Конспект уроку "Books in our life"

Про матеріал
Розробка уроку із використанням мультимедійної презнтації. Порівняння творчості українських та англійських письменників.
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Books.  Reading


  1. Practical: to form language competence in speaking, reading, to develop listening comprehension, to develop pupil’s pair and group communicative skills, to reinforce topic items and pupils’ knowledge on the topic.
  2. Developing: to develop pupils’ attention and reaction, memory, logical thinking, creative abilities and talents.
  3. Up-bringing: to bring up love for reading, necessity for reading; to stimulate learners’ interest in subject.

Equipment: Special cards for pair and group work, handouts, multimedia presentation, books and copybooks.


  1. Greeting.
  1. T: Hello! Nice to see you! Before starting our lesson I want to ask you some questions.

What is this? ( a book) And this? (a newspaper, a magazine, a tale, a dictionary, a journal)  What common do these things have?

T: They are made of  paper and  they are printed. We can also read them  to get information or just for fun.



  1. Warming up.

T: Arrange the words according their importance to your mind.







 __make interesting our answers at the lesson

__ give food for thinking

__ make us interesting personalities

__help to solve different problems

__ help to get ready for exams

__ means of  relaxation

__ for pleasure and delight

__ teach  us to live

__ develop our imagination


  1. Main part

1). Vocabulary work

T: Find the meanings of the words in the dictionaries and  read them: a book, a newspaper, a tale.

T: Try to explain the words without dictionaries: a magazine, a dictionary.

2) Pair work.

T: In pairs make up dialogues using your cards. Role-play them.

__Do you like………?


__I        am fond of                     reading. (I cannot imagine my life without books.)


__And what kind of  reading do you …….?

__Oh, I………

__Really? To my mind reading …….is the most exciting.

3). Writing

T: Complete the dialogue with the words from  the box.



__Do you like…………………….?

__I enjoy reading! I simply cannot imagine my life ………………. books.

__ And………………………. of  reading do you prefer?

__Oh, I ……………………..of historical novels.

__ I like reading adventure stories and science fiction . ………………love stories?

__ I don’t like love stories. I find ……………..boring.

4). Project work. Pair work

T: Now  sum up your knowledge about Ukrainian and British books and writers. Present projects to the class.

   ____Group 1-2 Ukrainian  literature.

   ____ Group 3-4 British literature.


5). Listening and reading.

T:  Do you know that the poem “My heart’s in the  Highlands” by Robert Burns is very famous and popular not only in Britain?

T: Listen to the poem as a song.

T: Read the poem (ex.4, p.80) and answer the questions.

__Did you imagine the author’s native land?

__Which words did you help? (mountains, forests, torrents, straths)

T: Check your suggestion.          звучить пісня українською мовою




  1. Summarizing

T: Thank you for your creative work. Let’s remember the role of books in our life.


17 березня 2019
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