Конспект уроку з англійської мови (5 клас НУШ) "GRAMMAR search: The Zero Conditional"

Про матеріал
Урок розрахований для здобувачів освіти 5 класу НУШ. Метою уроку є вивчення граматичної структури англійської мови, пов'язаної із вживанням умовних речень нульового типу. Вивчення матеріалу сприяє розвитку у здобувачів освіти граматичної компетентності, лінгвістичному мисленню, а також дотримання норм пунктуації при побудові складних речень умовного типу на письмі. (O.Karpyuk, K.Karpyuk Student`s Book - English (Year 5). Тернопіль:"Лібра Терра", 2022
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English. FORM 5 (NUS).

Тема: «Умовні речення нульового типу»

Grammar: «The Zero Conditionals»


  • to introduce and practice the new grammar; to focus students on using of the Zero Conditionals; to improve students` grammar skills;
  • to expand students` vocabulary; to interest students in learning grammar; to develop students` grammar competence; to motivate linguistic guess, to active thinking and creative imagination; to improve students` writing, reading, listening and speaking skills.
  • to provide a stable and welcoming atmosphere in the class; to inspire students to work in pairs; to encourage students` understanding of importance of studying.

Outcomes: by the end of the lesson students will be able:

  • to analyse and understand the situations in which the Zero Conditionals are used;
  • to use the Zero Conditional in written and in oral speech;
  • to share knowledge with others.

Facilities: a book, a whiteboard, the table «The Zero Conditionals», copy-books,              a laptop.


I .Organizing Time

Greeting 1.

Teacher: Good morning, students! I am glad to see you! How are you today?                    I hope, you are nice and you`ll energetic during the lesson.

Students: Good morning, teacher! We are nice!

Teacher: So, let`s start our lesson! Take your seats, please.

Students: Thank you!

Aim 2.

Teacher: Today we are going to learn a new grammar theme «The Zero  Conditionals» and we`ll practice it in our exercises, of course. So, let`s go!

Warming-up 3.

Teacher: Dear friends, do you know the poems or rhymes about four seasons: winter, summer, autumn and spring?

Students: Yes! We know the poem about four seasons!

Teacher: OK!

Students: Spring is green!                 Autumn is yellow!                                         

               Summer is bright!               Winter is white!

                              Seasons Names Stock Illustrations – 119 Seasons Names Stock Illustrations,  Vectors & Clipart - Dreamstime

 Teacher: Thank you! You are well done!

II. The main part of the lesson

Grammar Point: The Zero Conditionals.

Teacher: Умовні речення – це тип речень, коли ми говоримо про те, що може статися, могло б статися або ж йдеться про наші мрії. Характерна ознака – сполучник if.

Teacher: What do we know about Zero Conditional?

Zero conditional (умовне речення нульового типу) – умовне речення, що передає загальні істини, природні або наукові факти, правила або ж часто повторювані події, що стали правилом.

В умовних реченнях нульового типу завжди використовується Present Simple як в головному, так і в підрядному реченні.


Example: If it rains, I wear my raincoat.                                        

                If you make a cake, you firstly break eggs                           

                If you heat ice, it melts!  

                If you like apples, go to this shop                                  

                                                                                       Tesco's Free Fruit for Kids scheme sees over 100m handed out | News | The  Grocer

    Teacher: So, we use the Zero Conditional to:

    talk about general facts               

    make suggestions and offers                                                                                                            

    give advice




The structure of the Zero Conditional

                          IF + Present Simple, + Present Simple


Conditionals are two parts sentences which are connected with the  word «if». With all conditionals, when we start the sentences with «if», we must use a comma. When «if» is in the middle of the sentence, we don`t use a comma.


Note: We use a comma after the «if-clause».

Example: If you go to Egypt, visit the Pyramids.

Teacher: But when the Zero Conditional is … !!!

The structure of the Zero Conditional

Present Simple +IF + Present Simple


Note: We don`t use a comma in the sentence.

Example:  Visit the Pyramids if you go to Egypt.

                                Was ancient Egypt a desert? | Live Science

Teacher: And now let’s watch the video about «The Zero Conditional»



Teacher: OK! So, tell me, please, when do we use the Zero Conditionals? How are they formed? When do we use a comma in Сonditionals? And when we don`t use       a comma? (The students answer the questions).

Students: We are ready!

Teacher: Well done! Perfect! Thank you!


Teacher: And now do Ex. 1 on p.82 (in oral form). Match to make sentences.                                 

Teacher: Please, do Ex. 2 on p. 82(in oral form). Finish the sentences:

  1. If I am hot, …                                            5. If it snows, …
  2. If the weather is wet, …                            6. If it is stormy, …
  3. If it is frosty, …                                         7. If the weather is sunny, …
  4. If I am cold, …                                          8. If it is windy, …


III. The Ending of the lesson

Teacher: Did you like the lesson? What was difficult (easy) for you? What do you know about Zero Conditionals? Please, give several examples of the Zero Conditional Sentences. Thank you!

Teacher: So, you were great! Thank you! Your home task is to learn new grammar and do Ex. 3 on p. 82 (Make your own six sentences with the Zero conditional).   Our lesson is over! Have a nice day! Good-bye! 

Students: Good-bye! Thank you!





Середня оцінка розробки
Оригінальність викладу
Відповідність темі
Всього відгуків: 2
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  1. Пластун Світлана Володимірівна
    Оригінальність викладу
    Відповідність темі
  2. Григоренко Олена Василівна
    Оригінальність викладу
    Відповідність темі
17 січня 2023
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5.0 (2 відгука)
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