Grammar tests "Check your grammar (for 9th formers)"

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Запропоновані тести дають змогу перевірити рівень засвоєння учнями граматичного матеріалу англійської мови з основних тем: часові форми дієслова, пасивний стан, неособові форми дієслова (інфінітив, герундій, дієприкметник), питальні речення, модальні дієслова, пряма та непряма мова.

Перегляд файлу

Oksana Kholod 

Master Degrees in Philology and Management of Educational Establishments

Teacher-methodologist, Gymnasium №93, Zaporizhzhіa


Запропоновані тести дають змогу перевірити рівень засвоєння учнями граматичного матеріалу англійської мови з основних тем: часові форми дієслова, пасивний стан, неособові форми дієслова (інфінітив, герундій, дієприкметник), питальні речення, модальні дієслова, пряма та непряма мова.

Check Your Grammar (Intermediate level)



I Choose the correct variant

  1. Last week I ... a kitten in the street.

a) find              b) found                c) had found

  1. While my son ... for my call, somebody knocked the door.

a) was waiting b) had waited        c) waited

  1. He said that he ... the lamp.

a) broke           b) had broken        c) breaks

  1. The musician .... the piano for the whole evening.

a) played          b) was playing      c) has been playing

  1. My daughter ... like apples, but she likes oranges.

a) doesn’t like  b) isn’t like           c) didn’t like

  1. Let’s meet at 5 o’clock. -  OK. I ... for you here.

a) will wait      b) will be waited   c) will be waiting

II Choose the correct variant of the question

1. a) Who did be at home last night?             c) Who did at home last night?

    b) Who was at home last night?                 d) Who did was at home last night?

2. a) Why do they looking at me like that?    c) Why are they looking at me like that?

    b) Why is they looking at me like that?     d) Why they are looking at me like that?

3. a) Have been you abroad?                          c) Have you been abroad?

    b) Have you been abroad?                          d) Had you been abroad?

4. a) Where you will come back?                   c) Where will you be come back?

    b) Where will you come back?                   d) Where will you coming back?

5. a) Does he a warm-hearted person?            c) Do he a warm-hearted person?

    b) Is he a warm-hearted person?                 d) Is he a warm-hearted person?

III Put the verb into the right tense

  1. She (run) in the park every day.
  2. Mother just (made) some sandwiches.
  3. He (give) her your message tomorrow.
  4. The children (walk) in the park at the moment.
  5. If you (come) at six next Monday, you (find) him at home.


І  Put the verbs in the correct form of Present Simple or Future Simple

1. I will go to the museums when I (get) tickets.

2. Before he passes, his exams he (work) hard.

3. When she (know) English, she will try enter the university.

4. I will learn the poem until you (come) home.

5.  She (be) with him after they return.

ІІ  Put the verbs in the correct form of Present Simple or Future Simple

II 1. I (call) you when you (be) free.

2. If my father (come) home early, we (watch) TV together.

3. She (prepare) dinner before they (return) home.

4. I (send) him a telegram as soon as he (arrive).

5. We (not to phone) you until you (ask) us.

           ІІІ Translate the parts of  the conditional sentences 

1. (Я подзвоню тобі) when you are free.

2. If he have much time, (він прочитає цю книгу).

3. (Якщо погода буде гарною), we will go to the park.

4. (Коли я напишу листа), I will tell you.  


I Choose the correct answer

  1. When you come home, tea … ready.
  1. is b) will be c) will have been
  1. Take off your coats, I … them.
  1. will clean b) clean c) will be cleaning
  1. What … you … in the morning tomorrow?
    1. will do b) will have been doing c) will be doing
  2. By four o’clock next Monday he …home.
    1. will have returned b) will be returning c) will return
  3. Ben … the project if you … him.
    1. finishes, will help b) will finish, help c) will finish, will help

II Open the brackets and put the verb into the right future tense: Future Simple, Future Continuous, Future Perfect

  1. I (do) my homework tomorrow.
  2. We (write) this test at ten o’clock tomorrow.
  3. They (wash) the floor by the time their mother comes.
  4. Ron (not to go) to the cinema next Sunday.
  5. What (do) you from 3 till 4 tomorrow?
  6. My sister (call) you by the evening.
  7. You (come) to us in a half an hour?
  8. How many pages (read) you by five o’clock tomorrow?

