Для вивчення англійської мови, дитині потрібна позитивна мотивація — тобто бажання займатися, потреба у цьому, інтерес. Без неї усі зусилля батьків чи вчителів будуть приречені на невдачу: дитина або не вчитиметься, або вчитиметься лише для того, щоб її не карали (негативна, деструктивна мотивація), і в останньому випадку знання будуть поверхневі й швидко забуватимуться.
Exercises for motivation on the English lessons
Materials: cards, pictures of food…
T: - Food gives us energy and health. If we eat nothing, we’ll die. There are a lot of kinds of food and drinks nowadays.
Imagine that you are in a magic garden. You can see different kinds of food everywhere. Please, let’s divide our class into three groups:
You have two minutes to make up your cards. You must write down some kinds of drinks, you must write down some kinds of vegetables and you must write down some kinds of fruit.
P: - (…..)
T: - Let’s check your notes. Each of you names your notes and others listen to your friends and complete their answers.
- (…)
- You’re right.
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
Materials: cards with questions, numerals, toys or pictures with toys, blackboard.
T: - I'm glad to see you at the Detective Agency ,, Selest". I'm the Chief Detective of this Agency & you are my Special students. So let's start our work.
T: - Look! What is this?
P: - These are numerals in the square.
T: - Yes! You choose a number. Let’s play!
(He is not a man. He is tall & fat. His head is very big. His ears are very big too. His hair is very short. His eyebrows & eyelashes are very short too. His eyes are big & green. His mouth is very long. His cheeks & lips are thin. He's got a long neck. He's got big hands & feet. He's got long arms & long legs.)
It is not very big. It has a round face. Its colour is brown. It is very soft. I like to play with it. And I like to sleep with it sometimes. (Teddy Bear)
Materials: words or word-combinations, alphabet with numbers.
T: - A strong wind blew and blew out the letters. Find them using the alphabet.
13 15 20 8 5 18, 6 1 20 8 5 18… etc.
Materials: cards with text, 3 groups in class.
T: - Complete the sentences on these cards.
On Grandpa`s farm.
My grandfather is a…………... He has a farm. He has birds and animals on his farm. He has ………… and……….. They are brown and yellow. Hens lay eggs. We can see………, cows, ducks and……….. here too. On the farm my grandfather also has two…………..and four…………. My grandfather likes his farm!
T: - The first sentence is read by the first group. Next sentence is read by the second group…etc.
Materials: pictures with holidays, blackboard.
T: - Now let us play a game, you have to go to the blackboard and match the pictures with the names of holidays and tell me when we celebrate this holiday.
Easter Day
St. Valentine’s Day