І семестр Контрольна робота для учнів 7 класу (сімейна форма навчання)

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Контрольна робота для учнів 7 класу сімейної форми навчання на І семестр. Містить завдання з читання, письма та лексико-граматичні тести
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Семестрова контрольна робота

з англійської мови

(сімейна форма навчання)


(ПІБ учня)


Test Paper

  1. Choose the right variant.
  1. This cake is delicious ______ .
  1.      enough  b) too
  1. This milk is _____ cold.
  1.      enough  b) too
  1. I would like ______ slices of cheese.
  1.      a few   b) a little
  1. Would you like to have ______ money?
  1.      a few   b) a lot of
  1. There are _____ photos on their school’s site.
  1.      too many  b) too much


  1. Choose the correct word.
  1. I’m thirsty. Let’s go to the café and get something/anything to drink.
  2. There is anything/nothing interesting in this newspaper.
  3. What are you doing? I’m waiting for somebody/anybody.
  4. Some/Any coffee?
  5. I’ve looked nowhere/everywhere for my mobile phone but I haven’t found it.







  1. Read the text and say if the statements below true or false.

The Treasure (Скарби)

  Simon Dalton sat unhappily at the kitchen table with his parents. It was the middle of August and it was very hot. They all wanted to go on holiday but they just didn’t have enough money.

Simon finished his breakfast and went into the garden. Buster, his huge dog, followed him joyfully. Simon lay on the grass. He felt bored. He looked around the garden looking for something to do. Suddenly, he had an idea. “Come on, Buster! Let’s plant some trees!” Simon took a spade (лопата) and started digging.

Suddenly, his spade hit something hard. It was the top of a small wooden box. He kept digging until he could pull the box out. It took him a long time. He tried to open it but it was locked, so he broke it with his spade. When he opened the box he could not believe his eyes. The chest was full of ancient coins. “Mum! Dad!” he shouted loudly. “Come and see! It looks like treasure!” “It is,” his dad said. “It’s gold!”

The Daltons took the treasure to the local museum and they were delighted to receive a reward (нагорода). Simon was in all the newspapers and they even interviewed him on TV.

A week later, Simon was on a beautiful beach in Florida, one of the warmest states of their country. He enjoyed swimming and bathing in the sun. His idea of planting trees wasn’t such a bad one, after all! He looked at his parents and smiled happily. This was going to be a great holiday.

  1. Simon and his parents lived in England.
  2. Simon decided to put new trees in the ground.
  3. Simon had a little dog for a pet.
  4. Simon’s father helped him to open the chest.
  5. The Daltons went to the beach in autumn.
  6. It was difficult to pull the box out of the ground.
  7. The box that Simon found was made of gold.
  8. The Daltons kept the treasure at home.


  1. Write 8-10 sentences what you like or dislike doing chores about the house.
До підручника
Англійська мова (7-й рік навчання) 7 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
10 січня 2024
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