Конспект уроку з англійської мови 7 клас з теми "What Do We Eat?"

Про матеріал

Даний конспект уроку дає можливість активізувати лексику теми. Повторити граматичний матеріал : зліічувані та незлі чувані іменники. Формувати вміння діалогічного та монологічного мовлення.

Перегляд файлу

Що ми їмо?


  • активізувати та узагальнити лексику теми;
  • повторити граматичний матеріал : зліічувані та незлі чувані іменники;
  •  продовжувати навчати сприймати на слух інформацію під час прослуховування;
  • вдосконалювати техніку читання;
  • формувати вміння діалогічного та монологічного мовлення;
  • розвивати пам'ять, увагу, здатність до здогадки;
  • розвивати культуру усного мовлення;
  • зацікавлювати до вивчення англійської мови;
  • виховувати прагнення до здорового харчування.


Хід уроку

I. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення

1. Привітання

Т: Good morning, children! Nice to see you!  Our today's lesson will be unusual. We have guests at the classroom. Ноw are you? Who is on duty  today? Let's start our lesson today!

2. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку

T:  Today we are going to speak about food. We discuss what do you like to eat. Besides, you'll remember the vocabulary on the topic “Food and Drinks” and practice  in it. You'll develop your reading, listening and speaking skills. Also you'll revise some grammar material.

2. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу.

a) Sing song “Do You Like Healthy Food?”

T: Let's sing the song together.

II. Основна частина уроку.

  1. Фонетична розминка та активізація ЛО.

А) Гра «Злічуване та незлічуване»

      You must divide all food into two baskets.

          Б ) Гра Загублене словосполучення”.


T: Find the parts of the word combinations: pack and food.

1) a pound of                      a) butter

2) a loaf of                          b) milk

3) a bar of                           c) jam     

4) a pack of                         d) cheese

5) a carton of                      e) chocolate

6) a box of                          f) bread

7) a  jar of                          g) sweets 

8) a bunch of                      h) rice


С) Memory game

Look at the table and you must remember where are  there situate some  foods?

  1. Аудіювання:
    1. Подання діалогу для аудіювання 
  1. Pre-listening task

- What food do you like?

- What food don’t you like?


2) While-listening task

  - Listen to the dialogue and fill in the blanks on your cards.


John: What’s for dinner? Mum? I’m so hungry.

Mother: Fish soup.

John: I like fish soup.

Liz: I don’t like it.

John: She doesn’t like anything.

Mother: Meat and potatoes.

John: I like meat and potatoes.

Liz: I don’t like it.

John: She doesn’t like anything.

Liz: I’m thirsty.

Mother: Have a glass of orange juice then.

John: M-m-m, I’d love to.

Liz: I don’t like it.

John: She doesn’t like anything.



John: What’s for ______? Mum? I’m so _______.

Mother: _____  ______.

John: I like fish soup.

Liz: I don’t like it.

John: She doesn’t like anything.

Mother: _______ and _______.

John: I like meat and potatoes.

Liz: I don’t like it.

John: She doesn’t like anything.

Liz: I’m ________.

Mother: Have a glass of _______ juice then.

John: M-m-m, I’d love to.

Liz: I don’t like it.

John: She doesn’t like anything.


3) Post-listening task

- Listen to the dialogue and  answers to the questions.


  1. Does Liz like fish soup?_____________________________________
  2. What does she like?________________________________________
  3. Does John like fish soup?____________________________________
  4. What does he like?_________________________________________


  1. Робота з картками.
  • Do you like to cook? What do you usually cook?

Next task. You must look at the some ingredients and say what we can cooking with it.


  1. Робота в парах. Формування навичок читання.


          These stripes are for you. Put the sentences in the correct order to make up a recipe. Work in groups. Then read your recipes.


– Tasty salad.

