Vocabulary Tests "Use of English for 9th formers"

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Запропоновані тести дають змогу перевірити рівень розуміння та засвоєння лексичного та граматичного матеріалу англійської мови з певних тем. Дані тестові завдання можуть бути використані на початку теми для визначення прогалин у знаннях учнів або після вивчення теми як вид тематичного контролю. Матеріалом для тестових завдань є автентичні підручники британського видавництва Oxford.

Перегляд файлу

Oksana Kholod 

Master Degrees in Philology and Management of Educational Establishments

Teacher-methodologist Gymnasium №93, Zaporizhzhіа


Запропоновані тести дають змогу перевірити рівень розуміння та засвоєння лексичного та граматичного матеріалу англійської мови з певних тем. Дані тестові завдання можуть бути використані на початку теми для визначення прогалин у знаннях учнів або після вивчення теми як вид тематичного контролю.  Матеріалом для тестових завдань є автентичні підручники британського видавництва Oxford.  



  TEST 1

I  Find a mistake   

1 Noway     2 Spanich   3 Garmany    4 Dytch    5 Greeck

II  Write the language whicn is spoken in the country

1 America -       2 Sweden -      3 China -  4 England  -   5 Canada  -   6   Portugal  -

III  Write the country where the language is spoken

1 Italian -   2 Finnish -     3 French  -   4 Danish  -   5 Japanese  -   6 Ukrainian  -

    TEST 2

I  Write the Ukrainian translations of the words

  1. crew                                  4. via
  2. ambition                           5. survivor
  3. voyage                              6. tribesman

II Divide the words into groups using the forms of transport

motorcycle, car, foot, bicycle, lorry, ship, boat, horse, submarine

  1. ride:
  2. walk:
  3. sail:
  4. drive:

III Complete the sentences

  1. Yuri Gagarin flew …
  2. Sir Francis Drake sailed …
  3. Ken Langley drove …

IV Answer the questions

  1. Would you like to travel round the world?
  2. Would you like to sail by ship or by plane?
  3. What would you like to do in your life else?


I   Put in the prepositions in/on/by

  1. ___ lorry                       6. ___ a plane
  2. ___ a spaceship            7. ___ car
  3. ___ a bicycle                 8. ___ a submarine
  4. ___ foot                        9. ___ bus
  5. ___ ship

II Complete the tag-questions

  1. This isn’t our train, ___ ?
  2. That man has got a suitcase the same as mine, ___?
  3. That’s Carruthers’ suitcase, ___?
  4. Now you won’t be able to go, ___?
  5. Millionaire offered one million pound to the first person to travel round the world, ___?
  6. You like a challenge, ___?

III Fill in the necessary word. One word is extra

luggage, enter, millionaire, share, black eye, prize, get rid of

  1. I read an article about a ________ .
  2. We will _________ a prize.
  3. Look. I’ll watch the _________.
  4. I’ll hope Carstairs’ _________ will soon be all right.
  5. I’ll ________ enter him and take the whole prize.
  6. Let’s ________ the race and share the prize.

IV Explain your opinion in 3-4 sentences.

What would you take on a journey (5-6 things)?

     TEST 4

I   Divide into two columns: indoors/outdoors

sailing, climbing, boxing, table tennis, fishing, cycling, dancing, motor racing, skiing

II Guess the anagrams

1 rnecesy 2 dtemoruens 3 piedrov 4 njealvi 5 odule 6 gulone

III Make sentences using gerund

Example: Bob likes climbing. ۷          Carol doesn’t like singing.       x

1. Ken and Ted / horse ride    x

2. Dan / weightlift ۷    

3. Tina / roller skate  x

 IV Answer the questions using gerund

What is your favourite pastime? What don’t you like doing?