III Translate the sentences

  1. Діти приберуть в кімнаті до цього часу.
  2. Вони будуватимуть новий будинок з вересня по грудень.
  3. Я подзвоню тобі завтра.
  4. Мама приготує обід до третьої години.
  5. Він буде перекладати цю статтю весь ранок.


І Turn the sentences from Active Voice into Passive

 1. They build a lot of houses every year.

 2. The children will speak English well next year.

 3. The teacher translated the sentences yesterday.

 4. She will eat her dinner in an hour.

 5. My parents often invite them to the parties.

 6. Her father brought the things last Sunday.

 7. I will give him a dictionary.

 8. The student finished the report in time.

ІІ Put the verb into the correct form of Passive Voice

1. Basketball (play) by the boys every day.

2. Her room (clean) by the sister tomorrow.

3. The telegrams (send) by them last Sunday.

4. The lessons (do) by the pupils next week.

5. This TV program always (watch) by her.

6. The criminal (arrest) by the police yesterday.

7. Many stories (write) by this writer three years ago.

8. The photographs (take) by a photographer.

ІІІ Choose the correct form

1. Dad (will be phoned, was phoned) an hour ago.

2. The hotel (will built, will be built) by them next summer.

3. The projects (isn’t done, aren’t done) by the students this year.

4. The job (was promised, is promised) him at the plant.

5. We (are invited, were invited) to the restaurant yesterday.

6. The songs (are sung, will be sung) by her at the concert tomorrow.

7. Kyiv (is founded, was founded) by three brothers.

8. The newspapers (are gave, are given) him in the morning. 


I Choose the right answer

1. The translation of this article … yet.

a) wasn’t done         b) hasn’t been done     c) hadn’t been done

2. The rules … to the class now.

a) are explained     b) was being explained c) are being explained

3. A lot of rice … in Asia.

a) will be eaten      b) is eaten                      c) was eaten

4. The exhibition … in the Hermitage by the next week.

a) will be opened   b) has been opened        c) will have been opened

5. They told me that all things …  .

a) had been packed b) have been packed      c) were packed

II Put the verb in the correct form of Passive Voice

  1. I (tell) often about his behaviour.
  2. A huge plant (build) just in this city.
  3. You (give) his address next Monday.
  4. The church (paint) by some great scientists two centuries ago.
  5. Three foreign languages (teach) at our school by next year.
  6. The newspapers (examine) attentively by 3 o’clock yesterday.

III Change the sentences into Passive Voice

  1. He had given her telephone number by the evening.
  2. She has just received the letter.
  3. The doctor will prescribe me a new medicine.
  4. We wash dishes every day.
  5. People will have discussed the problem by 5 o’clock.
  6. I bought the beautiful flowers yesterday.

IV Translate into English using Passive Voice

  1. Цю книжку прочитають до наступної п'ятниці.
  2. Наш клас поділять на дві групи завтра.
  3. Чудові будинки було побудовано в минулому році.
  4. Вечерю було приготувано до 6 годин вечора.


I Choose the correct item

1. Liz ... to the cinema by her cousin last Sunday.

a) is taken                   b) was taken            c) has been taken

2. The plum and apple trees ... in our garden every year.

a) won’t be planted    b) aren’t planted      c) weren’t planted

3. The documents ... the day after tomorrow.

a) weren’t typed         b) aren’t typed         c) won’t be typed    

4. These stories ... by a famous writer ten years ago.

a) were written           b) will be written     c) are written

5. The new museum ... already in the centre of the city.

a) was opened            b) has been opened  c) will be opened 

II Put the verbs into the correct form in Passive Voice

1. These buildings (rebuild) last year.

2. This TV program always (watch) by her.

3. The new film (see) just by my friends.

4. Mary (take) to the seaside next summer.

5. The criminal (arrest) by the police yesterday.

III Turn the sentences from Active Voice into Passive Voice

1. They build a lot of houses every year.

2. She will eat her dinner.

3. Sandy wrote this notice this morning.

4. The student finished the report in time.

IV Turn the sentences from Passive Voice into Active Voice

1. The street has just been crossed by an old woman.

2. This poem was learnt by the pupils yesterday.

3. Their country house is usually repaired by them every year.

4. The tickets will be bought by him tomorrow.


I Choose the right form of the Infinitive

1. Her greatest pleasure was ... volleyball.

a) to be played                   b) to play                          c) to be playing

