   Бали

Task 1. Translate into Ukrainian:

 1. I'm afraid it's the mооn looking so much like а slice of melon.

 2. Lying he spoke more quickly than when he told the truth.

 3. I hadn't slept the night before, and, having eaten а heavy lunch, was agreeably





Task 2. Point out the First Participle and state its functions in the sentence:

 1. When driving in London itself she had as immediate knowledge оf its streets as  

      аnу taxi-driver.  

 2. "What а nice lunch," said Clare, eating the sugar at the bottom of her сffее cup.

 3. While eating and drinking they talked loudly in order that аll present might hear

     what they said.





Level 2

Task 3.  Put questions to the italicized words:

1. She was always to him а laughing girl, with dancing eyes full of eager expectation.

 2. It was а bright Sunday morning of early summer, promising heat.



Task 4.  Use the appropriate form of the first Participle of the verbs in  


1. (to step) inside, he found himself in what had once been а sort of office.

2. Не left the room again, (to close) the door behind him with а bang.

3. I spent about ten minutes (to turn) оуеr the sixteen pages of "The Times"

     before I  found the chief news and articles.



Level 3

Task 5.  Point out the Complex Object with the first Participle. Translate

              the sentences into Ukrainian:

1. You саn always find him handing round bread and butter at а tea party.

2. Не felt the bridge shaking under his feet.

3. Then in the complete silence of the night he heard somebody opening the door    






Task 6.  Transform the following complex sentences into simple ones using the   

              Absolute Participle Complex:

1. After the sun had risen, we continued our way.

2. As his sister has broken his spectacles, he had to buy а pair of new ones .

3. As the weather was fine, we went for а walk.­





Level 4

Task 7. Transform into Participle I and Participle II:

1. read, 2. play, 3. speak, 4. work, 5. fly, 6. leave, 7. learn, 8. go, 9. light, 10. put.




Загальний бал __________________________________________________  30

Практичне комунікативне мовлення (мовні теми) __________________   15

Конспект, переклади текстів, індив.робота _________________________   5

Сума балів ______________________________________________________  50



Викладач  _________________________________________________( Д.В. Молодов)




Спеціальність:   «Бродильне виробництво і виноробство (5.05170106)»   


Варіант № 11

Level 1                                                                                                                                   Бали

Task 1. Translate into Ukrainian:

1. She was always to him а laughing girl, with dancing eyes full of eager expectation.

 2. It was а bright Sunday morning of early summer, promising heat.

 3. The door opened and he entered, carrying his head as though it held some fatal  





Task 2. Point out the First Participle and state its functions in the sentence:

 1. She sat very still, and the train rattled оn in the dying twilight.

 2. I sat quite silent, watching his face, а strong and noble face.

 3. Не wished to say something sympathetic, but, being ап Englishman, could only  

     turn away his eyes.




Level 2

Task 3.  Put questions to the italicized words:

1. I used to tell аll mу troubles to Mrs. Winkshap, our neighbour living next door.

 2. "It's а quarter past seven," he said trying as hard as he could to keep relief from

      his voice.




Task 4.  Use the appropriate form of the first Participle of the verbs in  


1. (to look) out of the window, she saw there was а man working in the garden.

2. That night, (to go) up to his rооm Shelton thought of his unpleasant duty.

3. (to deseend) to the hall, he came оn Мг. Dennant (to eross) to his study, with а

     handful of official-looking papers.



Level 3

Task 5.  Point out the Complex Object with the first Participle. Translate

              the sentences into Ukrainian:

1. I heard the visitor wаlking restlessly backwards and forwards. I also heard him

    talking to himself.

2. She turned and saw Shelton standing down there.

3. Не felt his irritation mounting.





Task 6. Transform the following complex sentences into simple ones using the   

              Absolute Participle Complex:

1. As my friend lives far from here, I go to his place by bus.

2. As the play was very popular, It was difficult to get tickets.

3. As it is rather cold, I put on my coat.





Level 4

Task 7. Transform into Participle I and Participle II:

1. read, 2. play, 3. speak, 4. work, 5. fly, 6. leave, 7. learn, 8. go, 9. light, 10. put.




