Instructional Strategies in School 'Positive Climate in a Classroom'.

Про матеріал

Змістовний мастер - класс допоможе знайти відповіді на питання - Як мотивувати дітей?, Що робити щоб їм допомогти? Матеріал підібрано відповідно до сучасної тенденції запровадження диференційованого навчання та інклюзивної освіти, враховуючи потреби, вміння та інтереси кожної дитини у класі.

Перегляд файлу

Positive Climate for Learning

Teachers can adapt and use the instructional strategies according to the age/ skills/ knowledge background and interests of pupils.

What is different in school divisions:

- Age appropriate classroom design and environment;

- Planning of  learning objectives(curriculum plan) ;

- Provide the amount and the context of information and tasks(primary school – images, flashcards, video cartoons / secondary schools - schemas, podcasts, exploring work and the result of it);

- Teacher’s role(primary school – mentor and support, teach how to collaborate, communicate, basic  skills, / secondary school  5-8 – control, work together teacher-pupils/pupils-pupils, develop basic skills/ 9-11 support and develop individual specific skills needed in a future profession); (teacher’s support in pair work / groups work or individual division of work);

- Assessment ( primary school – teacher monitor the knowledge / secondary school – pupils self-monitor their learning);

- Types of strategies and theories in teaching.

What can a teacher provide in the classroom :

Use different theories in teaching ( )

Support real-life situational learning;

Provide positive climate in a classroom;

Support cultural background and awareness;

Support teacher – child –parents connection;

Support the development of  key skills ( digital citizenship, critical thinking, globalisation, collaboration, time management) . See more key skills

List of strategies to extend critical thinking skills:

Direct Instruction.

Indirect Instruction.

Experiential Learning.

Independent study.

Interactive instruction

Here you can see the advantages and disadvantages of the strategies

Steps to engage pupils:

-Organise learning environment ( ;

-Learn pupils’ needs and interests( ;

- Learn and help to use their awareness;

-Collaborate with colleagues and ask for help ( if there is a need or use pedagogical  blogs). See this informative resource

-Learn pupils how to implement technologies( learning platforms) into studying process ;

- Use differentiated materials, instructions and different theories in learning and teaching process;

-Support connection with parents.


Пов’язані теми
Англійська мова, Майстер-класи
4 квітня 2018
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