Урок з теми "Спорт" для розвитку комунікації

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Веремчук А. П. , вчитель-методист англійської мови Оріхівської філії №3 КЗ ОЗЗСО «Сузір’я», м. Оріхів, Запорізька область.



The aim  of the lesson: to develop reading and writing skills, to practice in listening comprehension, to develop communicative skills using active lexis on the topic, to teach working in groups.


  1. Introduction



How are things with you?

How are you getting on?

How is your life?

Are you O.K.?

How do you feel today?

Are you in a good mood?

 Possible answers:

  • I`m very well, thank you.
  • Quite well, thank you.
  • I`m fine, thank you.
  • Never better.
  • So-so. Middling.
  • Everything is O.K.
  • I`m as sound as a bell.
  • So-so. It could be better.
  • Not so well, but I hope for the best.
  • “First-rate”.
  • I can`t complain. No wonder, I feel pretty good and have no problems at school so far.

Teacher: It`s great! P1, How do you feel today?

I`m in the pink.

T: By the way, did you do your morning exercises?

P1: Yes, I did.

Do you do your morning exercises regularly?

P1: Of course, I do.

T: Do you think morning exercises are a good way to start a day?

P1: Certainly. Morning exercises as well as any physical activity during the day help me to be always healthy and keep me fit.


II.Warming up


Phonetic Drill:

  1. Read the poem after me:

Sport is fun for boys and girls,

It`s much better than the toys.

You can ski and skate and sledge,

And play snowballs with friends.

You can swim and play football,

Hockey, tennis, basketball.

You can jump and you can run,

You can have a lot of fun.

   2.  Answer my questions.

  • Is it necessary to go in for sport?

Why do you think so?


III The main part of the lesson

  1. Speaking:
  1. Read and speak on these proverbs and sayings.
  1. A sound mind in a sound body. A healthy mind in a healthy body. – У здоровому тілі здоровий дух.
  2. Health is better than wealth. – Здоров’я – найбільше багатство.
  3. The best of the sport is to do the deed and say nothing. – Найкраще заняття – робити мовчки справу.
  4. In sport and journeys men are known. –

Люди пізнаються у змаганнях і мандрах.



  1. Answer the questions.
  1. What role does sport play in your life?
  2. Are you good at any sports or games?
  3. Have you ever taken part in sports competitions? Did you win?
  4. Why do people go in for sport?
  5. In what way does sport help you to keep fit?
  6. What are the most popular sports in Great Britain and Ukraine?  What games are popular in these countries?
  7. What sports and games do you prefer? Why? Do you practice them or watch them on TV?
  8. Many people call themselves football fans, basketball fans or tennis fans. Can you call yourself a fan?
  9. Have you ever watched competitions at the stadium? What were your impressions?
  10.  Do you know any big national or international competitions? What are they?
  11. How many summer and winter sports and games can you name?
  12. How many indoor and outdoor sports and games do you know?
  13. What sports and games can you call: a) the most beautiful, b) the most dangerous, c) the most useful for health, d) the most interesting to watch, e) the least interesting to watch, f) the most exotic, g) the best for keeping fit?
  14. Who are the world champions in running?
  15. Who is the Olympic champion in big tennis?

2. Writing

A. Write the names of these sports and games in the right categories.

Sports     Games

  1.  …..                                                    1. ……


Boxing, basketball, long jumping, golf, volleyball, draughts, hockey, judo, badminton, wrestling, tennis, swimming, athletics, rowing, yachting, darts, figure skating, weightlifting, chess, karate, water polo, snooker, baseball, rugby, mountaineering, cycling, fencing, running, gymnastics




B. Guess what sport or game it is. Write down its name.

1. A game played on a field by two teams of eleven players with curved sticks and a ball. (grass hockey)

2. A sport in which one balances oneself on a long narrow board while being carried along by heavy waves. (surfing)

3. A game for two players with sixteen pieces each on a board with sixty-four squares which can be moved according to fixed rules across a board in an attempt to trap (checkmate) the opponent`s king. (chess)

4. A sport in which two people fight with fists in thick gloves. (boxing)

5. A sport in which one or several people move a boat by using oars. (rowing)

6. A game played by two teams five players each who try to throw a large ball into a ring with a net 10 feet above the ground. (basketball)

7. Part of athletics in which an athlete makes a jump over a bar which is raised higher and higher. (high jump)

8. A sport in which two people fight with long slender swords. (fencing)

9. A game in which small sharp-pointed objects are thrown at a circular board. (darts)

10. A game played on a cloth-covered table with balls pushed with long sticks-cues against each other or into 6 small net bags-pockets at the corners and sides. (billiards)

3.  Oral Practice

1) T: Think of your own examples of sports and games describing them and somebody will guess their names.

P1: the sport of riding in a small boat with sails;

P2: the sport of one who swims:

P3: the sport of playing a type of football with an oval ball;

P4: a game for two people who use rackets, a small soft ball and a low net;

P5: the sport of moving through the water in a boat without sails;

P6: the sport of going on horseback;

P7: a game played by two teams of 6 players each that is played on an iced field;

P8: an outdoor game, popular in Britain, for two teams of 11 players each. You need a ball, 2 goals and a referee.

