Конспект уроку з англійської мови "Shops"

Про матеріал
Мета уроку: Удосконалити і систематизувати знання, отримані учнями на уроках з теми; закріпити раніше вивчені лексичні одиниці та граматичні структури на практиці. Удосконалення вміння учнів вести бесіду про магазини та покупки. Практикувати учнів в умінні аудіювання тексту та в усному мовленні на основі прослуханої інформації.
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Тема: «Магазини та покупки»

Мета: Удосконалити і систематизувати знання, отримані учнями на уроках з теми; закріпити раніше вивчені лексичні одиниці та граматичні структури на практиці. Удосконалення вміння учнів вести бесіду про магазини та покупки. Практикувати учнів в умінні аудіювання тексту та в усному мовленні на основі прослуханої інформації.

Розвивати мовленнєві навички, память, увагу, вміння працювати в групах.

Виховувати поважне ставлення до вчителя та одне до одного, цікавість до вивчення англійської мови.

Обладнання: підручник, тематичні картки, римування «Grandmas Going to the Grocery Store», прислів’я, вправи «Find the ending», “Guess the place”, діалоги, текст для читання та текст для аудіювання та завдання до них, “Shopping list

Хід уроку

I.Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення

Greeting   1.Привітання

Aim 2. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку

We have unusually lesson. We will speak, recite poems? Sing a song, read, make up sentences, dialogues and many other interesting things. Today I will be Mary Poppins. I know you like to visit different kinds of shops and it is very important because we need many things for our life. So I’m sure that we can not imagine our life without shops. Today we have a trip to the shop (показую плакат із стежками до магазину). Today we will travel to the supermarket. Нere our supermarket and steps to him. On every step we will  do many different tasks. Before starting our lesson we divided into 2 groups. The firs group is “Super kids” and the second group is “Star kids”. I have 2 baskets with different tasks for each team and we must empty them at the end of our lesson.

Warm-up  Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу

  1. T: Let’s start with poem.”Grandma’s Going to the Grocery Store”. Imagine that we are going to the Grocery Store with Grandma. Repeat after me and when you will say “1, 2, 3, and 4” – clap your hand.

Grandma's Going to the Grocery Store

One,two, three, four.                             One,two, three, four.

Who's going?                                       What's she going to buy at the grocery store?

Grandma's going.                                  One, two, three, four.

Where's she going?                               A loaf of bread,

To the grocery store.                            A bottle of milk,

One, two, three, four.                            A big bag of cookies

Where's she going?                              And a little of peas.

At a quarter past four.

Than one of the pupils read the poem.

  1. T: The main line of our lesson will be the proverb “Love it or hate it we all have to go shopping sometimes”.

Look at the blackboard. Read and find Ukrainian equivalent.

 Now let’s read this proverb all together and clap your hands.

T: You are very good! I see that you can pronounce the words correctly.

3. And now each of team received the next task.

  1st team look at the picture, make up word-combinations and than make up sentences using “There is…” or “There are…”.

2nd group – “Find the ending”. You will make-up words add the endings. (див. додаток)

4. T: And now I have got a very funny rhyme for you. We will finish the sentenses  like real poets. Are you poets? Let’s see! I read you beginning of sentenses and you must make finished them.

I am Sam. I like…(jam)

I am Bruce. I like…(juice)

I am Sophie. I like…(coffee)

He is Tony. He likes…(macaroni)

She is Betty. She likes…(spaghetti)

He is Lee. He likes…(tea)

T: You are very good poets.

5. “Guess the place”.

T: But I don’t know where I can buy these and many others products. Please tell me what kind of shops do you know. Let’s play the game “Guess the place”.

Please go out to the board on one pupil of each team. On a board you see pictures with shops. I will read 1 sentence and name the products and goods. You must guess what shop is this and show?

1) Where can we buy white and brown bread or cakes? (at the baker’s)

2) Where can we buy tea, sugar, eggs, and coffee? (at the grocer’s)

3) Where can we buy newspapers, magazines, copybooks and pens? (at the newsagent’s )

4) Where can we buy meat and sausages? (at the butcher’s)

5) Where can we buy some medicines, shampoo, and toothpaste? (at the chemist’s)

6) Where can we buy kittens, puppets, parrot, and fish? (at the pet’s shop)

T: I see you know name of shops.

II. Основна частина уроку

Speaking  Розвиток мовленнєвих навичок та вмінь за темою.

 T:             Tell me please what do you like to buy in the shop?

                  How often do you go to shop?

                  Do you know the popular shops in our town?

Check on Hometask  Контроль домашнього завдання

6. T: Your home task was prepare the information about one of the most popular shop  in Poltava and other group prepared about one of the most popular shop  in London.

After listening

T: What can we buy at the Department Store?

What can we buy at the «Keshena»?

How many levels are there?


I know you like to sing English songs. Let’s see what things you like to do.

Speaking Practice Тренування учнів у діалогічному мовленні

8. Pair work 

Dialogue 1, At the Toy Department (different toys)

    Can I see that toy-bear, please?

    This one?

    No, the one to the left of it. 

    Here you are. It's very nice.

    Can you show me this rabbit and that dog, please?           


  • No, those. The white and grey ones.  

    Here you are

  • How much, are they?

    For the bear the rabbit, the dog, that's-   20grivnyas

     Pack them, please.               