  1. Wash potatoes.
  2. Boil the potatoes and the eggs.
  3. Peel the potatoes and the eggs.
  4. Cut the potatoes, the eggs, the cucumbers and sausage.
  5. Add the peas, some salt, some pepper and mayonnaise.
  6. Mix all the ingredients.



        What ingredients do we need to prepare  “Tasty salad”? (potatoes and the eggs, cucumbers and sausage, the peas, some salt, some pepper and mayonnaise)

  1. Гра “ Коробка з сюрпризом” .

Now I have something sweet. Do you like sweet food: candy, cake?

https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSYcZSqhI0SUFfCq7p1BVopbWS3dO6WiZr4xOkdoNQkWWoerGmiT: I have a box of sweets, but my sweets are unusual. It is interest.  One pupil  come to me and take your sweet.

 Name a fruit that is always sour.
It is yellow on the inside and outside.
Adults like to drink tea with it.              (Answer: LEMON)


Name a fruit that
starts with “A”.
It is white on the inside and can be
red, yellow, or green on the outside.
It grows on a big tree.
Children like it.                                            (Answer: APPLE)


It’s the same color as its name.                  (Answer: ORANGE)


Clean, but not water,

White, but not snow,

Sweet, but not ice-cream,

What is it?                                                   (Answer: SUGAR)


It is round, with sausage,

tomato and cheese on top.                           (Answer:  PIZZA)


You smile when you name it.

The mouse likes it very much.                 (Answer: CHEESE)


It has very many shirts. It is white and round.      (Cabbage)



  1. Splash.

T:  Can you cross the river? When you step on a stone, say the word. Each letter on the stones is the first letter of one of the words in the box. If you take more than 30 seconds your partner says ‘Splash’ and you fall in the water.

  1. Робота в парах. Побудова та розігрування діалогу .


 T.: And now put the sentences in the correct order to make up a dialogue between two

          friends. Act it out.



  • No, really, no.


  • There is a nice Chinese restaurant in town – the food is very good there.


  • 8 o’clock. Fine, thanks.


  • I’ll call for you at about 8, then.


  • Hello, Bill, have you got any plans for this evening?


  • Oh, that sounds very nice, thanks.


  • Well, would you like to have a meal with me?


 Imagine, it’s two o’clock. Your friend and you are at the restaurant. Make up a dialogue. 

    Use the following expressions.


Can I take your order, sir?

Show us the menu, please.

What kind of soup would you like?

Yes, I think I’ll have ….

And for dessert?


  1. Презентація проектів «Моє меню».

    You had already been in the restaurant. And today you are prepared your menu your own restaurant. Now you can make presentation of your menu.

III. Заключна частина уроку.

    Ok. We can eat different food. But we musn’t remember that we must eat more healthy food, because it is very important for our health. Remember it!


1) a pound of                      a) butter

2) a loaf of                          b) milk

3) a bar of                           c) jam     

4) a pack of                         d) cheese

5) a carton of                      e) chocolate

6) a box of                          f) bread

7) a  jar of                          g) sweets 

8) a bunch of                      h) rice


1) a pound of                      a) butter

2) a loaf of                          b) milk

3) a bar of                           c) jam     

4) a pack of                         d) cheese

5) a carton of                      e) chocolate

6) a box of                          f) bread

7) a  jar of                          g) sweets 

8) a bunch of                      h) rice

1) a pound of                      a) butter

2) a loaf of                          b) milk

3) a bar of                           c) jam     

4) a pack of                         d) cheese

5) a carton of                      e) chocolate

6) a box of                          f) bread

7) a  jar of                          g) sweets 

8) a bunch of                      h) rice


John: What’s for ______? Mum? I’m so _______.

Mother: _____  ______.

John: I like fish soup.

Liz: I don’t like it.

John: She doesn’t like anything.

Mother: _______ and _______.

John: I like meat and potatoes.

Liz: I don’t like it.

John: She doesn’t like anything.

Liz: I’m ________.

Mother: Have a glass of _______ juice then.

John: M-m-m, I’d love to.