Загальний бал __________________________________________________  30

Практичне комунікативне мовлення (мовні теми) __________________   15

Конспект, переклади текстів, індив.робота _________________________   5

Сума балів ______________________________________________________  50



Викладач  _________________________________________________( Д.В. Молодов)





Спеціальність:   «Бродильне виробництво і виноробство (5.05170106)»   


Варіант № 12

Level 1                                                                                                                                   Бали

Task 1. Translate into Ukrainian:

1. She sat very still, and the train rattled оn in the dying twilight.

 2.1 sat quite silent, watching his face, а strong and noble face.

 3. Не wished to say something sympathetic, but, being ап Englishman, could only  

     turn away his eyes.




Task 2. Point out the First Participle and state its functions in the sentence:

 1. She was always to him а laughing girl, with dancing eyes full of eager expectation.

 2. It was а bright Sunday morning of early summer, promising heat.

 3. The door opened and he entered, carrying his head as though it held some fatal  






Level 2

Task 3.  Put questions to the italicized words:

1. She sat very still, and the train rattled оn in the dying twilight.

 2.I sat quite silent, watching his face, а strong and noble face.




Task 4. Use the appropriate form of the first Participle of the verbs in  


1. The earriage was almost full, and (to put) his bag up in the rack, he took his seat.

2. (to know) that she couldn't trust Jim, she sent Peter instead.

3. (to do) all that was required, he was the last to leave the office.



Level 3

Task 5.  Point out the Complex Object with the first Participle. Translate

              the sentences into Ukrainian:

1. Не found Dora reading а novel in their bed­room.

2. With amusement they watched them going.

3. We heard her wa!king оn the stairs bу the сеllаг.





Task 6.  Transform the following complex sentences into simple ones using the   

              Absolute Participle Complex:

1. As his mother teaches English, he knows the language very well.

2. As her son was ill, she could not go to the theatre.

3. As my brother, had locked the door, I couldn't get into the room.





Level 4

Task 7. Transform into Participle I and Participle II:

1. meet, 2. win, 3. stand, 4. see, 5. begin, 6. drive, 7. get, 8. eat, 9. sit, 10. hold.




Загальний бал __________________________________________________  30

Практичне комунікативне мовлення (мовні теми) __________________   15

Конспект, переклади текстів, індив.робота _________________________   5

Сума балів ______________________________________________________  50



Викладач  _________________________________________________( Д.В. Молодов)







Спеціальність:   «Бродильне виробництво і виноробство (5.05170106)»   


Варіант № 13

Level 1                                                                                                                                   Бали

Task 1. Translate into Ukrainian:

1. When driving in London itself she had as immediate knowledge оf its streets as  

      аnу taxi-driver.  

 2. "What а nice lunch," said Clare, eating the sugar at the bottom of her сffее cup.

 3. While eating and drinking they talked loudly in order that аll present might hear

     what they said.




Task 2. Point out the First Participle and state its functions in the sentence:

 1. I'm afraid it's the mооn looking so much like а slice of melon.

 2. Lying he spoke more quickly than when he told the truth.

 3. I hadn't slept the night before, and, having eaten а heavy lunch, was agreeably





Level 2

Task 3. Put questions to the italicized words:

 1. She sat very still, and the train rattled оn in the dying twilight.

 2.I sat quite silent, watching his face, а strong and noble face.




Task 4.  Use the appropriate form of the first Participle of the verbs in  


1. (to return) home in the afternoon, she became conscious of her mistake.

2. Не couldn't join his friends (to bе) still busy in the laboratory.

3. (to finish) his work, he seemed more pleased than usual.



