"Big cities of the UK, the USA and Ukraine"

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Objectives of the lesson:

-to develop students' free speaking skills;

-to teach students to enjoy the communication in English;

- to practise a role-play;

- to promote students' creativity;

- to teach students to work in groups and to feel responsibility for doing their work well.

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                                            Big cities of the UK,
                                          the USA and Ukraine

                            Suggested Levels-A2 + (pre-intermediate)

                                                                B1, B1 + (intermediate)

                                                                B2 (upper-intermediate)




  • to develop students` communicative skills;
  • to improve students` listening and reading comprehension skills;
  • to encourage students to work in teams, in mini-and -macro groups;
  • to encourage students to gain some additional information on the topic and use it ;
  • to provide feedback which will improve future performances in similar situations;
  • to develop imagination, attention, memory, critical thinking abilities, language guessing, abilities to bring knowledge and skills into a new situation;
  • to develop social habits and socio- linguistic competence;
  • to broaden students` outlook and to bring up in them mutual respect, culture of communication and true patriotism;
  • to encourage students to know and love their native land and to know and respect other countries and other cultures, to share their knowledge with other people.


flags of Ukraine, the UK and the USA; maps and national emblems of Ukraine, the UK and the USA; photos and pictures of big cities; posters and placards; handouts; a CD-player and a projector, etc.






Т: Hello, everyone! How are you today? I hope that you're fine and you'll be energetic, active and supportive at the lesson. Today it'll be devoted to some of the most famous and big cities of the UK, the USA and Ukraine.

But, first, as usual, we'll listen to our TV commentators with their latest news.(“Updates )

  1.      WARMING-UP
  1.      T: Today's current events will cover some of the most important home and foreign news, sports, weather in Ukraine and in Western Europe, etc.

P1, 2 (Home news)...                                                          and now a question to the audience
P3, 4 (Foreign news)...                                                        and now a question to the audience

P5     (Sports)...                                                                   and now a question to the audience

P6     (Weather in Western Europe)...                                 and now               a question to the audience

P7     (Weather in Ukraine and in our region).,                   and now a question to the audience

T:      Thank you all!

  1.      T: And now it's high time we started our imaginery trips around some big and famous cities. And it's quite natural that we'll start with London, this truly big heart of the UK. London, as you know, has something to interest everyone. There're a lot of poems about London and in a way of warming-up before starting our tour, let's recall one of the most popular poems about London "London Town" by John Mansfield.

P-s (in a chain)

Oh, London Town's a fine town, 
and London sights are rare, 
And London ale is right ale, 
and brisk’s the London air. 
Oh, London girls are brave girls 
in silk and cloth of cold. 
And London shops are rare shops 
where gallant things are sold. 
Oh, London tunes are new tunes, 
and London books are wise. 
And London plays are rare plays, 
and fine to country eyes.

III. AROUND LONDON  (London Sightseeing Tour)

T: And now let's go around London. Our guides will help you feel all the splendour of

this city.

P1, 2: You can reach England either by plane, by train, by car or by ship. Now, the fastest way is by plane You can reach London in a couple of hours, hit with the Channel Tunnel it has become much quicker by train, too The largest international airport in London is Heathrow.

                If you go to England by train or by car you have to cross the Channel. There is a frequent service of steamers and ferry-boats which connect the continent, mostly France, to the south-east of England The Chunnel (tunnel under the Channel) was started recently It is a 31-mile-long tunnel linking France and England. The English Channel Tunnel was officially opened on May 6.1994 by Queen Elizabeth II of Britain and President of France

London was founded by the Romans in 43 A.D. and was called Londinium. In 61 A D the town was burnt down and when it was rebuilt by the Romans it was surrounded by a wall. That area within the wall is now called the City of London.

London survived the Plague which killed nearly 100,000 people and the Great Fire, which followed. Many buildings of great historic value were laid in ruins during World War II and today the face of London is changed London has buildings that express all the different areas of its history.

The most famous older buildings in London include:

  •     Buckingham Palace (the sovereign’s residence in London),
  •     The Houses of Parliament (an outstanding example of nineteenth-century Gothic Revival


  •     St Paul’s Cathedral (the largest church in Europe),
  •     Westminster Abbey (where Sovereigns are crowned).
  •     The Tower of London.


           The Houses of Parliament are in Parliament Square. It is a very large square and no people around only a tall policeman in the middle. The Houses of Parliament is a long building that stretches for about 1000 feet. Behind it there is the Thames and the Westminster Bridge. The Westminster Abbey stands opposite the Houses of Parliament. It is a beautiful building with two towers and a very big clock called Big Ben. The light at night above Big Ben and the flag on the top of Victoria Tower during the day-time is the signal for the people of  London that the members of Parliament are watching over the nation's interests. The Houses of Parliament can be visited by the public.

