Аудіювання Англійська мова "The Fox and the Cock"

Про матеріал

Вивчення англійської мови є дуже важливим у нашому житті. Текст із завданнями для аудіювання на уроці англійської мови. Завдання містять зрозумілі та загальновживані англійські слова для 4 класу.

Перегляд файлу

Text for Listening

Form 4


Task 1.             The Fox and the Cock   (a fable)


One day in summer a fox saw a cock near a village. It was time for dinner and the fox decided to eat the cock. He went up to the cock and asked him to sing. The cock shut his eyes and began to sing. The fox has caught the cock and ran away.

A farmer saw the fox and cried out to the other farmers: «Look! The fox has caught our cock! It’s our cock! » The cock heard the farmer’s words and said to the fox: «Tell them that I’m your cock now, not theirs!» When the fox opened its mouth to say it, the cock jumped up into a tree. The poor fox was very unhappy and said: «Mouth, you talk too much and we have no dinner today».












Text for Listening

Form 4


Test 1.       The Fox and the Cock   (a fable)


1. Обери і випиши слова, які ти почув.

A fox, a cat, to cry, to swim, a farmer, to jump up, a book.


2. Познач правильні твердження.


___ 1. The cock was very hungry.


___ 2. The fox didn’t eat the cock.


___ 3. The fox met the cock near a big city.


___ 4. It was time for dinner.


3. Постав речення у правильній послідовності згідно з текстом.


1.___ The farmer saw the fox.


2.___ The fox decided to eat the cock.


3.___ The fox opened his mouth to answer the cock.


4.___ The fox asked the cock to sing.

Text for Listening

Form 4


Test 1.       The Fox and the Cock   (a fable)


1. Обери і випиши слова, які ти почув.

A fox, a cat, to cry, to swim, a farmer, to jump up, a book.


2. Познач правильні твердження.


___ 1. The cock was very hungry.


___ 2. The fox didn’t eat the cock.


___ 3. The fox met the cock near a big city.


___ 4. It was time for dinner.


3. Постав речення у правильній послідовності згідно з текстом.


1.___ The farmer saw the fox.


2.___ The fox decided to eat the cock.


3.___ The fox opened his mouth to answer the cock.


4.___ The fox asked the cock to sing.


Text for Listening

Form 4


Test 1.       The Fox and the Cock   (a fable)


1. Обери і випиши слова, які ти почув.

A fox, a cat, to cry, to swim, a farmer, to jump up, a book.


2. Познач правильні твердження.


___ 1. The cock was very hungry.


___ 2. The fox didn’t eat the cock.


___ 3. The fox met the cock near a big city.


___ 4. It was time for dinner.


3. Постав речення у правильній послідовності згідно з текстом.


1.___ The farmer saw the fox.


2.___ The fox decided to eat the cock.


3.___ The fox opened his mouth to answer the cock.


4.___ The fox asked the cock to sing.


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Всього відгуків: 1
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  1. Переходько Зоя Петрівна
    Оригінальність викладу
    Відповідність темі
25 січня 2018
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5.0 (1 відгук)
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