Ділова подорож. На митниці.

Про матеріал
Розробка практичного заняття до теми "Ділова подорож. На митниці" розширює лексичний запас студентів з теми ділових подорожей, містить слова і вирази, які можуть бути використані на митниці
Перегляд файлу

Тема: Ділова подорож. На митниці.

Мета: Розширити словниковий запас студентів новими словами і виразами, які можуть бути використані на митниці.


Студент повинен:

знати лексичний мінімум ділових подорожей, слова і вирази, які можуть бути використані на митниці;

вміти оперувати лексичним мінімумом з теми, реалізувати свої комунікативні наміри та розуміти комунікативні наміри співрозмовника в типових ситуаціях на митниці.


Література та електронні ресурси:

  1. Іноземна (англійська) мова (за професійним спрямуванням). Частина 2. Завдання для практичних занять для студентів кооперативних технікумів і коледжів / Уклад.: Мартинчук О.М. – К.: НМЦ «Укоопосвіта», 2014.
  2. At the customs / http://imbip.ifmo.ru/file/stat/98/cbornik_materialov_po_anglyskomu_yazyku.pdf
  3. Dialogue At the customs / http://www.tes.mi.it/sir2ingweb/Sir2IngUnita1/Sir2IngInformation/infodir32.htm


Забезпечення заняття: опорний конспект, картки із завданнями, посібник, планшетний комп’ютер.


Хід заняття

  1. Read and memorize the following words, word combinations and sentences









Пункт прийому багажу


"Зелений коридор" (без мита)

"Зелений коридор" (без мита)

Речі для декларування

Речі для декларування

Крамниця безмитної торгівлі


Як пройти на митницю?

Де (здійснюється) контроль багажу?


Мені потрібен бланк митної декларації

Ви щось декларуєте?

Мені нема чого декларувати

Ось мій (моя, моє, мої")...

митна декларація

Which way to customs?

Where is the luggage (US baggage) check?

 I need a customs declaration form


Do You have anything to declare?

I have nothing to declare

Here is my ...

customs declaration





дозвіл митниці



водійські права


свідоцтво про вакцинацію






custom permission



driver's license


vaccination certificate




Де Ваш багаж?

Я маю дві валізи та одну

(дорожню) торбу

Where is Your luggage (US baggage)?

I've two suitcases and one hand bag


Я взяв тільки особисті речі та подарунки


Це Ваша валіза?

Відкрийте, будь ласка

цю валізу

цю торбу


Скільки Ви маєте... ?



Скільки Ви везете цигарок?

Я везу з собою блок цигарок та дві пляшки горілки

I've only got personal belongings and presents /gifts/

Is this Your suitcase?

Open…, please

this suitcase

this bag

the boot

How much... do You have?



How many cigarettes do You carry?

I've with me one carton of cigarettes and two bottles of vodka (gorilka)


Ви маєте ще інші речі?

Це подарунки

Ця річ не нова

Цього провозити не можна

На ці речі накладається мито?

На це треба заплатити мито

Яке мито я повинен(-на) заплатити?

Ви маєте сплатити

5 фунтів

Я маю ліцензію на ввіз

Можна йти (їхати)?

Have you anything else?

There are presents (gifts)

This isn't new

This is not allowed

Are these things subject to duty?

You'll have to pay duty on that

How much duty must I pay?

You'll have to pay

5 pounds

I've the import license

May I go through now?


  1. Read, translate and discuss the text


I. The text.

White travelling a tourist may find himself in different places where he must both observe certain rules and enjoy his rights. Let's begin with the Custom's house. Every country has its own customs regulations which stipulate what articles are liable to duty and what articles are duty-free. Sometimes the articles liable to duty may be allowed as duty-free if the traveller does not exceed a certain fixed quota. Customs restrictions also include a list of prohibited articles. This is a list of items that may not be brought into or taken out of a country.

