Добірка завдань до відеофільму «Schools in England».

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Добірка завдань до відеофільму «Schools in England» за підручником «English Plus-1». Цей відеофільм буде також в нагоді при вивченні теми «Schools in Great Britain» у 8 класі. На основі даного матеріалу дуже зручно відпрацьовувати вживання модальних дієслів can, must, теперішній тривалий час.

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         Добірка завдань до відеофільма «Schools in England» за підручником «English Plus-1». Цей відеофільм буде також в нагоді при вивченні теми «Schools in Great Britain» у 8 класі,  підручник автора Л. Биркун. На основі даного матеріалу дуже зручно відпрацьовувати вживання модальних дієслів can, must, теперішній тривалий час.

Knowledge is Power SB.TV News Roundup - SB.TV - The UK's leading online youth broadcaster.

I . Pre-viewing.

1. Speaking (підготовка учнів до сприйняття матеріалу, попереднє обговорення).

What types of schools are there in England / Ukraine?

What is the official name of our school?

2. Match the words with their definition.

1. Curriculum                                 a). not allowing people to break rules or  

                                                               behave badly;                                                                                                                           

2. Secondary school                        b). Information Communication Technologies

3. GCSE                                           c). all the subjects that are taught in a school;

4. ICT                                              d). a school for children aged from 11-18;

5. Strict                                            e). General Certificate of Secondary


6. Boarding school                          f). a school that children live at while they

                                                             are studying, going home only in the


                II. Viewing

1. Watch a  film and fill in the table about schools in England and Ukraine.





School starts



The number of lessons



Break for lunch



Lesson in minutes



They change classrooms or not.






National Curriculum






School finishes









2. Tell about the schools in England and Ukraine using the information from the table.

                                   FOCUS ON GRAMMAR

3. Complete the sentences using Present Continuous Tense.

1). In Geography the students _________ about ________ .

2). In ICT class we ______ to do a research ______ .

3). In PE some girls _______  .

4). In French class some students _____ about  activities they like doing.

4. Make up the sentences with model verbs according to the plot of the film.


All students

Some students


The food







wear jeans.

wear school uniform.

bring their own packed lunch.

be healthy.

study English.

buy food in the school canteen.

pay a lot of money to the private school.


  III. Post-viewing

2. Choose the correct answer.

1. Which schools don’t cost money in Great Britain?

a) state schools

b) private schools

c) boarding schools

2. What time does the school day start at s Marlborough school?

a) 8.15

b) 8.30

c) 8.50

3. What do the students change for every lesson?

a) a school uniform

b) a curriculum

c) a classroom

4. How long do the students get for lunch?

a) 40 minutes

b) 45 minutes

c) 50 minutes

5. What kind of food do they sell in the school canteen?

a) junk

b) light

c) healthy

6. What time does the school finish?

a) 3.00 a.m.

b) 3.00 p.m.

c) 3.45 p.m.

2. Tell about the schools in England and Ukraine using the information from the table.           


20 грудня 2019
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