The Houses of Parliament, called officially the Palace of Westminster, were formerly a
palace for kings and queens. The palace was used both as a royal residence and as a parliament house until the 16-th century.


It is the residence of the Queen of England. It was built early in the 18-th century. This is a beautiful building. It stands in large gardens. The palace and the gardens are opened to visitors several days a week. The changing of the guard before Buckingham several times every day is watched by hundreds of people, especially tourists.


                   It  is the most famous of all the historical buildings in London. It stands today almost unchanged since first of it was built in the 11-th century. In the past the Tower of London served both as a palace and as a state prison and many famous and infamous people, have been executed within its walls.

              For many visitors the principal attraction is the Crown Jewels, the finest precious stones of the nation. A fine collection of arms is exhibited in the Keep.
The security of the Tower is ensured by a military garrison and by the Yeoman Warders or Beefeaters who still wear their colourful Tudor uniform.


              It's the world’s most famous bridge for over 100 years. Journey backs through time as you step into the heart of the Tower Bridge, where exerting animatronics and interactive displays bring to life more than 100 years of the bridge's amazing history. You'll discover London in the 1890s, why the bridge was built and how it works and you'll never forget the spectacular views from the walk ways.


             It is the largest and richest museum in the world. It was founded in 1753 and contains one of the world’s richest collections of antiquities and the British National Library. The Egyptian Gallaries contain human and animal mummies. Some parts of Athens's Parthenon and the Rosetta stone, which enable us to decipher hieroglyphic texts, are in the Greek section In the Manuscript section are originals of many famous books and also the original manuscripts of some Beatles songs.


Westminster Abbey is opposite the Houses of Parliament. It is a very beautiful church built over 900 years ago. The Abbey was founded in 1050 and was a monastery for a long time Since William I almost every English monarch has been crowned in this great church. It contains the

tombs and memorials to many Britain's famous people. The tombs are made of gold and precious stones.
            The Abbey is also known for its Poet's Corner. There are graves of English poets and writers (Chaucer. Dickens) and memorials to Shakespeare, Milton, Burns, Byron there. One of the greatest treasures of the Abbey is the oaken Coronation Chair made in 1300.


It is the greatest work of England's greatest architect Christopher Wren. It was all planned and carried out by one man. It took him 35 years. The Cathedral was begun in 1675. It was opened in 1697 but was finished only in 1710, when Wren was almost 80 years old When Wren was an old man of 90. He was carried here once a year so that he could see his beautiful work.
             Sir Christopher Wren lies buried under the roof of his own great work. These words are written on his grave, "If you want to see his monument, look around."
              St. Paul's Cathedral is the second largest church in Europe and the greatest of English churches.


                Trafalgar Square is the natural centre of London. The square was so named to commemorate Nelson's victory at the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805, and the monument in the
Centre, Known as Nelson’s Column, topped with the Statue of Nelson 16 feet high. The Nelson Column is 185 feet high. 
           Horatio Nelson (1758-1805) was Britain’s prominent admiral and naval hero, in 1805 he defeated the combined French and Spanish fleets at Trafalgar in the greatest naval victory m British history His victory broke France's naval power and established Britain’s rule of the sea for the rest of the 1800's.
           Nelson was wounded and died during the battle but he lived long enough to know that the British fleet had defeated the French and Spanish fleets Nelson's last words were,
"Thank God I have done my duty".


It stands on the north side of Trafalgar Square It was founded in 1824; it has the national collection of Western European painting over 2,000 pictures from 1200 to 1900. The Collection represents all the major European schools of painting and includes masterpieces by virtually all the great artists.


It is the right place to go if you like animals. Here you can feed the ducks and watch the
                                                                                                                                                      pelicans. You can also visit the Zoological Gardens, the largest zoo in the country.


It is the "people's park" and it is used for every kind of public occasion. The comer of Hyde Park near Marble Arch is known as Speaker's Corner. If you have anything to say you can go there, stand on a stool and express your opinions to the crowd.

P1, P2:  So we hope that you’ve enjoyed our trip around London, though it's, of course, next to impossible to see much of it within such a short period of time.


The examples of the dialogues.

Dialogue 1

  •    Excuse me, can you tell me the way to Trafalgar Square?
  •    Certainly. Go down Regent to Piccadilly Circus, and then go down the Haymarket Turn to the left at the bottom and in less than a minute you'll be in Trafalgar Square
  •    Thank you very much. How far is it from here?
  •    If you walk, it'll take you ten minutes or quarter of an hour.
  •    Is there a bus?
  •    There's sure to be. But you’d better ask the policeman over there. He’ll give you all the information you want
  •    Thank you.