Level 3

Task 5.  Point out the Complex Object with the first Participle. Translate

              the sentences into Ukrainian:

1. At that moment I noticed Charles sitting а little farther in the hall.

2. For the first time she found herself wondering about him.

3. The room саmе fully through а cloud, and hе was startled as hе suddenly saw hег

     face looking at him.





Task 6.  Transform the following complex sentences into simple ones using the   

              Absolute Participle Complex:

1. As our teacher had visited India, we asked him to tell us about that country.

2. When the match had ended, the people went home.

3. As my friend had bought the tickets beforehand, we did not need to hurry.





Level 4

Task 1. Transform into Participle I and Participle II:

1. be, 2. drink, 3. find, 4. drink, 5. become, 6. fall, 7. sweep, 8. upset, 9. write, 10.     go.




Загальний бал __________________________________________________  30

Практичне комунікативне мовлення (мовні теми) __________________   15

Конспект, переклади текстів, індив.робота _________________________   5

Сума балів ______________________________________________________  50



Викладач  _________________________________________________( Д.В. Молодов)





Спеціальність:   «Бродильне виробництво і виноробство (5.05170106)»   


Варіант № 14

Level 1                                                                                                                                   Бали

Task 1. Translate into Ukrainian:

1. I'm afraid it's the mооn looking so much like а slice of melon.

 2. Lying he spoke more quickly than when he told the truth.

 3. I hadn't slept the night before, and, having eaten а heavy lunch, was agreeably





Task 2. Point out the First Participle and state its functions in the sentence:

 1. When driving in London itself she had as immediate knowledge оf its streets as  

      аnу taxi-driver.  

 2. "What а nice lunch," said Clare, eating the sugar at the bottom of her сffее cup.

 3. While eating and drinking they talked loudly in order that аll present might hear

     what they said.






Level 2

Task 3.  Put questions to the italicized words:

1. She was always to him а laughing girl, with dancing eyes full of eager expectation.

 2. It was а bright Sunday morning of early summer, promising heat.




Task 4.  Use the appropriate form of the first Participle of the verbs in  


1. (to step) inside, he found himself in what had once been а sort of office.

2. Не left the room again, (to close) the door behind him with а bang.

3. I spent about ten minutes (to turn) оуеr the sixteen pages of "The Times" before I

    found the chief news and articles.




Level 3

Task 5.  Point out the Complex Object with the first Participle. Translate

              the sentences into Ukrainian:

1. You саn always find him handing round bread and butter at а tea party.

2. Не felt the bridge shaking under his feet.

3. Then in the complete silence of the night he heard somebody opening the door    






Task 6.  Transform the following complex sentences into simple ones using the   

              Absolute Participle Complex:

4. After the sun had risen, we continued our way. 5. As his sister has broken his spectacles, he had to buy а pair of new ones .

3. As the weather was fine, we went for а walk.­





Level 4

Task 1. Transform into Participle I and Participle II:

 1. cut, 2. hear, 3. grow, 4. sing, 5. build, 6. drink, 7. buy, 8. sit, 9. shut, 10. ring.





Загальний бал __________________________________________________  30

Практичне комунікативне мовлення (мовні теми) __________________   15

Конспект, переклади текстів, індив.робота _________________________   5

Сума балів ______________________________________________________  50



Викладач  _________________________________________________( Д.В. Молодов)



Спеціальність:   «Бродильне виробництво і виноробство (5.05170106)»   


Варіант № 15

Level 1                                                                                                                                   Бали

Task 1. Translate into Ukrainian:

1. I used to tell аll mу troubles to Mrs. Winkshap, our neighbour living next door.

 2. "It's а quarter past seven," he said trying as hard as he could to keep relief from

      his voice.

 3. As he wrote, bending over his desk, his mouth worked.




Task 2. Point out the First Participle and state its functions in the sentence:

 1. For the first time she stared about her, trying to see what there was.

 2. I received from her another letter saying that she was passing through Paris and would like to have а chat with me.

 3. I sat оn the doorstep holding mу little sister in mу arms thinking over mу chances

 of escaping from home.






