Тип уроку: комбінований
Тема уроку: Охорона здоров’я
Мета: формувати навички вживання лексичних одиниць теми, вчити розповідати про симптоми хвороб і давати пораду, використовувати умовні речення; розвивати навички аудіювання, читання з находженням необхідної інформації та розумінням основного змісту; розвивати вміння учнів логічно та послідовно викладати власні думки іноземною мовою; виховувати позитивне ставлення до здоров’я, формувати потребу вести здоровий спосіб життя, їсти здорову їжу та займатися спортом.
Обладнання: мультимедійний проектор, презентація до уроку, картки із завданнями, лікарські шапки з назвами спеціалістів, репліки діалогу, яблука, відео до уроку.
Хід уроку
І. Початок уроку.
Does a doctor doctor a doctor according to the doctored doctor’s doctrine or doctoring, or does the doctor doing the doctrine doctor the other doctor according to his own doctoring doctrine?
-What does our body consist of?
4. Перевірка домашнього завдання (Сhecking homework)
1. |
A sound mind |
a) keeps the doctor away. |
2. |
An apple a day |
b) is above wealth. |
3. |
Early to bed and early to rise |
c) in a sound body. |
4. |
Good health |
d) but eat to live. |
5. |
Live not to eat
e) makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.
ІІ. Основна частина уроку
P: Good morning, doctor.
D: Good morning. What’s the matter?
P: Oh doctor, I have a terrible cough.
D: I would like to listen to your heart and lungs. I see. It is cold.
P. Yes, doctor. What shall I take for my cold?
D: I think you should take cold tablets and a cough syrup. You must take one tablet three times a day and one teaspoon of the syrup every four hours.
P: OK, thank you.
D: Good buy.
Now let’s act out your own dialogues. You get the cards. One will be a doctor and other will be a patient.
Patient – stomachache
Symptoms: pain in the stomach, sometimes in the back
Doctor – feel the stomach,
Recommendations – stay in bed, keep the diet, tablets
you have a headache; you have a pain in your heart; have a toothache;
can’t sleep; have a cold
If I _______, I should _______
an accident - нещасний випадок
a disease -хвороба
a dentist office – кабінет стоматолога
a pill - пігулка
a surgeon - хірург
a symptom - симптом
a treatment - лікування
private - приватний
regular - регулярний
regularly - регулярно
to make an appointment – записуватись на прийом
(учні одягають шапку з назвою лікаря і шукають хвороби які вони можуть лікувати )
- Find the medical problems you can treat
1. surgeon a)soar throat
2. dentist в)broken arm
3. pediatrician c)toothache
4. heart doctor d )headache
5. eye doctor e)heartache
6.ear doctor f) dry eye
i)pain in the knee
l) earache, hear badly
1If you have some symptoms of any disease you should make an appointment with a doctor. +
2 If you are ill you should see a surgeon first.-
3 Specialists usually work at the dental offices.-
4 You should tell the doctor about the symptoms of your disease.+
5 You can buy pills, tablets and other medicine at the hospital.-
6 When somebody has an accident he goes to a specialist.-
7 Surgeons make operations in hospitals.+
8 Nurses take care of sick people.+
9 You needn’t pay at the private dentist office.-
10 A healthy lifestyle helps you keep fit.+
11 To have a healthy lifestyle means to take vitamins regularly.-
A disease is usually characterized by …
The doctor will take your pulse, …
Your local doctor can send you to …
If you feel too ill to go to a doctor, you’ll …
At hospitals surgeons … …, nurses … … and doctors …
To live a healthy lifestyle means …
Work in pairs. Scrambled dialogue
Put the questions and answers in the correct order to make up a proper dialogue. Then act it out.
Doctor. How can I help you?
Patient. I don’t feel well.
D o c t o r. What are your symptoms?
Patient. I have a constant headache and I’m always tired.
Doctor. Do you feel dizzy?
Patient. No, but I have no appetite.
Doctor. Do you have a temperature?
Patient.Yes, sometimes I feel hot and sometimes I feel cold.
Doctor. Do you have a running nose?
Patient. Yes. And I have a cough.
D o c t o r. It sounds like you have the flu.
Patient. Oh, what to do?
Doctor. Here are the medicines, take them for 5 days and get lots of rest.
ІІІ. Заключна частина уроку
9. Оцінювання
Робота з картками
10. Домашнє завдання. Homework
Сomplete the sentences (page 113, new words)
If you want to be healthy
-never smoke
- never drink alcohol
- take a cold shower
-clean your teeth every morning and every evening
- don’t eat junk food
-wash your hands before you eat
-get up early and go to bed early
- be active
- avoid stress
- eat healthy food
- go for a walk and breath fresh air
Symptoms( problems) Advice
A headache |
Take some aspirin |
A backache |
Take pills |
A toothache |
Drink hot milk with honey |
A stomachache |
Stay in bed |
An earache |
Have a rest |
A sore throat |
Lie down |
A fever = high temperature |
Drink lots of liquids |
A cough |
See the dentist= go to the dentist |
A running nose |
See the doctor= go to the doctor |
A burn |
Stop smoking |
A cut |
Put a plaster or a bandage |
Eyes hurt |
Put a burn under cold water |
Knee hurts |
Eat nothing for 24 hours |
Tired |
Put some ice |
Listening a letter
The doctor visited me.
My name is Nick. Four days ago I suddenly fell ill. I had a headache and a terrible cough. My temperature was 38,5. Besides my nose was clothed up.
My mother telephoned our doctor and she came in an hour. She examined me, took the temperature and took a pulse. She said, “Nothing serious, just a flu. Keep your bed for a few days, don’t go out or you get complications.”
The doctor prescribed me a cough syrup and tablets.
Four days passed. I followed the instructions of the doctor and now I am well.
c) post-listening
Say if it is true or falls
1. Two days ago Nick suddenly fell ill.
2. Nick had a headache and a terrible cough.
3. The doctor examined the boy, took the temperature and took a pulse.
4. The doctor prescribed Nick’s mother a cough syrup.
5. Nick followed the instructions of the doctor.