Урок з англійської мови на тему "Шлюб"

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Урок для учнів 11 класу. Тип уроку - комбінований. Метою уроку є формувати уміння та навички усного мовлення, вiдпрацьовувати в мовi учнiв вживання лексичних одиниць теми “Шлюбнi звичаї традиції”, практикувати учнiв у прослуховуванні тексту з метою максимально повного i точного розуміння всієї інформації, що в ньому мiститься , розширювати фiлологiчний кругозір учнiв
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Lesson on the Topic: Love. Marriage.



  • developing students’ language skills, to expand their vocabulary;
  • forming students’ habits of communication according to the given situation;
  • to motivate students in expressing their opinions on the problems under discussing;
  • to develop listening and speaking skills and imagination;
  • teaching to understand and respect other people’s feelings and realize the importance of love in our lives.


Equipment: O.D. Karpiuk. English Study, 11th Form; quotations about love and marriage; a tape-recorder, music and songs tapes; handouts; portrait of M.Mendelssohn.



Procedure of the Lesson


I. Greeting.


      II. Warming-up activity.


      T.: Children, you will listen to the song now. Try to guess what we are going to talk about during the lesson. (Listening to the song “My Heart Will Go On” by Selin Dion).



My Heart Will Go On


Every night in my dreams

I see you, I feel you

That is how I know you go on.

Far across the distance

and spaces between us

You have come to show you go on.

Near, far, wherever you are

I believe that the heart does go on

Once more, you opened the door

And you’re here in my heart,

And my heart will go on and on.

Love can touch us one time

And last for a lifetime

And never let go till we’re gone.

Love was when I loved you,

One true time to hold on to

In my life we’ll always go on.


      T.: Now, tell me, what do you think about when you listen to this song? So, today at our lesson we shall speak about love and marriage. To your opinion, what is “love”? Can you give your own definition of love? How can you characterize this feeling?

      P1: Love is the most mysterious feeling people have ever cherished.

      P2: There is no language able to fully express the real meaning of this word. Love fills our life with beauty, joy and light.

      P3: Love is a magic feeling. It makes people better, stronger and kinder.

      P4: Love is a bright feeling. If you feel the sunshine and warmth from every side you definitely know that you love and you are loved.

Визначення слова «любов» в тлумачному словнику:

 III. Discussing of proverbs and quotations about love.


      T.: Now look at the blackboard. You see some quotations about love, about marriage. Let’s discuss them. Explain me how you understand their meaning.


1. Where there is love, there is life. (Mahatma Gandhi).

2. Love does not consist of gazing at each other, but in looking together in the same direction. (Antoine de Saint-Exupery).

3. The course of true love never did run smooth. (William Shakespeare).

4. Without love, the world itself would not survive. (Lope de Vega).

5. The family is one of nature’s masterpieces. (G. Santayana).

6. Marriage is the greatest earthy happiness when founded on complete sympathy.

 (B. Disraeli).

7. Marriage is like life in this – that it is a field of battle, and not a bed of roses.

(R. L. Stevenson).


1) Lexical material. Введення нових лексичних одиниць

T: Now, let’s look to the handouts with our today vocabulary. These are words concerning our topic “Wedding and Marriage”. At first I’ll read them for you and then you’ll try to pronounce them correctly too.


to go down on one knee – ставати на коліна

to pop the question – освідчитись

to be engaged – бути зарученим

bride/groom – наречена/наречений

engagement ring (wedding ring) - обручка

to draw up a guest list – скласти список гостей

bridesmaid – подружка нареченої

best man - шафер

honeymoon – медовий місяць

wedding dress – весільна сукня

train - шлейф

veil - серпанок

altar - алтар

Wedding March – весільний марш

exchange rings – обмінятися обручками

to be proclaimed "man and wife" – бути проголошеними чоловіком та дружиною

happy couple – щаслива пара

wedding vows – шлюбні обітниці

wedding cake – весільний торт


2) T: You can see a definition and four words. Your task is to choose the word that fits the definition.


