Діалог на тему "My Future Job"

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Діалог складений на основі матеріалу підручника "Get 200" Book 1, який рекомендований для підготовки до ЗНО. Рівень В1/В2

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My Future Job

A: Ann, do you have the slightest idea what job you’d like to have in the future?

B: I’ve been thinking about it but I really have no clue what I want to do work-wise. What about you?

A: Everybody keeps asking me what I want to do but I feel I’m not ready to make a decision about my future career path. What I know for sure is that job satisfaction will be absolutely vital for me.

B: I understand. I also couldn’t do a job I hate. Finding a satisfying job is essential for me too.

A: What is a satisfying job for you?

B: Well, it should be creative and exciting enough. At the same time earning good money is a must for me.

A: I wouldn’t mind such a job as well. My brain definitely switches off when I have to do dull things. From my point of view you are really money-minded.

B: In fact the reason is that I want to be financially independent from my parents and support myself.

A: I can’t but agree with you. Sooner or later we should start our independent life.

B: As far as I’m concerned it’s pretty difficult to choose your future profession.

A: I fully agree with you. We should talk to our career adviser and ask for help.

B: I know she’ll ask you lots of questions like whether you want to work in an office or outside, if you enjoy taking responsibility for other people, would you prefer to work in a team or alone etc.

A: OK. Let’s try. By the way you’ve got great interpersonal skills and you always devote yourself to what you do. You’ll be a perfect employee.

B: I hope so, but my problem is that I cannot work under pressure. I wouldn’t mind a freelance job.

A: in this case you should be ready to change jobs and move between companies.

B: I’m ready not only for this, but also to gain new knowledge and skills. You’re a bit of a technology freak and a computer programmer is a good money-making profession.

A: You are right, but I can’t imagine myself working in front of the computer all the time no matter how much I get paid. In fact it’s the least appealing option for me.

B: Well, it’s crucial to find some reliable information about future trends in the job market.






A: Ann, do you have the slightest idea what job you’d like to have in the future?

B: I’ve been thinking about it but I really have no clue what I want to do work-wise. What about you?

A: Everybody keeps asking me what I want to do but I feel I’m not ready to make a decision about my future career path. What I know for sure is that job satisfaction will be absolutely vital for me.

B: I understand. I also couldn’t do a job I hate. Finding a satisfying job is essential for me too.

A: What is a satisfying job for you?

B: Well, it should be creative and exciting enough. At the same time earning good money is a must for me.

A: I wouldn’t mind such a job as well. My brain definitely switches off when I have to do dull things. From my point of view you are really money-minded.

B: In fact the reason is that I want to be financially independent from my parents and support myself.

A: I can’t but agree with you. Sooner or later we should start our independent life.

B: As far as I’m concerned it’s pretty difficult to choose your future profession.

A: I fully agree with you. We should talk to our career adviser and ask for help.

B: I know she’ll ask you lots of questions like whether you want to work in an office or outside, if you enjoy taking responsibility for other people, would you prefer to work in a team or alone etc.

A: OK. Let’s try. By the way you’ve got great interpersonal skills and you always devote yourself to what you do. You’ll be a perfect employee.

B: I hope so, but my problem is that I cannot work under pressure. I wouldn’t mind a freelance job.

A: in this case you should be ready to change jobs and move between companies.

B: I’m ready not only for this, but also to gain new knowledge and skills. You’re a bit of a technology freak and a computer programmer is a good money-making profession.

A: You are right, but I can’t imagine myself working in front of the computer all the time no matter how much I get paid. In fact it’s the least appealing option for me.

B: Well, it’s crucial to find some reliable information about future trends in the job market.




12 грудня 2022
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