“Kitchen. Cooking food”

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Test on the topic “Kitchen. Cooking food” for the 7th form

Task 1. Match the words.

  1. Favourite healthy food                    a) мати новий холодильник
  2. A delicious croissant                       b) купити шоколадний торт
  3. Bread with butter and cheese           c) накривати на стіл
  4. To cook Italian pizza                        d) користуватися сковорідкою
  5. Fresh lemons and peaches                e) варити картоплю і смажити рибу
  6. To buy a chocolate cake                   f) плита і тостер
  7. To set the kitchen table                     g) смачний круасан
  8. To wash the dishes after dinner         h) готувати італійську піцу
  9. To have a new fridge                         i) хліб з маслом і сиром
  10.                      An oven and a toaster              j) свіжі лимони і персики
  11.                      To use a frying pan                  k) улюблена здорова їжа
  12.                      To boil potatoes and fry fish    l) мити поcуд після обіду


Task 2. Find and write down an odd word.

  1. A peeler, a freezer, an opener, a steamer, a kitchen.
  2. To slice, to eat, to mix, to cut, to grate.   
  3. A cabbage, a knife, a spoon, a fork, a ladle.
  4. Breakfast, dinner, lunch, supper, dishwasher.
  5. Tomato, cucumber, ice cream, beetroot, cabbage.
  6. Milk,  cheese, hamburger, yoghurt, cream.


Task 3. Fill in the correct words.

  1. People eat food because they want to be … and healthy.
  1. fat                      b) energetic           c) funny
  1. Cream, sour cream, milk, yoghurt, cheese are … products.
  1. sweet                  b)   Ukrainian       c) dairy
  1. … is a traditional Ukrainian dish.
  1. pizza                   b)  pasta              c) varenyky
  1. People have meals and cook dishes in the … .
  1. kitchen                b) street                 c) refrigerator
  1. People use different  … in the kitchen: a cutting board, a frying pan, a saucepan, a grater, a ladle, a grill, a peeler.
  1. books                  b) devices              c) tables
  1. You should take a … , a cutting board and slice sausage for dinner.
  1. stool                          b) freezer         c) knife


Task 4. Translate into Ukrainian.

  1. People should eat fruit and vegetables, meat and fish, dairy products to be healthy.
  2. My family and me usually have breakfast, dinner and supper at home.
  3.  If I am hungry at school I usually have a snack, for example, a banana or an apple, a sandwich with cheese and sausage.
  4. My mum often clean a kitchen sink and  a worktop in the kitchen.
  5. There is a dishwasher, an oven, a fridge, a freezer, a toaster, a microwave oven, an ice maker, a mixer, a food processor in this new shop.
  6. When  people set the table they put napkins, forks, spoons, plates, cups or glasses.


Task 5. Translate into English.

1. Моя мама часто пече пиріжки і торти вдома.

2. Ця дівчина не може приготувати рибу і м’ясо у духовці.

3. Мої друзі інколи мають сніданок і обід у школі. 

4. Візьміть банан, почистіть його і наріжте слайсами.

5. Ми купили новий тостер у магазині вчора.

6. Учні можуть випити каву з молоком у кафе.

7. Ти любиш смажити картоплю?

8. Помийте і поріжте овочі маленькими шматочками, змішайте їх.

Task 6. Complete the sentences using QUESTION TAGS.

  1. People have meals and cook dishes in the kitchen, …?
  2. We use different devices in the kitchen, …?
  3. A cutting board, a frying pan, a saucepan, a grater, a grill are useful devices, …?
  4. My mother cooked a tasty chicken yesterday, …?
  5. Children should not eat much sweets and drink much lemonade, …?
  6. My sister cannot cook spaghetti, …?
  7. Kids don’t have dinner in the school canteen, …?
  8. My friend wants to be healthy, …?
  9. A grandmother did not clean the worktop in the kitchen, …?
  10. People must eat fruit and vegetables every day, …?


Task 7. Write a letter to your English friend about your favourite food.

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  1. Ярошевська Ольга Валентинівна
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Англійська мова (7-й рік навчання) 7 клас (Несвіт А.М.)
6 квітня 2020
Оцінка розробки
5.0 (1 відгук)
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