1. To have a romantic relationship with someone.

a) to fall in love        b) to fancy

c) to date                  d) to fall out of love


2. To touch someone with your lips as a greeting or to show them love.

a) to embrace             b) to kiss

c) to smile                  d) to bite


3. To agree to get married.

a) to get engaged       b) to get up

c) to get ill                 d) to get acquainted with


4. To ask God to protect someone or something.

a) to permit               b) to beg

c) to bless                 d) to expect


5.  To tell a priest or God about the wrong things you have done so that you can be forgiven.

a) to pardon               b) to blame

c) to predict               d) to confess


6) To ask somebody to marry you

a) to propose to         b) to offer

c) to recommend       d) to suggest


7) To take somebody as your husband or wife

a) to get involved      b) to get married

c) to get even             d) to get started


8) To go on a holiday that is taken by two people who have just got married

a)  to  go on a tour                b) to go on an excursion

c)  to  go on a honeymoon   d) to go on a visit


9) To go somewhere with someone

a)  to control      b) to accompany

c)  to protect      d) to follow


10) To do a piece of work that you have been ordered to do

a) to act           c) to please

b) to admit       d) to perform


The key: 1)c;  2)b;  3)a; 4)c;  5)d;  6)a;  7)b;  8)c;  9)b; 10)d


3)  T: It usually takes people some time to go from an acquaintanceship to marriage. Some actions usually follow each other. You can see a list of verbs on our screen. Please put the events in the usual order we expect.


 to date

 to go on a honeymoon

 to bless

 to get married

 to fall in love

 to confess

 to propose to

 to get engaged

 to get acquainted



1) to get acquainted

2) to fall in love

3) to date

4) to propose to

5) to get engaged

6) to confess

7) to bless

8) to get married

9) to go on a honeymoon


4) Task for group B

1. Match the words to the definitions.

1) marriage                                        a) an act of admitting that you have done

                                                                something bad or wrong

2) engagement                                   b) approval or support

3) confession                                     c) the state of being husband and wife

4) proposal                                        d) an agreement to get married

5) blessing                                         e) a married ceremony and often the


6) wedding                                         f) an act of formally asking somebody to

                                                                marry you  

 5.  Derive a verb from a noun.

   Example: marriage - to marry          

  1. proposal -
  2. engagement -
  3. confession -
  4. blessing –


6. Reading  Comprehension

Pre-reading Tasks

T.: Before listening to the story “True Love” I want to attract your attention to some words which may appear unknown to you:

  • hunchback – a person with a back misshaped by a round lump;
  • merchant – a person who buys and sells goods;
  • misshapen – badly or wrongly shaped or formed;
  • humpbacked – having a hump on your back;


  1. First of all I want you to define what true love is.


  1. Now try to guess what the story can be about.

(Listening to the text “True Love”. The pupils listen to it with the accompaniment of the “Wedding March” by F. Mendelssohn).



      Moses Mendelssohn, the grandfather of the well-known German composer, was far from being handsome. Along with a rather short stature, he had grotesque hunchback.

       One day he visited a merchant in Hamburg who had a lovely daughter named Frumtje. Moses fell hopelessly in love with her. But Frumtje was repulsed by his misshapen appearance.

       When time came for him to leave, Moses gathered his courage and climbed the stairs to her room to take one last opportunity to speak with her. She was a vision of heavenly beauty, but caused him deep sadness by her refusal to look at him. After several attempts at starting a conversation, Moses shyly asked, “Do you believe marriages are made in heaven?”

       “Yes”, she answered, still looking at the floor. “And do you?”

       “Yes, I do”, he replied. “You see, in heaven at the birth of each boy, the Lord announces which girl he will marry. When I was born, my future wife was pointed out to me. Then the Lord added, ‘But your wife will be humpbacked’”.

       “Right then and there I called out, ‘Oh, Lord, a humpbacked woman will be a tragedy. Please, Lord, give me the hump and let her be beautiful’”.

       Then Frumtje looked into his eyes and was stirred by some deep memory. She reached out and gave Mendelssohn her hand and later became his devoted wife.

Barry and Joyce Vissell


Post-listening Task


      T.: Now answer the following questions:

  1. Is ugly appearance a tragedy for a person? Who suffers more: males or females? Why?
  2. Do love and happiness always come to the beautiful and handsome?
  3. Was Moses right in acting like that? Why did the young woman accept his proposal?
  4. Is it easier for a man or woman if they are far from being handsome to get married? Why?


     T: Can you tell me, kids, who are the main people at the wedding ceremony?

     P: They are a bride and a bridegroom.

      T: Here is a list of words of some things and your task is to tell me whom these things belong to. Do they belong to a bride or a bridegroom?

