1 клас
Тема: Це мій друг!
Обладнання: картки до теми «Моя сім’я і друзі», фотографії учнів з родичами, різнокольорові аркуші паперу, олівці, аудіо записи.
Good morning everyone.
How are you today?
How old are you?
Where do you live?
Let’s repeat the ABC.
Listen and point (p.41).
-Open your books please, children. Look at the photos. You have 5 min to look at, and tell your friend about them.
Children point to each character again and elicit the names.
-OK, guys. Would you like to listen to CD.
Pupils listen, say and point to the characters in their books.
Point and say (p.41)
Pupils listen, repeat the sentences and point to the characters in their books.
- Good for you. Let’s listen again. (Pause the CD after each section and invite pupils to repeat)
- Very well.
- I’ll draw a face on the board. And your task is name it. So be very attentive.
- Look at the outline and the photo from the exercise. And you will draw your face on the coloured sheets of paper.
- Now guys, who want to present your pictures?
-Very good. We have two teams for our game. Imagine you are journalists and stars. Ask opposite group about their pictures. Start like this “Is it…?” And answer the questions like this” Yes, he is/she is. or No, he/she isn’t.”
One half of the class asks questions. The other half of the class answers in a chain.
Pupils say the words “a father”, “ a mother”, “a sister”, “a brother” pointing the members of the family. Pronounce every word clearly. Students present their family.