Level 2

Task 3.  Put questions to the italicized words:

1. When driving in London itself she had as immediate knowledge оf its streets as  

      аnу taxi-driver.  

 2. "What а nice lunch," said Clare, eating the sugar at the bottom of her сoffее cup.




Task 4.  Use the appropriate form of the first Participle of the verbs in  


1. (to turn) to the main street, he ran into Donald and Маrу (to return) from school. 2. (to return) from the expedition he wrote а book about Central Africa.

3. (to get) out of bed she ran to the window and drew the curtain aside.



Level 3

Task 5.  Point out the Complex Object with the first Participle. Translate

              the sentences into Ukrainian:

1. Не looked at groups of young girls walking arm in arm.

2. Soames raised his hand to his forehead, where suddenly she saw moisture shining.

3. As I was looking this over I heard the doors which led оn to the main corridor  

    being opened.





Task 6.  Transform the following complex sentences into simple ones using the   

              Absolute Participle Complex:

1. As all shops were closed, we couldn't buy anything.

2. As the road was being repaired, I couldn't go there bу bas.

3. As the book was being printed, we hoped to get it soon.





Level 4

Task 7. Transform into Participle I and Participle II:

1. choose, 2. get, 3. shut, 4. run, 5. hold, 6. write, 7. tell, 8. throw, 9. win, 10. take.




Загальний бал __________________________________________________  30

Практичне комунікативне мовлення (мовні теми) __________________   15

Конспект, переклади текстів, індив.робота _________________________   5

Сума балів ______________________________________________________  50



Викладач  _________________________________________________( Д.В. Молодов)





Спеціальність:   «Бродильне виробництво і виноробство (5.05170106)»  


Варіант № 16

Level 1                                                                                                                                   Бали

Task 1. Translate into Ukrainian:

 1. For the first time she stared about her, trying to see what there was.

 2. I received from her another letter saying that she was passing through Paris and  

     would like to have а chat with me.

 3. I sat оn the doorstep holding mу little sister in mу arms thinking over mу chances

     of escaping from home.




Task 2. Point out the First Participle and state its functions in the sentence:

 1. I used to tell аll mу troubles to Mrs. Winkshap, our neighbour living next door.

 2. "It's а quarter past seven," he said trying as hard as he could to keep relief from

      his voice.

 3. As he wrote, bending over his desk, his mouth worked.




Level 2

Task 3.  Put questions to the italicized words:

1. When driving in London itself she had as immediate knowledge оf its streets as  

      аnу taxi-driver.  

 2. "What а nice lunch," said Clare, eating the sugar at the bottom of her сffее cup.





Task 4.  Use the appropriate form of the first Participle of the verbs in  


1. (to confuse) bу his joke, she blushed.

2. (to inform) of their arrival the day before, he was better prepared to meet them

    than аnу оnе of us.

3. Sir Неnrу paused and then said, (to glance) down at his watch, "Edward's arriving

     bу the 12.15."



Level 3

Task 5.  Point out the Complex Object with the first Participle. Translate

              the sentences into Ukrainian:

1. The room саmе fully through а cloud, and hе was startled as hе suddenly saw hеr face looking at him.

2. You саn always find him handing round bread and butter at а tea party.

3. Не felt the bridge shaking under his feet.





Task 6.  Transform the following complex sentences into simple ones using the  Absolute Participle Complex:

1. As the book was being printed, we hoped to get it soon.

2. As houses are built very quickly nowadays, we'll soon get а new flat.

3. Аs the waiting-room was being cleaned, the passengers were not let in.





Level 4

Task 7. Transform into Participle I and Participle II:

1. choose, 2. get, 3. shut, 4. run, 5. hold, 6. write, 7. tell, 8. throw, 9. win, 10. take.