2. This is the book ... during the summer holidays.

a) to have been read           b) to read                         c) to be read

3. Don’t go for a walk! It seems... .

a) to rain                             b) to be rained                 c) to be raining

4. It will be nice ... our week-ends at the seaside.

a) to be spent                      b) to spend                       c) to have spent

5. The child was happy ... to the zoo.

a) to have been taken          b) to be taken                  c) to be taking

6) He seems ... this film for two hours.

a) to have been watching    b) to be watching            c) to have watched

7. ... your pronunciation you should work hard on your English.

a) To improve                     b) to be improving          c) to have improved

8. He was awfully glad ... this girl again.

a) to meet                            b) to have been meeting  c) to have met

II  Find the Infinitive and note its tense form.

1. He expected to be helped by the teacher.

2. I’m sorry to have kept you waiting.

3. The rule was too difficult to understand.

4. She pretended not to be noticing her.

5. It is necessary to explain the whole story.

6. You are lucky to be treated so gently.

III Complete the sentences using the Infinitive form.

1. There is nothing (говорити) about.

2. Give me some book (почитати) after supper.

3. (Щоб перекласти цей текст) we need some vocabulary.

4. I am glad (що розповів тобі мій план).

5. The composition (який потрібно написати) is rather difficult.


I Choose the correct form of the Infinitive

  1. She seems ... two articles already.

a) to translate                     b) to have translated

2. Beth likes ... every morning before breakfast.

a) to run                              b) to have run

3. The pupil wants ... by the teacher.

a) to help                            b) to be helped

4. Jane is sorry ... a cup.

a) to break                           b) to have broken

5. He wasn’t glad ... to the post of manager.

a) to have been appointed   b) to have appointed

6. I shouldn’t ... you about it.

a) to tell                              b) have told

II Put to where it is necessary

  1. He likes ... play football.
  2. She can ... speak Italian.
  3. They should ... have gone home early.
  4. He made me ... do it.
  5. They couldn’t ... find their child.
  6. You ought ... have believed us.
  7. I don’t want ... see you.
  8. Mother let us ... swim in the river.

III Transform the sentences using Perfect Infinitive

  1. He is sorry that he has said it.
  2. She was angry because she had been interrupted.
  3. Pete is upset because he has not passed the exam.
  4. The pupils are in a good mood as they have written the test well.
  5. The boy was embarrassed that he had not learnt the poem by heart.
  6. Susan is sorry that she has spoilt my picture.

IV Translate sentences into Ukrainian

  1. Він любить розповідати нам цікаві історії.
  2. Вона задоволена, що подруги відвідали її.
  3. Поліцейський наказав йому не їхати так швидко.
  4. Дівчинка сподівалась, що її запросять на вечірку.
  5. Ми раді, що зустріли наших друзів вчасно.


I Put in  to  where it is necessary

1. They expected her  ...  visit them soon.

2. I noticed my sister  ...   play well.

3. Helen didn’t hear him  ... call her.

4. My parents would like me not  ...  naughty.

5. Alex saw his brother  ...  listen to music.

6. She doesn’t like her parents  ...  scold her.

II Rewrite the sentences using Complex Object

1. She thinks that they are true friends.

2. Everybody considered that he studied well.

3. I have never seen how she dances.

4. He heard that they discussed all the questions yesterday.

5. We know that it is a mistake.

6. She felt that her mother cheated her.

III Complete the sentences using Complex Object

1. Let her ...

2. Ann wants you not to ...

3. The children saw ...

4. Father made me ...

5. His parents would like him not to ...


I Choose the infinitive or gerund

1. Would you mind ... the front door ?

     a) to close      b) closing

2. Do you enjoy ... foreign languages ?

     a) to study     b) studying

3. My elder brother went to college, and I hope ... there too.

    a) to go           b) going

4. The Browns want ... in Denver this week.

    a) to arrive      b) arriving

5. His father disliked ... time on such things.

    a) to waste      b) wasting

II Fill in the gaps using a gerund form with a preposition

1. I’m not very good ... (learn) languages.

2. I bought a new bicycle instead ... (go) away on holiday.

3. Ted is afraid ... (jump) into the water.

4. She is fond .... (play) the violin.

5. The pupils thanked ... (help) them.

III Put the nouns or the pronouns in brackets in possessive form using gerund forms

1. Helen insisted on (she, answer) that question.

2. I don’t remember (Mary, dance) so well.

3. We objected (we, leave) so soon.

4. I didn’t like (my dog, jump) at him.

5. Excuse me for (I, drop) the plate.

IV Change the sentences using gerund forms and prepositions in brackets.