Dialogue 2

  •   Excuse me, officer, is there a bus from here to Trafalgar Square?  .
  •   Yes, sir, any bus will take you.  There’s a bus-stop just over there. Ask the conductor to put you down at Trafalgar Square.
    - Thank you.

Dialogue 3

  •    Does this bus go to Trafalgar Square?
  •    Yes, sir. Come along, hurry up … No room on top, inside only... no standing on the   platform…. pass down the bus,  please… Sorry, full up... Sorry, sir, you'll have to wait until there’s room upstairs… Fares, please.
  •    Trafalgar Square, please .. .and will you tell me when we get there?
  •    Trafalgar Square! This is where you get off, sir.
  •    Thank you.


T: I hope that you do remember that last time we started to make up a guide-book for visitors of London not to be lost in a rich variety of choice. Well, give a brief presentation of some sights worth visiting. Do it in the form of a guessing game.

P1: It’s one of the oldest buildings in Great Britain, which was built as a royal palace, but also served as a fortress, an observatory, a political prison and a zoo. (The Tower of London)

P2: It’s a long building of about 1.000 feet along the North bank of the Thames. The Gunpowder Plot was discovered here on the 5-th of November, 1605. (The Houses of Parliament)

P3: The biggest bell in the world (Big Ben)

P4: The residence of the Queen. (Buckingham Palace)

P5: The residence of the Prime-Minister (Downing Street. N 10)

P6: The palace, where the main government officers are. (Whitehall)

P7: It’s one of the most famous and important libraries in the world. (The British Museum)

P8: It contains a collection of works by all the greatest European painters.
(The National Gallery)

P9: The greatest masterpiece in Gothic style designed by Sir Christopher Wren (St. Paul’s Cathedral)

Р10: It s an exhibition of hundreds of life-size wax models of famous writers, film-stars, singers, politicians, sportsmen of yesterday and to-day.
(Madame Tussaud’s Museum)

P11: It’s the natural centre of London. It's famous for Nelson s Column.

(Trafalgar Square)

P12: It's the heart of London's world. It's famous for its graceful statue of Eros, the Greek God of Love.  (Piccadilly Circus)


T: And now,  let’s listen to the text containing some additional information about London.
Pre-listening task

T: Before listening to the text, let's revise some of the useful vocabulary:

Say, what a ceremony is (It's a formal event that is performed on important occasions).
Say, what a guard is (A guard is someone whose job is to protect a place or a person).
Say, what a band is (It's a group of musicians, who play music together).
Say, what a helmet is (It's a hard hat that protects one's head).


London is the capital of Great Britain. It is in the southeast of England on the River Thames In the centre of the city there is Buckingham Palace, the London home of the kings and queens of the country. And every day at Buckingham Palace there is a popular ceremony. We're watching the changing of the Guards.

There are always guardsmen and policemen outside the palace. Every day the new Guards of thirty guardsmen march to the palace and take a place of the old Guards. This is one of the most popular sights for tourists in London First the band marches through the gates of the palace. The job of the police is to stop tourists from following the Guards . Then the rest of the new Guards march through the gates.  The guardsmen wear traditional uniform: a red coat and a black helmet. The helmet is called the bearskin and is made of fur.

London has many traditions like the ceremony of the Guards and many sights for tourists to see . Buckingham Palace is just one of them.

Post-listening task


Fill in the table defining which statements are true or false.

                                    True or false?




London is situated in the northwest of England.




London stands on the river Severn.




Buckingham Palace is the home of English Prime Minister.





The ceremony of changing the Guards takes place at Westminster Palace.




First the band  marches through the gates of Buckingham Palace




The guardsmen wear a red coat and a black helmet.




The guardsmen’s helmet is made of nylon.




The helmet is made of fur.




The job of the police is to arrest tourists watching the ceremony.







T:  Imagine that you are advertising agents. You have to write a booklet for a travel  agency, describing the British cities and giving important and interesting information. Use the map.

Pi, P2: Birmingham is the largest city in the UK after London. From a small medieval  town specializing in metal work, it grew quickly into a large industrial city.

In the 1870s Birmingham was the best run city in the kingdom because of the reforms made by its mayor, Joseph Chamberlain. From this period later the great Council House with its 49 meter clock tower known locally as Big Brum. Corporation Street replaced an area of slums in 1875-1882. Next door to the Council House there is the Museum and Art Gallery There is a special emphasis on silver and ceramics. The art gallery's greatest strength is the Pre-Raphaelite paintings.

