Конспект уроку по темі "Everyday Activities. My Working Day" 5 клас

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Конспект уроку по темі "Everyday Activities. My Working Day" 5 клас за підручником "Welcome 2" Elizabeth Gray, Virginia Evans.
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Lesson 2                        Тема: Everyday Activities. My Working Day



  1.        ввести новий лексичний та мовний матеріал по темі та практикувати учнів у його вживанні в усному та писемному мовленні;
  2.        закріпити навички використання нових та вже засвоєних лексичних одиниць;
  3.        удосконалювати навички вживання Present Simple, прийменників часу (on-at-in) та формувати навички вживання Adverbs of Frequency;
  4.        удосконалювати навички аудіювання  та читання тексту;
  5.        розвивати уміння вести бесіду про шкільні предмети та щоденні види діяльності школяра, працювати в парах та вести інтерв’ю.


  1.        поглибити знання учнів про вживання Present Simple Tense та сформувати уявлення учнів про вживання Adverbs of Frequency;
  2.        розширити знання учнів з теми;
  3.        зацікавити учнів у вдосконаленні навиків діалогічного мовлення  по темі.


  1.        розвивати навички монологічного та діалогічного мовлення з використанням як нової, так і вже засвоєної лексики та граматичних структур;
  2.        розвивати культуру спілкування учнів по темі;
  3.        розвивати зацікавленість у спілкуванні англійською мовою.


  1.        виховувати раціональність використання свого особистого часу; 
  2.        виховувати поважне ставлення до розпорядку дня та захоплень іншого.

Objectives: pupils are able to describe school things and talk about school subjects and daily activities using new vocabulary, language and grammar material.

Materials: Welcome 2 (PB, WB), audio materil, topical pictures and flashcards, handouts.



І. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення.

1. Greeting and Aim.

T: Good afternoon, pupils! Glad to see you very much. How are you today?

T: Today we’ll go on the topic and talk about “Everyday Activities and Working Day”. By the end of the lesson you’ll be more aware of using vocabulary and language material on the topic in speech, learn to use the Adverbs of Frequency and practice using the Present Simple Tense. Besides, you’ll improve your communication skills on the topic by interviewing your friend.

2. Warming up.

1) T: Dear children, let’s sing a song: “This is the time I go to school!”

2) T: All of you are quite witty boys and girls and I’d like you to imagine yourself being poets. What verses can you add to this song telling about what you do every day? (Children produce own verses.)

3. Check on Homework.

1) Pupils act out ex.3 p.36 (PB). Role-play.

2) Check up ex.1, 3, 5 on p.24-26 (WB).

3) Speaking activity.

T: In pairs, ask each other questions and fill in the table about you and your friend.

e.g.  P1: What do you do in the morning?

        P2: I get up and …






Get up, have breakfast, …



Your friend




T: Now, if you are ready, tell the class about you and your partner.


II. Основна частина уроку.

  1. Presentation.
  1.   T: What school things that you have and use at the lessons can you name? (Pupils’ ideas. Making a Mind-map: “School Things”.)
  2.   T: Now, children, listen and repeat! Ex.1 p.38. (Presentation of new vocabulary by using flashcards.)
  1. Listening and reading.
  1.        T: What do you usually do at the Music / Art / Science / Sport / English lessons?  etc. (Pupils’ answers.)
  2.        T: Now, look at the pictures of ex.2 on p.38 and tell me if you can predict what the text is about? Can you describe what happens in the pictures?
  3.        T: Listen and read (ex.2 p.38) and you will find out if you are right!
  4.        T: Now, read again and write “Yes” or “No”. Ex. 3 p.38. (Individual work.)

      Now, children, exchange your copybooks and check your partner’s work.

Keys: 1) no;   2) yes;   3) no;   4) yes.

  1.        Text discussion. (Pupils ask each other questions and give answers.)
  1. Relaxation.

T: Let’s sing a song: “I always go to school!” (ex.8 p.41)

  1. Practice.
  1.        T: Well, children, be attentive now! Look at the last lines of each verse in the song! Can you tell me where do we put such words as always, never, usually in a sentence? (Pupils’ answers.)
  2.        T: Look at the sample sentence (on the board): “We always write in this lesson!” Repeat it chorally and individually. Then, look at the pictures of ex. 4 on p.39 in your textbook. Use the prompts below them and make sentences as in the example. (Pupils do the exercise orally in class.)

Grammar: The Adverbs of Frequency

On board: “I always drink coffee in the morning.” The teacher presents and explains the meaning of the adverbs of frequency, explains that we use these adverbs to show how often we do things. Also, explains the position of adverbs of frequency in a sentence (before the main verb). Pupils read the grammar table on p.39 in their PB. Invite pupils to talk about them.

  1.        T: Let’s do ex.5 on p.39. Read and choose the correct answer.
  2.        T: Look and write. Ex.6 p.39. (Pupils make sentences about Eddy, choosing the correct adverb of frequency by using the symbols.)

e.g. Eddy never goes to school in the evening!

5. Speaking.

1) T: Fill in A (always), U (usually), O (often), S (sometimes), R (rarely) or N (never) to say how often you do these things on weekdays. Then interview your partner and fill in his/her information. Ask and answer as in the example:



Your partner

get up early



clean your room



meet your friends



play sports



help in the house



watch TV



e.g. A: How often do you get up early on weekdays?

       B: I always get up early on weekdays. How about you?  etc.

  1.        T: Well done, children! Now one more task for you! Look at the pictures of ex.8 on p.39. Listen and repeat, then talk with your friend. (Pupils produce dialogues.)


ІІІ. Заключна частина уроку.

  1. Homework.

T: To learn the material we used today more properly you have to do the homework.

  1. Learn the vocabulary, language and grammar material (SB p.38-39)
  2. PB: p.38 ex.3 (act out); WB: p.24-27 ex.2, 4, 7 (write), ex .8 (write and speak).
  1. Summarizing.
  1.   T: You were good at the lesson today. Your marks are …
  2.   T: What did you do at the lesson today? What did you learn? What can you do now?