Happy Groundhog day (День бабака)

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Фільм "День бабака" знайомий усім, але як провести цікавий захід з учнями? Перегляньте даний матеріал
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Happy Groundhog Day!

Бутенко Ю.В., гімназія №107 «Введенська», м.Київ

Мета: ознайомити учнів із святом «День бабака», особливостями життя бабаків; розвивати навички визначення частин мови, вміння дотримуватись інструкцій; тренувати вимову, навички читання, аудіювання, говоріння, логічне мислення; вміння систематизувати отримані знання, працювати в команді; виховувати толерантне ставлення один до одного під час спільної справи, нести за неї відповідальність; підтримувати зацікавленість у вивченні англійської мови.

Обладнання: презентація в Power Point, бейджі з назвами команд, роздатковий матеріал, конвертики із смужками слів, аудіозапис пісні "Im a little groundhog ", печиво у вигляді бабака.


  1. Greetings
  2.   T:  today we are going to find out a lot of interesting information about Groundhog Day. (слайд 1) You are going to compete so you are divided into three teams: "The Happy Groundhogs", " The Smart Groundhogs", " The Jolly Groundhogs". (слайд 2) На дошці попередньо треба написати назви команд на дошці. The names of your teams are on your emblems. Before we get started doing different tasks let’s do warm-up exercise.

Look at the board. Here you can see a tongue twister about a groundhog which is also called a woodchuck. (слайд 3)

How much wood could a woodchuck chuck
if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
Скільки дров міг би кинути бабак, якби бабак міг кидати дрова?

  • Listen to me.
  • Listen to me and repeat it in whisper.
  • Read it in whisper on your own.
  • The 1st team reads the tongue twister quickly and loudly.
  • The 2d team reads the tongue twister quickly and loudly.
  • The 3d team reads the tongue twister quickly and loudly.
  • Some students can try to do it quickly and loudly.
  • Let’s read it altogether quickly and loudly.
  1. Competition

            T: let’s start the competition. We are going to work with a lexical material, develop our reading skills, practice listening skills and work in groups, fallowing all the instructions. (слайд 4)


Працюють всі учні разом з учителем

Учитель користується слайдами 5-7

*Listen to me and repeat the words after me (2 times).

**Listen to ____ (chose 2-3 students) and repeat the words after her/him.

Punxsutawney [ˌpəngksəˈtônē] – Панксатоні, невеличке містечко в Пенсильванії (США)

Candlemas Daykand(ə)lmas] – Стрітення, день, коли слов’яни відзначали зустріч Зими й Весни

groundhog ['graundhɔg] – бабак

celebration [ˌselə'breɪʃ(ə)n] – святкування 

shadow ['ʃædəu] – тінь

burrow ['bɜːrəu]– нірка 

habitat [ˈhabɪtat] – середовище існування 

southern [ˈsʌð(ə)n] – південний

early [ˈəːli] – рано

famous  [ˈfeɪməs] – відомий

better [ˈbɛtə] – кращий

it – воно

in  - у/ в


1) TASK "WORD CLASS"  1 right answer = 1 point (слайд 8)

*Take the tables and look at the given words. Fill in the columns according to the word class. (див. Додаток 1)

in    groundhog   celebration   shadow    early    it   one*   southern    better    Punxsutawney    habitat      burrow    famous 



Щоб перевірити відповіді, команди обмінюються бланками, звіряють разом з учителем, користуючись слайдами 9-14. Учитель записує набрані бали кожної команди на дошці.

(keys: nouns – groundhog, celebration, shadow, Punxsutawney, habitat, burrow; pronouns – it, one; adjectives  southern,  better, famous; adverbs – early; prepositions – in)


2) READING TASK "Groundhog Day in the USA"  1 right answer = 1 point (слайд 15)

*Read the text and fill in the gaps using the given words (each team gets the printed texts with the task, див. Додаток 2).

in    groundhog   celebration   shadow    early    it   one   southern    better    Punxsutawney    habitat      burrow    famous  


Dear Mary,

Greetings from 1) ______________! I’m so glad to be your pen pal! You asked me about winter holidays in the USA. I’d like to tell you about 2)___________ Day. 3)___ is February, 2 each year 4)_______ my country.

