Контроль письма 10 клас

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Семестрова контрлльна робота з письма для 10 класу за підпучником М.А.Нерсисян, А.О.Піроженко English
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Writing 10th form

  1. Match English and Ukrainian equivalents – 1.5
  1. Targeted audience                           a)  сказати словами
  2. Still life                                                 b) цільова аудиторія
  3.  By word-of-mouth                            c) витримати випробування часом
  4. Genre painting                                  d) натюрморт
  5. News flash                                           e) зображення повсякденного життя
  6. Stand the test of time                       f) термінові новини


  1. Guess the meaning of the word or write a synonym  – 2
  1. Pictorial description of everyday life -
  2. Software system that helps us to find different information -
  3. Famous, well-known or…
  4. This picture was painted by that painter –
  5. Say in words or  -
  6. Pictorial representation of a person, usually showing the face –
  7. The newspaper that has small pages, many pictures and  little text –
  8. It’s a place in the Net where people can write messages discussing different public subjects –
  1. Correct the mistakes in the sentences (Past tenses) – 3
  1. My guests had eaten a cake in the living-room when my parents returns home.
  2. What did you did when I was seeing you yesterday?
  3. The children were studying all day long and after that they had been very tired.
  4. She was starting to play the guitar when she been a schoolgirl.
  5. The meeting finishing before we had arrived.
  6. All students are happy because they passed all the exams.


  1. Answer the following questions – 3
  1. Have you ever visited museums?
  2. What would you choose to visit a cinema or a theatre? Why?
  3. What kinds of art do you like the most of all? And why?
  4. Do you like to paint pictures? Why? Why not?
  5. Are you interested in media?
  6. What type of media is your favourite?
  1. Comment on the following saying in 5 sentences – 2.5

 - Every artist was first an amateur.” – (Ralph Waldo Emerson)