In the city there is also the National Exhibition Centre, the International Conference centre the National Indoor Arena and the Symphony Hall.
Welcome to Birmingham! We hope you'll enjoy your stay there.

P3, P4: Liverpool  is a city and port on the north bank of the estuary of the Mersey. It became important in the 18th century with the development of manufacturing industry in Lancashire.

The docks fell into decay with the decline of the port but have recently been restored as Museums. Among them a northern extension of London's Tate Gallery,  the Mersyside Maritime Museum and a museum describing a local success story the Beatles . As every city,  Liverpool has its places to see .The County Museum founded in i860 has among its treasures the Kingston Brooch. Next door there is the Walter Art Gallery containing a well-known collection of European painting of the 14-20th  centuries There are two cathedrals in Liverpool. The Anglican
cathedral is the largest church n the country. So, welcome to Liverpool. We hope you’ll be struck by the city.

P5, P6: Oxford. There has been a town where Oxford now stands for many centuries even before 912, the first written record of its existence. The University began to establish it self  in the middle of the 12,th century and by 1300 there were already  1 500 students. In those days relation between the students and the townspeople were very unfriendly and there was often fighting in the streets. Nowadays there're about 12,000 students in Oxford and the University and the town live happily side by side Oxford is famous for its architecture. Now it s an industrial and commercial centre. Welcome to Oxford! You'll be fascinated by it.

P7, P8 :  Cambridge is the city on the river Cam. It’s an administrative centre of the country Cambridgeshire. The town developed round an Anglo-Saxon bridge over the river and William I built a castle on the hill in 1068. It is the round Church of the Holy Sepulchre and is Cambridge's best Norman monument. But the city’s fame is as the home of the second oldest university in Britain. The jewel of Cambridge's architecture is King's College Chapel Parallel to King's Parade, on the other side of King’s College, are the Backs - a continuous line of riverside gardens and lawns linking half a dozen colleges and the scene of many parties in summer. The Bridge linking two parts of St John’s College is known as the Bridge of Sighs because it leads to the state prison .Then there is the Mathematical Bridge in the north of the city. It dates from 1749.

Welcome to Cambridge! Your stay will be unforgettable there.

P9, Р10:  Glasgow is an industrial city in south-west Scotland. It stands on the river Clyde. It's Scotland’s largest city and major port Glasgow has many interesting and attractive buildings, as well as schools, universities and museums. In the 1990-s it developed into a major centre for culture, the arts and education In 1990 Glasgow was named the European City of Culture.
In Glasgow one can visit the Hunterian Museum and Art Gallery, which belong to the University of Glasgow. Glasgow Greens, a municipal park, which is the oldest in the UK. the Theatre Royal, which is the home of the Scottish Opera and the Glasgow Royal Concert Hall opened in 1990.
Welcome to Glasgow! I hope you'll have a very good time there.


T: After such a tiring tour, let's relax a little.

Ps:...(Pupils sing one or two of their most favourite English or American songs)




T: And now after a short relaxation well go to the USA. At home you were to make up a collective story  about the capital of the country - Washington. D. C. (in a macro group)

P1: Washington. D C is the capital of the USA . It is situated on the left bank of the Potomac River between the states of Maryland and Virginia, it is outside the jurisdiction of any state and subjects only to the control of the Federal Congress.

P2: Washington was founded in 1791, the city was named after Washington, the first President; the district was named Columbia, in honour of Columbus, the discoverer of America. The city became the capital of the USA in 1800. Now Washington occupies the territory of about 160 square kilometers

P3: The population of the capital is 3 min people, the majority of the inhabitants are Black Americans. Washington is often called the city of the Blacks. The capital has another nickname - the American Paris.

Р4: Now Washington is a large scientific and cultural centre, but it is a city with almost no industry. Washington does not produce anything, except government laws.

     P5: The seat of the US Government is the Capitol. .

      It is situated in the very heart of the capital on the Capitol Hill. The Capitol is the highest building in Washington. There’s a law not to build houses higher than the Capitol, triads why there are no skyscrapers in the capital of the USA.

     P6: I can’t but add here, that the Capitol is the seat of the American Congress, which consists of two Chambers, the Senate and the House of Representatives. The building is made of stone and marble and it consists of 540 rooms.

      P7: As far as I can guess, the 36 columns, which surround the lower part of the dome represent the number of states of America at the time of construction. The Library of the
Congress, which has nearly 35 million of books and the Supreme Court are situated near

     the Capitol.


P8: I’d like to add that the official residence of all American Presidents is the White House. It was first occupied in 1800. The House has 132 rooms, 54 of which are reserved by the

      First family.

    P9: When in Washington you can’t but see the Lincoln Memorial devoted to the memory of  the 16-th President of the USA. who gave freedom to Negro slaves. In the twilight the Memorial emits the light.