People in Pennsylvania decided to celebrate Candlemas Day by going to the woods in search of a groundhog in 1880’s. The first Groundhog Day was held in 1886. The largest and most 5)_______ 6)___________for holiday in the United States is held in town Punxsutawney! There are seven famous groundhogs but groundhog Punxsutawney Phil is the most famous 7) ____. It lives in a climate-controlled 8) _________ that is attached to the Punxsutawney Library. If Phil emerges from his 9) ________ and sees his 10) ______ (sunny morning), winter will last another six weeks. If the groundhog does not see his shadow (cloudy morning), then spring will arrive       11) ______.

I love our cute Punxsutawney Phil so much! We celebrate its holiday with a groundhog prediction, festivities, food and speeches.

There are some interesting facts. You should know that groundhog is another name for Woodchuck. Groundhogs are found only in North America, from Canada down to the              12) ________ United States. A movie was made in 1993 called "Groundhog Day". It was filmed in Woodstock, Illinois but was portrayed as Punxsutawney. It was a comedy about a man reliving the same day over and over again until he became a 13) _______ person.

Well, that’s all for now. Write back and tell me about Groundhog Day in Ukraine.

Best wishes,


Для перевірки команди обмінюються бланками відповідей, звіряють разом з учителем, користуючись слайдами16-25 . Учитель записує набрані бали кожної команди на дошці.


  1. Punxsutawney   
  2. groundhog
  3. it
  4. in
  5. famous
  6. celebration  
  7. one
  8. habitat     
  9. burrow
  10. shadow
  11. early
  12. southern
  13. better



"Interesting Facts about Groundhogs" 1 right answer = 1 point

Vocabulary (слайд 27) – опрацьовується колективно

native [ˈneɪtɪv] – рідний

incisors [ɪnˈsaɪzəz] – зуби різці

chew [tʃuː] – жувати

hibernatehʌɪbəneɪt] – залягати в сплячку

hibernation [ˌhʌɪbəˈneɪʃ(ə)n] – зимова сплячка

a) Listen to the text. Be ready to mark T/ F statements. (учитель читає текст та гортає слайди 28-33)

Hello, Susan!

Great to hear from you! Groundhog Day is also celebrated in my native Ukraine! There are two famous groundhogs in our country. Groundhog Tymko lives on the biological station of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University and Groundhog Myshko lives in Lviv Children’s Naturalistic Center.

Last year we celebrated Groundhog Day at school. I’d like to tell you the most interesting facts about groundhogs. They have sharp front teeth called incisors. They keep growing longer and longer. So groundhogs have to chew sticks and trees. In this way groundhogs keep their teeth nice and short.

Groundhogs eat grass, berries, nuts and also small insects.

Groundhogs live in long underground tunnels called burrows. Some of burrows are as long as 5-6 cars parked end to end. Every burrow has two main rooms. One of them is used as a kind of living-room for sleeping and hanging out. And the other one is used only as a bathroom.

Groundhogs can climb trees and can swim very well.

In the winter, they hibernate. Hibernation is a kind of deep sleep. A slow heartbeat and a low temperature help groundhogs to save the energy through the winter. To get ready for a long hibernation groundhogs spend most of autumn eating as much as they can. They won’t come out of their burrows even to eat from October to March.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,


b) Mark T/ F statements. (див. Додаток 3)

  1. Tymko and Myshko are two famous groundhogs in Ukraine.
  2. Tymko lives on the biological station of V. N. Karazin Kyiv  National University.
  3. Groundhogs have to chew sticks and grass to keep their teeth nice and short.
  4. Groundhogs eat grass, berries, nuts and also small insects.
  5. Groundhogs live in long underground tunnels called burrows.
  6. Every burrow has a bedroom and a kitchen.
  7. Groundhogs can climb trees and can swim very well.
  8. Groundhogs hibernate from October to March.

Щоб перевірити відповіді, команди обмінюються бланками, звіряють разом з учителем, користуючись слайдами34-39 . Учитель записує набрані бали кожної команди на дошці.


