Конспект уроку з англійської мови для учнів 5-го класу на тему "Прогноз погоди"

Про матеріал
Learning outcomes: by the end of the lesson learners will be able to: - to name 12 types of weather (sunny, cloudy, foggy, frosty, windy, rainy, snowy, stormy, wet, chilly, warm cold, hot) - recognize these words among others - ask and answer about the weather using the Present Indefinite Tense - speak about activities in different weather using modal verb “can” (1-2 sentences)
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Date:____           Form: 5

Lesson№: 1        Topic: Weather Forecast

Lesson type: Language focus lesson


Lesson goals:

Learning objectives:

  • to present and practice basic topic vocabulary  
  • to motivate situational speaking activities
  • to practice answering questions
  • to practice scanning listening
  • to motivate communicative activities (dialogues)

Developing and Educating goals:

  • to develop English learning motivation
  • to practice  students’ skills of becoming independent and active learners
  • to develop students’ speaking and listening skills
  • to practice  students’ learning skills


Learning outcomes:

 by the end of the lesson learners will be able to:

  • to name 12 types of weather (sunny, cloudy, foggy, frosty, windy, rainy, snowy, stormy, wet, chilly, warm cold, hot)
  • recognize these words among others
  • ask and answer about the weather using the Present Indefinite Tense
  • speak about activities in different weather using modal verb “can” (1 sentence)

Lesson equipment: pictures, photos, Microsoft Office presentation, filling cards.




    1. Greeting and Aim               1 min

T:  Good morning, boys and girls. Nice to meet you at our lesson today. How are you?

Ps: We are fine. Thank you.

T:That’s nice. You’re in a good mood and we can start our lesson. Today we are going to speak about the weather and seasons. And today you will travel to different parts of the world.

  1.  WARMING UP              4 min
    1. Brainstorming

T: Let’s draw a “Mind-Map”















  1. Phonetic drills

T: Read the words and practice sounds:

[æ] bad, sad

[aı] dry, fine, surprise

 [ŋ] shining, smiling

 [ð] the, weather

T: And now read the poem.


T: Fill in missing words and read the poem again.



  1. New vocabulary                   3 min

Teacher writes new words down on the blackboard, shows some pictures, name them and students repeat them after the teacher.

Cloud/cloudy, fog/foggy, frost/frosty, wind/windy, rain/rainy, snow/snowy, storm/stormy, sun/sunny, wet, chilly, warm cold, hot.

C:\Users\Евгения\Desktop\weather.jpgT: Today we’re going to learn new words. Listen attentively and repeat after me.

  • T: Cloud/cloudy
  • Ss: Cloud/cloudy


  • T: Rain/rainy    
  • Ss: Rain/rainy 


  • T: Snow/snowy     
  • Ss: Snow/snowy  


  • T: Sun/sunny    
  • Ss: Sun/sunny  



2. Vocabulary Practice           15 min

a) T: Find the weather words:


b) Speaking

b) T: Now on the blackboard you can see a lot of pictures of different weather.

Work in pairs. Ask and answer.

P1: What is the weather like in picture 1?   ... picture 2?  … picture 8?

P2: It is wet. / It is sunny. / It is frosty.



c) Speaking

T: Look at the picture and say what children can do on such a day using the word-combinations below the picture.

 Students speak one by one till everyone answers.

Example: When it is cold and snowy, we can play snowballs and make a snowman.

  • To play snowballs,
  • to make a snowman,
  • to skate,
  • to ride a bike,
  • sunbathe,
  • to go for a walk,
  • to ski,
  • to rollerblade,
  • to catch butterflies,
  • to play badminton,
  • to stay at home,
  •  to play computer games,
  • to watch TV,
  •  to go fishing
  • to swim,


3. Relaxation               2 min

Singing a song “On a Sunny Day I’m Happy” [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T05ogRnOyJw]

or  “How’s the Weather?” [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I8GeA3anPdo]

4. Listening                 15 min

a) Pre-Listening Activity. New words to know

T: We have some new words today. Let’s read and remember them:

  • different climates,
  • to sunbathe and fish,
  • to snow heavily,
  • freezing and cold,
  • to stay outside,
  • degrees above/below zero

 b) While-Listening Activity

T: Now you’ll travel around the world. Listen to the weather reports from different parts of the world. Complete the cards with the necessary information. At first let’s pronounce the proper names: England, Argentina, Canada, Australia.

(TS 55-Unit4-Lesson1-p145_task1)


Weather Forecast

It is very wet and rainy here in London. The temperature is 10 degrees above zero. There are only a few people outside. They are holding umbrellas. Most people are watching TV or playing board games at home. Rainy days are so boring!

It’s cloudy and windy here in Buenos Aries. The temperature is 18 degrees above zero. So it’s not very cold. People are walking in the park. A few are having picnics or flying kites.

It’s snowing heavily here in Ottawa. The temperature is around 10 degrees below zero. It’s freezing cold. Some kids are building a big snowman in the street. Others are playing in the snow. It’s great fun!

It’s hot and sunny and delight today. The temperature is 28 degrees above zero. Everyone is at the beach. Most people are swimming and sunbathing. Some are fishing. It is a lovely day!

















c) Post-Listening Activity

1) Pair Work

T: Ask and answer about the weather in different countries using your notes

- What is the weather like in England?    - It’s …

- What temperature is in England?   - The temperature is … degrees below/above zero.

2) Role Play

T: Speak with your abroad friend on the phone

Pupil 1. Hello ___. How are you?

Pupil 2. I’m fine, thank you.

Pupil 1. What is the weather like in Brazil?

Pupil 2. The weather is fine. It’s too hot and sunny.

Pupil 1. What temperature is it in Brazil now?

Pupil 2. It’s 28 degrees above zero.

Pupil 1. What are you doing?

Pupil 2. I am sunbathing and swimming in the ocean.

Pupil 1. Wow, lucky you.

Pupil 2. Yes, sure.

IV. SUMMING – UP         2 min

T: Dear friends! Our lesson is coming to an end. It’s time to say good-bye. We’ve done much at the lesson. We spoke, listened to the text, did exercises on the texts. You were great!  You all get good and excellent marks.

V._MARKS                          2 min

VI. HOME TASK :             1 min

Tell about what you can do in different weather (5 sentences orally).         

23 січня 2019
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