Діалог на тему "Shopping"

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Діалог складений на основі матеріалу підручника "Get 200" Book 1, рекомендований для підготовки до ЗНО. Рівень В1/В2

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1. Hi, Ann. What a nice T-shirt you have. Is it new?

2. Sure. I bought it yesterday and it was a bargain.

1. Really? I guess you are reasonable with money, aren’t you?

2. Yes, I am. I only buy things I can afford and never borrow money.

1. How clever you are! Frankly speaking I’m terrible. When I have some cash on me I buy on impulse and that’s not a good thing.

2. Certainly not. You should never buy the first thing you see. You need to shop around and compare prices.

1. You are right, but the way things are displayed in a shop window encourages me to buy. They also offer special discounts and free gifts. I can buy certain things because of celebrity endorsement.

2. I see. Teenagers are easy to influence. Advertising is very effective. It is difficult not to fall prey to marketing tricks. Marketing specialists do their best to entice us to go to shops and spend. Where do you usually go shopping?

1. I prefer shopping malls because they are very trendy places where you can see fashionable people. There you can find everything you need. They usually offer different attractions under one roof, so there are shops but also cafes, sports facilities and free Wi-Fi.  Do you enjoy shopping online?

2. Not very much. I’m a bit reluctant to order things online. I can’t be sure that what I’m ordering will be right. What about you?

1. I find it really useful, especially when I haven’t got much time. I’m definitely not a keen shopper. I don’t enjoy walking with my mates round shops, looking for bargains in the sales and I particularly hate queuing for ages to pay. It’s much easier to shop online. What are your favourite brands of clothes and shoes?

2. There are some of them ……….They are considered to be the best sellers among teenagers. They provide clothes with amazing design, style and colour and make you feel special.

1. I can’t but agree with you.  And they charge really affordable prices. It’s a shame but I have to go. My Mum is waiting for me in a supermarket. We are running out of some staple foods and need to stock up on them. It’s common practice for us to buy in bulk so my Mum needs my help.

2. OK. Sorry for keeping you so long.



12 грудня 2022
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