Контрольна робота № 1 у 6-му класі. Домашнє читання "Black Beauty".

Про матеріал

Домашнє читання є невідємною частиною уроків іноземних мов. Тест допоможе перевірити рівень оволодіння лексикою та спроможність вживати її у власних висловлюваннях, розуміння змісту прочитаного та розвиток навичок письма.

Перегляд файлу

Form: 6th

Topic:  Black Beauty.Ch 1-5. Test

   Learning outcomes: By the end of the lesson students will be able to check:

-  usage of the topic vocabulary;

-  reading and understanding of the text for a specific purpose;

- level of writing skills

 Equipment:   TEST 1 (handout)

 Type of the lesson; Test Lesson


  1.                    Introduction
    1.               Greeting and Aim

Good morning, pupils! How are you? Today we are having the last lesson in this unit so you are going to write a test in which we will check the knowledge of topic vocabulary, plurals and prepositions.

  1.  Main part

Black Beauty. Chapters 1-5 TEST


  1. Match: стрибати, бути вартим, зітхати, так йому й треба, коваль, завжди роби усе можливе, скаржитися, хвалитися, натякати, шлагбаум, підозрювати, копито.








Be worth


Give a hint










Always do your best




Serve him right


  1. Make 6 sentences with these words.




  1. Answer
  • What was the first place BB can remember? ___________________________________
  • What advice did BB` mother give him one day? ________________________________
  • Who were BB `s neighbours in the stable? ____________________________________
  • How did BB get his name? ________________________________________________
  • Why was BB sorry for Ginger? _____________________________________________
  • Why did Sir Oliver have such a short tail? ____________________________________
  • What was wrong with the bridge? ___________________________________________


  1. True or False
  • BB`s mother was a wise old horse, and their master respected her.
  • BB liked the hunt very much.
  • BB and other horses never had their liberty.
  • BB saved his master.
  • James drove BB`s masters to their friends who lived 45 miles from home.


  1. Try to remember some situations when you finally did smth by working really hard. What did you need to achieve smth.



3. Closing

1. Summarizing

Next lesson we`ll analyse the test.

2. Marking

And you will get your marks for it.

3. Home task (Ch 6 read, translate)



20 листопада 2018
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