1. Thank you that you came so soon. (for)

2. Do you mind if I take your pen ?

3. When he returned home he phoned Dolly. (on)

4. The girls were afraid that they could miss their train. (of)

5. You can’t translate this text if you don’t use the dictionary. (without)


I  Choose the right answer

  1. The ... article was discussed at the meeting.

a) translating             b) translated

  1. People .... in England are called Englishmen.

a)  living                    b) lived

  1. Here is the postcard ... for my pen-friend.

a)  buying                   b) bought

  1. ...  he met his classmate.

      a)  Walking                b) Walked

  1. They visited the museum .... in the centre of the city.

a) situating                 b) situated

  1. He saw the girl ... the street.

a) crossing                 b) crossed

II  Translate into Ukrainian or English using Participle I and Participle II

  1. a singing bird                                        1.  діти, що грають
  2. writing a letter                                      2.  роблячи домашнє завдання 
  3. a broken plate                                       3.  завершена робота
  4. the house built in the city                     4.  диктант, написаний вчора 
  5. finishing school                                    5.  жінка, що сидить біля вікна
  6. cooked dinner                                      6.  використаний папір
  7. people working in the office                7.  зруйнований будинок
  8. opened doors                                        8.  допомагаючи мамі

III  Change the sentences using Participle I  or  Participle II

  1. When she came home, she phoned her friend.
  2. The pupils looked at the teacher and listened to her story.
  3. I liked the book which I was presented by my brother
  4. This is a plane which was made at our plant.
  5. Who is that man who is talking with her?


I Choose the necessary modal verb

1. It’s already seven o’clock. You ... get up.

a) can                            b) needn’t                   c) should

2. The pupils ... miss their lessons.

a) have to                      b) mustn’t                    c) can

3. The weather is bad. You ... go for a walk.

a) needn’t                      b)  can’t                      c) shouldn’t

4. They are leaving tomorrow. They ... book seats today.

a) ought to                     b) don’t have to          c) can

5. We ... eat in the classroom.

a) can’t                          b) needn’t                   c) aren’t allowed to

II Rewrite the sentences using must or mustn’t instead of the words in bold

1. It’s necessary for him to do this work tonight.

2. It’s forbidden for the pupils to speak with each other at the lesson.

3. It’s necessary for you to consult a doctor.

4. It’s not necessary for her to answer all the questions.

III Ask the questions to the following sentences

1. They must work on Saturday.                               4. Mike has to leave at once.

2. I have to phone to the office every morning.        5. We should return earlier.

3. She can sing English songs.

IV Give the affirmative or negative answers to the questions

1. Need we get up on Sundays early?     

2. Must the pupils do their homework?     

3. Can little children read and write? 

4. Must we put on warm clothes in summe


I Choose the right answer

1. There are many nice jackets in the shops, ...?

a) aren’t they      b) aren’t there   c) aren’t this

2. You can hardly work here, ...?

a) can’t you        b) can you         c) couldn’t you

3) Mandy talks a lot, ...?

a) isn’t she         b) don’t she       c) doesn’t she

4. He’s bought some cassettes recently, ...?

a) isn’t he          b) doesn’t he      c) hasn’t he

5. They won’t return at 6 p.m., ...?

a) will they        b) would they    c) do they

6. My relatives are discussing this problem, ...?

a) aren’t he        b) aren’t they     c) are they

7. This is not very dangerous, ...?

a) is it                b) is this             c) is there

8) He’d never won the game, ...?

a) hadn’t he      b) had he            c) would he

II Match the parts of the questions. There is an extra one.

1. He was given a bonus,                         a) had you?

2. Helen studies well,                               b) isn’t it?

3. You haven’t had dinner,                      c) wasn’t he?

4. This is an interesting game,                 d) have you?

5. They weren’t running,                         e) doesn’t she?

                                                                 f) were they?