I  Match the words and word-combinations

1. keep                  a)  eyes

2. accurate            b)  page

3. embarrassing    c)  hesitation

4. slight                d)  person

5. bright                e)  still

6. ignorant            f)  questions

7. blank                 g) sentence

                              h) information

II  Put in the correct word

freshman, wouldn’t believe, encyclopedia, disturbs, ignorance, intend, realize

1. You don’t ... the importance of his words.

2. It is useful to read articles in an ... . 

3. My elder brother left school last year and he is a ... now.

4. His ... made the other children laugh.

5. Silence in the house ... her.

6. I ... to visit my relatives in May.

7. He was shocked and ... me.

III  Fill in the necessary preposition

1. I missed many lessons at school last month and I had to catch ...  ...a lot.

2. The trouble ... him is that he is very lazy.

3. She is looking ...  ....  meet her friends.

4. Can you look ... this word ... your dictionary?

5. He agreed to leave ... a slightest hesitation.

6. This pupil keeps a lot of things ... his head.


I Choose the right variant

1 postgraduate       a першокурсник

2 freshman             b випускник

3 shaky                  c набір

4 set                       d погодостійкий

5 graduate              e старшокурсник

6 undergraduate     f тремтячий

                               g аспірант

II Write the correct preposition if necessary

1 Grace attended a boarding school that would fit her … college.

2 This was one of the things Tom and Grace the elder were thinking … as they sat in their living-room.

3 Ted must be kept … … the garage till tomorrow morning.

4 Ted could use it during the vacation and could look forward … driving it.

5 They must go to bed early so Santa Clause would not be frightened … .

6 They were afraid to wake us … , telephoning.

III Divide the words into three columns: verbs, nouns, adjectives

shaky, jewelry, suburban, christen, beat, weather-proof, a set, lighten, rug, hopeless, fail, sizable

  TEST 7

I Fill in the blanks with the correct letters

1. diction_y                                   3. catalog_

a) er  b) ar c) ur  d) or                   a) ue b) ye  c) eu d) ie

2. c_tents                                       4. enc_lopedia

a) en b) un c) on d) an                   a) ac b) yc c) yk d) ik

II Match the antonyms. One of the words is extra one

1. optimistic               a) indecent

2. hard-working         b) silly

3. intelligent               c) persistent

4. decent                     d) ugly

5. just                         e) lazy

6. beautiful                 f)  unjust

                                   g) pessimistic

III Characterize a person

  1. Steve isn’t afraid of dangerous situations. He is ...
  2. Ann can’t stop talking. She is ...
  3. Bogdan hates spending money. He is ...
  4. Kate is friendly and enjoys being with other people. She is ...
  5. Harry never tells a lie. He is ...

  TEST 8

I Match the words and their translations. One word will be extra

  1. remove                 a) цілком
  2. attain                    b) сприяти
  3. far-reaching         c) поширюватись
  4. utterly                  d) пересувати
  5. spread                  e) досягати
  6. standard               f) далекосяжний

                             g) норма

II Find synonyms. One word will be extra

  1. tongue                  a) save
  2. rapid                     b) encourage      
  3. recent                   c) die
  4. share                     d) swift
  5. perish                    e) modern
  6. preserve                f) divide

                             g) language

III Complete the sentences using the words from the box. One word will be extra

settled, invaded, removed, degree, shared, revival, conquered

  1. The first district of England to attain any high … of civilization was the North.
  2. The English language was brought to England by the German tribes who … the island in the 5th and the 6th centuries.
  3. Under the scholarly influence of King Alfred, and the … of learning he promoted, West-Saxon became the literary and classical form of English.
  4. When for the third time a foreign race … England, the language of Wessex was in turn almost destroyed.
  5. For several centuries the Celts in England had enjoyed the benefits of the Roman civilization, and … in the civilization of the Roman Empire.
  6. It was, indeed, from the Angles … here and their Anglican dialect, that our language acquired the name of English.


I  Match the words and the words-combinations  

1. logging               a) fumes                                        

 2. aerosol                b) spills                                          

 3. traffic                  c) eruption                                     

 4. recycled              d) species                                       

 5. volcanic              e) paper                                                

6. pollute                  f) shortage

 7. public                  g) safety                                        

 8. oil                        h)  cans                                          

 9. nuclear                 i) rains                                                                            

                                 j) transport      

II  Match the words with the opposite meanings

1. repair                    a) useful          

2. danger                   b) die         

3. destroy                  c) reduce 

4. increase                 d) rainforest   

5. survive                   e) restore

6. acid                        f) companies 

7. harmful                 g) safety

8. desert                    h) purify

                                  i) damage

III  Fill in the correct word from the following

create, contribute, endangered, litter, surface, concern, breathe, air pollution, greenhouse effect

