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A Helpful Schoolmate

Dear Sarah,

Do you remember in middle school you came up to me one day and introduced yourself and your friends? I didn’t know them and didn’t really want to, but you kept talking to me. You laughed and joked with everyone, and I was amazed. I still am. How confident and open you are!

You are not a “social butterfly,” but the way you make friends with all people and let them open up of their own free will is more powerful and beautiful than any social butterfly I’ve ever met.

Can you believe that I’d never known anyone who did that for me before? Someone as gently persistent as you? I will always remember that.

Could you see that I was unhappy? I don’t think so; I hid it well. I was never interested in obvious sadness. Just silent sorrow.

But do you know how silent unhappiness can affect a person? How it can make a mind think so many negative things? And so few positives?

Do you remember that movie where one girl was kind to another and sat at her table because she was alone? Everyone seemed to think it was not realistic. Even I thought it was a little silly. But do you realize that I always felt like that girl? You rescued me.

Can you believe I am crying? Maybe I’ve only just realized what you did for me. I wonder if I’ll ever have the courage to give this note to you. You’d probably refuse to believe everything.

I have more friends now. I like people. And I see schoolmates who remind me so much of who I was – who feel the negatives are more than the positives. Maybe that’s why they are drawn to me and I to them.

I want to be like you, Sarah. I want to see the beauty in people and help them find it in themselves.

Your schoolmate,


                                                    (322 words)


1. Read A Helpful Schoolmate and choose the best answers.

1) What’s the passage mainly about?

A. A schoolmate who was good at making friends.

B. A schoolmate who helped change the writer.

C. A student who made some friends in middle school.

D. A student who was unhappy in middle school.

2) Which word cannot be used to describe Sarah?

A. Open.   B. Friendly.  C. Shy.  D. Persistent.

3) What does the first that in the third paragraph refer to?

A. Sarah came up to her one day and introduced herself.

B. Sarah kept talking to her.

C. Sarah laughed and joked with her.

D. Sarah made friends with her and got her to open up.

4) Which of the following is not true according the note?

A. With the help of Sarah, Mary got rid of many negative things and is able to make friends with others now.

B. Sarah made friends with Mary because they both felt lonely.

C. Mary is willing to make friends with those schoolmates who often think negative things.

D. Mary wants to see the beauty in others and help them find it in themselves.

2. Decide if these sentences are true(T) or false(F) according to the note.

1) Sarah impressed Mary with her beautiful appearance.

2) Mary used to hide her negative feelings in front of others.

3) Silent sorrow had a bad influence on Mary and brought her many negatives.

4) Sarah was much like the girl in the movie who was kind to another.

5) Sarah helped Mary become positive and Mary wants to help others, too.

3. Find the following words in A Helpful Schoolmate and choose the correct answers.

1) amazed

A. very excited           B. very surprised

2) sorrow

A. a feeling of great sadness   B. a feeling of great happiness

3) obvious

A. easy to notice      B. easy to understand

4) affect

A. to influence someone   B. to help someone

5) rescue

  A. to save someone from a harmful situation

  B. to remember someone

4. Use the words in the box to complete the following sentences. Change the form where necessary.




1) I’m ___________ you’ve never heard of the Rolling Stones.

2) You can’t learn anything with a ___________ attitude.

3) Your hair and eyes ___________ me of your mother.

4) The look on his face said that he was ___________ of success.

5) That boy was ___________ from a burning house.

6) I know you dont like her but try not to make it so ___________.

7) I had to make important decisions that would ___________ me for the rest of my life.

8) It is not ___________ to expect people to spend so much money.

9) He expressed his ___________ at the news of her death.

10) Millions of dollars are spent each year on ___________ products.



1. B C D B

2. F T T T T

3. B A A A A

4. 1) amazed  2) negative  3) remind  4) confident 5) rescued  6) obvious  7) affect  8) realistic  9) sorrow  10) beauty




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