P9: You play this game in a swimming pool. You need a ball and two goals and you must also be a good swimmer. (water polo)

P10: In Ukraine it is a very popular kind of sport. Many objects are necessary for it. First of all it is a gym, wall bars, climbing rope, balance beam, horizontal bar, mat, parallel bars. (gymnastics)

2) T: Match the sports and games where different sports equipment is used.

1. a shuttlecock and rackets

2. a stick and a puck

3. a chessboard and chessmen

4. a basketball and a ring

5. a racket and a ball

6. a club and a ball

7. skates

8. boxing gloves

9. a yacht

10. a boat

11. a net and a ball

12. a goal and a ball

13. skis, ski poles and ski boots

14. swords

15. a bow and arrows

16. darts and a dartboard

17.a cue, a table and balls

18. a barbell


a) figure skating; b) golf; c) chess; d) tennis; e) badminton; f) rowing; g) boxing; h)basketball; i) ice hockey; j) sailing.

3) T: Answer the following questions using the topical vocabulary.

1) Who trains sportsmen for international competitions?

2) What do we call members of a football team?

3) What do sportsmen do to keep fit, to be in excellent form?

4) How does the game end if the result is 0:0?

5) What can a coach say to his sportsman if he hasn`t trained for a long time?

6) What kind of competition do sportsmen have if two or more boats compete with each other?

7)What do we call a person who settles disagreements in sports, gives points and decides who the winner is?

7)What do we say about a person if he or she is in a good form?

8) What do sportsmen do in a championship?

9) What is a coach`s job?

10) How do sportsmen set their records?

11) Where do sportsmen train for indoor (outdoor) games?

4) Name as many as you can:

1) summer sports and games;

2) winter sports and games;

3) sports done all the year round;

4) items of sports equipment


4. Vocabulary Practice

1) Read and compare!


To play games

To go in for sport

To do a lot of /a bit of sport

to play tennis

to go in for rowing

to do quite a lot of rowing

to play golf

to go in for skiing

to do a lot of skiing

to play basketball

to go in for boxing

to do a bit of boxing


2) Keep in mind:

To go in a boat. Every summer they travel along the Thames in a boat.

Can you row a boat?

To hold a competition in smth. When did they hold a competition in boxing?

To end in a draw. The game ended in a draw ( neither side won).

3) T: A sportsman who plays football is a football player. What do we call a sportsman who:

- plays basketball?

- plays volleyball?

- plays cricket?

- plays golf?

- plays tennis?

- plays rugby)?


  1. Keep in mind!

We say sport when we mean this physical activity generally ( for example Sport is good for keeping fit) and a sport / sports when we mean a particular kind of sport (for example Athletics is an ancient sport.).

 The Ukrainian word “cпортивний”is usually sports in English: a sports car, a sports jacket, sports news.

 People who go in for sport are sportsmen and sportswomen or athletes.

5) If you go in for sport you:

  • train for a competition (match, game)
  • compete in a championship
  • take part in a tournament
  • set / break records
  • score points  and goals
  • win or lose (in) the competition
  • win a prize / a cup
  • draw the game

Other people who are important in sport are:

  • a coach
  • an instructor
  • a judge or a referee (in games)

Athletes compete either individually or in teams and crews (in sailing and rowing). We can speak about:

  • a national team
  • an Olympic team
  • a school team, etc.

Sports are practiced indoors (indoor sports) and outdoor (outdoor sports). Here are some names of special places for practicing sport or doing physical exercise:

  • a gym
  • a court
  • a ring
  • a stadium
  • an ice rink
  • a fitness centre
  • a track (a racetrack)
  • a swimming pool
  • a football field
  • sports grounds

6) Answer the questions, please!

 -Which of the sports are the most attractive for you and why?

-Which of the sports can be practiced a) both indoors and outdoors; b) only indoors or outdoors?

-Which of the sports are more popular in a) Ukraine; b) the USA; c) Great Britain?

-Practicing which sports needs special equipment or doesn`t need any equipment?

7) Match the word combinations from the two columns and make up sentences of your own with them.



  1. a shuttlecock
  2. a goal and a ball
  3. a barbell
  4. a bow and arrows
  5. an ice rink
  6. a yacht
  7. a stick and a puck
  8. a racing car
  9. swords
  10. a ball and a club
  1. golf
  2. weightlifting
  3. badminton
  4. fencing
  5. sailing
  6. hockey
  7. football
  8. arching
  9. motor racing
  10. figure skating


5. Homework

You can have a sport quiz in your class. Work as two teams. Prepare 20-30 questions on sports and games for your opponents and a prize for the winner.

Here are some ideas:

  1. In what country did skiing begin as a sport? ( in Norway)
  2. How old is the sport of wrestling? ( It started in ancient Egypt about 5000 years ago.)





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