Аудіювання з англійської мови 7 клас

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Текст для слухання з англійської мови для учнів 7 класу,з використанням лексики відповідно до програми.До завдання є відповідні завдання та відповіді.
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7 клас I ceместр


The sailor and the monkeys

A ship stopped at the coast of South Africa. One of the sailors left the ship and went to a town near the coast. He had some blue caps made of wool in a bag and wanted to sell them in the town. The sun was hot and the sailor decided to have a rest in the forest. He sat down under a big tree, took one of the caps out of his bag and put it on his head. He slept for some time.

When the man woke up, he took his cap off and wanted to put it into his bag with the other caps. But he saw that there were no caps in it now. Where were they?

“Where are my caps?” he cried.

Then the sailor heard a great noise in the trees above his head. He looked up and saw monkeys, and each monkey had a blue cap on its head!

“Give me back my caps, you monkeys!” he cried. But the monkeys didn’t listen to him. They only jumped from tree to tree and made a great noise.

“Give me back my caps!” he cried again and again . But nothing helped. The monkeys only looked at him.

Then the sailor was very angry. He took off the blue cap, threw it on the ground and cried, “You have taken all my caps! You can have this cap too!”

The monkeys saw him do that. Then each monkey took off the cap and threw it on the ground. The sailor picked up his caps, put them into his bag and went to town.

1. Listen to the text. Are the following statements about the text true or false? Change the false statements to make them true.

  1. A ship stopped at the coast of North Africa.
  2. One of the sailors went to a village near the coast.
  3. He had some blue caps made of wool in a bag.
  4. The sailor decided to have a rest in the hotel.
  5. He put one cap on his head and went to bed.
  6. When he woke up, he couldn’t find his caps.
  7. The sailor heard a great noise in the trees above his head.
  8. He saw monkeys with blue caps on their heads.
  9. The monkeys were funny in the caps and the sailor was happy.
  10. He took off the cap and threw it on the ground and the monkeys did the same.
  11. The sailor left the caps to the monkeys.

Key: 1. False. A ship stopped at the coast of South Africa.

2. False. One of the sailors went to town near the coast.

3. True

4. False. He decided to have a rest in the forest.

5. False. He put one cap on his head and slept under a big tree.

6. True

7. True

8. True

9. False. The sailor was very angry.

10. True

11. False. The sailor picked up his caps and went to town.

2. Listen to the text and retell it in your native language.

Key: 1. Корабель зупинився біля узбережжя Південної Африки.

 2. Один з моряків покинув корабель і пішов у місто на узбережжі.

 3. У нього було кілька синіх вовняних капелюхів у сумці на продаж у місті.

 4. Він вирішив відпочити у лісі.

 5. Він одягнув один капелюх і заснув під деревом.

 6. Коли він прокинувся, капелюхів у сумці не було.

 7. Він почув шум над головою і побачив на деревах мавп в його капелюхах.

 8. «Віддайте мої капелюхи!» - закричав він, але мавпи не послухали його і стрибали з дерева на дерево.

 9. Розсердившись, моряк зірвав з голови капелюх і кинув його на землю зі словами: « Візьміть і цей капелюх! ».

 10. Мавпи побачили це і теж покидали капелюхи на землю.

 11. Моряк підняв капелюхи, поклав їх у сумку і пішов у місто.


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Всього відгуків: 2
Оцінки та відгуки
  1. Фурсова Олена Анатоліївна
    Оригінальність викладу
    Відповідність темі
  2. Матерацька Оксана Сергіївна
    Оригінальність викладу
    Відповідність темі
29 листопада 2020
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