Конспект уроку "The magic world of music"

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Конспект урок ""The magic world of Music" розроблений для учнів 8 класу.Також додатоково до цього уроку розроблена презентація та підібрані мелодії.
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  The   magic world  of  music

(8 клас)







Підготувала: вчитель англійської мови

Гостинцівської  ЗОШ  І-ІІ  ст.

Муляр   Олена   Вікторівна



2018-2019 н.р

Тема:  Магічний     світ  музики.

Мета                     повторити й активізувати ЛО теми;

                               - вдосконалювати техніку читання учнів;

                               - продовжувати формувати навички діалогічного та 

                                 монологічного мовлення;

                             практикувати учнів у письмі;

                               - тренувати учнів в аудіюванні.

                 : розвивати пам'ять, увагу, логічне мислення та уяву учнів.

                 виховувати любов до музики, повагу до культури інших країн та

                          до естетичних смаків оточуючих.

Обладнання: картки з текстами та завданнями,   презентація , 

                          відео -кліп,мелодії

Тип уроку: комбінований.

Клас: 8.

Схематичний план уроку

     І. Greeting.

  1. Aim.
  2.  Warming-up.
  3.  Speaking. «Music»
  4.  Check on Homework. Project Work
  5. Listening.   Clip  Morandi    Angels
  6.  Writing 

     VI. Relaxation  Singing   song

     VII. Reading.  Kylie  Minogue

     VIII. Summarizing.

     IX. Homework.






Хід уроку

І.Підготовка  до  сприйняття  іншомовного  мовлення.


T: Stand up, please, and greet our guests!

    Sit down and keep still, please! Is everybody ready to start?


T: At the previous lessons we spoke about musical instruments and different kinds of

    concerts. At this lesson we are going to speak about the role of music in your life,

    your favourite musical styles and melodies. We will read the text, listen to the

    songs .So, the topic of our lesson is:

       The   magic world  of  music  (слайд 1).

Warming-up. (слайд 2).

T: Звучить  мелодія «Fausto  Papetti»

Music  is  the  universal  language.People  cant   live  without  music.They   can  listen  to  music  everywhere   even  in  the  forest.

Do  you  like  music?

What   music   do  you  like?

Where  do  people   listen to    the  music?


ІІ   Основна   частина  уроку


Speaking (слайд 3)

T: Good work! Tell me, please, what is music for you?

P1: Music makes me think of people and places we love.

P2: It can evoke my forgotten events and feelings.

P3: I think music is a beauty in sounds.

P4: For me music is my mood.

P5: I am sure that music is the soul of the world.


T: All right! There are different musical styles. What styles do you know?

P1: Rap or hip-hop is a style of African-American music, in which the words are

      spoken, not sung.

P2: Folk music is traditional music, or “roots music”. It was considered as music of

      the lower classes.

P3: Pop music is a style of popular music. It is any form of music which is popular

      and can include any style.

P4: Blues is traditional Black American music. “Blue” means “sad”, and many blues

      songs are about how hard life is.

P5: Jazz is a musical style that originated at the beginning of the 20-th century in

      African American communities in the Southern United States. It was born out of 

      a mix of African and European music traditions.

P6: Rock'n'Roll is a style of popular music that originated in the United States

      primarily from a combination of African American blues, country, jazz and gospel


P7: Classical music is the art music produced in the traditions of secular music.

T: Listen to four pieces of music and guess their styles.

Ex 1  p 149

    What was the first style,... the second, … the third, … the fourth? (Rap, jazz, rock'

    n'roll, classical music).

    Well done! What composers of classical music do you know? (Shopen, Bach,  

     Shubert, Mozart). Do you know any facts about them?   Слайд №4)

P1: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was one of the most popular composers. He was born

      in Salzburg, Austria. Mozart composed over 600 works. He composed from the

      age of five and performed before European royalty.

P2: Ludwig van Beethoven is one of the world's greatest composers. At the peak of

      his career he began lose his hearing. But it didn't interfere with his ability to

      compose. He wrote one of his most powerful compositions – the Ninth

      Symphony – after he became completely deaf.

  Game   Guess    musical  style ( звучать  різні  стилі)




People  can’t    live   without   music . They  can  listen  to  music   everywhere  at  home, in the  streets , in cars  ,at  concerts.

Music  can  be  classical  and  modern.

Classical  music  is performed  by  symphonic  orchestra  in  the  great  halls

Classical  music  is  serious  and  requires good  understanding  or  it  may  seem  to  be  boring  and  dull.

Most  people  prefer   modern  music.  Modern  music  is  performed  by TV  and  radio.Modern  music has  different  kinds :pop,  rock,  disco ,techno and  others.

Young  people  like  techno   and  disco.Older  people  are  fond  of  jazz   and  pop.

Everybody  knows  the  founders  of rock  music.

They  are  the  «Beatles»   and  Elvis  Presley.

The  last achievements in  music  production is  a clip.

Musical  clips  are  short  films  accompanied  by   the  melody.








    Post   reading  task


Where  can  people  listen to  music?

What  two  main  kinds  of  music  do  you  know?

Where  is  classical  music  performed?

What   kind of  music   prefer  young  /old   people?

What  kinds  of  modern  music   do  you  know?

Who  were  the  founders  of  rock  music?

What  is  the  last  achievement  in music?  

What  is  a musical  clip  ?



Check  on  Homework.   (слайд№5)

Project  work «My  favourite  singer» Pupils  demonstrate  their  projects  and  ritelll  about  their  favourite   singer.


Listening (слайд №6)

  1. Do  you  like  Musical   clips?

         What   is a musical  clip?

  1. Watcing  Video



Now  your  task  is  to  write  missing  words  in  the  song


Relaxing Pause.

T: Now let's relax for some minutes and sing the song  « Angels»  together with

    our guests.


Reading.(слайд №7)

  1. Pre-reading activity.

T: Read the text about Kylie  Minogue

     2) Reading (Додаток 2).

     3) Post-reading activity.

T: Right you are! Now do your test according to the text. There is just one right

    answer in each point.


X. Summarizing.

T: You were ready for today's lesson and worked good. So, your marks are …

XI. Homework.

T: Open your day-books, please, and write down your homework. You have to tell

    about your favourite music style and its representatives for the next lesson.























(Додаток 1)

Listen to the song «Angels» and fill in the gaps.

People stop …….
Angels are …….
We can be ………..
Love is the ……….

Search inside
Are there any more ……… to cry
(Don’t you wonder why?)
Why you feel so ……..
All against the………

Search back……..
When you used….. alone
(To the………. of your soul)
Song of faith you can…….
It's not too late

…………stop fighting
………… are crying
We can be better
Love is the answer

Search …………
Are there any more tears to cry
(Don’t you wonder why?)
Why you feel so alone
All ………..the world

Search back time
When you used to sing alone
(To the music of your soul)
Song of faith you can change
It's not too late



(Додаток 2)









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