Liz: I don’t like it.

John: She doesn’t like anything.


John: What’s for ______? Mum? I’m so _______.

Mother: _____  ______.

John: I like fish soup.

Liz: I don’t like it.

John: She doesn’t like anything.

Mother: _______ and _______.

John: I like meat and potatoes.

Liz: I don’t like it.

John: She doesn’t like anything.

Liz: I’m ________.

Mother: Have a glass of _______ juice then.

John: M-m-m, I’d love to.

Liz: I don’t like it.

John: She doesn’t like anything.


John: What’s for ______? Mum? I’m so _______.

Mother: _____  ______.

John: I like fish soup.

Liz: I don’t like it.

John: She doesn’t like anything.

Mother: _______ and _______.

John: I like meat and potatoes.

Liz: I don’t like it.

John: She doesn’t like anything.

Liz: I’m ________.

Mother: Have a glass of _______ juice then.

John: M-m-m, I’d love to.

Liz: I don’t like it.

John: She doesn’t like anything.

                Tasty salad.

 Wash potatoes.

 Boil the potatoes and the eggs.

 Peel the potatoes and the eggs.

 Cut the potatoes, the eggs, the cucumbers and sausage.

 Add the peas, some salt, some pepper and mayonnaise.

 Mix all the ingredients.

                Tasty salad.

 Wash potatoes.

 Boil the potatoes and the eggs.

 Peel the potatoes and the eggs.

 Cut the potatoes, the eggs, the cucumbers and sausage.

 Add the peas, some salt, some pepper and mayonnaise.

 Mix all the ingredients.

                Tasty salad.

 Wash potatoes.

 Boil the potatoes and the eggs.

 Peel the potatoes and the eggs.

 Cut the potatoes, the eggs, the cucumbers and sausage.

 Add the peas, some salt, some pepper and mayonnaise.

 Mix all the ingredients.


Name a fruit that is always sour.
It is yellow on the inside and outside.
Adults like to drink tea with it.             


Name a fruit that
starts with “A”.
It is white on the inside and can be
red, yellow, or green on the outside.
It grows on a big tree.
Children like it.                                           


It’s the same color as its name


Clean, but not water,

White, but not snow,

Sweet, but not ice-cream,

What is it?                                                  


It is round, with sausage,

tomato and cheese on top.                          


You smile when you name it.

The mouse likes it very much.                


It has very many shirts. It is white and round.     









  • No, really, no.


  • There is a nice Chinese restaurant in town – the food is very good there.


  • 8 o’clock. Fine, thanks.


  • I’ll call for you at about 8, then.


  • Hello, Bill, have you got any plans for this evening?


  • Oh, that sounds very nice, thanks.


  • Well, would you like to have a meal with me?




  • No, really, no.


  • There is a nice Chinese restaurant in town – the food is very good there.


  • 8 o’clock. Fine, thanks.


  • I’ll call for you at about 8, then.


  • Hello, Bill, have you got any plans for this evening?


  • Oh, that sounds very nice, thanks.


  • Well, would you like to have a meal with me?




  • No, really, no.


  • There is a nice Chinese restaurant in town – the food is very good there.


  • 8 o’clock. Fine, thanks.


  • I’ll call for you at about 8, then.


  • Hello, Bill, have you got any plans for this evening?


  • Oh, that sounds very nice, thanks.


  • Well, would you like to have a meal with me?


Can I take your order, sir?

Show us the menu, please.

What kind of soup would you like?

Yes, I think I’ll have ….

And for dessert?



Can I take your order, sir?

Show us the menu, please.

What kind of soup would you like?

Yes, I think I’ll have ….

And for dessert?


Can I take your order, sir?

Show us the menu, please.

What kind of soup would you like?

Yes, I think I’ll have ….

And for dessert?


Can I take your order, sir?

Show us the menu, please.

What kind of soup would you like?

Yes, I think I’ll have ….

And for dessert?


27 грудня 2018
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