Контроль навичок письма. 7 клас. О. Карпюк

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Семестрова контрольна робота з письма за І семестр для 7 класу за підручником О. Карпюк
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Form, 7                                      Writing  (Term 1 )

                                                   Variant I

I . Choose the correct variant (3 points).

1 . I didn’t buy … in this shop.

a ) anything                      b ) nothing                         c ) something

2 . Don’t worry ! … is fine.

a ) anything                     b ) something                     c ) everything

3 . There isn’t … in the office now.

a ) nobody                      b ) somebody                      c ) anybody

4 . I’d like to go … during the holidays.

a ) anywhere                  b ) somewhere                     c ) something

5.I’ve got … in my eye.

a) everybody                 b ) something                       c) nowhere

6.I had a dream last night, but I can’t remember …

c ) anything                 b) everybody                        c) nothing

II. Choose the correct word from the brackets (3 points).

  1. There is (some, any) wine in the bottle.
  2. There`s… (a little, a few) tea left in the cup.
  3. You… (must, mustn`t) talk with your mouth full.
  4. The bag was…   (too,  enough ) heavy to carry it.
  5. We haven`t got… (some, any) flour to make a cake.
  6. They are crazy… (on, about) playing football.
  7. The photograph didn`t come out because it was… (enough, too) dark.
  8. I`ve got… (a few, a little) stamps that you can use.
  9. My granny asked me to…(wet, water) the flowers.

III. Read and write three Wh (special) questions (3 points ).                                                                   Lasagna comes from Italy. It is made of pasta, meat, tomato sauce and cheese. Sometimes, people add eggplant. Where____________________________________________________________ ? What ingredients____________________________________________________? What _____________________________________________________________?

IV. Write a letter to your penfriend about your school routine , using the plan below  (3 points ).                                                                                                                                                                                          Introduction.                                                                                                                                          

How busy your usual day is.                                                                                                

Main body. School routine.                                                                                                Conclusion. How you feel about your daily routine.



Form, 7                                 Writing  (Term 1 )

                                                   Variant II

I.  Choose the correct variant (3 points)

1 . You don’t know … in this club.

a ) somebody                     b ) anybody                        c ) everybody

2 .  … likes to watch this film.

a )  anybody                       b ) somebody                     c ) everybody

3 . There is … in the corridor now.

a )   anybody                        b ) nobody                        c ) somebody

4 .  I can’t find my pen … .

a ) somewhere                    b ) anywhere                     c ) nowhere

5. Has …phoned me today?                                                                                                        a) something                      b) anybody                        c) anywhere

6.It’s dark. I can’t see …                                                                                                          a) anything                        b) somebody                      c) everywhere


II. Choose the correct word from the brackets (3 points).

  1. I`m going to buy… (some, any) carrots.
  2. Remember to bring (a little, a few) apples.
  3. You… (must, mustn`t) eat your meal with your fingers.
  4. He`s rich…( too , enough) to help us.
  5. Do you know… (some, any) good shops here?
  6. He is keen… (at, on) drawing.
  7. I didn`t  buy the car because it was…(enough, too) expensive.

8. Let`s go outside for… (a few, a little) fresh air.

    9. My mother asked me to… (do, make) my bed.


III. Read and write three Wh (special) questions (3 points).

Omelette is popular in the UK. You can mix ham, onions and tomatoes with eggs. Sometimes, people add milk to make a delicious omelette.                                           Where  _____________________________________________________?                                                                                                                                What ingredients _____________________________________________?                                                                                                             What _______________________________________________________?

IV. Write a letter to your penfriend about your  after-school activities , using the plan below (3 points) .                                                                                                   Introduction.                                                                                                                                          

How busy your usual day is.                                                                                                

Main body. After-school activities.                                                                                                 Conclusion. How you feel about your daily routine.


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Англійська мова (7-й рік навчання) 7 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
17 січня 2021
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