Grammar revision test “Articles and the degrees of comparison (adjectives)”

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       Grammar revision test “Articles and the degrees of comparison (adjectives)”

I Complete the sentences with the comparative form of these adjectives.

                                              hot • large • expensive • old • easy

1 Most Italians find it …………………………………..  to understand Spanish than English.

2 China’s population is ………………………………….. than Russia’s.

3 The average temperature in Mexico is …………………………………..  than the average temperature in the UK.

4 Tower Bridge in London, is…………………………………..  than the Millennium Bridge, which opened in 2000 and then reopened in 2002.

5 It is …………………………………..  to live in Hong Kong than in Rome.


II Complete the text with the comparative form of these adjectives. There are two extra adjectives.

                            excited • confused • surprised • stressed • bored •  happy • worried

    My best friend Nico and I both took our driving tests yesterday. I think I was (1) ……………. ….. than Nico about the whole test, but Nico was (2) ……………. ….. about parking. When we both found out we passed, I don’t know who was (3) ……………. ….. . We were very happy and excited, but I think our parents were (4) ……………. …..  than us. Now they don’t have to drive us around! Then, my parents gave me the keys to a new car, so I was even (5) ……………. …..  .


III. Find and correct the sentences with mistakes. Tick () the correct sentences.

1 Jane is most responsible person I know.

2 Patrick is the kindest boy in the class.

3 Of all the children I teach, I think the twins are the quieter children.

4 Who do you think is the most intelligent man in the world?

5 Rachel is the most serious girl in the group.

6 They are the most laziest students in the year.


IV. Complete the text with suitable words or – (no word).

   Stomp is (1) ………………………… percussion group that performs using (2) ………………………… variety of everyday objects such as brushes, bins and boxes. The musicians come from all over (3) ……………………… world. (4) ………………………… group started in 1991 and still performs today. Stomp plays in (5) …………………… theatres and stadiums in many countries every year. They took part in (6) …………………… closing ceremony of the 2012 London Olympics. They have even produced (7) ………………………… IMAX 3D film.


V. Choose the best answer (A, B or C).

    Comic Relief is (1) ……… charity which began in 1985 when some celebrities worked together. They wanted to raise money to help (2) ………  famine in Africa. More than twenty years (3) ………  this charity is (4) ……… than ever. Now it helps countries worldwide. It supports organisations that help fight homelessness, hunger and poverty. Every two years Red Nose Day takes place in (5) ……… UK and the public give money to (6) ……… cause. In 2015, Red Nose Day raised almost £100 million, which was (7) ………  day so far. Some celebrities volunteer to do challenges to raise money and these are becoming (8) ………  I think one of (9) ……… challenges was when (10) ……… woman cycled, swam and ran 500 miles from Edinburgh to London in a week. Other celebrities are (11) ………  organising funny TV programmes or producing a hit single. Some of the money goes to organisations in Africa that offer (12) ……… healthcare and build schools. Charities in the UK receive money to help people who are homeless or have difficult lives. These organisations are able to provide (13) ………  living conditions and a (14) ……… chance of employment. Comic Relief believes in creating (15) ……… communities, and comedy and generous giving can bring this about.


1 A an                      B the                            C a

2 A an                      B a                               C the

3 A latest                  B late                           C later

4 A more famous     B the more famous      C most famous

5 A the                     B a                               C an

6 A a                        B the                            C an

7 A the most            B the more                   C most

successful                 successful                    successful

8 A more hard         B harder                       C hard

9 A the difficulter    B the most difficult      C more difficult

10 A the                   B an                              C a

11 A more happy     B happier                     C happier

12 A good                B better                        C best

13 A safer                B more safe                  C the safest

14 A great                B greater                      C more great

15 A more strong     B the stronger              C stronger

23 серпня 2019
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