III Complete the sentences to form a tag-question

1.  They could repair the car, ...?

2.  He plays active games, ...?

3.  The pupils didn’t take part in the competitions, ...?

4.  I shall treat him well, ...?

5.  It was important to meet him, ...?

6.  Bill has defeated the enemy, ...?

7.  You wouldn’t go to the station so early, ...?

8.  She operated on the patient, ...?

9.  We weren’t shopping at that moment yesterday, ...?

10. She will go in for gymnastics, ...?


I Change the sentences from direct into indirect speech

1. The teacher told the pupils, “Don’t miss school!”

2. Nora said to us, “She lived in Egypt five years ago.”

3. They asked us, “Will Jenny play the violin at the concert next week?”

4. I wanted to know, “Does your cat like to drink milk?”

5. Rob asked Rose, ”Help me with writing the story in English, please!”

6. Jasper said, “I am packing my things now”.

II Change the sentences from indirect into direct speech

1. Mary told me that it was raining outside then.

2. I asked my friend what she was going to have for dessert.

3. The man said that he couldn’t find the underground station.

4. I asked Fred if he had ever seen whales.

5. He asked me to run faster.

6. Bob said that his father worked at the factory.

III Translate from Ukrainian into English

1. Катя попросила мене сходити в магазин.

2. Мама сказала мені, що бабуся приїде завтра.

3. Вчитель спитав його, чи він зробив домашнє завдання.

4. Мої друзі сказали, що вони не люблять плавання.


I Choose the right answer

1. Mother said that she ... already ... a roast turkey.

a) had cooked       b) cooked            c) would cook

2. Betty told that her new friends ... engineers.

a) were                 b) are                   c) would be

3. Frank asked Kate if she ... to the cinema with Bill the next day.

a) hadn’t gone      b) didn’t go         c) wouldn’t go

4. James said that he ... to pop music then.

a) is listening        b) was listening   c) listens

5. Pam said that she ... learn the rule the day before.

a) can’t                 b) couldn’t           c) wouldn’t be able

6. Mary told her friend that she .... a modern computer.

a) had                   b) had had            c) would have

7. Robert asked me with whom I ... tennis two days before.

a) play                  b) is playing         c) had played

II  Change the affirmative sentences using  Indirect  Speech

  1. It is a very interesting job. ( Joy said )
  2. She will learn the poem by heart tomorrow. ( Mark told me )
  3. Her son wants to be a computer programmer. ( Susan was glad )
  4. She liked to read books about voyages five years ago. ( Maggie told me )
  5. Carol doesn’t like noisy games. ( Alice was sure )

III Change the interrogative sentences using Indirect Speech

1. Lena asked her friend, “Will you come and see me next week? “

2. Tina asked us, “Has Fred arrived at the airport already?”

3. Alex said to her, “Why do you help her?”

4. The teacher asked Dolly, “What is the population of New York?”

5. Ann said to Nick, “Where did you go with these boys last week?”

 IV Change the imperative sentences using Indirect Speech

  1. “Tom, go to bed”, said his mother.
  2. The teacher said, “Sasha, read aloud, please!”
  3. Father said to Jane, “Show me your exercise-book.”
  4. He said to me, “Don’t come today.”
  5. “Don’t be afraid!”, said his grandmother.


