Intellectual Game "DEBATE"

Про матеріал
Головною метою громадянської освіти в Україні є виховання людини, для якої демократичне громадянське суспільство є тим середовищем, яке забезпечує розкриття її творчих можливостей, задоволення особистих і суспільних інтересів. Інтелектуальна гра «Дебати» на тему "Євроатлантичне майбутнє України" має на меті розвивати критичне мислення в учнів, тобто виробляти вміння аналізувати, виявляти сильні та слабкі сторони тих чи інших тез, виробляти оптимальне рішення з урахуванням наявних ресурсів, давати оцінку фактам та поєднати їх у тенденцію, оцінювати наслідки та результати дій з точки зору їх ефективності.
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Intellectual Game «Debate»


Topic: European integration of Ukraine


Мета: Розвиток критичного мислення – виробляти вміння аналізувати, виявляти сильні та слабкі сторони тих чи інших тез, виробляти оптимальне рішення з урахуванням наявних ресурсів, давати оцінку фактам та поєднати їх у тенденцію, оцінювати наслідки та результати дій з точки зору їх ефективності.


Розвиток структурного мислення – виховувати вміння організувати процес мислення, структурно викласти свої думки, будувати логічні системи та конструкції та виявляти в них суперечності.


Розвиток риторичних навичок – сприяти оволодінню усним мовленням та мистецтвом переконання, розвити навички складання текстів промов та навички публічного виступу, розвивати вміння тримати себе перед аудиторією.


Накопичення нових знань – організувати накопичення та систематизацію нових знань з англійської мови, права, культури, філософії, політики та інших сфер суспільного життя, крім того організувати процес опрацювання технології пошуку інформації та сприяти виробленню системного та об'ємного бачення проблеми.


Розвиток вміння працювати з людьми –виховувати вміння працювати в колективі, бути толерантними до протилежних думок, вислуховувати та розуміти контраргументи, повагу до людей.



Обладнання: презентація «Історія дебатних ігор», «Karl Popper Debate», відеозапис: «Ukraine prioritises EU integration»,  картки для голосування.






Хід заходу:


І. Greetings


ІІ. The History of Debates


1st student: Debate is a team role-playing intellectual game in which one team argumentally proves a certain thesis, and the other - opposes it. During the game, the teams compete with each other according to a specific subject. The task of both teams is to present their position, their own arguments "for" or "against" in qualified way and within certain time frames. The game is rated by a judge (or several judges) who determine the winner in the round. The main task of the teams is to convince the judges in their own right. Usually, players have the goal of persuading a judge and winning, but some individuals are pleased simply with the game itself without the goal of winning ... and this is also correct.


2nd student: The debate allows young people to discuss current problems and develop intellectually. Debate is a place of meeting and communication.

Debate is a game played by students all over the world.


1st student: The first Debates arose about the same time in the United States and Great Britain (somewhere at the end of the 19th and early 20th century), their popularity increased after World War II, and the peak of its popularity in the United States debates reached (since the 1960s) after legendary Presidential TV-Debates between John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon.


2nd student: By the way, most American presidents were good debaters at their time. As for the rest of the world, the debates were originally the most common in the countries of the British Commonwealth (Ireland, Australia, South Africa), but in the 1990s they became popular all over the world, that allowed several world championships among schoolchildren and students to be provided. Let's note the particularity of the development of debates in the United States (and satellite countries) and in Britain, which makes it possible to talk about two different debatable "cultures."


1st student: In Ukraine, the debate began in the mid-1990s when countries of Central and Eastern Europe began to play the Karl Popper Debate, and later the Parliamentary Debate.


3rd student: The concept is a system of views on a particular phenomenon; a way of understanding, interpreting the phenomenon, the basic idea of any theory. Instead of the term "concept", participants in the debate sometimes use the term "criterion", referring to a generalizing indicator that determines the truth of the arguments, is their common ground.


4th student: The argument is the statement that is the basis, the proof for the justification, the confirmation of something (in the debates - to confirm the affirmative or negative topic). Arguments can have different character: historical, economic, social, moral, psychological, legal, political, etc. As an argument, not only logical reasoning can serve, but also a significant fact. The argumentation is a way of giving several arguments to prove their position.


5th student: The fact is a real event, a phenomenon, a reality. When presenting the facts, the listeners must confirm their reliability by reference to the sources of information.

Definition is a short, concise definition of the concept. In "Debates" teams define 3-4 definitions that describe the essence of the topic.


3rd student: Functions and actions of team members

1. The captain of the first team represents the team, formulates the affirming topic. It reveals its relevance, defines the basic ideas, offers the concept of a team and arguments (no more than four).

The captain's general performance is within 5 minutes. Next, within 2 minutes, he answers the questions of the opponent's team, which sets player number three. Rules of the game allow to have a time-out (up to 3 minutes), which is taken by opponents to prepare or clarify the question.

