Урок з використанням методів ТРВЗ. "Animals. The theories of the solutions of the inventive tasks".

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Нестандартний урок з використанням методів ТРВЗ. Цікавий, ігровий урок для учнів початкової школи. Використані вправи допомагають учням розвивати креативне, творче мислення. Урок дозволяє учням навчитися працювати самостійно, в парах та групах. Елементи драми ( театралізація) додає інтересу у вивченні іноземної мови.
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План-конспект уроку англійської мови з використанням методів ТРВЗ

Урок №                                        Клас 3                                            Дата

Тема: Animal. The theories of the solutions of the inventive tasks

Підтема: Життя тварин

Тип уроку: комбінований

Цілі: I- практична: систематизувати та активізувати учбовий матеріал за темою:

1)натренувати учнів у засвоєнні та використанні тематичної лексики:

а) усно-робота в ланцюжку;

б)письмово-таблиця «A funny animal»;

2)натренувати учнів у побудові загальних запитань з використанням дієслів: to be,to have,can,do(does)

3)провести практику в аудіюванні та обговоренні тексту;

4)провести практику в читанні (scanning) та провести контроль розуміння;

5)провести практику в мовленні:

а)з використанням умовних речень;



II- загальноосвітня:

1)розвивати  міжпредметні зв’язки;

2)знаходити нові ідеї за допомогою ТРВЗ

III –розвиваюча:

1)підвищити та активізувати інтерес учнів до вивчення англійської  мови;

2)розвивати пізнавальну  діяльність,мислення та уяву,творчі здібності дітей

IV- виховна:

1)виховувати в учнів вміння співпрацювати друг з другом;

2)зрощувати бажання реалізовувати свій інтелектуальний та творчий потенціал



2.Текст для аудіювання

3. Тексти для читання

4. Роздатковий матеріал (3 види карток для перевірки розуміння тексту)


а)малюнки(жираф,crocoraffe,зайці(3 шт.)

б)таблиці «A funny animal», «A funny house»

6.Заготовки для гри «Photorobot»

7.Магнітофон (диск)

8.Аркуші А4 (3 шт.)

9.Кольорові олівці, крейда

10.Костюми (кінь + півень, собака + заєць )






II.Основна частина

1.Повторення лексичного матеріалу: робота в ланцюжку

2.Гра: «Да-нетка запитання»




4. Зарядка

5. Читання

1) читання, переклад (вголос, половина тексту)

2) самостійне опрацювання (scanning: інша половина тексту)

6. Опрацювання:

1) Agree or disagree

2) Who said the following

3) Arrange the sentences in a logical order

7. Тренування умовного речення.First Conditional

8. A table «A funny animal»

9. Гра: «Photorobot»

10. Гра: «Перетворення»

11.Таблиця : «A house»:

1)Біля дошки

2)В  групах (малюнок, музичний фон)

12. Гості:



III. Підсумок


2.Self – assessment

3. Д/з


Хід уроку


T.- Good morning children. I am glad to see you. Sit down, please. Let’s recite the poem at first. Say with me.

It’s fun

It’s fun to be this,

It’s fun to be that,

To leap like a lamb,

To climb like a cat,

To swim like a fish,

To hop like a frog,

To trot like a horse,

To jump like a dog

T.- Thank you, dears. Tell me please, how do you think what is the topic of our lesson


T.-You are right. But not real animals. We’ll talk about funny animals or fantastic animals. Today,  we’ll try to practise some interesting methods. They are connected with the theories of the solutions of the inventive tasks. We’ll talk, listen, write, play, think and so on

II. Основна частина

1.Робота в ланцюжку

T.- Well, at  first I wish  you to name the animals you know. Work by chain

T.- a dog (передаючи іграшку-тварину)

P1- a cat…

P15- a hamster

T.- Great. Let’s continue

2. T.- I propose you to play a game “Yes-no questions”. I think of an animal and you’ll try to guess what is it asking me questions. Let’s start.

P1- Is it a domestic animal?           T.- No, it isn’t

P2- Is it a wild animal?                T.- Yes, it is

P3- Can it run quickly?           T.- I think, yes it can

P4- Does the animal eat meat?               T.- No, it doesn’t

P5- Is it small?          T.- No, it isn’t

P6- Is it big?           T.-Yes, it is

P7- Does it eat grass?          T.-Yes, it does

P8- Is it grey?           T.- No, it isn’t

P9- Has it got long legs?         T.- Yes, it has

P10- Is it orange?          T.- Yes, it is

P11- Has it got a long neck?         T.- Yes, it has

P12- I know. It’s a giraffe.             T.- Good job. Thank you.