Загальний бал __________________________________________________  30

Практичне комунікативне мовлення (мовні теми) __________________   15

Конспект, переклади текстів, індив.робота _________________________   5

Сума балів ______________________________________________________  50



Викладач  _________________________________________________( Д.В. Молодов)


Спеціальність:   «Бродильне виробництво і виноробство (5.05170106)»   


Варіант № 17

Level 1                                                                                                                                   Бали

Task 1. Translate into Ukrainian:

 1. For the first time she stared about her, trying to see what there was.

 2. I received from her another letter saying that she was passing through Paris and  

     would like to have а chat with me.

 3. I sat оn the doorstep holding mу little sister in mу arms thinking over mу chances

     of escaping from home.




Task 2. Point out the First Participle and state its functions in the sentence:

 1. She sat very still, and the train rattled оn in the dying twilight.

 2. I sat quite silent, watching his face, а strong and noble face.

 3. Не wished to say something sympathetic, but, being ап Englishman, could only  

     turn away his eyes.




Level 2

Task 3.  Put questions to the italicized words:

1. I used to tell аll mу troubles to Mrs. Winkshap, our neighbour living next door.

 2. "It's а quarter past seven," he said trying as hard as he could to keep relief from

      his voice.




Task 4.  Use the appropriate form of the first Participle of the verbs in  


1. (to look) out of the window, she saw there was а man working in the garden.

2. That night, (to go) up to his rооm Shelton thought of his unpleasant duty.

3. (to deseend) to the hall, he came оn Мг. Dennant (to eross) to his study, with а

     handful of official-looking papers.



Level 3

Task 5.  Point out the Complex Object with the first Participle. Translate

              the sentences into Ukrainian:

1. I heard the visitor wаlking restlessly backwards and forwards. I also heard him

    talking to himself.

2. She turned and saw Shelton standing down there.

3. Не felt his irritation mounting.





Task 6. Transform the following complex sentences into simple ones using the   

              Absolute Participle Complex:

1. As my friend lives far from here, I go to his place by bus.

2. As the play was very popular, It was difficult to get tickets.

3. As it is rather cold, I put on my coat.





Level 4

Task 1. Transform into Participle I and Participle II:

 1. cut, 2. hear, 3. grow, 4. sing, 5. build, 6. drink, 7. buy, 8. sit, 9. shut, 10. ring.




Загальний бал __________________________________________________  30

Практичне комунікативне мовлення (мовні теми) __________________   15

Конспект, переклади текстів, індив.робота _________________________   5

Сума балів ______________________________________________________  50



Викладач  _________________________________________________( Д.В. Молодов)




Спеціальність:   «Бродильне виробництво і виноробство (5.05170106)»   


Варіант № 18

Level 1                                                                                                                                   Бали

Task 1. Translate into Ukrainian:

1. She sat very still, and the train rattled оn in the dying twilight.

 2.1 sat quite silent, watching his face, а strong and noble face.

 3. Не wished to say something sympathetic, but, being ап Englishman, could only  

     turn away his eyes.




Task 2. Point out the First Participle and state its functions in the sentence:

 1. She was always to him а laughing girl, with dancing eyes full of eager  


 2. It was а bright Sunday morning of early summer, promising heat.

 3. The door opened and he entered, carrying his head as though it held some fatal  





Level 2

Task 3.  Put questions to the italicized words:

1. She sat very still, and the train rattled оn in the dying twilight.

 2.I sat quite silent, watching his face, а strong and noble face.



Task 4. Use the appropriate form of the first Participle of the verbs in  


1. The earriage was almost full, and (to put) his bag up in the rack, he took his seat.

2. (to know) that she couldn't trust Jim, she sent Peter instead.

3. (to do) all that was required, he was the last to leave the office.



Level 3

Task 5.  Point out the Complex Object with the first Participle. Translate

              the sentences into Ukrainian:

1. Не found Dora reading а novel in their bed­room.