The questions are generated from the contents of the captain's statement. Questions for clarification, questions revealing weaknesses in the arguments of the opponent or preparing a ground for proving their own position can be addressed.

When playing personal conflicts, searching for options for resolving unresolved conflicts. Exercises are used to help to distinguish confident behavior from uncertain and aggressive one.

Each participant demonstrates his or her behavioral variant in a given situation, which requires self-confidence.


4th student: 2. The leader of the opposition represents the team, expresses his attitude to the affirmative topic and formulates a denied thesis. In his speech, he is bound to analyze the position of the affirmative side, to express counter-arguments and own evidence. Speech duration - 5 minutes. Then answers to the questions of the third member of the first team are given.

3. The second player of the first team enters the debate. In his speech, which lasts 4 minutes, he denies the arguments of the opponents, puts forward new evidence to confirm his own position. He is asked by the leader of the second team.


5th student: 4. The same function is performed by the second member of the denying team. He answers the questions of the leader of the first team.

5. For 4 minutes the third member of the first team summarizes the work of his team in the debate: compares lines of argumentation of his own team and the opponents, gives additional evidence (but not arguments!),

6. The same mission is delivered by the third player of the denying team. Questions to third team players are not included. They complete the game.



ІІІ. Правила гри за системою Карла Поппера


Karl Popper Debates, also known as cross examination debate, characterizes by the following features:

1. There are two sides at the format: affirmative and the negative. The affirmative essentially agrees with the proposal. Meanwhile, the negative team will oppose the proposal.

2. The proposal is the boundary for debate: it is the proposal is being argued.

3. Each side has three speakers

4. Each of the three team members must take both a researching and a speaking role.


While speaking the members of the teams must follow the N-B-P levels of argumentation:  Necessity- Beneficiality- Practicability.



a. Is there a need for change?

 b. Is the need for change inherent in the status   quo?

 c. Will the proposed change solve the problem?


a. Is the proposal desirable?

b. What benefits/disadvantages does the proposal bring?


a. Can it be done?

b. Will it work? How?

Let's review the burdens and rights:

Affirmative team has the responsibility to define and interpret the resolution.

Negative team argues against the affirmative position.


Types of questions:

1. Clarifying questions

2. Objection questions

3. Concluding questions

4. Questions of proof/evidence


Speakers’ Roles

First Affirmative Constructive (1A)

1. Define the terms and set the parameters of the debate by clarifying the affirmative interpretation of the topic/ issues in contention.

2.Give an outline of the team structure - the "theme" of their case and the levels to be dealt with by each speaker, also called the " team split."

3. Present the Affirmative Plan.

4. Begin discussion of his part of the split.


First Negative Cross-Examination (N3-A1)

1. Both speakers must face the audience (not each other).

2. Must ask questions rather than make speeches.

3.The Affirmative speaker should answer the questions, and not make speeches or ask any questions.

4.Team mates of both the affirmative speaker and negative speaker must not communicate with them during the cross examination period.



Negative Constructive speech (N1)

1. Offer a complete argument against the affirmative's position.

2. MUST either challenge the affirmative's definition or allow it to stand.

3. MUST offer competing criteria for debate if the affirmative has set criteria.

4. MUST challenge all arguments from the affirmative.  Any arguments

not challenged will be assumed to have been accepted.


Affirmative Cross-Examination (A3-N1)

1. Both speakers must face the audience (not each other).

2. Must ask questions rather than make speeches.

3.The Affirmative speaker should answer the questions, and not make speeches or ask any questions.

4.Team mates of both the affirmative speaker and negative speaker must not communicate with them during the cross examination period.

Affirmative Rebuttal (A2)

1. MUST outline their refutations of the negative arguments.

2. MUST respond to any refutations made by the negative team.

3. New evidence for existing arguments may be presented.


Negative Cross-examination (N1-A2)

Same as previous cross examinations.


Negative Rebuttal (N2)

1. MUST outline their refutations of the negative arguments.

2. MUST respond to any refutations made by the negative team.

3. May choose to point out any points that they believe the affirmative have dropped (that is, any arguments to which the affirmative team has not responded).

4. New evidence for existing articles may be presented.


Affirmative Cross-examination (A1-N2)

Same as previous cross-examination.


Affirmative Closing Remarks (A3)

1. Reactive role. Should point out any areas where the negative rebuttal has failed.

2. You can let some points drop here and focus on the main areas where you feel that you have won the debate.

3. You can offer advice to the judge as to why you have won the debat.

4. New evidence for existing arguments may be presented.


Negative Closing Remarks (N3)

1. Same as above except that judges might not be thrilled by new arguments as you've not left the other team any chance to respond. 