TENSES I Put the verbs into the right tense

1. I (play) tennis every day.

2. My sister (do) her homework already.

3. We (cook) dinner from 2 till 3 tomorrow.

4. The teacher (ask) the questions now.

5. They (watch) an interesting program yesterday.

6. By the time we came home he (clean) the room.

II Choose the correct form of the verb

1. John .... his work at 6 o’clock.

a) finish               b) finishes             c) finished

2. Ann ... her English exercise at the moment.

a) is doing           b) are doing          c) does

3. We ... our project next week.

a) start                 b) shall start          c) started

4. The pupils .... at the station yet.

a) didn’t arrive    b) hadn’t arrived   c) haven’t arrived

5. They .... in a nice hotel last weekend.

a) stayed              b) have stayed       c) will stay

6. He .... dinner when his mother came home.

a) was cooking    b) cooked              c) had cooked

7. When the teacher entered , the pupils ... already... opened their books.

a) opened            b) have opened        c) had opened

8. I .... my homework from three till six tomorrow.

a) will do            b) will be doing     c) is doing

9 If the weather ... , we will go to the seaside.      

 a) moved   b) moves   c) has moved

  1. Jane ... piano lessons since her childhood.          

a) has taken   b) has been taking   c) is taking     

  1. The boys ... a game of football at the moment.     

a) are having   b) have                 c) have been having

12 He watched how the builders ... the bridge.    

a) had built      b) were building   c) built                 

13 Kate ... to a new flat a month ago.

a) will change   b)  change            c)  changes

14 They ... all doors yet.

a) don’t lock      b) didn’t lock   c) haven’t locked

15 What ... you ... at 4.30 tomorrow afternoon.

a) are doing        b) will be doing   c) will do

16 Before my friends returned I ... the problem.

a) solved            b) has solved        c) had solved

INDIRECT SPEECH  III  Change the sentences into the reported speech.

1. My friend said, “I haven’t seen my cousin”.

2. She said to me, “I am going to the theatre today”.

3. The teacher said to the class, “We will discuss this topic tomorrow”.

4. He says, “They have made good progress in English”.

5. My classmate said to her, “I can’t explain this rule to you”.

6. She said to us, “They arrived in Lviv yesterday”.

7. Janet asked her mother, “What are you cooking now?“

8. He knew, “He will go on reading next lesson.“

9. Mark was glad, “I haven’t got a sister.”

10. The teacher asked, “Dave, make the classroom clean tomorrow, please!”

11. Little Sally asked Pat, “Don’t read so quickly, please!“

12. John asked Kit, “Did your friends come with you yesterday?”

13. The boy said, “My brother plays tennis very well.”

14. He asked, “Where is London situated? “

PASSIVE VOICE IV Put the verb into passive voice.

1. The flat (to clean) every morning.

2. This beautiful castle (to build) two centuries ago.

3. Many funny stories often (to tell) us by him.

4. The compositions (to check) by our teacher next Monday.

5. The keys (to leave) on the table in the hall tomorrow morning.

6. The letter (not to receive) by the secretary last Sunday.

7. Newspapers (not to bring) every week.

8. The soup (to cook) by my sister in ten minutes.

9. Our country (wash) by the Black Sea.

10. The new houses (build) by them every day.

11. The composition (write) by the pupil tomorrow.

12. Many things (buy) by me at the market last week.

13. The photographs (take) by him every weekend.

TAG-QUESTIONS V  Complete the tag-questions

1. He has been studying English for five years, ... ?

2. You won’t come tomorrow, ... ?

3. There are many large classrooms at our school, ... ?

4. She is fond of playing the guitar, ... ?

5. My classmates don’t like to recite poems, ... ?

6. Ann changed her mind yesterday, ... ?

INFINITIVE VI  Use the forms of the Infinitive to complete the sentences

1. It’s a wonderful day (go) for a walk.

2. The homework needs (do) by the pupils.

3. It seems (rain) at the moment.

4. Tom asked his father (help) him.

5. I was glad (tell) you that plan.

GERUND VII  Fill in the gaps using the gerund

1. Her brother is interested in (play) computer games.

2. After (have) supper the children went to bed.

3. The boy was punished for (break) the window.

4. I enjoy (run) at our PT lessons.

5. My sister is tired of (sit) here.  


I    1b, 2a, 3b, 4c, 5a, 6c

II   1b, 2c, 3b, 4b, 5d

III 1 runs, 2 has just made, 3 will give, 4 are walking, 5 come, will find


I  1get, 2 will work, 3 knows, 4 come, 5 will be

II 1 will call, are 2 comes, will watch 3 will prepare, return 4 will send, arrives

    5 won’t phone, ask

III 1 I will phone you 2 he reads this book 3 If the weather is fine 4 When I write a letter


I 1b, 2a, 3c, 4a, 5b

II 1will do, 2 will be writing, 3 will have washed, 4 won’t go, 5 will you be doing, 6 will have called, 7 Will you come, 8 will you have read 

III 1. The children will have cleaned the room by this time.

      2. They will be building this house from September till December.

      3. I will call you tomorrow.

      4. Mother will have cooked dinner by 3 o’clock.

      5. He will be translating this article all the morning.


I  1. A lot of houses are built by them every year.