(A slide is displayed on the screen)

Bride                            Bridegroom

            a bouquet 

            a formal suit

            a wedding gown

            a tie

            a veil


Bride                            Bridegroom

 a b                          a bouquet                    a formal suit

 a wedding gown         a tie

 a veil

Possible answers:

    P1: A bouquet usually belongs to a bride. The bride has a bouquet in her hands.

   P2: A bridegroom wears a formal suit at his wedding.  

   P3: A bride wears a wedding gown.

   P4: A bridegroom wears a tie

   P5: A bride usually has a veil on her head.



But I think that every girl is dreaming about a wedding dress ……. Am I right?

What color would you like to have?

WEDDING DRESS COLOUR Most brides today marry in white which symbolises maidenhood. This tradition started by the rich in sixteenth century. The tradition was given a boost by Queen Victoria who chose to marry in white instead of silver which was the traditional colour of Royal brides. Before the white dress brides wore their best dress. The colour was a matter of preference. The following is a traditional rhyme offering advice on dress colour:

Married in White, you have chosen right,
Married in Blue, your love will always be true,
Married in Pearl, you will live in a whirl,
Married in Brown, you will live in town,
Married in Red, you will wish yourself dead,
Married in Yellow, ashamed of your fellow,
Married in Green, ashamed to be seen,
Married in Pink, your spirit will sink,
Married in Grey, you will go far away,
Married in Black, you will wish yourself back.













Does this custom belong to Ukraine or England?

  1. It is considered to be bad luck for the groom to see the bride before the ceremony on the day of wedding.
  2. The groom waits at the alter with the best man.
  3. The bride is often stolen at some wedding parties.
  4. The women who are respected by the community for their exemplary family life are invited to bake the wedding loaf of bread.
  5. When the ceremony is over, the happy newly-married couple and their guests go back to the house, where the lady has been living.
  6. The wedding cake is served at breakfast.
  7. Bridesmaids walk up the aisle followed by the bride.
  8. The matchmakers are tied up with wedding towels.
  9. The bride’s shoe can be stolen.

10. The father or the male guardian accompanies the girl to the alter.

11. People who are happy in their family life can give peace and consent for the young couple by baking the wedding loaf of bread.

12. The bride wears something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue.

Key: 1) England; 2) England; 3) Ukraine; 4) Ukraine; 5) England; 6) England;7) England; 8) Ukraine; 9) Ukraine; 10) England; 11) Ukraine;

12) England.


Watching an episode from the film A Walk to Remember”.

     T: Kids, Id like to ask you some questions. Who expects to get married? Raise your hands, please.  Who expects to have children? Raise your hands, please.  Who expects to live with his wife or her husband up to the end of the life? Please raise your hands.

      T: People say that only marriages that are based on love can be long and happy.  Love is the simplest and the most complicated thing in the world. You have to watch the film and complete the statements on your cards.


Pupils are watching  the film.

( The scene is in a church)

The priest says:


Love is always patient, and kind,

It is never jealous; love is never boastful or conceited,

It is never rude nor selfish,

It does not take offence, and is not resentful,

Love takes not pleasure in other people sins,

But delights in the truth,

It is always ready to excuse, to trust, to hope, and to endure,

What ever comes.


T: Complete the sentences:


1. Love is always___________

2. Love is never______________

3. Love does not take_________

4. Love takes not__________

5. Love delights in_________




 Icebreaker (Filling Questionnaires)


T.: And now everyone should ask as many classmates as possible to complete the questionnaire. Then you should comment on the results. You have two minutes. (Every student gets a questionnaire, and then they go around the class taking and giving interviews. Then students report the results).


 Brainstorming. Creating a mind map


      T.: So, now, children, let’s create our mind map with the help of the method “brainstorming”. Please, tell me, what the word “marriage” is associated with.

(Brainstorming. Creating a mind map)




      T.: To sum up the results of our work today, I’d like to recite you such a poem:




Some find Love late, some find it soon,

Some with the rose in May,

Some with the nightingale in June,

And some when skies are grey;

Love comes to some with smiling eyes,

And comes with tears to some;

For some Love sings, for some Love sighs,

For some Love’s lips are dumb.


 T.: So, children, I wish your love to be sweet and light, to be happy and returned. I think, our today’s lesson was rather fruitful for everyone. Thank you very much for such a great job!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

2 березня 2019
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