2. I will ignore any new arguments presented by the negative team at this stage of our debate.



Questions, Socratic and otherwise,

to ask during the round


Teacher: “For Ukraine European Integration is a key priority of foreign policy and strategy of social reforms’ implementation” – President Petro Poroshenko said.

As the topic of our Debates is “European Integration of Ukraine” before starting the game I would like you to answer the question “What is the future of Ukraine?”. But firstly, let’s watch a video.


So, now the variants of answers:

  • European integration (a green card)
  • Non-integrated state (red card)
  • Non-define (blue card)


Let’s see whether your opinion will change after the debates.


ІV. Debates


Teacher: Now I give the floor to the first speaker of the Positive team.


The Leader of Team 1

The European Union is a family of democratic European countries that have united for peace and prosperity. The European Union is not a state that has to replace existing countries, and it is also much larger than any international organization. In fact, the EU is the only one of its kind. Its constituent countries have established common institutions that were delegated some of their sovereign powers, making it possible to democratically decide on specific issues of common interest at European level. Such a union of sovereign powers is also called "European integration".

Europe is the territory in which the events of the two World Wars took place, and this is an example of the unification of many states in order to jointly solve the urgent problems, and this is the common currency - the euro, this is a common home for dozens of different peoples, the interpenetration of cultures and religions, this is "tightening" the levels of economic development to the highest possible rates, it is the right of citizens to work freely, study and retire in any country of the Union.

For Ukraine's accession to the European Union we see the following:

- Our country will become a full-fledged subject of international law, will acquire legal capacity for self-realization of rights and obligations in international relations;

- Ukraine is now a member of more than 40 intergovernmental and non-governmental international organizations. It participates in the activities of more than 60 UN organizations.

- Ukraine will take part in peacekeeping activities;

- will have its own experience in building interethnic relations in a multi-ethnic society;

- it will be provided with controlled agricultural policy, targeted spending, price stability, free trade with economically developed countries of the world.

- uniting of the culturally split people of Ukraine under one flag;

- ensuring the active holding of constitutional, administrative,

economic and educational reforms.

Yes, we have repeatedly heard from the mouths of our politicians the following words: "Ukraine is a European state", "The future of Ukraine is European", and so on. And do we, Ukrainians, believe in it? I will give it a firm answer - yes, we do. 74% of Ukrainians support Ukraine's accession to the European Union. But are we ready for this? This question cannot be answered clearly yet. Despite the fact that different slogans, calls are heard from television screens, level of economic life in our country is far from European. In his words, the head of the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the European Parliament extremely accurately reflected the policy of our government officials: "Your politicians say: "Give us a European perspective, and then we will do everything." But this does not happen. First you need to do everything you need, and then get the perspective." I agree with that. First of all, Ukraine needs to understand that:

- democracy and freedom are not something that develops in itself, they must be protected and demanded every day, because without functioning structures of the rule of law they remain things that are in danger;

- It is enough to govern a country a big company with a principle upside down, it is far more important to use economical forces of small and medium-sized enterprises rationally;

- to become more open to the outside world for comprehensive modernization.

The future path of Ukraine remains European, since there is no alternative, because people want it. But this is a social issue that needs political control.

The undeniable fact is that joining the European Union is a prospect of Ukraine's development, which must be sought, towards which all forces: political, economic and, of course, social must be directed.


Leader of the Opposition

The previous speaker spoke about social standards, and there are still economic ones. And I want to say that the EU has not only the advantages. The EU proposes to move Ukraine to their standards in the coal mining industry, energy, science and education, nuclear industry, and environmental protection. But today we cannot fit in their standards.

Ukraine's trade relations with EU countries are not in favour of Ukraine. Our production capacities, product quality cannot compete with European ones. A significant part of Ukrainian expert of industrial production (low by the standards of EU quality), third - semi-finished products, the remaining - raw materials.

Although Ukraine has signed a Partnership and Cooperation Agreement with the EU, but it has no money yet due to the fact that the reforms are being carried out very slowly.

In most countries, small and medium-sized businesses are the basis of the national economy, and in our country on the path to its free development there are more than 2 thousand state acts, laws, decrees. They contradict the current European. Moreover, our legislation, unpredictable, is constantly changing, which frightens primarily by foreign investors. So that help from Europe cannot be expected. Today, we can count on the status of a "neighbor", able to trade.

I want to continue the opinion of the previous speaker. From the first days of independence, at all levels of government, strong calls were made about the European character of our state, but at the same time everything was done to bring a wall between us and Europe. So far, scientists have not developed clear conditions that would protect a national manufacturer, would be beneficial to our consumer and, at the same time, would make our products competitive on European markets. We do not have such legislation today.