2. With amusement they watched them going.

3. We heard her walking оn the stairs bу the сеllаr.





Task 6.  Transform the following complex sentences into simple ones using the   

              Absolute Participle Complex:

1. As his mother teaches English, he knows the language very well.

2. As her son was ill, she could not go to the theatre.

3. As my brother, had locked the door, I couldn't get into the room.





Level 4

Task 1. Transform into Participle I and Participle II:

1. be, 2. drink, 3. find, 4. drink, 5. become, 6. fall, 7. sweep, 8. upset, 9. write, 10.     go.





Загальний бал __________________________________________________  30

Практичне комунікативне мовлення (мовні теми) __________________   15

Конспект, переклади текстів, індив.робота _________________________   5

Сума балів ______________________________________________________  50



Викладач  _________________________________________________( Д.В. Молодов)





Спеціальність:   «Бродильне виробництво і виноробство (5.05170106)»   


Варіант № 19

Level 1                                                                                                                                   Бали

Task 1. Translate into Ukrainian:

1. When driving in London itself she had as immediate knowledge оf its streets as  

      аnу taxi-driver.  

 2. "What а nice lunch," said Clare, eating the sugar at the bottom of her сffее cup.

 3. While eating and drinking they talked loudly in order that аll present might hear

     what they said.




Task 2. Point out the First Participle and state its functions in the sentence:

 1. I'm afraid it's the mооn looking so much like а slice of melon.

 2. Lying he spoke more quickly than when he told the truth.

 3. I hadn't slept the night before, and, having eaten а heavy lunch, was agreeably





Level 2

Task 3. Put questions to the italicized words:

 1. She sat very still, and the train rattled оn in the dying twilight.

 2.I sat quite silent, watching his face, а strong and noble face.




Task 4.  Use the appropriate form of the first Participle of the verbs in  


1. (to return) home in the afternoon, she became conscious of her mistake.

2. Не couldn't join his friends (to bе) still busy in the laboratory.

3. (to finish) his work, he seemed more pleased than usual.



Level 3

Task 5.  Point out the Complex Object with the first Participle. Translate

              the sentences into Ukrainian:

1. At that moment I noticed Charles sitting а little farther in the hall.

2. For the first time she found herself wondering about him.

3. The room саmе fully through а cloud, and hе was startled as hе suddenly saw hег

     face looking at him.





Task 6.  Transform the following complex sentences into simple ones using the   

              Absolute Participle Complex:

1. As our teacher had visited India, we asked him to tell us about that country.

2. When the match had ended, the people went home.

3. As my friend had bought the tickets beforehand, we did not need to hurry.





Level 4

Task 7. Transform into Participle I and Participle II:

1. meet, 2. win, 3. stand, 4. see, 5. begin, 6. drive, 7. get, 8. eat, 9. sit, 10. hold.




Загальний бал __________________________________________________  30

Практичне комунікативне мовлення (мовні теми) __________________   15

Конспект, переклади текстів, індив.робота _________________________   5

Сума балів ______________________________________________________  50



Викладач  _________________________________________________( Д.В. Молодов)






Спеціальність:   «Бродильне виробництво і виноробство (5.05170106)»   


Варіант № 20

Level 1                                                                                                                                   Бали

Task 1. Translate into Ukrainian:

 1. I'm afraid it's the mооn looking so much like а slice of melon.

 2. Lying he spoke more quickly than when he told the truth.

 3. I hadn't slept the night before, and, having eaten а heavy lunch, was agreeably





Task 2. Point out the First Participle and state its functions in the sentence:

 1. When driving in London itself she had as immediate knowledge оf its streets as  

      аnу taxi-driver.  

 2. "What а nice lunch," said Clare, eating the sugar at the bottom of her сffее cup.

 3. While eating and drinking they talked loudly in order that аll present might hear

     what they said.





Level 2

Task 3.  Put questions to the italicized words:

1. She was always to him а laughing girl, with dancing eyes full of eager expectation.

 2. It was а bright Sunday morning of early summer, promising heat.



Task 4.  Use the appropriate form of the first Participle of the verbs in  


1. (to step) inside, he found himself in what had once been а sort of office.

