Конспект уроку з англійської мови для 8 класу на тему "The Sea Trip to Great Britain"

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Lesson 1

Theme.    The Sea Trip to Great Britain


  • Practical: to learn new vocabulary concerning the topic; to develop pupils’ ability to read effectively; provide pupils with practice in listening comprehension.
  • Educational: to develop pupils’ speaking, reading and writing skills through various creative activities.
  • Developing: to develop pupils’ ability of using their knowledge in different situations, their quick reaction and ability to select necessary words.
  • Upbringing: to broaden pupils’ knowledge about England.

Equipment: sheets of paper with a new vocabulary, cards, maps,  hand out ”Match the Pairs”, “Hidden Words”, “Odd One Out”, “Key-facts”, computer presentation of some geographical names, the text and the dialogue, a tape recorder, the song “Yellow submarine”.

Type of the lesson: integrate lesson.


So many countries all over the world,

So many people life-tales told!

Different cities, languages, poems,

Amazing traditions, legends, stories.

We travel East, we travel West

To know so much is best,

If South is warm, North is cold,

We start our trip and off we go!


I. The beginning of the lesson.

1. Greeting.

T: Good morning! Glad to see you. How are you? I’m glad you are in a good mood.

2. Introduction the theme and the aims.

T: From the very ancient times people wanted to explore other countries. They used primitive transport; they spent much time to get somewhere and tried and tried and tried.

To whatever part of the world you went

By wheel or sail, or wing, or track,

You’ll have exciting things to tell

Now that you are safely back.

So, the theme of our today’s lesson is “The Geographical position of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland”. We are going to speak about some geographical names and have a sea trip to this country. The aims are to get more information about Great Britain and its beautiful sights and develop listening, reading, speaking and writing skills. By the end of the lesson you should be able to recognize and understand new words and word combinations in the text, to read and understand the gist and details despite the natural difficulties, to make a Fact File about the country.

3. Warming up.

T: Tell me please, do you like geography? I offer you to play the small geographical quiz. Do you agree?  I’ll show you the maps of 5 countries. Name them and their capitals.


T: You are clever, children. I think that your teacher of geography is satisfied with you. Can you guess what the theme of our lesson is?

P: I think that it will concern with the geography of Great Britain.

T: Yes, you are right.

II. The main part of the lesson.

T: Before we start talking about Britain let us revise and learn some words and word combinations.

1. Vocabulary practice.

New vocabulary on page 108.

a) Match:


1) a climate

2) a compass

3) a continent

4) an island

5) a strait

6) a zero

7) mild

8) to occupy

9) to separate

10) to surround

11) to be situated

12) to be washed

a) острів

b) протока

c) мякий

d) займати

e) омивати

f) оточувати

g) клімат

h) компас

i) займати

j) відокремлювати

k) континент

l) нуль

Keys: 1g; 2h; 3k; 4a; 5b; 6l; 7c; 8i; 9j; 10f; 11d; 12e.

 b)  Odd one out.

Warm, mild, hot, cosy.

To be proud, to be washed, to be situated, to be separated.

 A river, a lake, a pool, a strait.

2. Listening.

1) Pre-Listening Activity.

Exercise 3, page 109. Answer the questions.

  • Do you like to imagine that you are travelling to some places?
  • What imaginary places do you travel to?
  • Who do you travel with?
  • How do you travel? Do you take a map and a compass or do you just imagine things?
  • Is it more interesting to travel when you have a map and a compass?

2) While-Listening Activity.

T: Listen to the dialogue and try to remember all the geographical names mentioned in it.


  • Have you had a nice evening?
  • Yes, I’ve been watching a documentary film on TV.
  • Really? What was it about?
  • About a sea trip to Great Britain.
  • A sea trip? I would prefer flying there by airplane.
  • Sure, it is the fastest way. But if you want to make your visit to Great Britain more exciting, you should choose the other way.
  • Well, what is it like?
  • First, you go to Calais by train, and then cross the Strait of Dover on board the channel boat. The English Channel is rather narrow here – only thirty-two miles wide and the crossing takes only an hour and a quarter. Then you’ll see the white cliffs of Dover.
  • Dover? What is it?
  • Dover is one of the most ancient ports. Right above the harbor on a cliff stands Dover Castle called ‘The Key of England’.
  • Really? It sounds interesting… Can you show me the way on the map?

3) Post-Listening Activity.

T: Say if the sentences are true or false.