  1. T
  2. F
  3. F
  4. T
  5. T
  6. F
  7. T
  8. T



4) SUMMERIZING (слайд 40)

" What do you remember about groundhogs?" 1 right answer = 1 point

Choose the correct answer (див. Додаток 4)

  1. Groundhog Day is celebrated …
  1. April, 2
  2. February, 2
  3. January, 2
  1. Groundhog Day is celebrated in one day with …
  1. Candlemas Day
  2. Christmas
  3. Easter
  1. The largest and most famous celebration for Groundhog Day in the United States is held in …
  1. Paterson
  2. Paris
  3. Punxsutawney
  1. If Groundhog Phil emerges from his burrow and sees his shadow, …
  1. spring will last another six weeks.
  2.  winter will last another six weeks.
  3. winter will last another seven weeks.
  1. Groundhog’s incisors are …
  1. whiskers
  2.  legs
  3.  teeth
  1. To keep their teeth nice and short groundhogs chew …
  1. grass and nuts
  2.  sticks and trees
  3.  nuts and trees
  1. Groundhogs hibernate …
  1. from October to March
  2.  from September to March
  3. from October to April

(keys: 1.B, 2.A, 3.C, 4.B, 5.C, 6.B, 7.A)

Для перевірки тестів команди обмінюються бланками відповідей, звіряють разом з учителем, користуючись слайдами41-47 . Учитель записує набрані бали кожної команди на дошці.

  • Підраховується загальна кількість балів. Оголошується команда-переможець. Учні дарують оплески один одному. (слайд 48)


  1. Relaxation

T: in order to relax after competition and train the attention in a jolly way, take the envelopes.

  • There are some stripes with lyrics. Listen to the song and try to put the stripes in a correct order. У конвертиках знаходяться розрізані рядочки слів пісні, ресурс: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oLO-LVxJi7A

(див. Додаток 5) (слайди 49-50)

I’m a little groundhog, furry and brown

I pop my head out of my hole and look around

But if I see my shadow, I’ll go back down

For 6 more weeks of winter underground


I’m a little groundhog, furry and brown

I pop my head out of my hole and look around

If I don’t see my shadow, I’ll stay out here

And you’ll have Spring early this year!


  • Let’s sing this song altogether.


T: thank you very much for being active! Good bye!

Всі учасники отримують печиво у вигляді бабака. Робимо спільне фото (слайд 51)


Додаток 1


TEAM _________________________ TOTAL: _____points


  1. "WORD CLASS". Fill in the columns according to the word class.


in     groundhog    celebration     shadow    early    it     one*     southern    better    Punxsutawney habitat       burrow       famous  





































Додаток 2


TEAM _________________________ TOTAL: _____points


  1. READING TASK "Groundhog Day in the USA"

Write the words


















Додаток 3


TEAM _________________________ TOTAL: _____points



"Interesting Facts about Groundhogs"

Mark T/ F statements.


  1. Tymko and Myshko are two famous groundhogs in Ukraine.                                  ____
  2. Tymko lives on the biological station of V. N. Karazin Kyiv National University. ____
  3. Groundhogs have to chew sticks and grass to keep their teeth nice and short.         ____
  4. Groundhogs eat grass, berries, nuts and also small insects.                                      ____
  5. Groundhogs live in long underground tunnels called burrows.                                ____
  6. Every burrow has a bedroom and a kitchen.                                                             ____
  7. Groundhogs can climb trees and can swim very well.                                              ____
  8. Groundhogs hibernate from October to March.                                                        ____                                                    


Додаток 4


TEAM _________________________ TOTAL: _____points



"What do you remember about groundhogs?"

Choose the correct answer

  1. Groundhog Day is celebrated …
  1. April, 2
  2. February, 2
  3. January, 2
  1. Groundhog Day is celebrated in one day with …
  1. Candlemas Day
  2. Christmas
  3. Easter
  1. The largest and most famous celebration for Groundhog Day in the United States is held in …
  1. Paterson
  2. Paris
  3. Punxsutawney
  1. If Groundhog Phil emerges from his burrow and sees his shadow, …
  1. spring will last another six weeks.
  2.  winter will last another six weeks.
  3. winter will last another seven weeks.
  1. Groundhog’s incisors are …
  1. whiskers
  2.  legs
  3.  teeth
  1. To keep their teeth nice and short groundhogs chew …
  1. grass and nuts
  2.  sticks and trees
  3.  nuts and trees
  1. Groundhogs hibernate …
  1. from October to March
  2.  from September to March
  3. from October to April



Додаток 5



Im a little groundhog, furry and brown

I pop my head out of my hole and look around

But If I see my shadow, Ill go back down

For 6 more weeks of winter underground


Im a little groundhog, furry and brown

I pop my head out of my hole and look around

If I dont see my shadow, Ill stay out here

And youll have Spring early this year!