1. Our cities will be clean if people don’t drop ... in the streets.

2. Smoke from plants and factories cause ... in many of the heavily industrialized cities.

3. If we want to have nicer places to live in we should ... more parks and gardens.

4. Most of all ... waters are polluted and pose fatal health risks to the people.

5. The result of the ... is a rise in the Earth’s temperature.

6. Many hunters destroy ... species for their fur.

7. The air is so polluted that I can’t ... properly.

8. Environmental protection has become a global ... .

IV  Make the sentences using the completed phrases

cause, radioactive, protect, waste, chemicals, emissions

1. ... wastes                         4. ... products

2. to ... water pollution       5. car

3. ... from factories             6. ... rare animals


I Match the words and their translation. One word will be extra

  1. tale                          a) перерва
  2. hard work               b) очікувати
  3. extra                        c) нудний
  4. earn                         d) розважатися
  5. repair                       e) особливо
  6. expect                     f) останній
  7. recent                      g) додатковий
  8. particularly              h) тяжка праця
  9. boring                      i) інтерес
  10. traveller                   j) заробляти
  11. break                       k) ремонтувати
  12. interest                    l)  мандрівник

                                m) розповідь

II Correct the mistakes in the words if there are any of them

  1. advertisament
  2. Midle Ages
  3. Your sincerely
  4. qualifications
  5. driving lisence
  6. entertain

III Complete the sentences using the words from the box. One word will be extra

the university, run, study, car mechanic, on the way, interested in, particularly

  1.           It was a long journey and … the pilgrims told each other stories.
  2.           After leaving school I want to enter …
  3.           I can repair cars because I’m a …
  4.           This year my sister and I … Canterbury Holidays.
  5.           I’m good at sports, … baseball.
  6.           My friend is … geography.

IV Answer the questions

  1. What are pilgrims?
  2. Why do people want to travel?
  3. What do tour guides do? 



I   1Norway  2 Spanish 3 Germany 4 Dutch  4 Greek/Greece

II 1 American 2 Swedish  3 Chinese 4 English  5 Canadian 6 Portuguese

III 1 Italy  2 Finland  3 France  4 Denmark  5 Japan  6 Ukraine


I 1 команда 2 честолюбство  3 морська подорож 4 через 5. той, хто вижив 6. житель племені

II 1. motorcycle, horse, bicycle; 2. foot 3. ship, boat, submarine 4. car, lorry

III 1. in a ship /by lorry 2. in a /by ship 3. in a /by car


I 1 by, 2 in, 3 on, 4 on, 5 by, 6 in, 7 by, 8 in, 9 by

II 1. is this? 2. hasn’t he? 3. isn’t it? 4. will you? 5. didn’t he? 6. don’t you?

III 1. millionaire 2. share 3. luggage  4. black eye 5. get rid of 6. enter


I Indoors: boxing, table tennis, climbing

   Outdoors: sailing, dancing, fishing, motor racing, skiing, cycling

II 1 scenery 2 tremendous 3 provide 4 lounge 5 javelin 6 double

III 1. Ken and Ted don’t like horse riding.

      2. Dan likes weightlifting.

      3. Tina doesn’t like roller skating.


I    1e, 2h, 3f, 4c, 5a, 6d, 7b

II   1. realize 2. encyclopedia 3. freshman 4. ignorance 5. disturbs 6. intend 7. wouldn’t believe

III 1. up with /on 2. with  3. forward to  4. up, in 5. without 6. in


I 1g 2a 3f 4c 5b 6e

II 1 for 2 of 3 out of 4 to 5 away 6 up

III verbs: christen, beat, lighten, fail; nouns: a set, jewelry, rug; adjectives: shaky, weather-proof, hopeless, sizable, suburban


I   1b, 2c, 3a, 4b

II 1g, 2e, 3b, 4a, 5f, 6d

III 1. brave   2. talkative   3. mean   4. sociable   5. honest


I 1d, 2e, 3f, 4a, 5c, 6g

II 1g, 2d, 3e, 4f, 5c, 6a

III 1 degree, 2 conquered, 3 revival, 4 invaded, 5 shared, 6 settled


I   1f , 2h , 3a , 4e , 5c , 6i , 7j , 8b , 9g

II  1i , 2g , 3e , 4c , 5b , 6h , 7a , 8d

III   1 litter 2 air pollution 3 create  4 surface 5 greenhouse effect 6 endangered 7 breathe 8 concern

IV   1 radioactive 2 cause  3 chemicals 4 waste 5 emissions 6 protect


I 1m, 2h, 3g, 4j, 5k, 6b, 7f, 8e, 9c, 10l, 11a, 12i

II 1 advertisement 2 Middle Ages 3 Yours sincerely 4 qualifications 5 driving licence 6 entertain

III 1 on the way 2 the university 3 car mechanic 4 run 5 particularly 6 interested in




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Англійська мова (для спеціалізова-них шкіл з поглибленим вивченням англійської мови) 9 клас (Калініна Л.В., Самойлюкевич І.В)
11 липня 2018
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