Dialogue2 At the Clothes  Department (T-shirts)

  • Hello, could you show me one of  those T-shirts?     

— What size?

    Size 44, I think.   

    Yes, here's one.    

    How much is it?

    8 dollars.

    Here is 10 dollars.

   And here's 2 dollars change.



Dialogue3  At the Shoe Department (trainers)

    Can 1 help you?

    1 'd like a pair of trainers, please.

    What size?

  • Size 39, please.

   Try this pair on.  They are the cheapest the most comfortable. They're very popular.

    They're rather small.

    Try these then. They're bigger.

    How much are they?

    80 grivnyas.

    1 think they're great! Pack them, please.

    Here you are.

    Thank you.


I’m sure you know different kinds of shops and where to buy different products and goods. And now I would like to know if you could do shopping yourself. You received parts of the dialogue. Put them in correct order to make a dialogue.


Dialogue 1, At the Toy Department (different toys)

    Can I see that toy-bear, please?

    This one?

    No, the one to the left of it. 

    Here you are. It's very nice.

  -   Can you show me this rabbit and that dog, please?           


   No, those. The white and grey ones.  

    Here you are

    How much, are they?

    For the bear the rabbit, the dog, that's 20grivnyas

   Pack them, please.               


Dialogue2 At the Clothes  Department (T-shirts)

  •                                    Hello, could you show me one of  those T-shirts?     

— What size?

   Size 44, I think.   

    Yes, here's one.    

    How much is it?

    8 dollars.

    Here is 10 dollars.

   And here's 2 dollars change.


Dialogue3  At the Shoe Department (trainers)

    Can 1 help you?

    1 'd like a pair of trainers, please.

    What size?

  Size 39, please.

   Try this pair on.  They are the cheapest the most comfortable. They're very popular.

    They're rather small.

    Try these then. They're bigger.

    How much are they?

    80 grivnyas.

    1 think they're great! Pack them, please.

    Thank you.

    Here you are.



Dialogue 4. At the Hat Department (mirror, hats)

    Yes, take it, please.

    May I try on that hat, please?

    Here's another one.

    Oh, this hat is too large.

    Yes, it is. I hope it will be better. And we have many hats to try on.

    Is it smaller?


Dialogue 5. Buying Sweets (sweets, weighs)

    10 grivnyas a kilo. Very nice sweets.

    How much are those sweets?

    Here you are. And I think you'll come back to buy more.

    300 grammes, please.


Dialogue 4. At the Hat Department (mirror, hats)

    Yes, take it, please.

    May I try on that hat, please?

    Here's another one.

    Oh, this hat is too large.

    Yes, it is. I hope it will be better. And we have many hats to try on.

    Is it smaller?

And here objects, which you can use for dramatize in your dialogue.

T: You are a very good actors.

9. T: Do you know anything about London?

Ps: London is the capital of Great Britain. It is the oldest and biggest city in Europe.

T: What is the main shop in London you know?

Ps: It is Department Store. 

10 Listening

You will listen text about one of the most famous shopping centres in London. After that you will get cards with a task on which you must to do the proper marks. The first group marks on cards, what products can buy on the first and second levels, and the other group - what products can buy on the third and fourth levels.

Mark & Spencer's Department store

Well here we are in Mark & Spencer's Department store — one of the most famous shopping centres in London. There are four levels. We are on the first one now. So on this level you can find all kinds of shops selling shoes and clothes, T-Shirts and trainers. But if you want to buy some souvenirs, you should go to the level above. There you can also buy books and toys, cosmetics and perfumes. On the third level there is everything for rest: bars and cafe's, and a fountain in the middle. If you want to buy some domestic technique you should go to the level above. On the fourth level you can buy microwave oven, vacuum cleaner and washing mashing.

Have a good time in Mark & Spencer's fast-food res­taurants department store.


Ps: On the first and second levels we can buy…

 “Mark and Spencer’s” Department store 


Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4




































Microwave oven





Vacuum cleaner





Washing mashing







11. “Guess the thing”.

I know that you were at the different department. You bought different things. And now you must make up the dialogue between customer and shop assistant.  You are customer and you want to know what have shop assistant already bought.

12. Reading

T: You will read the story “Covent Garden”.

 Open the book and read the text. Ex.2, p.88.

Say if is it sentenses True or false.

True or False

  1. Covent Garden is a famous tourist centre in London. (It is true.)
  2. There is a music Market Place here. (It is false. There is a music Market Place here.)
  3. You can not buy any souvenir for your family.( It is false. You can buy any souvenir for your family and friends)
  4. After shopping you can have lunch. (It is true.)
  5. In the evening you can visit a theatre. (It is true.)
  6. There are also lots of comfortable houses around. (It is false. There are also lots of comfortable hotels around.  )

13. “Shopping list“

Our last step before we enter to the shop. Look at the shopping list read and find the things which are in the shop. Are there products, what do you want to buy? I will read question for every team, and you must show a card with a right answer.





III. Заключна частина уроку

Homework   Домашнє завдання

The next lesson you will have a test. Prepare for the test.

Summarizing  Підбиття підсумків

T: You have learnt how to do shopping, how to behave in different situation when buying things.

So, our lesson is over. The friendship won. Nobody must be sad. All get gifts.

Good-buy, pupils. See you soon. Have a good rest.




16 листопада 2019
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