Урок "Television and Young People".

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Автор: Петрунько Зінаїда Ростиславівна

Розробка уроку для учнів середньої школи на тему: TELEVISION AND YOUNG PEOPLE.

Сьомий рік навчання, англійська мова.

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The lesson on the topic


Television and Young People


Form 7











By Zinaida Rostyslavivna Petrunko

the teacher of English



























Kyiv – 2015



I.  Greeting …………………………………………………………………............1m

     Warming up…………………………………………………………………….2m

II. The main part of the lesson

     Task 1 — watching the video…………………………………………............7m

     Task 2 — doing research………………………………………………………8m

     Task 3 — discussion about TV influence on children, TV advantages     and disad­vantages………………………………………………………...................9m

     Task 4 — listening and reading the text “The Denver Experiment”.............5m

     Task 5 — vocabulary exercise…………………………………………...4m

     Task 6 — vocabulary exercise……………………………………………..4m

     Task 7 — discussion activities instead of watching TV……………………..3m

III. Summing up…………………………………………………………………2m





























TOPIC: “Television and Young People”

AIMS: to form abilities of recognising TV programs about the videos and                          key words;  

to teach discussion and expression of own ideas;

to improve vocabulary;

to develop abilities of logical thoughts;

to make pupils think about negative influence of TV on their health;

to form thoughts that phisical activities are enjoying.



































Step 1. Teachar’s greeting to students.

- Hello. I’m glad to see you. How are you? — We are fine. Are you ready to start our lesson? — Yes.

Warming up.

  1. Good, but at first answer my questions:
  • Do you watch TV? — yes
  • How often do you watch TV? — often, not often
  • What’s your favourite program? – (students name their favourite programs)
  • What TV programs do you know? — sitcom, cartoons, wildlife documentary,


- Well, you know many TV programs.

Topic and aims.

  1. As you guessed our today’s lesson is about television and children. And we will:
  • watch different TV programs;
  • do your own research;
  • discuss advantages and disadvantages of watching television and its influence

on children;

  • listen and read the text “The Denver Experiment”;
  • do vocabulary exercises.
    1. So are you ready to start? — Yes.

Step 2.The main part of the lesson.

Task 1. (Resource 1.1) — You will watch different TV programs. Your task is to name them and to              stick their names to the blackboard. Are you eady? Let’s              watch it (the teacher starts the video, and stops it after every TV program. The childre name the program, stick the paper to the blackboard)

  1. The first is...- sitcom,

the next one is...- cartoon,

another is...- wildlife documentary,

this one is...- news,

this is...- science fiction,

and the last one is... — commercial.

  1. Well, you’ve done it best. Which of these programs is your favourite? — (students’ own answers). — How often do you watch it? — (students’ own answers).

Task 2. — I’ll choose three pupils and I’ll give them the cards. You have two questions in it. Imagine that you are journalists. Please, ask your classmates these questions and write down their answers. Move around the classroom and ask as many students as you want. You have two minutes.             


What is your favourite program?

How many hours do you watch TV weekly?




(The children ask their classmates and then the teacher asks ‘the journalists’ their statistics)

  • Good, what is the most popular TV program in your list? - ... .
  • How much do your classmates watch it weekly? -…
  • Is it much in your opinion? — Yes, No.

(The same questions for other two pupils).

(Recource 1.2) — Well, people like watching TV indeed. Do you know the country where people watch TV most? — Yes, No. Do you know the country where people watch TV the least of all? — Yes, No. (If students answer “yes”). Do you know how much they watch it weekly on average? — Yes, No. If you don’t know I’ll help you. Look at this              Graph. It shows that on average in the USA they watch TV the most of all — 27.9 hours weekly. And in Switzerland they watch TV the least of all only 14.5 hours weekly.

Task 3. — Somebody thinks that TV has bad influence on young children. Is it true or

not? How do you think? (Students’ own answers). But everybody knows that there are advantages and disadvantages in watching TV. Now I’ll give you the cards. Here you can find some advantages and some disadvantages. Please, work in pairs and choose two advantages and two disadvantages you agree most. You have one minute.

  • There are too many channels. You can’t watch them all.
  • TV is bad for children because they don’t play — they just sit and watch.
  • You get a lot of information and news from television.
  • There are lots of interesting programs about animals, science and history.
  • Television gives you something to talk about with your friends.
  • TV is good for people who are old, lonely or ill.
  • TV stops families talking to each other.
  • TV makes you lazy.
  • TV is bad influence on children.
  • Television helps you to relax after school or work.

- Well, now turn to your classmates behind and compare your choice. You have half a minute. Is it the same?

- Good, one pupil, please, go to the blackboard and write two advantages into one column. And another pupil, please, go to the blackboard and write two disadvantages into another column.





- Boys and girls do you agree with us? — Yes. If not, please, prove your choice. (pupils have a discussion) Great! You are perfect and active!

Task 4.(Resource1.3). — The next task for you. Let’s work in pairs. Take the text “The Denver Experiment”. You’ll listen to the text and read it for yourselves, choose the heading for each paragraph. Be ready to prove your choice, use phrases from the text.

- Let’s check: 1-c — sit for 35 hours or more per week glued to the box;

                       2-e — took part in an experiment;

                       3-b — her family could discuss family matters;

                       4-d — had gone out on their bicycles, were building tree house, might go to theme park;

                       5-a — board games had been popular in the past.

- As usual you are right.

Task 5. – OK, now we are doing matching. I think you found unknown words in the text (Yes). Did you guess how to translate them (Yes). What was new one for you? (The teacher asks some pupils, they say the word and translate it). Please, go to the blackboard and match words with their definitions. Use the colour chock:

  • against — not to agree;
  • board game — indoor game with a board and figures;
  • give up — stop doing something;
  • glued to the box — watch TV very many hours;
  • get on — have good relationship;
  • unplug — turn off

Task 6. — Please, calm down. Read the text for yourselves one more. Find words which mean to watch TV and find words which mean not to watch TV. You have one minute and half.

  1. OK, now you’ll go to the blackboard and write the words that mean to watch TV into one column (pupils go to the blackboard one by one and put down the words).and the words that mean not to watch TV into another column (pupils go to the blackboard one by one and put down the words)

To watch TV

Not to watch TV

glued to the box

in front of TV

reinstall TV




give up


move out

go out



Task 7. — Please, answer my question. What can we do instead of watching television? Answer with phrases from the text:

discuss family matters;

go out on bicycles;

build a treehouse;

go to Water World theme park;

play board games.

- Do you watch TV much? Could you give up television for a month? What would you personally do instead of watching TV? (students’ own answers).

Step 3. Summing up.

  1. We worked a lot during the lesson. What have we done?

Have watched TV;

have done own research;

have discussed TV advantages and disadvantages; have listened and read the text;

have worked with vocabulary.

  1. And you worked hard and you were great and active. So you’ve got excellent marks. Your home task is to make your own projects about TV. Thank you for the lesson. Have a nice day.




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