3. T.- The next task is a text. I’m  reading and you are listening very attentively. It’s an auding

а) Читання тексту “A funny animal”

б) Обговорення тексту (Повісити на дошку малюнок “Crocoraffe”)

T.- Who is the main hero of the tale?

Ps- a crocoraffe

T.- What does the crocoraffe want to eat?

Ps- dolls, toy- bears, toy- monkeys

 The crocoraffe wants to eat dolls, toy- bears, toy- monkeys

T.- What do Dob and Rover propose him to eat?

Ps- meat-balls

They propose him to eat meat-balls


T.- Thanks. Now stand up and let’s do some exercises. (H.St.1 p.58 №106, track 49)

5. Reading.

T.- Now let’s read and translate the text. Sentence by sentence. One by one…

(Читають текст)

T.- Ok. And now continue to read by yourself without translating. Let’s do it.

T.- Well, your time is over. Give me please the texts. Thanks. To check the understanding of the tale I have some tasks for you. The 1st one is agree or disagree. Read and say. One by one.

6. Перевірка розуміння прочитаного.

1) Agree or disagree

  • This is the tale of a little animal. (-)
  • One day Dob and Rover went to the forest. (-)
  • They met a funny animal. (+)
  • It was a crocofly. (-)
  • The funny animal had a long neck. (+)
  • The strange animal had a long tail. (+)
  • The crocoraffe was happy. (-)
  • The animal was hungry. (+)
  • The crocoraffe likes porridge and milk. (-)
  • It doesn’t like hamburgers and tea. (+)
  • The funny animal likes to eat toys. (+)
  • Dob and Rover had a lot of toys. (-)
  • They had meatballs. (+)
  • The crocoraffe ate two balls. (-)
  • The funny animal started dancing. (-)

T.- Well done. Good for you. The next is: “Who said the following”. You read and your neighbour answer. Work by chain.

2) Who said the following?

  • His name is Dob. (A teller)
  • Look, Rover!... What a funny animal! (Dob)
  • Are you a giraffe? (Dob)
  • Are you a crocodile? (Rover)
  • No, I’m not. (A funny animal)
  • Who are you? (Dob and Rover)
  • I’ve got porridge and milk. (Dob)
  • Have you got a toy for me? (A crocoraffe)
  • What?! A toy to eat? (Dob and Rover)
  • I’m very sorry… (Dob)
  • Oh, dear! (A crocoraffe)
  • Hey, Dob! (Rover)
  • Help yourself. (Dob)
  • The crocoraffe was very happy. (an author)
  • But best of all I like meatballs. ( A crocoraffe.)

T. – Great. And now I have more difficult task. I propose you to work in groups. Arrange the sentences in a logical order. Who is the winner? You have only two minutes.

3) . Arrange the sentences in a logical order

  • Dob and Rover had meatballs. (10)
  • They met a funny animal. (5)
  • The funny animal doesn’t eat porridge and milk. (8)
  • It was very happy. (12)
  • His dogs name is Rover. (2)
  • The crocoraffe likes to eat toys. (9)
  • And it is the tale of a very funny animal. (3)
  • It’s name was a crocoraffe. (6)
  • This is a tale of a little old man. (1)
  • Dob and Rover went for a walk. (4)
  • The crocoraffe ate ten meatballs. (11)
  • It was hungry. (7)

T.- Well. Your time is over. Let’s check.

7. T.- If you were a crocoraffe what would you eat? If I was a crocoraffe I would eat a bag. And you?

P1- If I was a crocoraffe I would eat a chair

P2- … pink toys

P3- …toy dragons

P4- …a book

P5- …a computer disc

P6- …sandwiches with balls

P7- …a table

P8- …drink milk

P9- …a clock

P10- …a toy car

P11- …banana’s ice-cream

P12- …toy butterflies

P13- …orange grass

P14- …insects

P15- …a kite

T.- Great

8. T.- Can you think of a funny animal?

Ps- Maybe. Yes. Perhaps.

T.- Let’s check. To reach this aim let’s do some tasks. First is a table: “A funny animal”. The first question is for you, the second is for you, and the third is for you. Go to the blackboard and write a word. As quickly as you can.( робота по рядам)

1. What parts have different animals got?



a head

a mouth

2. What kind of noses are there?

Like a fox              has





3. What kind of tails are there?

Like a lion           has






T.- Thanks. You are very clever

9. T.- The next task is a game “Photorobot”. Try to create a funny animal. You have some  parts of different animals. Combine them. You’ll  work in groups. Let’s start.