One cannot but take into account that in the EU countries there is a decline in economic growth, an increase in unemployment. The opening of the borders did not justify itself, as increased consumption of drugs, spreading infectious diseases. Europe also fears that after the opening of Ukrainian borders, Europe will be overwhelmed by labor migrants, criminology.

There are certain fears that the country may dissolve in this Union, losing its national features. Let`s take, for example, such small countries as Belgium, Luxembourg. They take steps to preserve their national colour, protect their native language. The UK, Denmark, and Sweden have decided to refuse from moving to a euro and not destroying the national currency.

Today, almost all of Europe's countries are thrown at the door of the EU in the hope that privileges will flutter on them. So what I want to say: "Do not know the ford, do not go to the water."


Player 2 of the 1st team:

Ukraine is a European state. Ukrainian Euro-integration did not begin today, but renewed with the adoption of the constitution. A very significant fact is that the relations between Ukraine and the EU are quite broad, for example such projects as:

-Strengthening the potential in a migration management system;

-Community of consumers and public associations.

For me, it is undeniable that Ukraine has always been European, and therefore it should be adequately represented in the European Commonwealth.

We are surrounded by 10 countries and all our western neighbors are now members of the EU. We have been recognized by 140 countries, Ukraine is a member of the UN, UNESCO, the Council of Europe, the WTO.

I want to live in a strong, economically developed country. Moreover, there are many favorable factors for this. Firstly, Ukraine is located on the northwest of major transport routes; and secondly, it has access to the Atlantic Ocean through the Black Sea and the Azov Sea; Thirdly, we are constantly maintaining ties with Poland, which is the main gateway to Europe.

Being in the EU means having access to broad markets for the international market. Membership in the EU is an achievement of the European level of the economy. In addition, foreign investors, which we are now dragging to Ukraine with their ears, will invest in our economy.

Accession to the EU will raise the credibility, influence, and significance of Ukraine in the world. Ukrainians are a European nation and must in any case be a member of the EU.

40 countries are participants in the Bologna process. Ukraine has also joined this process, which will enable Ukrainians to study at European universities, receive diplomas that will be taken into account in all European countries. We will be able to get jobs in European countries.

What is wrong here?


Player 2 of the 2nd team:

Increasing wages, reforming the army, increasing investment and increasing the country's influence are the consequences of Ukraine's preparation and accession to NATO. Ukrainians themselves are not so eager to support such an idea. Experts say that it has become possible due to the lack of information and false stereotypes.

After the events of the past 5 years, Ukraine has increasingly begun to recall the North Atlantic Alliance and the prospect of joining this organization. And although this course of the state has been chosen since the beginning of its independence, today the experts do not dare to call the probable time for the completion of this process.

According to the Pentagon's analytical centre, during the preparation of Ukraine for joining NATO, the first will invest about $ 15 billion in the development of its army, infrastructure, and economy. This is necessary in order to meet the standards of other member countries of the Alliance. At the moment, Ukrainians are afraid of change, they are so tired of military actions and their own problems that they will not change their position until they personally touch upon any innovations.


Player 3 of the 1st team (Summary of team 1):

Our state is young. It is now on the way to becoming great. We have to choose who to communicate with and with whom we don`t. Of course, our state has some problems. But our politicians should not emphasize these problems, but find ways to solve them. EU is an extremely important economic partner fro Ukraine. In 2015 there are 34% of Ukrainian exports and 41% of Ukrainian imports to and from the EU.

In 2017 the most important events for Ukraine took place:

- 1 September 2017 EU-Ukraine Association was ratified

- May 17, 2017 in Strasbourg while having a state visit to the European Parliament Petro Poroshenko signed the document which enabled the visa-free regime for Ukrainian citizens. The document will come into force at the beginning in June 2017

In my opinion, this course is the only true one, because it will help Ukraine find its "friends" on the political map of the world. Without the support of other states, the path of development of our state will be very complicated.

Summing up all the arguments, I want to say that Ukraine has to join the European culture and economy. We must take all the best from the European powers. It is this policy that will help Ukraine quickly become a leading developed state not only in Europe, but also in the world.


Player 3 of the 2nd team (Summary of team 2):

How old is Ukraine? It is still a young state. Therefore, Ukraine needs to be neutral. Only neutrality will allow to continue building state and independence. The policy of neutrality is a peace among the population and an opportunity for unity and mutual understanding. Politicians will no longer use their talks to enter the state into various blocks and unions. Neutrality is the independence of foreign policy without looking at the neighbors of the west and east. Neutrality will enable the state to significantly save the budget on military defense and allocate these funds for the development of science, education and health care.

So, if Ukraine really builds a democratic society, and social standards will make feel us true people, in this case, we and the various blocks and unions will be respected in the world and have the honour to visit Ukraine and honour Ukrainians at home.




VІ. The results of the Debates.


VІІ. Final Survey


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