   2. English will be spoken well by the children next year.

   3. The sentences were translated by the teacher yesterday.

   4. Dinner will be eaten by her in an hour.

   5. They are often invited to the parties by my parents.

   6. The things were brought by her father last Sunday.

   7. A dictionary will be given to him by me.

   8. The report will be finished by the student in time.

II 1 is played, 2 will be cleaned, 3 were sent, 4 will be done, 5 is watched, 6 was arrested, 7 were written, 8 are taken

III 1 was phoned, 2 will be built, 3 aren’t done, 4 was promised, 5 were invited, 6 will be sung, 7 was founded, 8 are given


I    1b, 2c, 3b, 4c, 5a

II   1 am often told, 2 has just been built, 3 will be given, 4 was painted, 5 will have been taught, 6 had been examined

III 1. Her telephone number had been given by him by the evening.

      2. The letter has just been received by her.

      3. A new medicine will be prescribed to me by the doctor.

          I will be prescribed a new medicine by the doctor.

      4. Dishes are washed by us every day.

      5. The problem will have been discussed by people by 5 o’clock.

      6. The beautiful flowers were bought by me yesterday.

IV 1. This book will have been read by next Friday.

     2. Our class will be divided into two groups tomorrow.

     3. Wonderful houses were built last year.

     4. Supper had been cooked by 6 o’clock in the evening.


I     1b, 2b, 3c, 4a, 5c

II   1 were rebuilt  2 is watched  3 has been seen   4 will be taken   5 was arrested

III  1. A lot of houses are built by them every year.

      2. Her dinner will be eaten by her.

      3. This notice was written by Sandy this morning.

      4. The report was finished by the student in time.

IV  1. An old woman has just crossed the street.

      2. The pupils learnt this poem yesterday.

      3. They usually repair their country house every year.

      4. He will buy the tickets tomorrow.


I    1b, 2c, 3c, 4b, 5a, 6a, 7a, 8c

II   1 Infinitive Passive 2 Perfect Active 3 Infinitive Active 4 Continuous 5 Infinitive   

      Active 6 Infinitive Passive

III  1 to speak, 2 to read, 3 to translate this text, 4 to have told you my plan, 5 to be written 


I    1b, 2a, 3b, 4b, 5a, 6b

II   1 to, 2-, 3-, 4-, 5-, 6 to, 7 to, 8-

III 1. He is sorry to have said it.

     2. She was angry to have been interrupted.

     3. Pete is upset not to have passed the exam.

     4. The pupils are in a good mood to have written the test well.

     5. The boy was embarrassed not to have learnt the poem by heart.

     6. Susan is sorry to have spoilt my picture.

IV 1. He likes to tell us interesting stories.

     2. She is glad to have been visited by her friends.

     3. The policeman ordered him not to drive so fast.

     4. The girl hoped to be invited to the party.

     5. We are glad to have met our friends in time.


 I    1 to   2.-   3.-   5.-

II   1. She thinks them to be true friends.

      2. Everybody considered him study well.

      3. I have never seen her dance.

      4. He heard them discuss all the questions yesterday.

      5. We know it to be a mistake.

      6. She felt her mother cheat her.

III   1. Let her go for a walk. 

       2. Ann wants you not to behave badly.

       3. The children saw them leave for Lviv.

       4. Father made me clean my room.

       5. His parents would like him not to go to bed late. 


 I   1b, 2b, 3a, 4a, 5b 

 II   1 at learning 2 of going 3 of jumping 4 of playing 5 for helping   

III  1 her answering  2 Mary’s dancing  3 our leaving  4 my dog’s jumping  5 my dropping 

IV  1.Thank you for your coming so soon.

      2. Do you mind my taking your pen? 

      3. On returning home he phoned Dolly.

      4. The girls were afraid of missing the train.

      5. You can’t translate this text without using the dictionary.


I 1b, 2 a, 3 b, 4a, 5b, 6a

II 1 співаюча пташка                                 1 playing children

    2 пишучи листа                                      2 doing homework

    3 розбита тарілка                                   3 finished work

    4 будинок, побудований в місті           4 the dictionary written yesterday

    5 закінчуючи школу                              5 a woman sitting at the window

    6 готовий обід                                        6 used paper

    7 люди, які працюють в офісі              7 a destroyed house

    8 відкриті двері                                      8 helping mother

III 1 on her coming home, 2 listening her story, 3 presented by my brother, 4 made at our plant, 5 talking with her


 I    1c, 2b, 3c, 4a, 5c                                                                     

II  1. He must do this work tonight.                                                     

     2. The pupils mustn’t speak with each other at the lesson.              

     3. You must consult a doctor.                                                             

     4. She mustn’t answer all the questions.

III 1. Must they work on Saturday?