Ps- Bingo! Bingo! Bingo!

T.- Ok. Who is it?

P1 - frogochick

P2 - parrel

P3 - girankey

P4 – squihare

P5 – zebradog

P6 – kangacock

T. – I think they are very funny and unusual. Splendid.

10. T. – Let’s continue. A game-competition “Changes”. You can see a hare. We have three of them for each group. You have to change a hare into a squirrel;

a hare into a crocodile;

a hare into a fox.

You have to change a hare into another animal in five steps. You may clean something or draw something only one part of the animal during one step.

Lets’s start.

T. – Ok. You have finished. This one is more corresponding, I think so.

11. T. - I have a question for you. Where do our funny animals live? Let’s think of houses for them.

a) A table “A house”.

Draw your variants of walls, windows and roofs.








б) T. – Ok. Thanks. Now let’s make a drawing of a funny house. Work in team.

Let’s start.

T. – Your time is over. Let’s have a look at your drawings. Oh, thank you. You are great artists.

12. I’m very admire of you.(стук у двері)

а) Come in. Who are you?

P1 – I’m a funny animal

T. – What is your name?

P1 – My name is horck. And what is your name?

T. – My name is Tetyana Dmitrivna. Nice to meet you!

P1 – Nice to meet you too.

T. – Listen. We are at school now and we are having the lesson about funny animals.  Can you tell us about yourself something, please.

P1. – Ok. I’m from planet Zorg. I’m 1 hundred and 9 years old. But I’m little. I have got many friends at home. I like playing computer games. I like to eat cosmostrawberries. I love my family (стук у двері)

б) T. – Come in. One else funny animal?! (P1, thank you. You may sit down)

P2, come here, please. Could we talk with you?

P2 – Yes, of course.

T. – P3, please.

P3 – Good morning.

P2 – Good morning.

P3 – I’m glad to see you.

P2 – So am I.

P3 – What is your name?

P2 – My name is haredog. And what is your name?

P3 –My name is Kiryllo. Where are you from?

P2 –I am from a miracle forest. And where are you from?

P3 – I am from Ukraine. What kind of forest is it?

P2 – It’s big, pink and orange.

P3 – What do you like to do there?

P2 – I love watching different races.

P3 – Ok. What is your favourite food?

P2 – My favourite food is carrot and meat. Listen, you have so many questions. Let’s go to my place and you’ll see everything.

P3 – With great pleasure.

T. – Thanks. Well done.

III. 1. Feedback

T. – What do you think of the lesson? Have you learnt anything new for you at the lesson?

P1 – Yes, I have. It’s a text “A funny animal”.

P2 – Well. I’ve learnt a game “Changes”.

T. – What new have you learnt?

P3 –I think it’s a game “Photorobot”.

 P4 – As for me, I’ve learnt a new phrase “If I was a crocoraffe, I would eat...”

T. – Which activities did you like best?

P5 – I like our guests. I mean funny animals.

P6 – I like best of all drawing competition.

T. – What was the most difficult for you?

P7 – I suppose it was an auding.

P8 – Arrange the sentences in logical order.

P9 – To do the task: “Who said the following?”

T. – Did you like the lesson?

Ps – Yes we did.

T. – Are you tired?

Ps – Yes, we are. (No, we aren’t)

 2. Self – assessment.

T. – What do you think about your achievements today?

P1 – In my opinion I don’t have any problems with reading.

P2 – To my mind I don’t have any problems with a game “Yes-No questions”.

P3 – I think I need some more practice with auding.

P4 – I think I need some more practice with writing.

P5 – During next week, I’ll try to get extra practice with some methods from the theories of the solutions of the inventive tasks.

P6 – During next week, I’ll try to get extra practice with doing exercises.

3. T. – You home task is to draw a poster “The funny animal” and write some sentences about it.

P1 did an example for you. Let’s look and listen. Please, P1.

4. T. – Great. Your work is splendid today. You are very clever, talented and you have a wide world of imagination. Thank you. You have the next marks.

Fantastic = 11; Excellent = 10; Good = 9.

Ok. Stand up. Stand straight. Good bye. You may be free now.

Ps – Good bye.

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  1. Кіслова Світлана Анатоліївна
    Гарна робота, насичений контент, все логічно. Дякую !
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