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Розробка презентації про період розпаду сміття на англійській мові
Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

Dubrovina Kateryna 9 form

Номер слайду 2

Decomposition Timing: How Many Generations Will Your Recycle Bin Survive?

Номер слайду 3

To protect the earth, nature, You must love it, To love, you must know. Knowing - it is impossible not to love. M. Prishwin

Номер слайду 4

Earth is the cradle of humanity. It carries the oceans, clouds and their shadows, reveals springs, lets birds into the sky, absorbs all the snow and rain, gives all life. Our common happiness is to live on planet Earth, in this wonder of nature, to communicate with it. Her beauty cannot but bewilder her soul. Cosmonaut Y. Gagarin, who first saw Earth from space on April 22, 1961, exclaimed, "How beautiful is our Earth! It is shrouded in a thin blue air stream like a precious diamond, shining against the black vacuum of Cosmos." Subsequently, 12 American schoolchildren proposed to celebrate Earth Day on April 22. Earthlings supported this environmental action, and Ukraine has been celebrating this day since 1991. In April in different corners of our country, nature protection activities are organized - Tree Positions, Clean Side Roads wellbeing "," The beauty of nature will save the world "," Save the Earth for our posterity "and others. We live in an age of rapid technological progress. At present, ecology is a way of life and thinking of every person. Today, this is not about changing lives, but about saving them. We are already used to the words "environmental danger", "environmental catastrophe". Bibliographic review of the literature "Do not destroy the harmony of the earth" was conducted with the students of the fourth year of the Faculty of Environmental Engineering before the Earth Day and the Environment Day.

Номер слайду 5

land pollution

Номер слайду 6

2-4 daystoilet paper

Номер слайду 7

1-3 monthsnewspapers

Номер слайду 8

1-5 monthsbitescardboard boxes

Номер слайду 9

3-14 monthscotton ropesmatchesphotos

Номер слайду 10

1-5 yearsboards. Opalpackages of milk

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15 yearspainted boardsplastic bags

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50 yearsfoam packagingcans

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200 yearsaluminum cansbatteries

Номер слайду 14

400-450 yearsordinary diapersplastic

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600 yearsfishing line

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People have been living on the planet for over two thousand years. During this time, nature has not always been treated with caution, especially in times of rapid development. Therefore, we children should help adults not only protect nature but also restore it. Grow flowers, feed birds, plant trees, do not leave behind trash. And we still need to learn well. For knowledge will help to save nature from destruction. After all, nature is needed not only by us, but also by future generations - by everyone!Let's Save the Earth's Nature Together!

9 квітня 2020
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