  1. The boy has been watching a documentary last evening.
  2. The documentary was about a sea trip to Australia.
  3. The fastest way to get to Great Britain is going there by train.
  4. Sailing on board a ship is more interesting.
  5. It takes three hours to cross the English Channel by ship.
  6. Dover is a very ancient town.
  7. The Dover Castles stands at the bottom of the mountain.
  8. The Dover Castle is called ‘The Key of England”.

3. Game (Work with the map of the world).

T: Remember the rules. Use them in your work with the map of the world.


in the north (northwest)

in the south (southeast)

in the east (northeast)

in the west (southwest)

to the north of

to the south of

to the east of

to the west of

to the northwest of

to the southwest of

to the northeast of

to the southwest of


P1: Find York. It is in the north of England.

P2: Find Wales. It is to the southwest of England.

4. Reading.

1) Pre-Reading Activity.

T: Look at the map. For many centuries this country was known as England. But it is also known as Great Britain, and its full name is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Let’s find four parts of the country.

Presentation of the geographical names.

Ben Nevis - a name of the mountain in Scotland

Loch Lomond - a name of the lake in Scotland

The Gulf Stream - the warm current which flows from the Gulf of Mexico towards Europe

Wales - one of the countries of Great Britain

Northern Ireland - one of the countries of the UK

Thames - the river London stands on

England - one of the countries of Great Britain

Scotland - one of the countries of Great Britain

The Severn - the longest river of Great Britain

Snowdon - the highest mountain in Wales

2) While-Reading Activity.

T: Let’s read the text and write down the Key-facts about the UK.

 Geography and Climate

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated on islands. Northern Ireland occupies the northern part of Ireland. It is situated of the separate island. Great Britain consists of three parts. Their names are England, Scotland and Wales. Scotland is situated in the north of Great Britain Wales — in the southwest, and England — in the southeast.

Great Britain is surrounded by seas on all sides and is separated from the continent by the North Sea and the English Channel. The rivers in Great Britain are not long, but many of them are deep. The capital of Great Britain, London, is situated on the Thames River. There are many mountains in the north of England and in Scotland, but they are not very high. The highest mountain in Great Britain is Ben Nevis. There are many lakes in Scotland. The most beautiful is Loch Lomond. There are many countries which are connected with Great Britain by sea.

Thanks to the Gulf Stream the climate of Great Britain is mild. The weather is often foggy and rainy. Summer is not very hot and winter is not very cold. Winter temperature seldom falls below zero.

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland


  • Official name:
  • Countries making up Great Britain:
  • 4 parts making up the UK:
  • Highest mountain:
  • Longest river:
  • Capital:
  • Climate:

3) Post-Reading Activity.

T: I hope everybody has revised the geographical material and has listened to the information properly. Now, prepare for the dictation with the maps. Put down on the map all geographical names.

 Northern Ireland, Wales, the North Sea, the English Channel, London, the Thames River, Ben Nevis, Loch Lomond, the Gulf Stream, the Atlantic Ocean, Scotland, England, the Irish Sea, London, Belfast, Cardiff, Edinburgh, the Severn.

T: You know that sometimes the British Isles are called “The Foggy Albion”. You should know that “Alb” means “white” from Latin. Everybody knows the proverb “When two Englishmen meet, their first talk is about the weather”. The weather in the country is so changeable that the English people say they have no climate but only weather. The Irish Sea comes deeply into the land. This influences greatly the climate which is damp and mild: the winter is not very cold and the summer is not very hot. As a rule, there is no ice on the lakes and rivers in winter, and snow never lies on the ground for long. All parts of the British Isles get a lot of rain all seasons.

5. Communicative activity.

T:  Comment on the joke.

                                              The English Climate
An English army colonel who was about to retire was asked what he was going to do. He said, “I’m thinking of buying a farm in New Zealand”. “Why not a farm in England?” was the question. “England”, he cried. “Don’t you know the English climate? I was born in
England, I fought for England, and I will die for England if necessary! But the one thing    nobody can make me do is to LIVE in England!”

6. Group work.

T: Look through the UK Basic Facts. Choose some of the “The UK Basic Facts” and write about them.

The UK Basic Facts

Official name: The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

Abbreviation: UK.

Capital: London.

Head of state: Queen Elizabeth II (since 1952).

Head of Government: Prime Minister.

National anthem: “God Save the Queen”.

God save our gracious Queen!

