Презентація "Communicative Technologies" 10 кл..

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Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

Communication Technologies@Necessity is the mother of invention@

Номер слайду 2

Номер слайду 3

Communication technology is the activity of exchanging information using craft. Communication Technology?Communication is the activity of exchanging information. Technology is the way to do something craft

Номер слайду 4

To communicate in English you should say the words correctly/k/ technology/f/Phototechnicalschoolchemistryarchitectcharacterarchaicphonesmartphonephysicsphoneticsphrase. REMEMBER!грецьке походження слів

Номер слайду 5

Means of communication soundsign

Номер слайду 6

Methods of communication technology: A text messaging. B cave painting. C telephone. В Internet. E carrier pigeons. F printing press. G smoke signals. H radio. I television. G social network14235869107

Номер слайду 7

Computers have become a vital part of everyday life personal computerelectronic machinea desktop with a tower casea laptop,(notebook,subnotebook)a palmtopembedded computers

Номер слайду 8

Focus on new words

Номер слайду 9

Student’s Word Clouds Excellent!

Номер слайду 10

Well done!

Номер слайду 11

web service use store search database send integral honoured population network popular physicist inventor. The Internet is becoming ___________ day by day. It is an _________ part of the modern world. The Internet is a huge __________ of computers.t is created to _________ and transmit information. It is a huge ____________ of knowledge from the picture of family trips to the analysis of quantum mechanics. We can do a ___________ for the information we need. You could _________ an Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator or Opera etc. We can also ________ and receive email. This internet __________ is cheaper than ordinary mail and much quicker. We can get news because there are many information services in the _______. Over a third of the world’s ____________ uses the Internet. It was modernized in 1990 by the British ___________ Timothy John Berners-Lee. He is considered the _____________ of the Internet. He was ____________ as the "Inventor of the World Wide Web".

Номер слайду 12

Spheres we use PC and Internetpersonaleducationalcommercial ? ? ?Watch the video EFFECTS OF COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIESVideo

Номер слайду 13

Imagine. You are on a desert (isolated) ireland…... If I had a mobile telephone, I would ... If I had a powerbank, I would …If I had the Internet, I would …If I hadn't any modern devices and gadgets, I would ... If I have …wouldn't die.call my family, call the rescuers, charge phone, send an email, use GPS, give a signal, listen to music, send a message, chat with friends,make photos,use Viber or video conference to say “Hi!”,seek for somebody, start blogging, look up online dictionary, die.

Номер слайду 14

Gadgetsyou should have while travelling this new year day. Powerbank. Just what you may need to keep your phone going. Smart Speakerscan help you in playing music to doing lots more. Smart-security cameraswill help you forget about your home’s security when you are away vacationing. Smartwatch (with built in GPS and heart rate)???

Номер слайду 15

Develop your vocabulary. Have you caught the difference?

Номер слайду 16

“Device” is an instrument used to do certain work to achieve a certain result. They are devices:personal computervideo camerae.g. The same device performs a great variety of functions.“Gadget” is a technical device (including digital technologies)They are gadgets: Mobile phone and USB-gadgets. Gadgets of virtual reality (video glasses or helmets)e.g. Lots of gadgets designed for various tasks.

Номер слайду 17

Focus on new words (textbook p.118) PHRASAL VERBS(фразові дієслова)print outkey in data. IT skillslog in /onlog off / outhack intozoom in /outscroll down /uppick up somethingback up

Номер слайду 18

There are many potential dangers connected with the Internet. Some people can be drawn into dangerous situations. People are open to cyberbullying. Some children are addicted. People feel the lack of face to face relations

Номер слайду 19


Номер слайду 20

HOMEWORK Focus on Listening Ex.3,4 p. 122 Виконайте тест за темою@Communication technologies@Communication Technologies

Номер слайду 21

Now I can Now I know what isread new words use new wordsname types of computerscommon uses of computers read texts about the Internetmake up own sentences use if clausedo testunderstand the information about computersuse phrasal verbs to talk about computerscommunication and its role in our lifetechnologyblogdatainputoutput. E-commerce. VLEgadgetdevicedesert island computer skillsaddicted peoplepotential dangers connected with the Internet

Номер слайду 22

Thank you for your attention!

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  1. Богун Марина Олександрівна
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  2. Митчик Катерина Олександрівна
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  3. Chyrkova Alla Ivanivna
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  4. Балюнова Свiтлана Анатоліївна
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