English test . Compound nouns. Prepositions. Linking words.

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Лесико- граматичний тест до підручника англійської мови Нерсисян М.А., Піроженко А.О..Можна використати при підготовці до ЗНО .

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Test                                               Form 10

            1.  Match a word from A with a word from B to make compound nouns. Then complete the sentences

A)                hay  /  mother  /  traffic  /  light  /  wind  

                    window  /  key  /  junk  /  fire  /  baby

B)         ledge  /  hole  /  shades  /  fever  /  screen

             tongue  /  sitter /  jam  /  place   /  mail              

1. Jim is late because there was a terrible______________________________ in the centre of the town.

2.  Ann really wanted to see the film but she couldn’t find a _______ for the children, so  she had to stay at home.

3. Tom tried to look through the _________________________ to see what was happening in the room.

4. The plants on my ___________________________ get a lot of sun.

5. None of the lights had ___________________________ in our new house.

6. Fortunately, there is a range of products available to treat the symptoms of _______________________.

7. I think when you read something in the ___________________________ it resonates more strongly.

8. There is nothing to indicate the building’s past, except the ______________________________.

9. Sarah switched the wipers on to clear the ________________________________.

10. Forty-four per cent of the ______________________________ is never even opened.

2. Match the words with their definitions

1) gift shop                                         a) money you have to pay enter a place

2) souvenir                                         b) a place where you can buy presents

3) donation                                        c) a person who shows people who are  travelling where to go

4) guide                                              d) something you give as a charity

5) admission fee                               e) a work of art that is a figure or an object

6) sculpture                                        f) memento that reminds you about some people places

              7) exhibit                                            g) an object that is shown in a museum

3.    Complete the sentences. Use in, on or at.

 1. My parents aren’t here …………the moment.                              2. I’m meeting my friend ………… Tuesday.

 3. The train leaves …. half past seven ……the morning.                4. She was born ……….. 1995.

 5. I usually phone my friends ………. the weekend.                       6. We have a special meal ……….. Christmas.

 7. I usually brush my teeth ………… the evening before I go to bed.

 8. Her birthday is ………… the fifth of June.                                     9. My brother likes to get up ………… Sunrise.

10. I started doing my homework ……… eight o’clock  and finished only ………… midnight.

11. In France it often snows  …………. winter.                                12. Kate got married ……….. the age of 19.

13. Policemen usually work ………… night.                                     14. Our parents will be back ………. an hour.

15. I usually have a party ………… my birthday.                             16. See you ………. dinnertime.

17. Mary’s birthday is ………… May.                                               18. We have lunch ………… noon.

19. Sara goes to the gym …………..Saturdays.                                 20. My sister was in London …………December.

21.She was in London …………. New Year’s Eve.                             22. We sat and talked …………. lunchtime                                

4) Rewrite the sentences with linking words      

1. Carol made a shopping list. She didn’t want to forget anything (IN ORDER NOT TO)

2. He refused to come around for dinner. We invited Andy yesterday (ALTHOUGH)

3.  Tom couldn’t do the homework. He forgot the Maths book (SINCE)

4. The children couldn’t play in the garden. It was raining heavily (SO)

5. Mary tidied her bedroom. She washed the dishes, too (BESIDES)


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