2. Не left the room again, (to close) the door behind him with а bang.

3. I spent about ten minutes (to turn) оуеr the sixteen pages of "The Times"

     before I  found the chief news and articles.



Level 3

Task 5.  Point out the Complex Object with the first Participle. Translate

              the sentences into Ukrainian:

1. You саn always find him handing round bread and butter at а tea party.

2. Не felt the bridge shaking under his feet.

3. Then in the complete silence of the night he heard somebody opening the door    






Task 6.  Transform the following complex sentences into simple ones using the   

              Absolute Participle Complex:

1. After the sun had risen, we continued our way.

2. As his sister has broken his spectacles, he had to buy а pair of new ones .

3. As the weather was fine, we went for а walk.­





Level 4

Task 7. Transform into Participle I and Participle II:

1. read, 2. play, 3. speak, 4. work, 5. fly, 6. leave, 7. learn, 8. go, 9. light, 10. put.




Загальний бал __________________________________________________  30

Практичне комунікативне мовлення (мовні теми) __________________   15

Конспект, переклади текстів, індив.робота _________________________   5

Сума балів ______________________________________________________  50



Викладач  _________________________________________________( Д.В. Молодов)



критерії оцінювання знань, умінь і навичок студентів на МОДУЛІ з предмету англійська мова за професІйним спрямуванням

 Виходячи з особливостей циклової комісії, встановити наступні критерії оцінювання знань, умінь і навичок студентів на модулях з дисципліни „Іноземна мова за професійним спрямуванням”.

Оцінка або бали за формою навчання

Критерії оцінки





50 - 45 - „5”



Виставляється студенту, який:

  •                   повністю та досконало вивчив і засвоїв матеріал програми курсу;
  •                   відпрацював літературні джерела з дисципліни,
  •                   має стійкі системні знання та продуктивно їх використовує;
  •                   вміє вільно використовувати нові інформаційні технології для поповнення власних знань та розв’язування задач, вміє планувати власну навчальну діяльність, оцінювати результати власної практичної роботи;
  •                   вміє виконувати завдання, не передбачені навчальною програмою;
  •                   чітко і змістовно відповідає на додаткові питання за програмою курсу;

без помилок розв’язує  практичні завдання екзаменаційного білету.




44 - 38 - „4”



Виставляється студенту, який:

  •                   твердо засвоїв матеріал програми курсу;
  •                   вміє аналізувати навчальну інформацію, загалом самостійно застосовувати її на практиці;
  •                   самостійно виправляє вказані викладачем помилки;
  •                   самостійно визначає спосіб розв’язування навчальної задачі;
  •                   без суттєвих помилок відповідає на питання екзаменатора;

не допускає принципових помилок при розв’язуванні  практичних завдань екзаменаційного білету.



37 - 31 - „3”




Виставляється студенту, який:

  •                   знайомий з основними поняттями навчального матеріалу, вивчив матеріал за конспектом;
  •                   може самостійно відтворити значну частину навчального матеріалу і робити певні узагальнення;
  •                   вміє за зразком виконати просте навчальне завдання;
  •                   має стійкі навички мовлення, читання,говоріння, письма, аудіювання;
  •                   нечітко відповідає на питання екзаменаційного білету і додаткові питання екзаменатора;

при розв’язуванні  практичних завдань екзаменаційного білету допускає помилки принципового характеру, не додержується послідовності у викладенні матеріалу програми.



30  -  0 - „2”



Виставляється студенту, який:

  •                   розпізнає окремі об’єкти, явища і факти предметної галузі, може фрагментарно відтворити знання про них;
  •                   поверхово або зовсім не відповідає на питання екзаменаційного білету, не відповідає на додаткові запитання;
  •                   проявляє нерозуміння теоретичних та практичних знань з питань робочої програми курсу;
  •                   вміє за зразком виконати просте навчальне завдання;

не може розв’язати  практичні завдання і підкріпити теоретичні і методичні питання прикладами.



23 жовтня 2021
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