     P10: The Washington Monument was created to the memory of the first President of the USA in 1888. It’s also called “The Pencil’. It’s one of the highest stone constructions in the world.  It’s 188 metres high and you may ride up in the elevator in 70 seconds to the top of the monument. On a clear day you can see splendid views of the city, Maryland and Virginia states.

P11: The Jefferson Memorial was built in the memory of the third President of the USA, Thomas Jefferson, who was the author of the Declaration of Independence.

P1: On the bank of the Potomac River the Arlington National Cemetery lies, where American soldiers and president Kennedy are buried.

P2: Washington is a large cultural centre. As far as I know, it has 7 Universities Three leading universities are Georgetown University, George Washington University, Govard University.

P3: I can’t help mentioning here that the world’s largest museum complex is the Smithsonian Institution. It’s also an important centre for research ft was established in 1846. The Smithsonian Institution was the gift of the English scientist who never visited America, James Smith. Now it includes 13 museums among which are the National Museum of History and Technology, the National Museum of National History, The John Kennedy Centre for the Performing Arts, the National Air and Space Museum (the NASA), the Zoo and so on.

P 4:  There’re 80 movies in the capital The sights of the capital are visited by 8 million tourists every year.

P5:  It’s  worth noting here that Washington has one of the most up-to-date subways. The avenues of the capital are wide and long, most of them are called after states. Numbered street run from north to south, lettered streets run from east to west.

P6: To finish it all. I d like to say that Washington is a green city. It has a lot of gardens and 6 parks. The most beautiful park of the city is Great Falls Park 3000 cherry trees were planted in the centre of the capital. It was the gift to America from Japan.

2. T: When m the USA you can't but visit one of the most dazzling cities in the world, NEW YORK. You’ve read a lot of information about it lately. Now I d like you to discuss this information in a macrо-group again (Ask each other questions in a chain).

P1: Is New York the largest city in the USA? (Yes, it is and of the whole world)

P2: When was the city founded? (It was founded m 1626 by Dutch settlers)

P3: Was it the capital of the USA? (Yes, it was from 1785 till 1790)

P4: Where IS New York situated? (It is the city of islands. It consists of 3 islands:  Manhattan, Staten and Long Island. The city is washed by the Hudson, the Harlem and the

East Rivers.

P5:  How many boroughs does the city consist of? (It consists of 5 boroughs the Bronx,

Brooklyn, Queens, Richmond and Manhattan)

P6: What do you know about the population of New York? (New York is the most populous city in the USA . Its population with the population of its suburbs amount to 16 min people it's a multinational city and the inhabitants of the city speak 75 different languages).

P7: Why is New York considered to be the financial heart of the USA? (New York is a city of banks. Wall Street in Manhattan is the financial heart of the country. Many banks, business offices and the world famous New York Stock Exchange which symbolizes the money market of the USA are situated there).

P8:  What can you say about the architecture of one of the largest a ties of the world? (New York is a city of sky-scrapers. There’re air tubes underground which connect the large post- offices and through which letters are sent at a great speed).

P9:  How and when did the Stature of Liberty appear in New York? (The famous Stature of Liberty was a present from France in 1886 on the occasion of the 100th  anniversary of American independence).

image1P10:  What famous museums are situated in New York? (New York has many museums and art galleries which have collected works of art of many people and of all times . The best known of the more than 30 museums of the city is the Metropolitan Museum of Arts. It is the largest museum in the Western Hemisphere. The second best known Museum of Modem Art exhibits drawings and films dating from 1880's to the present day.

New York Coliseum is the famous exhibition hall. The Solomon Guggenheim Museum, the Whitney Museum of Arts attracts many visitors, too).

P11: Where're most of the theatres and cinemas situated in New York'? (The theatres and movies of New York are located mostly on Manhattan)

T: Very well done, thank you!

3. T: As for sightseeing  in New York, some of you have prepared illustrative dialogues on the subject. So you're welcome.

Dialogue No.1

P1: By the way, what are your plans for tomorrow morning?

P2: I'm going to the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

P1: And what are you doing in the afternoon'?

P2: Nothing special.

P1: Would you like to go for a drive around the city?

P2: Thanks. I'd love to.

P1: Fine. I’ll come round and pick you up at your hotel.

Will three o'clock be all right?

P2: Yes, it suits me fine.

P1: Good. See you tomorrow.


Dialogue No.2

P3: What are you going to see next?

P4: What should I see next?

P3: Have you been to the Guggenheim Gallery?

P4: No, not yet.

P3: You should see it. There is a rich collection of modem painting there.