Long live our noble Queen!

God save the Queen!

Send her victorious,

Happy and glorious,

Long reign over us,

God save the Queen!

Population: over 58,000,000.

Area: 244,035 km2.

Main language: English (official); also Welsh, Scottish, Gaelic.

Unit of currency: pound sterling ().

7. Role play.

T: Imagine that a reporter came to your school. He wants to do interview to get some information about the UK. The reporter asks you questions like that:

1. What is an island?

2. Is United Kingdom situated on an island on a continent?

3. What territory does Northern Ireland occupy?

4. How many parts does Great Britain consist of?

5. What are their names?

6. Where are they situated?

7. What is Great Britain surrounded by?

8. What can you say about the rivers in Great Britain?

9. Where are the mountains situated?

10. What do you know about London?

11. What can you say about a climate of a country where winters are not very cold and summers are not very hot?

12. Why do people say that Great Britain has a very good geographical position?

13. Which countries are connected with Great Britain by sea?

14. What makes the climate of Great Britain mild?

15. What can you say about the climate of Great Britain?

8. Whole class work.

T: Would you like to check your knowledge of geography and answer the quiz?

Use the World map if you want.

Geography Quiz

  1. Which island is the largest in the world?
  2. Which river is the longest in the world?
  3. Which ocean is the biggest?
  4. What lake is the deepest in the world?
  5. What is the resemblance between Kyiv, Ottawa and London?
  6. Black, Red, White, Yellow — what word (not “colour”) can be added to each of these to put them all in the same group?
  7. Is the UK an European country? (Yes, it is. It lies in the northwest of Europe).

9. Pair work.

T: Read the dialogue, have a similar quiz with your desk-mate to see what he /she knows about Great Britain.
Oleh:  What is the highest mountain in Great Britain?
Vika:  Is it Ben Nevis?
Oleh:  Yes, it is. What’s the largest lake in England, Vika?
Vika:  Lake Windermere.

Oleh:  Right, but Vika, it’s your turn now.
Vika:  Oleh, what does the word ’Wales’ mean?
Oleh:  I don’t know.
Vika:  Well, the word ’Wales’ is and Anglo-Saxon word meaning ’foreigners’, and it was given to the country by the English. The national name is Cymru meaning ’friend’.
Oleh:  Oh, really! That’s interesting.
Vika:  Oleh, on what river is Stratford-on-Avon?
Oleh:  Don’t ask silly questions! It’s on Avon, of course!

10. Singing.

T: Our sea trip is coming to the end. We have seen and learned a lot. Let’s relax on the yellow submarine. You are suggested the text of the song YELLOW SUBMARINE” sung by Beatles with some words missing. You have to listen to the song and write down the missing words into the gaps. Let’s sing the song.


In the town where I _____  ______

Lived a____who sailed to sea;

And he told us of his_____

In the land of submarines

So we sailed up to_ _________

Till we found the sea of_______;

And we lived beneath the waves
In our________submarine.


We all live in a yellow submarine,

Yellow submarine, yellow submarine. - (2 times )

And our_______are all aboard

Many more of them___next door.

And the band begins________

We all live ...

As we live a life of ease.

Every one of us has all we____:

Sky of___and sea of___________

In our____________submarine.

We all live...

III. Finishing of the lesson.

1. Summing up.

T: What topic did we discuss at the lesson? What task was difficult/boring? What task did you like most? I hope that our today's lesson was both useful and interesting for you.

2. Homework.

T: Group 1: WB Ex. 1 p. 34;

Group 2: Find some new/interesting information about Great Britain; be ready to represent it in unusual way;

Group 3: Choose some of the “The UK Basic Facts” and write about them.

3. Analysis of pupils’ answers. Assessments.

T: I appreciate your today’s work at the lesson, as you are very clever and imaginative pupils. It’s a pleasure to teach you, when you work like that.

 You’ve got… .



Додаток № 1



In the town where I was born

Lived a man who sailed to sea;

And he told us of his life

In the land of submarines

So we sailed up to the sun

Till we found the sea of green;

And we lived beneath the waves
In our yellow submarine.


We all live in a yellow submarine,

Yellow submarine, yellow submarine. - (twice )

And our friends are all aboard

Many more of them live next door.

And the band begins to play

We all live ...

As we live a life of ease.

Every one of us has all we need:

Sky of blue and sea of green

In our yellow submarine.

We all live...




2 лютого 2018
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