Використання комп ҆ютерних технологій як засіб творчого та інтерактивного навчання.
На сучасному етапі розвитку суспільства, розширення інформаційного простору, удосконалення та повсякденне використання новітніх технологій перед учителем стоїть завдання зацікавити учнів, відкрити можливість використовувати те, що їх приваблює у процесі навчання. Тому використання комп'ютерних технологій у навчальному процесі вважаю доцільним , бо це дає можливість учням знаходити інформацію ; робить уроки цікавими , нестандартними; навчання набуває інтерактивної форми. Їх усебічне використання стимулює дитячу активність, відкриває шляхи до творчості , виступає засобом мотивації навчального процесу, розвиває вміння самостійно знаходити та аналізувати інформацію.
Вашій увазі пропоную урок в 7 класі по темі ““Їжа яка нам подобається” .
Food We Like.
“ We live not to eat but we eat to live”.
To practise the active vocabulary of the topic;
of interactive activity (pair work ,group work);
Plan of the lesson.
10. Guessing game.
11. Summary.
So, we begin our lesson.
1. Introduction.Warming up.
a) Answer the guestions.
1. What food makes you strong and gives you energy?
Bread, sugar, meat, butter, cheese, rise, make me strong and give the energy.
2. What food helps you to grow?
Meat, fish, milk help me to grow.
3. What food makes your bones and teeth strong?
Vegetables, eggs, cornflakes make our bones and teeth strong.
4. Why must you eat vegetables and fruit? We must eat them because they have got a lot of
5. Why are vitamins very important for you?
Vitamins are important for our eyes, skin, bones, hair and for other parts of the body.
6. What food is good for you.
2.Work with book p.76 Ex.4
a) Vocabulary practice.
Please, read the list of verbs for preparing and cooking food ( 1-10) and match them with the nouns .
Verb Noun
1. Bake a) chicken
2. Boil b) turkey
3. Chop c) fish
4. Cut d) banana
5. Fry e) onion
6. Grill f) potato
7. Peel g) meat
8. Roast h) lemon
9. Slice i) carrot
10. Squeeze j) cake
3. Checking the Home task ( the pupils have to do the Project ”A Lunch time at our school which we want to have”
Days of the week Monday |
Main course Porridge with sausage and cutlet| |
Desserts Fruits, bun or an apple pie. |
Drinks Tea, cocoa or orange juice. |
Tuesday |
Boiled potato with salad and fish or cutlet. |
Sweets, chocolate, pudding. |
Chocolate mouse, tea, grape juice. |
Wednes day |
Vareniky, pizza or hot dog. |
Ice-cream, fruits, sweets. |
Lemonade, tea or mineral water, juice. |
Thursday |
Holubtsi or hamburger or salad. |
Apple pie and sweets, fruits. |
Cocktail, apple juice, lemonade. |
Friday |
Roasted chicken withmashedpotato |
Buns, biscuits or fruits. |
Pepsi, mineral water, juice. |
4. Presenting the new material. Traditional Ukrainian Food.
5. Speaking about the national Food. Make up questions using this words, ask and answer,
make a short dialoque about dish you like.
Red borsch, cabbage soup (kapustniak) , green borsch
cabbage leaves are use
in making cabbage roles
Food prepared with milk:
soured milk , cottage cheese, brynza (a salty cheese)
Meat (roasted,fried)
Dishes made from fresh or dried fruit: usvar, compote, kysil.
Kasha, kulish.
Boiled or baked potato
The favourite dishes made of flour are dumplings ( halushki ); filled dumplings (vareniky) with different types of fillings.
6. Relaxation.A song (rap)with moving.
I like buns,
I like sweets
Apples ,plums, grapes and peaches
I like it.
Chocolates and nuts,
Apricots too.
Ice- creams, cakes and lemonades
and biscuits too.
7. Running dictation. British Food.
1. Most British cooking is simple.
2. The British like roasted and grilled meat and use fewer spices than other Europeans.
3 The English also like fish.
4. Fish and chips are favourite dish for lunch and supper.
5. A typical meal includes roast meat, vegetables and a desert – often a fruit pie.
6. The British have also started to eat more chicken, fresh fruit and vegetables.
7. Tea with milk and sugar is the most popular hot drink.
7. Tests. British Food.
1. British cooking…
a) simple
b) complex c)spicy
2. They like … meat .
a) boiled
b) grille c)well done
3. …favorite dish for supper.
a) vegetables
b)stewed meat c) fish and chips
4. For desert they like …
a) fruit pie
b) buns c) apple pie
5. The British started to eat more…
a)mashed potato
b) fruits
c)chicken and fresh fruits
6. … and sugar is the most popular hot drink.
a) coffee with milk
b)tea with milk c)kvass and milk
8. Things we can not live without.
Flour Butter
9. Making a dialogue using this words (pair work: likes, dislikes)
10. Computer games “Food “ (додається)
11. Commenting activity.
Here are some English proverbs , can you find the Ukrainian equivalents and explain them.
1 An apple a day, keeps the doctor away.2. No song , no supper.
3. Better one small fish than an empty dish.
4. After dinner sit a while , after supper walk a mile .
5. Eat with pleasure , drink with measure .
6. Tastes differ.
7. As easy as an apple pie.
8. Remember a proverb « Good health is above wealth ».
12. Guessing game.