Тема: Характер мого друга My friend’s character.
Мета: формувати комунікативну компетенцію учнів з вивченої теми; учити
самостійно здобувати потрібну інформацію з тексту; формувати
критичне мислення учнів;
Розвивати навички читання і усного мовлення;
Виховувати ціннісне ставлення до себе і до людей.
Тип уроку: комбінований.
Обладнання: підручник, зошити,картки із завданнями:позитивні якості і негативні; знайди лишнє слово., «скринька питань»,граматична таблиця «Побудова розповідних речень»
Хід уроку
Good morning, everybody! I am very glad to see you. We have guests
today. Let’s greet them and begin our lesson.
2. Навчальна розмова:who is on duty today? Who is absent? What day is it today? про готовність класу до уроку, прогноз погоди.
God created this wonderful world.
He created a man. He wanted to see the man wise, honest, hard-working, open
handed and kind. But around us there are many different situations and often
our life is not a “bed of roses”. Then we need help. How do you think, what helps
us in life?
P: Our parents/ our family/ our friends
Teacher: Yes, of course. The richest people in the world are not those with the most money, but those with close true friends. So, today at the lesson we are going to speak about our friends and friendship. our topic of the lesson
today is MY FRIEND. Friendship is really a very important feeling in the life of any person. let's look at the board and read a wonderful words about friendship: TO HAVE A FRIEND … BE A FRIEND!
T: Friendship is a feeling and behavior that exits between friends but what these feeling are, what this behavior is, you have to decide for yourself. Tell me please, what it should be a true friend?
Pupils: Good,active.
1.Teacher: and now let`s read new words and write them in your vocabulary.
repeat after me
F- friendly - доброзичливий,дружній C- clever-розумний
R-reliable- надійний H- honest- чесний
I-inattentive -неуважний A- active -активний
E- easy-going - легкий R-reliable -надійний
N- neat- акуратний A- adventurous - авантюрний
D- disciplined-дисциплінований C- calm-спокійний
S- stupid- дурний T- talkative -балакучий
E- emotional-емоційний
R- responsible –відповідальний
contempt, pessimism, , tension, insecurity, weakness, irritation
презирство, песимізм, напруженість, невпевненість, слабкість, роздратування.
2. Divide the words denoting emotions friendship can arouse in us into two groups – positive and negative. what features would you like to see from friends and what not.
positive |
negative |
T: every friendship has problems and your homework has been write about them. So, let`s check in. (
I hope you will not have such problems or you will be able to solve them.)
4.Work with book.
And now let's read the text on p.38
4.1) answer the questions to the text
5. Writing (ex.1,p.38)
6. Summarizing
Teacher: I’d like you to have a short rest. Let`s play a game.
Game “Magic box”
T: While the music is playing give this box to each other. When the music is stopped open it, read the question and answer it.
Discribe your friend.
I wish all of you were true friends and have true friends. I wish you to be always kind, optimistic, joyful and cheerful. And remember about these words!!!
positive |
negative |
positive |
negative |
positive |
negative |
positive |
negative |
positive |
negative |
positive |
negative |
positive |
negative |
positive |
negative |
positive |
negative |
positive |
negative |
positive |
negative |
positive |
negative |
positive |
negative |
positive |
negative |
positive |
negative |
positive |
negative |
Present SimpleПростий (неозначений) теперішній час
Ствердження |
Заперечення |
Питання |
I work every day. |
I don't work every day. |
Do you work every day? |
He works every day. |
He doesn't work every day. |
Does he work every day? |