     2. I have to phone to the office every morning?

     3. Can she sing English songs?

     4. Does Mike have to leave at once?

     5. Should we return earlier?

IV 1 No, you needn’t 2 Yes, they must 3 No, they can’t 4 No, we needn’t


I   1b, 2a, 3c, 4c, 5a, 6b, 7a, 8b

II  1c, 2e, 3a, 4b, 5f

III 1 couldn’t they? 2 doesn’t he?  3 did they? 4 shan’t I? 5 wasn’t it? 6 hasn’t he?                               7 would you? 8 didn’t she? 9 were we? 10 won’t she?


I 1. The teacher told the pupils not to miss school.

  2. Nora said told us that she had lived in Egypt five years then.

  3. They asked us if Jenny would play the violin at the concert the next week.

  4. I wanted to know if your cat liked to drink milk.

  5. Rob asked Rose to help her with writing the story in English.

  6. Jasper said that he was packing his things then.

II 1. Mary told me, “It is raining outside now”.

    2. I asked my friend, “What is she going to have for dessert?”

    3. The man said, “I can’t find the underground station.”

    4. I asked Fred, “Have you ever seen whales?”

    5. He asked me, “Run faster!”

    6. Bob said, “My father works at the factory”.

III 1 Kate asked me to go to the shop.

      2 Mother told me that grandma would come the next day.

      3 The teacher asked him if he had done his homework.

      4 My friends told that they didn’t like swimming.


I 1a, 2a, 3c, 4b, 5b, 6a, 7c

II   1    Joy said that it was a very interesting job.

  1. Mark told me that she would learn the poem by heart the next day.
  2. Susan was glad that her son wanted to be a computer programmer.
  3. Maggie told me that she had liked to read books about voyages five years before.
  4. Alice was sure that Carol didn’t like noisy games.

III 1. Lena asked her friend if she would come and see her the next week.

      2. Tina asked us if Fred had arrived at the airport already.

      3. Alex asked her why she helped her.

      4. The teacher asked Dolly what the population of New York was.

      5. Ann asked Nick where he had gone with those boys the week before.

 IV 1. His mother told Tom to go to bed.

      2.  The teacher told Sasha to read aloud.

      3. Father asked Jane to show him her exercise-book.

      4. He told me not to come today.

      5. His grandmother told not to be afraid.


I 1 play, 2 has done, 3 will be cooking, 4 is asking, 5 watched, 6 had cleaned

II  1b, 2a, 3b, 4c, 5a, 6a, 7c, 8b, 9c, 10b, 11a, 12b, 13a, 14c, 15b, 16c

III  1. My friend said that he hadn’t seen his cousin.

      2. She told me that she was going to the theatre that day.

      3. The teacher told the class that they would discuss that topic the next day.

      4. He says that they have made good progress in English.

      5. My classmate told her that he couldn’t explain that rule to her. 

      6. She told us that they had arrived in Lviv the day before.

      7.Janet asked her mother what she was cooking then.

      8. He knew that he would go on the next/ the following lesson.

      9. Mark was glad that he hadn’t got a sister.

      10. The teacher asked Dave to make the classroom clean the next day.

      11. Little Sally asked Pat not to read so quickly.

      12. John asked Kit if his friends had come with him the day before.

      13. The boy said that his brother played tennis very well.

      14. He asked where London was situated.

IV  1 is cleaned, 2 was built, 3 are read, 4 will be checked, 5 will be left, 6 wasn’t received, 7 aren’t brought, 8 will be cooked, 9 is washed, 10 are built, 11 will be written, 12 were bought, 13 are taken

V  1. hasn’t he? 2. will you? 3. aren’t there? 4. isn’t she? 5. do they? 6. didn’t she?

VI 1 to go 2 to be done  3 to be raining  4 to help 5 to have told

VII 1 playing 2 having 3 breaking 4 running 5 sitting










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