P4: Is it far from here? How can I get there?

P3: Oh. it's quite easy. Go down the street, take the second turning to the left and then go straight on for one block.

P4: Thank you very much.

P3: You’re welcome.

Dialogue No. 3

P5: By the way, what are your plans for tomorrow afternoon?

P6: I'm going to the Whitney Museum of Arts.

P5: And what are you doing in the evening?

P6: Nothing in particular, but why?

P5: Would you like to go for a walk along Broadway?

P6: Thanks, I'd love to. But you mean a drive, of course, haven't you?

P5: Sure. Will six o'clock be all right?

P6: Yes, it suits me fine.

P5: Great. See you tomorrow.

Т: Well, I hope when in New York you won't be lost there.

4. T: As you remember, you were to choose an American city and tell about it as if it were

your native city.

P1, P2:  Hi, everybody! We’re from Detroit. Our home city is one of the world s greatest industrial centres. More automobiles are produced in the Detroit area than anywhere else in
the USA.  Detroit is often called the Automobile Capital of the World or Motor City. Detroit is Michigan largest city and the seventh largest city in the USA. The French word «Detroit»

means strait. Detroit is a chief US port.

Antoine de la Mothe Cadillac, a French colonist, founded Detroit in 1701. Much of its early development resulted from fur trading and agriculture . The Automobile industry grew rapidly in the twelfth century. Besides cars, the goods manufactured in Detroit include steel, metal products, office machinery and pharmaceuticals.

You are welcome to our home city. We hope you'll like it.

P3, P4: Los Angeles. Hi, everybody! We’re from Los Angeles, a huge city in southern California. It ranks as the second largest city in the USA, after New York City.  Los Angeles is the seat of Los Angeles County It includes 84 cities in addition to Los Angeles. More than half the people of Los Angeles County moved there from other parts of the USA or from other countries. Our native city is famous for its golden beaches. The Pacific Ocean and the mountains give our city a mild climate the year around. Los Angeles is the industrial, financial and trade centre of the Western United States. The city's film and television industry is world famous.

Welcome to Los Angeles!  We hope you'll have a great fun in our native city.

P5, P6: Hi, my name is ... and this is... We’re from Columbus, Ohio. In the Midwest our native city is considered to be so typically American that new products are tested there before being sold elsewhere. It is believed that if the people of Columbus like something, then so will the rest of the country.

The population of our native city is about 1.5 million people. It has museums, theatres and arts centres, a university, and companies such as Wendy's fast food chain and the Limited clothing shops, which help to give the city an international feel. Besides, Columbus is an easy place to live in. The cost of living isn’t too high in our native city. We like Columbus very much. So come at any time. We’ll be glad to meet you.

P7:  Hi, everybody! I'm from Atlanta, Georgia. Until recently many Americans knew more about the history of my native city than about it today. Atlanta was an important city during the period when the South relied on slaves. Towards the end of the Civil War it was destroyed by northern army and although the city was rebuilt and became the state capital, it attracted little attention. Everybody got to know my native city again in 1996 when the Olympic Games were held in Atlanta. Now Atlanta is a modem and international city . Its population is over 3 million people and it's the home of Coca-Cola, Delta airlines and the Turner news and entertainment business, which includes CNN. We are proud of our city. Welcome to Atlanta! It'll be an unforgettable visit.

P8.PS:  Hi, everybody! We’re from San Francisco . It's the financial centre of the West and the largest port on the Pacific coast. It's America's most international city speaking more than 30 languages. Our native city is called «The Paris of the West» and «the Gateway to the Orient». It's hometown of Jack London. San Francisco is famous for its Chinatown,  little Italy and Japantown. The Union Square is the commercial heart of the city. You'll have a great time there. We’re sure of it.

T: Well, I think the girls have done a great job, and one day, perhaps, some of you will have a chance of going to these wonderful cities.

5. T: All of you definitely know a lot about the cities of the USA. Now test yourselves and do the following

Multiple Choice Activity
Big cities of the USA

1.  The second biggest city in the USA is

a) New York                    b) Washington                     
c) Los Angeles                 d) Boston

2. Broadway is famous for its

a) Theater production      b) restaurants       
c) food shops                   d) street musicians

3. The Declaration of Independence was signed in

a) Los Angeles                 b) Philadelphia       
c) New York                    d) Boston

4. Hollywood is near

a) Los Angeles                 b) Philadelphia     
c) New York                    d) Boston

5. The oldest and the most famous American university is

a) Cambridge University      b) Harvard University       
c) Oxford University             d)Washington University

6. Detroit is situated near

a) Lake Superior              b) Lake Ontario
c) Lake Huron                  d) Lake Winnipeg

7. «Big Apple» is the nickname of

a) Los Angeles                  b) Philadelphia
c) New York                     d) Boston

8. The world’s tallest building is situated in

a) Detroit                             b) Philadelphia
c) New York                       d) Chicago

9. The city where the war of Independence began is

a) Los Angeles                    b) Philadelphia
c) New York                       d) Boston

10. «The Motor City»  is the nickname of

a) Detroit                             b) Philadelphia
c) New York                       d) Boston

Keys: 1c; 2a; 3b; 4a; 5b; 6c; 7c; 8d; 9d; 10a.

