“English is the language of international communication”.

Про матеріал
Даний матеріал можна використати для уроків по темі “English is the language of international communication”. Матеріали роботи також можуть бути використані на факультативних заняттях та у класах з поглибленим вивченням мови. В наш час англійська – мова міжнародного спілкування і її вивчення є особливо важливим. Запропонований матеріал– ознайомлення з історією мови. До текстової інформації додається презентація.
Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

The history of English

Номер слайду 2

About 2,000 years ago England was known as Britain and the people who lived there were called the Britons. They belonged to the Celts. *** The Celts were the first inhabitants of Britain (800 BC). They spoke the Celtic language. It didn’t contribute many words to modern English.*** 55 BC – Roman legions led by Julius Caesar invaded Britain. The Romans spoke Latin.

Номер слайду 3

The main periods in the history of English: * the Old English period (or Anglo-Saxon ) – 449 -1066 AD * the Middle English period – 1066 -1475 AD * the New English period – the 15th century onwards

Номер слайду 4

* the Old English period (or Anglo-Saxon ) – 449 -1066 ADGermanic tribes ( Angles, Saxons 597 AD – the introduction 878 AD – the times when and Jutes) forced the Britons of Christianity. Christian monks, Vikings raided Britain. They to learn their language (449 AD) who spoke Latin, brought it brought a lot of Scandinavian to England words in English

Номер слайду 5

* the Middle English period – 1066 -1475 AD There are also many French words in English from when William Duke of Normandy became the King of England in 1066(almost 3 centuries French was the official language of the English Kingdom)

Номер слайду 6

* the New English period – the 15th century onwards. This period is marked by significant changes in political, religious and life of the country. William Shakespeare was the most prominent name in the literary life of this period ( o lot of new words, idioms and grammatical constructions were created)

Номер слайду 7

The Queen’s English. In the 19th century variations in speech became more and more a sign of special class and the idea of “the Queen’s English” was born. This was a standard that all educated people should speak.

6 січня 2023
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