Конспект уроку з англійської мови для 7 класу на тему "Спорт"

Про матеріал
Урок закріплення граматичного матеріалу "модульні дієслова", вдосконалення лексичних та аудіювальних навичок.
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The subject : Unit 4. Sport and Health

The object : to learn new lexical material, to improve the usage of the modal verbs ‘must’, ‘must’nt’, ‘should’, ‘shouldn’t’; to improve the student’s communicational skills about kinds of sport and expressing an opinion.

The material : CB ‘On Screen 2’ ( Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley , 2015, Express Publishing) p. 68-69 , flashcards  ‘Sport’, grammar posters.

The Procedure

I. Preliminaries of the lesson

1. Greetings

2. Communicational warm-up

- How are you today?

- How old are you?

-What’s the weather like today?

-What’s the news?

-Do you like sport?

-What is your favourite kind of sport?

-What is your favourite athlete? Why?

3. Hometask checking

- You had to write ex. 10, p.67 at home and do an ex. 11, p.67 orally. Let’s check it.

Answer key to ex.10, p.67

  1. Peel the potatoes;
  2. Boil for 5 minutes;
  3. Chop the onions;
  4. Slice tomatoes;
  5. Beat the eggs;
  6. Fry the mixture;
  7. Bake in the oven.

Answer key to ex.11, p.67

We all love to eat snacks but we should make sure that we choose snacks that are low in fat, sugar and salt , high in protein and full in fibre so that they are good for us. We should also pay attention to portion sizes and not eat too many snacks , especially before a meal.

-Well done! Please copy the list of words in the Prepositions Section in your notebooks.

4. Words revision

II. The main part of the lesson

  1. Grammar material presentation (CB ex.1 , p.68)
  • Today you’ll learn about the usage of some modal verbs and practice your grammar skills.
  • Open your CB p.68 and read the table.
    Картинки по запросу can could правила 
  • Write down the examples in your copybooks into Grammar Section.
  • Be careful : there is a difference in meaning between the following modal verbs.

Картинки по запросу need have to

  1. Grammar usage practice (CB ex.1, p.68)
  • Choose the correct item and complete the sentences.
  • Answer key:
  1. You mustn’t exercise if you are ill.
  2. Mike has to eat more fruit – his doctor told him to.
  3. You don’t have to make dinner – I’ll buy pizza.
  4. Athletes have to follow a strict diet.
  5. I must see a dentist about my toothache.
  6. Laura doesn’t have to take part in sports day if she doesn’t want to.
  1. Filling  the gaps (CB ex.2 , p.68)

-Complete the sentences, using modal verbs below. You can also use the table as a point of reference.

Answer key:

  1. You can’t enter the gym. It isn’t allowed.
  2. When you finish, you can go out.
  3. You should always warm up before the training. It’s my advice.
  4. They might cancel the race because it’s raining, but we don’t know yet.
  5. May I have another slice of cake?


  1. Rewriting the sentences (CB ex.3 , p.68)
  • Use the table from ex.1  as a point of reference.  Use modal verbs to rewrite the sentences.

Answer key:

  1. You can’t enter the area.
  2. Can I help you?
  3. You should go and see a doctor.
  4. Can I go fishing on Sunday?
  5. They might call off the match.
  6. You don’t have to chop the carrots.
  7. I have to cook dinner tonight.

III . The final part of the lesson

  1. Summary of the lesson
  • Which modal verbs have we learnt today?
  • What expresses the modal verb ‘can’ / ‘can’t’ ?
  •  Give the examples of sentences with the usage of ‘have to’ and ‘mustn’t’.
  • Which verb expresses necessity / possibility / advise?
  1. Hometask
  • Frontal task : CB ex. 8, 9 ,p.69 (write )
  •  Individual task : do exercise worksheet






































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