T: Everything is OK. Thank you.

Х. Welcome to Ukraine

T:  Having come back from the UK and the USA, we`re in Kyiv now.


P1: Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine, is one of the greatest ancient European cities. It`s common knowledge that in the 9th-12th centuries it was the capital of Kyiv Russ. The magnificence and splendor of Kyiv`s golden domes have enthralled visitors for centuries. From the 11th century, a time of prosperity for the Kyiv Russ State, many European kings considered it an honour to establish matrimonial ties with the family of the Grand Prince of Kyiv.

P2: Let`s have a walk along one of the oldest streets of Kyiv, Volodymyrska Street. At the very beginning of the street, on the high Dnipro hill there is St. Andrew`s Church, a masterpiece of Baroque architecture, which was erected from 1749 to1754. It is an exquisite church of elaborate exterior and interior design, which must have been built by the famous architect Carlo - Bartholomeo Rastrelli. It`s noted for its splendid five- tiered gilt iconostasis, carved ornamentation and sculpture. Recordings of the 18th century choral music are played and music concerts are held here. Not far from the church there is the Ukrainian History Museum, where visitors can get acquainted with unique exhibits telling the story of our country from ancient time to our days.

P3:  Kyiv breathtaking religious and cultural architectural monuments date their genesis (birth, beginning) in antiquity to the first half of the 11th century to the reign of Grand Prince Yaroslav the Wise (982-1054), who extended the borders of ancient Kyiv and started construction of Kyiv majestic architectural heritage. It is chronicled in the Tale of Bygone Years, 1037: «Yaroslav founded a great town near which are the Golden Gates, and also built the wondrous  Church of St. Sofia…»

P4:  So walking along Volodymyrska Str. We have come to St. Sophia`s cathedral, ( «Sophia» in Greek means «wise»), which is unique and belongs to the world treasury of masterpieces of ancient architecture. The Bell-Tower, facing Bohdan Khmelnitsky Square, was built between  1699 and 1706. In the centre of  the square there is a monument to Bohdan Khmelnytsky  1595-1657), a great politician, military leader and Hetman of Ukraine. Under his leadership the Ukrainian people won a victory in the war against Polish invavders and a union with Russia was signed. The monument was created  by architect V.N.Nikolayev in 1888.

P5: Going further to the West we come to the Golden Gates, another monument of the 11th century. Built under Yaroslav the wise, it was a monumental structure: 7.5 metres long. It  served both as the main entrance to the city from the West and a mighty defensive barrier. It was damaged by the Tatars in 1240, but it has been  at hand, so the ancient and the modern live together side by side in Kyiv.     

P6: Father on in Volodymyrska Str. You will see the marvelous building of the Shevchenko Opera and Ballet Theatre, built in 1901 by architect V.Shchretter  and reconstructed in the late 20th century. The opera and ballet company, the chorus and soloists, the orchestra and its musicians are well-known all over the world. It may house about 2,000 spectators. Near the theatre there is a statue of Mykola Lysenko,(1842-1912), founder of Ukrainian classical music, conductor and ethnographer, made by sculptor Olexiy Kovalyov.

 P7: On the walk and after crossing Bohdan Khmelnytsky Street and Shevchenko  Boulevard we come to magnificent red building of  Taras Shevchenko State University. It was founded as St. Volodymyr University in 1834, its main building created  by architect V.Beretti in 1837-1842. The University looks out to Taras Shevchenko Park with a monument to our great poet in the centre, created by sculptor M.G.Maniser and unveiled in 1939.                                                                                                                                                 Let`s come to the park, sit down on the bench and enjoy the view of popular, lime, chestnut trees and the sweet scent of all kinds of flowers in its fliwer-beds.

P8: Khreshatyk is Kyiv`s main boulevard. In the 18th century it became the most important street in the city, running from Podil to Pechersk. Since the early 20th century it has been the central shopping district. Today the street is very busy. There are a lot of cafes, restaurants, shops, banks and offices there. The street is especially beautiful on holidays.

