Конспект уроку "Cyberbulling" 10 клас

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Методичні рекомендації до уроку "Cyberbulling" 10 клас. Містять практичні поради та покрокові інструкції щодо використання кожного завдання.
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 Ask Ss to look at the pictures and read the accompanying captions.

 Divide the Ss into small groups.

 Get Ss to do the activity and go round the class helping them when necessary



a) What should the teaching profession do about the cyber-bullying of teachers?

b) Should students be punished for abusive comments?

c) How can teachers deal with damaging remarks about them?

d) Should the police get involved in stopping this abuse?





cyber hygiene- actions you can take to make sure

that your use of the internet is safe

bully boy – someone who behaves in a violent and threatening way

cybercrime- criminal activity that involves the

use of computers or the internet

bully off (ph v) – to start a game of hockey

Bully for you! – an expression that praises sb

cyberattack-the act of trying to damage or destroy

a computer network, computer system or website

by secretly changing information on it without


cyber Monday- (US) Monday after Thanksgiving

on which many online retailers offer significant

sales. It closely follows Black Friday.

or someone’s courage. The audience shouted,

”Bravo! Bully for you! (bully for – well done!, good for)

  • a sarcastic phrase belittling someone’s statement or accomplishment. Bob: I managed to save three dollars last week. Bill: Well, bully for you!

cybersucker- (slang) a gullible person in cyber


bullyrag – to harass someone. Don’t bullyrag me just because you’re upset.




  1. READ


  • Ask Ss to read through the text and underline unknown words at the same time
  • Have Ss do the activity
  • Play the CD ( track 3)
  • Check the answers with the class and ask to provide justification for their answers.



  1. F   2. T   3. T   4. T    5. T 6. F 7. F 8. F



1. How old are the youngest children posting on social networks?    (7)

2. What is there a serious escalation in?   (The cyber-bullying of teachers)

3. What / Who conducted a survey of teachers?   (A teaching union (the NASUWT))

4. How many teachers had reported abuse?    (almost half)

5. What proportion of under-eleven-year-olds made comments?     (3%)

6. What was the percentage of comments from parents?    (27% )

7. Why did a union official say steps needed to be taken?   (To protect teachers)

8. How do the teachers feel about the vile nature of the abuse?   (Devastated)

9. What have some teachers lost?     (Confidence to teach)

10. Why are many teachers afraid to report abuse?       (They think it will cause more trouble)


  • Ask Ss to read through each set of words and do the activity
  • Check the answers with the class and provide Ss with any necessary explanations



1. abusive f. insulting

2. constitutes d. amounts to

3. escalation h. upsurge

4. conducted b. carried out

5. figures   c. statistics

6. revealed j. showed

7. mix             a. combination

8. competence g. ability

9. vile             e. nasty

10. lead to    i. result in


  • Ask Ss to read through the questions 1-10 and check understanding
  • Have Ss do the activity
  • Check the answers with the class and ask to provide justification for their answers.



1. a 2. c 3. d 4. b 5. a 6. d 7. c 8. b 9. c 10. b


  • Ask Ss to read the writing task and list the pros and cons of being a teacher.
  • Ask Ss to read through the plan and give them any necessary explanations about the structure and the parts of an essay discussing advantages and disadvantages.
  • Draw Ss’ attention to the TIP and explain it.
  • Allow Ss some time to write their essays using the ideas they discussed earlier.






TEST EACH OTHER: Look at the words below. With your partner, try to recall how they were used in the text:















  • Should a teacher be able to sue students and parents for comments about them?
  • What would you do if you found dozens of vile comments about you?
  • Has social media given people too much power to hurt others?
  • Are teachers treated well in your country?
  • What questions would you like to ask the head of the union?


CYBER-BULLYING: Make a poster about the cyber-bullying of teachers. Show your work to your classmates in the next lesson. Did you all have similar things?






21 серпня 2019
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