Конспект уроку з англійської мови у 3 класі на тему: "My hobby"

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Конспект уроку проведеного у 3 класі загальноосвітноьої школи на тему "My Hobby" з використанням інтерактивних технологій. Адже для того, щоб наблизити навчальну ситуацію на уроці до сучасного життя і разом з цим зацікавити учнів до вивчення англійської мови, я у своїй практиці намагаюся впроваджувати інноваційні технології. . Щоб процес навчання справді був ефективнішим, організовую навчальний процес так, щоб учні були здатні використовувати англійську мову як під час спілкування в реальних життєвих ситуаціях, так і для набуття знань.
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Конспект уроку у 3 класі

Theme :  My hobby


 to improve speaking, writing, reading, listening  and lexical skills;

 to revise and practice vocabulary on the topic; 

  to practice the Past Simple;

 to develop pupils’ languages skills using interactive forms (group work, games, singing songs);

 to develop listening, reading, writing and speaking skills;

  to develop pupils’ lexical skills;

 to develop grammar skills using  Past Simple;

  to develop skills to work in group;

 to develop pupils’ thinking, creativity and imagination;

 to bring up the interest in learning English.


Equipment: flashcards, cards with tasks, a blackboard, a computer,  a TV – set, video for listening activity, the song “ What do you like to do?”, the song “Free time”


І. Introduction

1. Greeting

T: Good morning, children! Nice to meet you! How are you today?

P: Good morning, teacher. We are fine, thank you.

T: Who is on duty today?

P: I am on duty today.

T: Who is absent today?

P: __________ is absent today.

2. Vocabulary Revision.

T: The topic of our lesson is “My hobby”. We’ve learnt a lot of words to the topic “My hobby”. Let’s revise them.

( Учні стають у шеренгу. Вчитель роздає кожному учневі картинки із зображенням. Учні повинні назвати, яку картинку вони отримали. Вчитель називає слово. Учень у якого картинка з цим словом повинен присісти.)

3.  Drill

T: Look at the screen. Read the poem.

I like to read.

I like to play.

I like to study every day

I like to sing.

I like to run.

You know, it is fun.

4. Warming up

     Teacher → pupils: And what are your hobbies?

1. What is your favourite hobby?

2. Do you like to listen to music?

4. Do you like playing computer games?

5. What sports and games do you like?



5. Aim.

T: Today we’ll continue speaking about your favourite leisure time, we’ll read, write, speak in English, listen to some information, sing a song, do interesting tasks and you’ll make a mini-project about your classmates’ hobbies..

II. Main Part

1. Checking the homework

1) Ex. 1. p.56 Act the dialogue.

2) Let’s revise the words. Fill the missing letters.

Sin _   a   s_ng,  dra_ a pict_re,  pl_y a g_me,   w_tch a cart _ _ n, r _ _d a b _ _k,  pla_  c_mp_ter  gam_s

2. Pronunciation

Odd one word out

 [u:] cartoon, door, balloon, school.

[ei] Spain, name, game, dance.

3. Singing the song “What do you like to do?”


T: It’s time for singing the song

4.  Work in pairs.

 Complete the dialogue….

— What’s your hobby, (name)__________?

— A hobby?

— Yes, what do you like doing in your free time?

— Well, I like to _____________________.

— And sport? Do you play any games?

— Yes, I do! I like to play _____________.

5. Speaking («Карусель»)

T: And now come to me, please and choose one of these candies: red or green. Those who have green candy make a circle inside and those who have red – stand around them. Talk to your partner about your hobby, change your partner every time you hear a clap. Then change your places. You have to talk with all your classmates. And remember what they say.

What’s your hobby? My hobby is… What do you like to do? I like to…

6. Work in groups. Puzzles. Writing and speaking

T: You are given some small parts of pictures. These are puzzles. Find all parts of the pictures and write a description of what you see and make a presentation. Choose a person in your group who’ll be a speaker.

7. Singing the song “Free time”

T: It’s time for singing the song


8. Work in pair. The work on the cards.


I like

I don’t like

My friend likes

My friend doesn’t like

Watching TV





Reading books





Watching cartoons





Playing computer games





Drawing pictures






9. Running dictations.

T: Work in groups again. Now it’s time for the dictation, but it won’t be a usual dictation. Each pupil takes a turn and runs to the blackboard. You’ll find a text there. The pupil has to read a sentence in the order, come to the group and write with other pupils this sentence. If you are ready you’ll check your dictations. 

The text

This is Rosie. She is fond of painting. Her favourite subject is Art. And this is Tina. She is interested in music. Tina is good at tennis. Table- tennis is her favourite sport.

10. Grammar

Use was or were

1. Tom … at home yesterday.

2. My friends … in the park.

3. The weather …  snowy last winter.

4. They … in the forest six days ago.

5. It … time to go to bed.

6. She … in the camp last summer.

Complete the sentences

was/ She/ last Monday/ at school/

They/ in the hotel/were/

last/My friend and I /in the mountains/were/winter/

was/He /in the park/weekend/last

in summer/She/ at the camp/was/

Nick and Bill/ in the swimming pool/were



11. Reading and Writing                                                                                                    

 Ex. 3 p. 89

Read the text and fill the gaps. Use the words from the box.

my, favourite, hobby, red, from, nine, name, summer


My ___________ is Bill. I am ___________. I am ___________ England.

My ___________ is riding a bike and painting. ___________ favourite sport is

football. My favourite colour is __________. My __________ season is __________.

What about you?

Write to me soon.


Your friend,


III. Finishing Part of the Lesson

1. Summing – up

T: Well done. Your work today was excellent.  You have done many tasks.

Who can say what we have done today? What have we learnt today? Children, did you like the lesson? What did you like most of all? Your marks are …

2. Hometask

And now write down your task for the next lesson.

Your hometask is to read p.88. Ex.1. p. 57 (WB) Thank you for the lesson. The lesson is over. Good-bye!


9 квітня 2019
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