P9: There are many ways of getting around out city. We have a wide choice of trams, bus and trolleybus routes in addition to taxi services.                                                                                                                                                     But  I advise you to take the underground. I think the underground is the most convenient way of travelling around the city. Kyiv`s underground was built in 1961. There are 3 lines and more than 45 metro stations in Kyiv.

P10: You are welcome to Kyiv. We`re sure you`ll enjoy every minute of your stay there.

T: Well, I hope that you`ve enjoyed your walk along the streets of our capital, haven`t you?

Ps: Of course, we have.

T: And now some other big cities and towns of Ukraine. At home you were to read some additional information on the topic(See Appendix) and find:

- which city is the second largest city in Ukraine;

-which Ukrainian city was founded by a foreigner;

-which city is a cradle of Zaporizke Cossatstvo;

-which city was the ancient capital of Galychyna.

T: I hope you`ve managed it, haven`t you?                                                                                                                                           So now some comprehension check:                                                                                                                                           Are the following statements true or false?                                                                                                                                         1.Kharkiv region is closely connected with Ukrainian Cossatstvo.(T)

2.From the very beginning Kharkiv was the capital city.(T)

3.Odesa is a cradle of Ukrainian Cossatstvo.(F)

4.Odesa is considered at Southern Window to Europe.(T)

5.Khortytsya is the largest island on the Dnipro.(T)

6.Lviv is the ancient capital of Slobidska Ukraina.(F)

7.Kharkiv was Ukraine`s capital for 16 years.(T)

8. Lviv is the ancient capital of Galychyna. (T)

9.Dnipropetrovsk was founded in 1786.(F)

10.The Chernihiv Cossacs proved to be valiant warriors.(T)

T: And now some group work. A group of English teenagers are coming to stay in Ukraine for a month to get to know the people and the country. Think and do the tasks:

a) plan the route of their round Ukraine trip;

b) note the name of each city they will stop at;

c) note the date of each stop;

d) note the places of interest they will visit in each city;

e) explain your choice.

( The leaders of all mini-groups will write down and present their ideas in 5 minutes.)


T: Summing it up, I`d like to say that all of us have made impressive and exciting tours today. Thank you all! And your grades are rather high today.


T: Well, I think it`ll be interesting for you to work at some projects in which you can show your critical thinking abilities and your talent for creative writing. The topics are on the blackboard. You can choose any you like.

  1. London`s parks are «the lungs of the city».
  2. Entertainment and sport facilities in London.
  3. Places to go to in New York.
  4. New York`s history.
  5. Splendour of our native land.
  6. Our Motherland is the Land of Beauty and Talented People.
  7. Ukraine, the Land of Wonders.
  8. Ukraine we live in.
  9. The World Heritage Sites in the UK.
  10. A Trip to the USA (Country and People).

So you`re to present  your projects both in writing and orally at our next lesson.

1. О. Karpenko «Focus on Great Britain», - Kharkiv «Ranok» - 2006, - 80с.
2. O. Pavliuk «Discover the UK», - Тернопіль: «Лібра Терра», 2008, - 148с.
3. О. Karpenko «Focus on the  USA», - Kharkiv «Ranok» - 2006, - 80с.
4. N.Vovchenko «Across the English – Speaking World» (Book 1 – «Great Britain» ),
- Тернопіль: «Лібра Терра», 2009, - 200с.
5. O. Nogina «Across the English – Speaking World» ( Book 2 – «The USA»), - Тернопіль: «Лібра Терра», - 200с.
6. O. Elbrekht, V.  Elbrekht «Focus on Ukraine», -Kharkiv «Ranok» - 2006, - 72с.
7. V.L. Polupan, A,P. Polupan «Ukraine, A Cultural Readers», - Kharkiv «Країна мрій», 2002, - 186с.
8.  Л. Б. Кідік «Ukraine we live in», - Харків «Основа», - 2011, - 128с.
9.  Н. Б. Тучина Т. К. Меркулова, В. С. Кузьміна «Speak English with Pleasure», - Київ, «Майстер-клас»,  - 2005, - 286с.
10. Т. Гужва «Англійська  мова. Розмовні теми у двох частинах», - Київ, «Тандем», - 2004.
11. V.L. Polupan, A,P. Polupan, V. V. Makhova «English – speaking countries. A Cultural Readers», - - Kharkiv «Країна мрій», 2002, -  208с.
12. Т. Л. Сірик, С. В. Сірик «English» (10). Профільний рівень, - Полтава,  Видавництво «СТЛ – Книга», - 2011, - 256с.
13. Інші джерела.

Martjukhina Alla
До підручника
Англійська мова (для спеціалізова-них шкіл з поглибленим вивченням англійської мови) 8 клас (Калініна Л.В., Самойлюкевич І.В.)
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