If you need these thing badly you must have an official paper from proper authorities giving permission to take items, which fall under special customs restriction. This paper is known as an import or export license. A traveller is asked to declare such items. It means he must name the item, state its value and often particulars. The declaration is made either orally or in writing a special form. After paying a duty the traveller is given a receipt. As a rule personal belongings are duty-free. Sometimes a passenger's luggage is carefully gone through in order to prevent smuggling. The formalities at the custom's house usually take some time. Only after passing through the customs does one realize that his journey is drawing to an end or beginning.

II. The vocabulary list.

a custom's house = митниця

customs regulations = митні права

stipulate = обумовлювати

be liable to duty = той, що підлягає митній оплаті

duty-free = вільний від оплати

exceed a fixed quota = перевищувати квоту

a prohibited articles list = список заборонених речей

a list of items = список речей

proper authorities = власті

fall under customs restrictions = входити до, піддягати, митним обмеженням

import (export) license = ліцензія на ввіз (вивіз)

declare the items = декларувати (оголосити) свої речі

other particulars = інші деталі

a receipt = квитанція

personal belongings (effects) = особисті речі

the luggage is done through = багаж проходить крізь перевірку

prevent smuggling = не допускати контрабанди

the formalities = формальності

pass through customs = пройти крізь митну перевірку

the journey is drawing to an end = подорож підходить до кінця


  1. Match the words and their explanation:

a. duty-free goods

b. to declare

c. effects(pl.)

d. to smuggle

e. restrictions

f. tariff

g. liable

h. border

i. luggage

j. value

1 to make known publicly or officially, according to rules, custom, etc.; to make a full statement of property

2 responsible , esp. in law for paying for something

3 the cases, bags ,boxes, etc. of a traveller

4 the dividing line between two countries

5 things you can buy at airports or on ships without paying the full price because there is no tax on them

6 belongings, personal property

7 to take (esp. goods) from one country to another illegally

8 a tax collected by a government, usually on goods coming into a country

9 the worth of something in money or as compared with other goods

10 rules or laws that strictly control what you are allowed to do


  1. Read and dramatize the following dialogues, then make our own one.

Going through the Customs

Dialogue 1

A: Could you tell me how to get my bags?
B: Just go straight ahead, down the escalator, and there will be signs directing you.
A: Where do we clear Customs?
B: You will pick your bags up first.
A: Should we have our passports out?
B: You should have your passport out and your Declarations form totally filled out before you get into line.
A: My friend here is continuing on to Puerto Rico, and we were wondering if she has to go through Customs.
B: Travelers who are continuing on to another country will check in over there and be directed where to go next. Their bags have been checked through.
A: Are there any restrooms in this area?
B: Yes, right over there after you pass through the line.


Dialogue 2

A: I have never arrived at this airport before and need to know where to go next.
B: Go to the end of the walkway, down the stairs, and to the right.
A: Do we need to clear Customs before we go get our bags?
B: You will clear Customs and Immigration when you have picked up your luggage.
A: What do I need to have out when I pass through Customs?
B: Make sure that your passport is out and that your Declarations form is complete.
A: My seatmate here is traveling through to Canada, and I told her that she probably doesn't have to clear Customs.
B: People who are not entering the United States should go to the left and follow the directions given to them. Their bags are already routed through to their final destination.
A: Can we use the restrooms before we clear Customs?
B: Yes, there is one right over there especially for this area.


Dialogue 3

A: Where is the luggage claim area?
B: You can get to Baggage Claim by going down the escalator and following the signs.
A: Don't I have to clear Customs before I go get my bags?
B: After you have picked up your bags, you will be directed to Customs.
A: Do I need to have this Declarations form filled out before I get there?
B: Do not get in the Customs and Immigration line until you have your passport out with your completed Declarations form.
A: My brother won't be staying in the U.S. but is continuing on to Mexico.
B: Passengers continuing on should check in with the attendant on the left who will direct them to where they can connect with their next flight.
A: Is there a restroom we can use in this area?
B: Of course, right over there on your left.


  1. Homework. Make and dramatize the dialogue with your friend.
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